MENNONITE COLLEGE OF NURSING ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY Student Clinical Responsibilities Checklist Student ______________________________________ Course: FNP I FNP II FNP III FNP IV NOTE: All forms mentioned below can be found at: Preceptor #1 Information: Name ________________________________________________________________________________ Facility _______________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________ Email _______________________________________ Day/Times to be with preceptor __________________________________________________________ Preceptor #2 Information (if applicable): Name ________________________________________________________________________________ Facility _______________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________ Email _______________________________________ Day/Times to be with preceptor __________________________________________________________ Preceptor #3 Information (if applicable): Name ________________________________________________________________________________ Facility _______________________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ Phone __________________________________ Email _______________________________________ Day/Times to be with preceptor __________________________________________________________ Activity Date Initial When Completed Done Prior to Attending Clinical: (Note: See “Preceptor Planning Process” for deadlines for contracts.) Turn in to Nanette Marx a completed “Preceptor Agreement Form” for each preceptor to be used in the course. (For verification, either have Nanette initial this form, or attach an email from her stating she has received the form(s)) Verify with Nanette that a contract for the clinical facility is in place and active. (NOTE: You are prohibited from attending clinical until the contract is in place. No clinical hours will be accepted for sites used which do not have a current contract in place.) (For verification, either have Nanette initial this form, or attach an email from her stating the contract(s) is/are in effect.) Provide your preceptor with a copy of the “Preceptor Manual.” For EACH Clinical Day: Include an entry of your clinical hours on the “Clinical Preceptorship Summary” form. Complete the “Log of Patient Encounters”, including the cover sheet (Note: This is to be turned in to your clinical instructor each week.) Update the “Culminating Clinical Behaviors Checklist” Update the “Visits Across the Lifespan Tally Sheet” Throughout the Clinical Course: Elicit feedback from your preceptor(s) regarding your performance Develop goals for each clinical day and share these with your preceptor…seek out experiences to expand your knowledge and improve your performance Complete 10 SOAP notes (to be completed and turned in to your clinical instructor according to deadlines on course assignments page) SOAP #1 SOAP #2 SOAP #3 SOAP #4 SOAP #5 SOAP #6 SOAP #7 SOAP #8 SOAP #9 SOAP #10 Communicate with your clinical instructor via clinical log, email, or phone if there are any concerns/problems with the clinical preceptor or site (For example, if the preceptor is expecting you only to observe, rather than be “hands on.”) Coordinate with the clinical instructor to set a date for a clinical site evaluation. Prior to the site visit, provide the clinical instructor with complete clinical site information (times in facility, directions, any special information, such as parking, etc.) At Midterm: Have your preceptor sign the “midterm” line of the “Clinical Preceptorship Summary,” verifying the hours completed thus far. Prior to the End of Clinical Practicum Provide your preceptor with a copy of the “Preceptor Evaluation of Student” form to complete. This may either be mailed to Denise Wilson at the College or given back to you for review/signature. At the End of the Clinical Have your preceptor sign the “final” line of the “Clinical Preceptorship Summary,” verifying the hours completed. Write your preceptor a thank you note. (Anything else, such as a gift for the preceptor, etc., is optional.) Complete the “Student Evaluation of Clinical Practicum and Preceptor” form for each preceptor and site used. Turn in to your clinical instructor all final required materials by the deadline on the course assignments page. DO NOT turn in logs and SOAPs again. Required materials include: Clinical Preceptorship Summary Clinical Site Visit and Evaluation by Course Faculty (to be signed by clinical instructor and you) Preceptor Evaluation of Student from ALL preceptors used for hands-on experiences (to be signed by clinical preceptor and you) Student Evaluation of Clinical Practicum and Preceptor form for ALL preceptors and clinical sites used. Culminating Clinical Behaviors Checklist (this will be returned to you at the beginning of your next clinical so it can continue to be used). Please ensure your name is on the checklist. Visits Across the Lifespan Tally Sheet 5/12/2011; Updated 1/16/13