Stickney Toddler Group - Lincolnshire County Council

Wimbledon starts on 23 June 2014
JUNE 2014
Welcome to the June edition of the Stickney News. Don't
forget the Best Kept Village Competition. The judges will be
coming round sometime this month so let's see if we can get
into the 2nd round.
How are your poppies coming along? Mine are planted in troughs
and something is growing I just hope it is the poppies and not
grass or weeds as I used soil and not compost. Hopefully I will
know soon. I am hoping to be able to put them out at the front
of the house ready for 04 August
Welcome to any new arrivals in the village, hope you will be very
happy in this community.
Finally is there anything you would like to see in the magazine?
If there is please let us know.
The market day service is available on 11 & 25 June and 09 and
23 July, the cost of the service is £5.00 per person. You can
book your seat by phoning 01205 480241.
Stickney Toddler Group
We meet on a Tuesday between 9.30am and 11.30am in the
Youth Centre. Why not come along and meet other parents
for a chat whilst your children play? It costs £1.50, this
includes a snack for the children and drinks for adults.
For more information contact Kim on 07833 797682
Mobile Library Visits
The mobile library now visits Stickney on MONDAY’S in Hall Lane
between 10.15am and 10.45am and at Horbling Lane between
11.00am and 11.30am. The next visits will be 16 June and 14 July.
(Fixed weekly meetings in the Village Hall (VH) and Youth Centre (YC))
Zumba Gold 1.00pm – 2.00pm (YC) from 02 January 2014, £3.50 per
session. (Dance based exercise class for active older people)
Toddler Group 9.30am – 11.30am (term time only) (YC) 07833 797682
Dance Class 4.00pm - 7.00pm (YC)
07947 486290
Ladies Club 7.30pm (2nd Tues in month) (YC)
01205 480292
Badminton Junior and Senior 7.00pm (VH)
01205 368077
Stickney & District Gardening Club 7.30pm (YC)
(4th Tuesday in month)
01205 480802
Short Mat Bowls 1.30pm - 4.00pm (VH)
01205 480397
Table Tennis 7.30pm (winter months only) (YC)
01205 480653
Thursday Over 60’s Club 1.30pm - 4.00pm (YC)
(1st Thursday in month)
01205 480802
Short Mat Bowls 6.30pm - 9.00pm (VH)
01205 480397
Brownies 5.30pm and 7.00pm – term time only (YC)
01205 481209
Coffee/Tea & Crafts (YC) 2.00pm – 4.00pm
(3rd Thursday in month)
01205 480802
Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm (YC)
01205 270352
(First Thursday in the month with Public Forum 7.20pm)
Bingo 7.30pm start (YC)
01205 480802
14 June, Saturday
Prize Bingo, proceeds to Thursday Club
21 June, Saturday
Prize Bingo, proceeds to Cancer Research
26 June, Monday
Prize bingo, proceeds to St Luke’s Church
Parish Priest:
Canon Peter Coates
01790 752526
Church Wardens : Mrs A Brady
Mrs B Gosling
01205 480661
01205 480641
PCC Secretary:
Mrs M Weston
01205 480127
Mrs D Cooley
01205 480397
The REVD. FRANCES JEFFRIES will be joining us here in Stickney in
July as part-time Discipleship Development Adviser to the Lincoln
Diocese and part-time Team Vicar of the Bolingbroke Team Ministry,
with special responsibility for the Stickney Cluster. That's a lengthy
title and it sounds to be a lot of work, but we look forward to
welcoming her to her new home in the Rectory, and to a special
service in St. Luke's when she will be officially installed to her new
position. Details of this event will come in next month's news.
We welcomed familiar and fresh faces to our CHRISTIAN AID
EVENT. Bags of coins had been passed on for Bev and Sarah Gosling
to create the copper path and silver cross, raising £129.35. The
raffle, tombola, cakes and other donations raised £140.00, the
Primary School special assembly contributed £37.47p and the Friday
Bingo collection £10.75, making a grand total of £317.57. Well done
The first May Spring holiday bingo on Monday 5th realised £374.90
for Church funds. It was so encouraging. The next PRIZE BINGO for
Stickney Church will be on the late Spring holiday , MONDAY 26 MAY
at 7.30pm in the Youth Centre. We will also be running a Prize Bingo
7.30pm in the Youth Centre. Proceeds will be handed over to our
"Lycra" clad cyclists on their sponsored ride in July. If you can
donate prizes towards these events we would be very grateful. Please
pass them to either of your Churchwardens or to the Treasurer.
On ASCENSION DAY, Thursday 29 May, we will be gathering for a
Deanery event at Olive Tree at 7.00pm. If you haven't been to Olive
Tree you will find it high on the hill just outside Old Bolingbroke.
There is a shop selling cards, books, crafty items and all sorts of bits
and pieces as a Christian resource centre. They also have a tea room,
and on fine days you can sit outside enjoying the views across from
the Wolds towards the coast. They are open 10.00am – 5.00pm on
Mondays and Wednesdays through to Saturday. Another little place
to take your visitors.
May you feel blessed by the warmth of June.
June Church Services for St Luke’s:
Sunday 01
All Age Worship
Sunday 08
Deanery Comfirmation Setvice at
Evening Prayer at New Leake
Sunday 15
Sunday 22
Sunday 29
Group Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
First presidency of the Eucharist for
Rev’d Jean Coates
Morning Prayer
The Church is open daily from 9.30am until late afternoon.
A coffee morning is held from 10.00am every Thursday for tea,
coffee, cake and a chat.
The Police try to attend on the third Thursday and Parish Council
representatives are available on the last Thursday of each month
for anyone to speak to about any Parish matters.
Thursday Club
The Thursday Club are looking for new members, we meet
the first Thursday of every month in the Youth Hall between
1.30pm and 4.00pm. This is a club for the over 60's and
there is transport available for those who can't get there
under their own steam. It is a friendly club and a place to
make new friends. We have outings, sometimes a speaker or
we make our own entertainment! There are always s
refreshments so come and give it a try. To arrange transport
please ring 480802.
BBQ Vegetable Kebabs
a selection of vegetables
balsamic or white wine vinegar
olive oil
halloumi cheese (optional)
Simply choose your vegetables onions, red and yellow peppers,
courgettes, mushrooms, aubergines, tomatoes...
Let the kids cut them into cubes and add the chunks to skewers.
Mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 3 tablespoons of olive oil together and
season lightly. Brush the dressing over the vegetables.
Barbecue the skewers for 10-15 minutes until the vegetables are soft and
Serve with potato wedges.
Hopefully the sun will shine a little more in June than it has in May
and you can get outside and enjoy a bbq or two! You can make
these with any vegetables you like.
Spring picture to Colour
Knights of Old
It's the year 1192 and three English knights are camped in a
field awaiting the start of a jousting competition. Can you
match each knight with the name of the place he is from, the
emblem on his shield and his tent A, B or C?
Read the clues and fill in the answer box where you can.
Then read the clues again to find the answer.
1. Sir Edwin is in tent A but he doesn't have an eagle
emblem on his shield.
2. Sir Percival's tent is between the one belonging to the
knight from York
and the one belonging to Sir Gerald.
3. The knight in tent C has a dragon emblem on his shield.
4. The knight with a lion emblem on his shield isn't in the
tent immediately
next to the knight from Chester.
5. One of the knights is from Warwick.
Stickney Community Committee
We had our AGM and our Ordinary meeting followed, at the
Community Centre, on the 6th May and though you would like to
report it in the Parish Magazine.
It was a lively meeting and we welcomed two new members to
the Committee, Nick Gosling and Bunty Wolferson.
Bunty was also voted to be our New Bookings Secretary, and we
look forward to working with her. There was also a reshuffle of
other duties. David Webb has stepped down from being
Chairman and Sandra Boone has taken on this role, as she is no
longer Bookings Secretary. Jan Sadleir is remaining as
Secretary and Doreen Cooley as Treasurer Peter Hood is to
become Grant Funding Officer and Phil Odlin-Vice chair and
Maintenance Officer.
Over the past year we have made a few repairs to both halls and
this has been done with no outside funding what so ever. We are
all volunteers and do not charge the Community Centre for any
of the work we do, and only employ outside help when really
We are at present about to make a few more repairs to the
halls, especially the Youth hall. We are giving it a make over for
the time being, but hope to make greater repairs in the near
future. So if you come to bingo on a Friday don’t be dazzled by
the fresh paint on the walls or the repaired curtains and
If you would like to know more about what we do or would like
join us please come along to any of our clubs or meetings. You
will be very welcome. You can also ring either myself on 481077
or Sandra on 480802. If you wish to book either of the hallsf
or your Party etc., you can contact Bunty on 481340 or at
Orchard Cottage, Main Road, Stickney.
Stickney Primary School
Friday 13 June Bag to School - Bags can be collected from the school
office to be filled with old clothing/bedding/paired shoes
etc. for recycling (No Bric a Brac please).
Funds raised go the PFTA.
Friday 27 June School Summer Fair – Wild West Theme, 5.00pm –
7.00pm at Stickney Primary School. All welcome.
BBQ/Refreshments, Games, Stalls, Dance
Performance. Fun and games for all ages.
Mon & Tues
07 & 08 July
Bikeability Training for Year 5’s. You may see them
cycling on the roads around the school in their High
Visibility Vests!
William Lovell Academy
The Academy Link are organising a Ceilidh Dance on
Saturday 19th July 2014. Tickets are £6.00 for Adults,
£5.00 for Senior Citizens and Children under 16 years and
family tickets are £20.00. Doors open at 6.45pm. For more
information please contact Mrs Tina Brooks on 01205
New Bolingbroke Local History Group
New Bolingbroke Local History group will be holding a Photo
Exhibition - New Bolingbroke in Pictures 1890-2010. This will be
held on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 June from 10.00am – 6.00pm in
the Town Hall in New Bolingbroke.
Please come and have a look to see if you can recognise anyone or you
may have information about New Bolingbroke and its people that you
could let us have.
Everyone welcome, free admission, Tea/Coffee and raffle.
Stickney Brownies and Rainbows
This term the Brownies and Rainbows have had a visit from Ash and
Kieron from Kakushigei Taiko, who were teaching them to play Taiko
drums. Taiko is Japanese drumming and the group have been
performing and touring in and around Lincolnshire for the past 11
years, and are currently based in Stickney. The Brownies and
Rainbows thoroughly enjoyed this new activity, and were all involved
in playing. They worked really hard to perform a piece written for
them, and especially enjoyed the performance by the drummers,
including a song the group have never performed before. Kakushigei
Taiko are available for workshops and performances, ring Ash on
07795360487 for more information.
In September this year, Sarah (Snowy Owl) will be going off to
university, meaning that we will only have 2 leaders. This means we
are sending out a plea to anyone who would like to help at Brownies
and Rainbows on a regular basis, and perhaps even become a leader.
The children are all really enthusiastic, and someone who shares
their energy would be perfect for helping run the unit. Please contact
Jayne on 07501931431 if you are interested, or your child would like
to become a Rainbow (5-7 years) or a Brownie (7-10 years).
History Exhibition
Stickney History Exhibition, which was held in the village hall, once
again proved to be a great success. Over 200 visitors came to view
the exhibits, most of whom were local people, but several came from
further afield such as Cambridge, Norfolk and Derby. Many were
researching their family trees and looking for their ancestors, while
others were interested in local history.
One of the newer exhibits proved to be very popular, which was a
book containing newspaper cuttings of local marriages and obituaries
from the village dating back to 1925. These items had been donated
and enabled the book to be put together.
The raffle was well supported and the prize winners were Sue Peall,
George Bolland, Marlene Wilson, Doreen Cooley, Simon Bowen,
Angela Brady and Sue Burman.
From the proceeds a total of £225.00 was donated between Stickney
Pre-school, St Luke’s Church and the Community Committee.
Martin and Bev Gosling would like to thank everyone who supported
them during their weekend.
Present: Cllrs Gray, Hood, Wolverson, Cash and Bolland
Also present: County/Dist Cllr Ayling and 5 members of the public
The Chairman of the Parish Council gave the following report:
Early in the year a vote was taken on whether to allow tablets on the
Memorial Garden. A unanimous vote approved the motion and 14 tablets
have now been laid on the site. As yet no one else has come forward to
do so. It was decided to leave the area grassed for this season to see
how it looked.
In April and May there were 2 events to raise money for the Summer
Fete. I would like to thank Mrs. Carla Sabin for organising a Fashion
show which raised £140 and also the Race Night, which was very well
attended, enjoyed by everyone and raised £640. I would like to thank
the members of the Committee and members of the Parish who helped on
the night and helped to make the events so successful. A big thank you
also to the local businesses who sponsored the races, and of course
Ladbrokes who sponsored the whole event. Another event arranged by
Mrs Sabin was the Medium Night which was also very successful and
raised between £200 and £250.
The Fete itself went off well and all the people who attended agreed it
was very enjoyable. Thank you to all the people who worked on the days
leading up to the fete and to all the people who turned up to help on the
day for without them it would not have been a success and many thanks
to Caroline and Brian who again allowed us to use the Farm Park free of
charge. Hopefully we can find a new venue to hold another one next year.
Mrs Sabin has indicated her willingness to organise more fund raising
events if we can.
We welcomed Councillor Edwards as a new member of the Parish Council.
All the Councillors have been on various training events and more are in
the pipeline. Particularly interesting was the visit to the Planning
Department at Manby where we all learned more about the planning
process. We also attended a course on cemetery management which we
all found useful.
The play area has been vandal free until last week when, as we
understand it, 3 boys from the secondary school broke one of the young
children’s rockers. We would like to thank Mr. Dear who keeps it
beautifully maintained and Mr. George Bolland and Mollyann Sabin for
their weekly tidy up of the area and the emptying of the bins.
We need to thank also Mr Kenny Tempest for the brilliant job he does
litter picking around the village. Thanks also to Mr Coultan for looking
after the church clock and Mr Sean Magna for his work in the cemetery.
We have joined the Parish Paths Partnership which means that we can
get the Public Footpaths cut as they need it and not have to wait for the
County Council workers to do it. Councillor Hood discovered that many of
the footpaths have names e.g. Poppy Path so we hope that eventually all
the paths will have their correct names as well as the Public Footpath
The War Memorial refurbishment has been ordered and we have had a
grant of £300 from Dist. Councillor Ayling and we are trying for a grant
from the War Memorial Trust. The Parish Council lay a wreath on the
memorial every year.
We have been quite lucky with pothole repairs. They have all been done
quite quickly after reporting. We are still awaiting a couple of street
signs and a ‘not suitable for heavy goods vehicles’ sign for West Fen Lane.
We have requested better give way signs for the bottom of Stickney
Lane and some warning signs for Medlam Bridge.
The Boundary Commission has changed the local boundaries and we will
now be joined with Sibsey and not Stickford as we have been in the past.
We have had the problem of rumours about the Picnic Area and traveller
stop overs. Councillor Gray and myself were at a meeting of all Parish
Councils in this area and Ann Shoreland, who is responsible for finding
sites, told everyone that, as yet, they have not found any suitable sites.
I spoke to her after the meeting to thank her for her help, her words
were ‘she does not know what Councillor Swanson was thinking about, East
Lindsey does not own the picnic area the County Council does, and anyway
they are looking for a suitable field not an established leisure facility’
Finally I would like to thank all the Councillors for their support and hard
work throughout the last year. I would also like to thank Mrs. Arnold for
her unstinting efforts on behalf of Stickney and for all the help that she
has given to me and the rest of the council.
The Community Committee Report and Accounts were not available at this meeting, this will
be on the agenda for the next Parish Council meeting.
The question of the funds held in the Jubilee Committee Account was raised by a member of
the public. It was pointed out that these funds were never intended to purchase any decorative
village signs and that they are to be used for village celebrations only. The funds are in a
separate account to the Parish Council funds, this is to protect the funds raised for the
Summer Fete. The funds are quite separate, but will always be accounted for at the annual
audit by both the Internal and External Auditors. The accounts for the Parish Council and the
Parish Council Jubilee Committee will be available for viewing at the next Parish Council
Before the start of the Parish Council meeting the Chairman announced the
resignation of Cllr R Perham, due to his work commitments. ELDC have
been informed of the resignation and notices will be placed in the notice
boards as they become available from ELDC.
Present: Cllrs Cash, Wolverson, Hood, Gray, Edwards and Bolland (Chairman) and two
members of the public.
Reports From Representatives On Outside Bodies
The Police reported by e-mail:
1 attempted burglary of business premises; 1 incident with nuisance neighbour; 1 incident of
violence at William Lovell Academy; 2 incidents of theft, a tax disc from a car parked at the
Car Boot and a bird scarer; the parking issues at the schools are being checked and support
with the crossing patrol; vehicles speeding through the village will be checked via the latest
Archer Report; apologies given for being 30 minutes late with the last Police Surgery and the
next Police surgery will be in the lay-by at Hall Lane on Friday 30 May between 10.00am and
12 noon.
County/Dist Cllr Ayling reported, before she left the Annual Parish Meeting:
The Gypsy problem for Stickney has now been resolved; Community Grants are available
again via ELDC and Big Society Grants are available through LCC – any projects, just ask and
a member of the public asked if anything is being done regarding the recent planning
application for Miller’s Cottage, Cllr Ayling will look into this.
War Memorial
Photos of the damaged stone have been sent to the War Memorials Trust. They now want a
quotation for this work to be carried out, but the whole stone is to be replaced. A quotation will
be requested for the replacement of the damaged stone from the stone mason who will be
cleaning the war memorial sometime in July.
Pot holes in West Fen Lane in the area of Charnwood and in the A16 in the area of
Clutterbugs will be reported to LCC. A letter has been received from LCC stating that the
signage/road markings at Stickney Lane will be looked at in due course. The 40mph sign on
the eastern side of the A16 needs to be re-sited. The signs for West Fen Lane, Pinfold Lane,
together with the markings for Medlam Bridge and the West Fen Lane nameplate will be
chased up.
The Best Kept Village Competition 2014 – don’t forget!
Stickney will be entered into the Best Kept Village Competition 2014. Judging will take place in
June, July and August and the most ‘cared for’ villages will go on to the next round.
Planning Applications Received
The following plans were looked at and SUPPORTED by the Parish Council:
S/169/00551/14 - Mr D Franklin - Erection of a dormer bungalow with integral single garage
and construction of a vehicular/pedestrian access, part of an existing outbuilding on site to be
removed at Butlers House, Hall Lane (this has been resubmitted due to the incorrect property
name being used by ELDC)
Planning Decisions Received
FULL planning permission has been received for:
S/169/00657/14 - LCC (PL/0056/14) - To vary condition 1 of planning application
S/169/00036/11 – siting of a classroom for 5 years – to extend a further 5 years at Stickney
Church of England Primary School
Parish Website (
It has been agreed that any business in Stickney can have their information and links to
websites placed under a business’s section on the website – anyone wanting to be put on this
site can contact the Clerk by phone or e-mail for further information, there will be no charges.
Sudoku Solution:
Knights os Old Solution:
Knights of Old - Solution
Sir Edwin's tent is A (clue 1). Sir Percival's tent is between Sir Gerald's
and the one belonging to the knight from York (clue 2), so Sir Gerald's
tent is C and the one belonging to the knight from York is A. The tent
belonging to the knight with the dragon emblem is at C (3). The knight
with the eagle emblem doesn't have tent A so it belongs to the knight
with the lion emblem. By elimination, the knight with the eagle emblem
has tent B. The knight with the lion emblem has the tent next to the
knight from Chester (4), so the knight from Chester is in tent C and the
one from Warwick has tent B.
Parish Councillors:
Cllr M Bolland (Chairman)
Cllr B Wylka
Cllr P Hood
Cllr B Gray
Cllr T Cash
Cllr O Wolverson
Cllr T Edwards
01205 480015
01205 480578
01205 480957
01205 480009
01205 480656
01205 481340
07746 346841
There is a vacancy for one Parish Councillor, for information please
contact the Clerk
Clerk to the Parish Council:
Mrs E L Arnold
Crookes Cottage
Wrangle Bank
PE22 9DL
01205 270352
Parish e-mail address:
Parish Website:
County/District Cllr V Ayling
07764 536867
Police phone numbers:
PCSO N Miller
PCSO P Pollard
PC Paula Young
07810 058306
07939 312883
07939 312650
Doctors phone number
01205 480237
Hospital phone number
01205 364801
Post Office phone number
01205 480225
Stickney Primary School
01205 480254
William Lovell Academy
01205 480352
Hall bookings contact Mrs O Wolverson
01205 481340