Cover Letter

Marilyn Moreno
Dona Ana Community College
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001
July 1, 2009
Ms. Amy Schwebke, Ass. Professor
English and Communication Dept.
General Studies Division
Dona Ana Community College
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8001
Dear Ms. Schewebke
Have I met my potential skills? During this course I have learned a lot of things most likely I met my
potential skills. I learned how to develop my skills of writing. However I still have problems with
grammar, but I still try my best and have my work done correctly. I truly believe that this summer class
tough me skills that I never thought I could learned in 8 weeks because I didn’t have the enough
potential in my mind to say that I was able to accomplish any kind of mission. Since my second language
is English, I still have writing problems, but this class and specially the teacher make me feel confident
with myself and try not to care too much about my language problem. The course CCDE 110N tough me
new data, information that high school suppose to taught me, new standard, objectives and made
myself confident.
My expectations o f this course were that by end of the summer be able write an essay with
introduction and thesis statement. Be able to express my thoughts in sentences. The only potential that
I had for this course it was just my courage and my high self-esteem to pass the class. At the beginning
of the course I was afraid. Honestly the first essay I had so much trouble developing the thesis
statement. My potential increase when the first essay I couldn’t pass it. By not passing my first essay, it
gave me effort and courage to re due it and passes it.
In my opinion am still develop my strengths. By working on my skills and by the end of this
course I’m pretty sure that I will be able to dominate all my weaknesses. There is just one simple way of
how I develop and approach the college level in writing. Having the ability to read the instructions very
carefully and try to have enough evidence to support any argumentative essay. However it doesn’t
mean that in college I won’t have the ability to deal with English 111. I’m confident with my self that I
will succeed in my English class and obtain a good grade. This class CCDE 110N help me with to develop
my strength just by learning ethos, pathos and logos. I think that was a great tool to develop strength.
One of my greatest weaknesses is the sources and citation. I also have trouble developing my
ideas, the reason is because English is my second language and is harder for me to think in Spanish than
English; however I’m working on that and in my opinion is getting better. My last weakness is grammar I
still have problems doing sentences or trying to write words in the past tense or future. The only plan I
have to improve this weakness for English 110G is to read more and if I can carry my dictionary with me.
I’m pretty sure I will succeed and be able to develop more potential to increase my ability of learning.
I strongly believe I’m ready to move on English 111G.The first reason is because, my
work shows strong quality, when I’m developing my thinking, reading, and writing skills. Every
single essay demonstrates strong, college level control over the course concepts. One example is
my final essay that I pass in a simple way that the writing makes a judgment in answer to the
question. I provide reason for the judgment, I provide evidence that supports my judgment and
for last is coherent and readable essay. I’m proud of myself and I’m very thankful to the teacher
from CCDE 110N that taught me the information that I need it to succeed this summer and the
Marilyn Moreno
CCDE 110 N Student
Attachments: Argument