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Text for Volunteer portion of the Website
Why Volunteer?
If you can read this, you are amongst the lucky 10.4 % people in Pakistan who have the luxury to use the
internet. If you can understand this you are amongst 18 million Pakistanis who can read & write in
English. If you can take out the time to download latest movies, interact with friends on social media &
subscribe to unlimited calls on your mobiles…. Volunteering for you should not be a choice but a
a) Rising demands of professional & educational careers make it difficult for you to devote your
time and energy to volunteer projects.
b) You may have the drive but limited opportunity to make a difference to the lives of the people
around you.
c) You may be hampered by cultural restrictions to take part in field activities.
If you can identify with any of the above Pakistan Red Crescent Society gives you the opportunity to
make volunteering a part of your life without drastically changing it!
For volunteering for us is all about utilizing & developing your talent, ideas & skills to serve humanity.
We aim to invest in Pakistan’s future by building your capacity as active citizens and responsible
Come join us to make a world of difference!
Volunteering is good for
The world is not a perfect
place, and many people,
animals, places, and
communities need help.
Governments and
try to meet everyone’s
needs, but it’s impossible
for them to do it all.
Volunteering is
good for You
Making new
important skills
Seeing more
of your
and world
Who we are?
PRCS Branch
Position as on
31st Dec, 2008
Gilgit Baltistan
The Pakistan Red Crescent Volunteer corps is one of the strongest and largest volunteer base in the
country. Being one of the oldest Humanitarian organizations in Pakistan, PRCS can boast of remarkable
personalities like Madri-Milat Fatima Ali Jinnah as the first voluntary Chairperson of the Pakistan Red
Crescent Society. It is the legacy of such individuals that PRCS is committed to foster a high performance
and diverse group of volunteers.
After the establishment of the PRCS in 1947, the first PRCS volunteer corps was extensively involved
with rehabilitation of migrants from India. Since then our Volunteers have been serving humanity in
peace time and conflicts with noteworthy contribution in the war of 1965, 1971, earthquake of 2005 &
2007, IDPs crises and the recent flood emergency.
According to latest statistics (as of 2012) PRCS volunteer base has increased to 0.25 million with active
participation of over 92 districts of the country.
Fundamental Principles
We at the Pakistan Red Crescent Society adhere to the following principles as
members of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, born of a desire to
bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield,
endeavors, in its international and national capacity, to prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever
it may be found. Its purpose is to protect human life and health and to ensure respect for the human
RCRC Movement makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious
beliefs, class or political opinions. It endeavors to relieve the suffering of
individuals, being guided solely by their needs, and to give priority to the
most urgent cases of distress.
In order to continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not
take sides in hostilities or engage at any time in controversies of a political,
racial, religious or ideological nature.
The Movement is independent. The National Societies, while auxiliaries in the
humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their
respective countries, must always maintain their autonomy so that they may
be able at all times to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement
There can be only one Red Cross or one Red Crescent Society in any one
country. It must be open to all. It must carry on its humanitarian work
throughout its territory.
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, in which all Societies
have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each
other, is worldwide.
Voluntary Service
It is a voluntary relief movement not prompted in any manner by desire for
Who is a Volunteer?
According to the PRCS Youth & Volunteer Policy, Strategy & Code of Conduct “A volunteer is anyone
who offers his/ her services by his/her free will to perform a task on behalf of the Pakistan Red Crescent
Society without monetary compensation or expectations of compensation.
Who can become a PRCS volunteer?
Following our tradition of being an impartial organization we encourage people from all backgrounds,
age, cultures, and religious beliefs to come & volunteer with us. Depending on demographic
backgrounds and areas of interest, we have classified our volunteers into:
General Volunteer/ Community Volunteers
This category includes professional or non-professional individuals belonging to all age groups
who are willing to offer their services to work as a volunteer for PRCS.
Professional Volunteers
This category includes individuals of all age groups willing to offer professional services like
doctors, paramedics, IT professionals, lawyers, teachers, journalists, logisticians etc.
PRCS Junior/Youth Clubs
This category includes students belonging to schools /colleges & Universities. This group is
further classified into Juniors (age group 10-15) & Youth (age group 16-29).
How to become a PRCS Volunteer?
Becoming a PRCS volunteer involves the following steps
Make an informed decision by learning about the organization.
Visit your nearest PRCS Branch for information.
Visit our website for information on the Pakistan Red Crescent Society
 Schedule an interview with the Youth Officer.
You can arrange a meeting with the Youth officer for additional information about volunteering
opportunities with the Pakistan Red Crescent Society.
Drop in your query through this website which will be answered shortly.
 Fill in the Volunteer Registration form
The PRCS volunteer registration form is available at PRCS Branches Nationwide.
 Check your updates on trainings and other PRCS activities.
We will regularly update information on the data for volunteering opportunities and capacity
building trainings. Depending on your location you can register for the training programs or
contact your Youth officer for more information.
Contact Information
Deputy Director Youth & Volunteer program
Assistant Director Youth & Volunteer Department
Pakistan Red Crescent Society , National Headquarters, H-8,
Pakistan Red Crescent Society , National Headquarters, H-8,
Contact No: 051-9250404 Mob :- 0345-9344335
Contact No : 051-9250404 Mob:-0343-580745
Email :
Assistant Director Youth & Volunteer Department
Assistant Director Youth & Volunteer Department
Pakistan Red Crescent Society , Balochistan Provincial Branch
Pakistan Red Crescent Society , Sindh Provincial Branch
Contact No: 0814001132
Contact No: 021-5833973 Mob: 03002149834
Mob: 0333-7935855
Assistant Director Youth & Volunteer Department
Assistant Director Youth & Volunteer Department
Pakistan Red Crescent Society , KPK Provincial Branch
Pakistan Red Crescent Society , GB Provincial Branch
Contact No: 091210836 Mob: 03009004124
Contact No: 05811-920372 Mob: 03212071680
Assistant Director Youth & Volunteer Department
Assistant Director Youth & Volunteer Department
Pakistan Red Crescent Society , FATA Regional Branch
Pakistan Red Crescent Society , AJK State Branch
Contact No : 091-5254383 Mob: 0300-5820683
Contact No: 05822-433567 Mob: 03129042005
Assistant Director Youth & Volunteer Department
Pakistan Red Crescent Society , Punjab Provincial Branch
Contact: 042-36312253 Mob: 03217197008
What we do?
The Youth & Volunteer department at the PRCS is extensively involved in supporting the overall
Movement in achieving their mission of reducing the suffering of Humanity. In this connection PRCS
volunteers work
for the promotion of humanitarian principles and values.
for efficient & effective Disaster preparedness & response .
for improving Health & Care in the Community .
What sets this department apart however is its commitment to develop the potential of the Youth of
Pakistan as future leaders by investing in their personal & professional development. Volunteering for
us is not about sacrifice but an investment in one’s own future. Through our programs and activities we
provide you the opportunity
to increase your self esteem by tapping into your talents and abilities .
to improve your sense of belonging by interacting with people from all walks of life.
to obtain professional training under the guidance of our staff.
to obtain professional references from the leading Humanitarian organization in Pakistan.
Youth Development
“We strive for what we believe & we believe in Change”
In a developing country like Pakistan with 66% of its population comprising of the Youth, there is
immense responsibility on the shoulders of the government and the civil society alike, to invest in their
present for a better future. Realizing its role as a humanitarian organization aiming for sustainable
development in the country, PRCS has launched Youth development programs in the very core of
Pakistan i.e. its districts & tehsils. The main objectives of these programs are as follows:
To empower the Youth of Pakistan with life skills that are essential for personal
development and community welfare.
To instil civic responsibility amongst the masses.
To challenge stigmas & dogmatic traditions through introspection.
To engage communities for welfare through community mobilization tools.
Youth Development programs in Pakistan
Advocacy with National Voluntary Organizations
The challenge that our country faces today requires concerted efforts at all fronts by the people
of Pakistan to revive the spirit of nationhood. We at the PRCS have initiated good working
relationship with other voluntary/training organizations like the Pakistan Boy Scouts, Girl
Guides, Red RuK and Pakistan Youth Parliament to benefit from their expertise & build a
productive youth force for our Country. We encourage other Voluntary Organizations to come
join us in this noble endeavour.
Leadership Development Workshops
Leaders are not necessarily born they are created!
Our Leadership Development & Teambuilding
Workshops are a combination of theoretical skills
and simulation trainings that bring out the leader in
you. You will be given ample opportunity to polish
your skills through participation in community
improvement micro projects, management of
Trainings and camps and interaction with people
from all walks of life. All it takes from your side is a
commitment to use these skills for the welfare and development of your communities.
Promotion of peace & brotherhood
The PRCS youth is encouraged to engage in different cultural and religious festivities in order to
develop understanding and appreciation for people with diverse backgrounds. Youth gatherings
and National Camps provide the right ambiance to showcase our rich traditional histories and
understand civilizations. At the same time International Youth exchange programs &
conventions promote international peace and brotherhood forming a global youth network
working for alleviating the suffering of humanity.
Youth as agents of behavioural change Module
The Youth as Agents of Behavioral Change module is a unique social
mobilization toolkit that employs self-introspection to understand
negative behaviours & dogmatic mindsets that influence a society.
The PRCS is amongst the first organizations to implement the YABC
toolkit in South Asia and train 32 Peer Educators of this module. At
present work is being done to inculcate this technique in PRCS
programs & activities.
Youth Camps
Youth & Volunteer Camps at the provincial and national level are one of the volunteer retention tools of
the PRCS. With the objective of improving our volunteer’s management and leadership skills to support
the services of PRCS, these camps provide the opportunity to interact and learn from people belonging
to different parts of the country. These camps are all about learning through simulations and exercises
which forms a rewarding learning experience. These camps also aim to promote intercultural dialogue
among youth volunteers of different regions and to ensure the ability of youth to improve programs and
structures to better respond to the needs in their communities.
a. To promote intercultural interaction and partnerships between young volunteers of PRCS.
b. To consolidate the capacities of the young people participating in order to encourage the
implementation of practical actions and to promote new initiatives and creative contributions
from youth.
c. To reinforce knowledge about RCRC Movement, Fundamental Principles and its underpining
Humanitarian Values, PRCS programs and issues which young people are facing today, from the
theoretical dimension and from the creation of practical instruments for the dissemination of the
acquired knowledge.
d. To provide an opportunity for youth volunteers to exchange ideas, experiences and programs.
e. To create networking for disaster response.
To provide a concrete, innovative and interactive resource to enhance volunteer recruitment,
motivation, dedication, professionalism and retention.
Three (04) National Youth & Volunteer Camp have been held till date. Total of 599 volunteers attended
these camps. The volunteers during these camps were given knowledge and understanding about
different topics, such as principles & values, promotion of peace & tolerance in the communities, stigma
and discrimination, youth leadership, the environment and climate change, volunteering development,
disaster activities etc. The focus of these camps were on the need to raise awareness of the youth and
the growing concern about their issues within the national context.
School Safety Programs
The earthquake of 2005 brought home the fallibility of the infrastructural setup in Pakistan that
left thousands injured and dead under the rubble. This picture is the testament of the havoc
that the earthquake of 2005 caused in schools and community
centres countrywide . The school safety program has been
initiated to Build Safer Communities through Safe Schools. It is
a two tier program with the objective of ensuring the
construction of safer schools in seismic regions through
advocacy with local governments and building the capacity of
local communities to cope with disasters. At present School
safety programs are being implemented in PRCS Junior/youth
Clubs established in schools and colleges all across Pakistan.
PRCS youth has played an active role globally participating in youth exchange programs, camps,
trainings, conventions and workshops to share best practices and learn from the experience of other
Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies. Such opportunities form a part of our reward mechanism
through which PRCS honors the commitment and dedication of its active volunteers by giving them this
exposure for personal and professional capacity building. List of events are as follows:
2 Youth Members participated in the International Youth Conference in Austria in 2011
2 x youth members received Korean Scholarship (Hanseo University Scholarship) 2010-14
8th Asia Pacific Conference --- Jordon 2010
Asia Pacific Youth Summit (YABC Peer Educators Training) --- Jordon 2010
Regional Volunteer Management conference --- Almaty 2010
International Friendship program—Austria 2010
International Youth Exchange program – Japan 2007, 2010 & 2012
Asia Pacific Youth Steering Committee Meeting – Kualalampur 2010
Journey of an Idea , Geneva 2009
World Red Cross Red Crescent Youth gathering in Solferino --- 2009
International Youth Camp Turkey---- 2009
Message from the Youth Ambassador
I am proud to be here with the dedicated volunteers and assure that I will be
available all the time to promote the cause of the Red Cross Red Crescent
Movement and avail my energies and time to motivate others to join Pakistan Red
Crescent Society (PRCS) in the service to humanity.
Fawad Afzal Khan
PRCS Youth Ambassador
A renowned Singer and Actor
Message from the Youth Ambassador
I am proud to be part of the country’s prestigious organization and I
commit myself to be available whenever required for service to
Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi
PRCS Youth Ambassador
Tennis Star
Volunteering Development
The Pakistan Red Crescent Society has had extensive experience in disaster Management. From building
DP stocks to mobilizing communities, formation of self-sustainable communities has been the focal
concern for the PRCS.
The formation of sustainable communities heavily depends upon mobilization and structuring of its local
volunteers. Being a multi-cultural country, it is imperative to develop a well-trained volunteer corps that
is familiar with the culture and is not hampered by linguistic barriers.
PRCS organizes and manages its volunteers by a Six-step approach to volunteer management. These
a. Job Development and Design
Specific job descriptions as a planning tool has been developed to efficiently carryout the tasks
assigned to the volunteers with the proper understanding of results, skills required and
organizational expectation.
b. Selection and Recruitment
Volunteer recruitment and selection is driven by PRCS mission statement which aims to alleviate the
suffering of the vulnerable population by mobilizing the power of humanity. PRCS recruit its
volunteers in three different categories. These include:
PRCS recruits Youth in the following subcategories:
Junior – targetting age group between 10-15 years (both male and female) at school level
Senior Youth – targetting age group between 16-29 years (both male and female) at
colleges, universities and communities.
Professional Volunteers
PRCS recruits skilled, reliable and well trained individuals like i.e. doctors, paramedics,
engineers, logisticians etc, who are willing to work voluntarily with PRCS during emergencies
and peacetime. Their services have been utilized in recent disasters where our professional
volunteers work with the health, watsan and psycho-social support teams etc.
Community Based Volunteers
At community levels, different teams comprised of volunteers have been developed to
support PRCS in its programmes and operations. These teams include; disaster response
teams, emergency response teams (first aid volunteers), CBHFA teams, PSP teams,
livelihood teams, watsan teams and blood donor recruiters.
c. Orientation and Training
Regular orientation sessions and training workshops in PRCS core areas are conducted to enhance
the skills, knowledge and behavior of the volunteers involved in different PRCS activities.
d. Support & Supervision
PRCS supports its volunteers to make sure that they are satisfied. Continuous supervision has been
provided both in peacetime and disaster to ensure that the volunteers are doing their job
e. Maintenance of Volunteer Database
PRCS has a total of about 253,000 volunteers’ country wide. Data of the said has been maintained at
districts, provincial and national levels.
Evaluation, Retention and Recognition
Evaluation, retention and recognition of PRCS volunteers address the sustainability of volunteer
base with the special emphasis on maintaining its quality by maximizing the performance and
satisfaction levels. The process of efficient evaluation and feedback alongwith merit based process
of rewarding and motivating the volunteers through formal recognition system i.e. awards,
certificates, skill enhancement trainings, souvenirs and shields etc. lead to the creation of mass
interest of volunteers to achieve desired objectives.
To achieve the objective of developing a well-trained volunteer corps, PRCS has laid the foundation of its
volunteer program based on horizontal and vertical integration. These are explained as follows:
Integration between different programs at the PRCS. This involves data sharing, consensus on
volunteer program development and trainings.
Data sharing and standardization of volunteer program at all tiers of the National Society, ensuring a
balanced and efficient volunteer corps.
The result of this integration has not only manifested in improvement of service delivery, but has also
resulted in the initiation of new programs run by volunteers within the framework of disaster
management. Some key programs include.
The Emergency Response Teams (ERTs) have transformed the PRCS from a First Aid training organization
to a responding organization. Based on more than 500 trained volunteers this corps has effectively
worked during man-made and natural disasters to alleviate the suffering of humanity. It has been
especially effective in case of the recent unstable security environment in the country, where in many
instances the volunteers of the PRCS have been the first to respond to the victims of suicide attacks in
Universities, markets etc. The ERT teams have so far responded in more than 50 emergencies saving
since 2009.
PRCS is implementing Youth as Agents of Behavioral Change (YABC) since 2010 and has integrated it into
its activities with 04 International Trainer of YABC, 71 YABC Peer Educators and 7,025 YABC
beneficiaries. YABC is an IFRC flagship programme aiming to educate the masses about disruptive
behaviors and social issues.
One of the main successes of this toolkit is the development of a unified youth network across Pakistan
that believes in the fundamental principles of the Movement and its underpinning humanitarian values.
We at the PRCS consider this as an effective model for youth empowerment where individuals volunteer
to change themselves before expecting change in their respective communities.
The Beneficiary Communication program was launched in 2010 by a group of volunteers working with
the National Society and IFRC to provide a two-way communication channel for evaluation of services
and awareness of the local populace. Volunteers were involved at all stages of program development to
execution which makes it a best practice, to empower the volunteers within the Red Cross Red Crescent
In PRCS volunteers are actively involved in all the activities of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. In
disaster Management, volunteers have been actively involved at all stages. Details are as follows:
a. Recruitment and training of community volunteers to enhance the response mechanism in the
community. Around 400 Volunteers have been trained as disaster response teams at districts,
provincial and national levels. 93 Volunteers have also been trained to undertake vulnerability
capacity assessment (at all Tiers)
b. Advocacy with youth groups established in schools/Universities to increase awareness about
disaster risk reduction. Volunteers are involved in DRR programme (at all tiers)
c. Facilitating school safety programs with the help of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement.
(Piloted in Mansehra District, KPK province).
d. Volunteers involved with CBHFA program.
e. Develop media and public education messages to encourage people’s involvement in building
safer communities and promoting affiliated volunteerism amongst their peers.
Setting up an effective volunteer Management system by catering to spontaneous volunteers.
This includes :
Orientation/ induction of new volunteers undertaken by senior volunteers ( applicable at
all tiers)
Data entry and coordination by volunteers. (applicable at Provincial Headquarters)
On job Training of new volunteers.
a. SOPs for deployment of volunteers in emergencies and Code of Conduct are in place and
implemented at district levels.
b. Volunteers have been trained to undertake initial assessment in case of an emergency to
facilitate the movement in its response.
c. Local volunteers are mobilized to assist the Movement in coordinating with the local
governments to set up relief points.
d. Distribution of Food and Non-Food items in the first phase of the relief operation is undertaken
by the volunteers under the supervision of a designated staff member.
e. Professional volunteers work with the health, Watsan and psycho-social support teams.
Fund raising activities to support the Movement.
a. Induction of Beneficiary Communication programs to gauge service delivery and educate the
masses on health & hygiene issues.
b. Construction of shelters for rehabilitation of affected communities.
c. Setting up of community centers and schools to facilitate the affectees return to normal life.
Partner National Societies have been supportive of Volunteer Management programs, by not only
adhering to the PRCS Volunteer Policy Strategy and code of conduct, but also by investing in
strengthening capacities of youth & volunteers. During disasters, within their own designated caseloads,
PNS’s have worked in the field with the help of PRCS Volunteers and contributed towards their on-job
training and capacity Building. In the recent floods for example, Health & WATSAN ERU’s deployed PRCS
volunteers to assist them in their work. Such exposures not only act as incentive for volunteers working
in emergencies but also contribute towards the National Societies disaster response capacity building.
Community life is very closely knitted in Pakistan. Tribal elders and Jirga systems (Community
consultation) are prevalent in most of the vulnerable areas in Pakistan. In such circumstances, taking
these influential entities into confidence is essential for the success of any program. During
emergencies the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement has been facilitated by the community especially in
recruitment and deployment of spontaneous local volunteers to assist in the operation. Their knowledge
and understanding of their community makes the operation more effective by addressing the real needs
of the people.
Thus, during emergencies the synergy of structure and good intentions can only be achieved with
effective participation of all stakeholders. With the magnitude of disasters in Pakistan volunteers are the
key force to mitigate the effects of natural or man-made disasters. Learning from Pakistan’s experience,
to increase their ownership of the Movement whereby increasing their efficiency, volunteers should not
be used at the execution end only, but involved within the designing and decision making process.