UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMY & MANPOWER – KHARTOUM STATE Support to Local Governance Project (SLGP) Project ID. 00014861 Annual Project Report (APR) 2005 January 2006 Table of Contents Project Performance: …………………………………………………………………………………… Contribution to the SRF Goals: …………..………………………………..………………………… Implementation Issues: …………………………………………………………..……………………… The main challenges experienced during implementation:.……..……………………. Rating on Progress towards Results: …………………………………………………………….… For outcomes: ……………………………………….……………………………………………………….… For Outputs: ………………………………………………………………………….…………..……………. 1 1 5 5 5 5 7 Soft Assistance: …………………………………..……………………………………….……….……… Key activities of soft assistance undertaken by the project: ……….….….………… Proposed elements for soft assistance strategy for the next year: ………………. 7 7 8 Lessons learned: ………………………………………..………………………………………………… 8 Annex: Project Performance 2005: .………………………….…………..………….….. Introduction: ………………………………..…….…..………………………………..………………… 1. Improved capacity of localities to Generate Revenues: …..……………….…… 2. Conducive Policy Environment for Improved Local Governance:.………….. 3. Community empowerment: ….………………….…………..………………..……………… 4.1. Transparent and enhanced mechanism for finance and budgeting: ……………………………………………………………………………….………….… 4.2. Improve the capacity of localities to collect and manage information:…………………………………………………………………………………………..………. Operational issues: …………………………….………………………….………..………………… 1. Summary of financial status: ……………………….………………………..…………..…… 2. Procurements: ……………………….…………………………………………..…..………………… 3. Project staff: ……………………….…………..………………………………………………………… 4. Project equipment and premises: ……………….…………….…………..………………… Constraints: ……………………….……………………………………………………..………………… Tables: Table (1) Inventory List 2005 Table (2) SLGP Exit Strategy Table (3) SLGP work plan 2006 ________________________________________________________________________ SLGP APR - 05 PROJECT PERFORMANCE: CONTRIBUTION TO THE SRF GOALS: SRF GOAL: Governance: Increase use by decision-makers of sustainable human development concepts in policy formulation and implementation O U T C O M E S OU UT TC CO OM ME ES S 1- Revenue raising: Capacity of localities to generate revenue Improved U D A T E O N UPPPD DA AT TE EO ON N O U T C O M E U T C O M E OUTCOME - The adopted Policy recommendati ons revised and locality performance in revenue generation evaluated SRF SUB GOAL: Local Governance: Local authorities and organized communities including the poor are involved in planning management of development activities with human and financial support from the central government A N N U A L AN NN NU UA AL L O U T P U T U T P U T OUTPUTSSS - Target Localities revenues increased by 15 %. U D A T E O N UPPPD DA AT TE EO ON N O U T P U T S U T P U T S OUTPUTS - Policy recommendation approved by the economic committee of the State council of Ministers, and forwarded to for adoption and consideration in future policies STRATEGIC AREA OF SUPPORT: 1- Strengthening capacities of local governance to raise funds. 2- Ensure conducive policy environment for improved local governance 3- Community empowerment and participation policies 4- Transparent and enhanced mechanism for finance and budgeting, and collection and management of information. R A S O N S F REEEA AS SO ON NS S IIIF F U D A T E UPPPD DA AT TE E P P R O G R E S S PR RO OG GR RE ES SS S B E L O W T A B R G E T BE EL LO OW WT TA AR RG GE ET T P P A R T N E R S H P PA AR RT TN NE ER RS SH HIIIP P S T R A T E G I E S S ST TR RA AT TE EG GIIE ES S - Progress made was matching the targets - Fund provided by UNDP - State council of Ministers revised and approved the policy recommendations. - State Ministry of Finance trained localities revenue staff in accordance with recommendations. - The localities adapted most of the project’s recommendation as its revealed from the evaluation. R C O M M E N D A T O N S REEEC CO OM MM ME EN ND DA AT TIIIO ON NS S A N D P R O P O S E D N D P R O P O S E D AND PROPOSED A A C T O N AC CT TIIIO ON N - Policy recommendations Local resources to be revised according to the new Local Governance Act ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SLGP 3 of 44 APR - 05 O U T C O M E S OU UT TC CO OM ME ES S 2- Policy environment: Conducive policy environment for improved local governance performance ensured U D A T E O N UPPPD DA AT TE EO ON N O U T C O M E U T C O M E OUTCOME - Local governance policy recommend ations approved and adopted A N N U A L AN NN NU UA AL L O U T P U T U T P U T OUTPUTSSS - The approved policy recommendatio ns forwarded to respective authorities for to be considered U D A T E O N UPPPD DA AT TE EO ON N O U T P U T S U T P U T S OUTPUTS R A S O N S F REEEA AS SO ON NS S IIIF F U D A T E UPPPD DA AT TE E P P R O G R E S S PR RO OG GR RE ES SS S B E L O W T A B R G E T BE EL LO OW WT TA AR RG GE ET T P P A R T N E R S H P PA AR RT TN NE ER RS SH HIIIP P S T R A T E G I E S S ST TR RA AT TE EG GIIE ES S - Policy - Progress recommendations within the target adopted by Khartoum State in incorporated in state constitution and local governance act, - Policy recommendations made available to other northern state through the regional forums for state constitution and local governance act awareness process - Khartoum State economic committee thoroughly discussed and approved policy recommendations - Localities adopted the recommendations that fall under their authority R C O M M E N D A T O N S REEEC CO OM MM ME EN ND DA AT TIIIO ON NS S A N D P R O P O S E D N D P R O P O S E D AND PROPOSED A A C T O N AC CT TIIIO ON N - Policy recommendations to be revised according to CPA, State constitution and the new Local Governance Act. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SLGP 4 of 44 APR - 05 O U T C O M E S OU UT TC CO OM ME ES S 3- Community empowerment: A state-sponsored policy for increased community empowerment is in place, and community awareness and capacities to plan and participate in the management of local dev elopement increased U D A T E O N UPPPD DA AT TE EO ON N O U T C O M E OU UT TC CO OM ME E - Community of locality participated in problems identification and priority setting for their social service needs, and in identification and implementati on of pilot projects NGOs/CBOs participated in local development A N N U A L AN NN NU UA AL L O U T P U T S OU UT TP PU UT TS S - First phase of local development plan completed by participation of the community - Participatory small pilot projects implemented in three localities, U D A T E O N UPPPD DA AT TE EO ON N O U T P U T S OU UT TP PU UT TS S - The experience of East Nile locality replicated in the 6 localities where communities of these state participated in formulation of local development plans targeting marginalized groups - The New participatory small pilot projects implementation finalized. R A S O N S F REEEA AS SO ON NS S IIIF F U D A T E UPPPD DA AT TE E P P R O G R E S S PR RO OG GR RE ES SS S B E L O W T B A R G E T BE EL LO OW WT TA AR RG GE ET T P P A R T N E R S H P PA AR RT TN NE ER RS SH HIIIP P S T R A T E G I E S S ST TR RA AT TE EG GIIE ES S - The - State authorities approved policy recommendations and asked for incorporation on state constitution and local governance act. development in peace agreement process slowed down most of activities connected to State and localities. R C O M M E N D A T O N S REEEC CO OM MM ME EN ND DA AT TIIIO ON NS S A N D P R O P O S E D AN ND DP PR RO OP PO OS SE ED D A A C T O N AC CT TIIIO ON N - Put implementation of the development plans in place in all localities - Replication of Um Bada NGOs/CBOs net work in other two target localities. - Community, CBOs, NGOs participated positively in formulation of local development plans of their respective localities. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SLGP 5 of 44 APR - 05 O U T C O M E S OU UT TC CO OM ME ES S 4- 1- Finance and budgeting: Transparent and enhanced mechanism for finance and budgeting developed 4- 2- Information management: Increased capacity of localities to collect and manage information U D A T E O N UPPPD DA AT TE EO ON N O U T C O M E OU UT TC CO OM ME E A N N U A L AN NN NU UA AL L O U T P U T S OU UT TP PU UT TS S U D A T E O N UPPPD DA AT TE EO ON N O U T P U T S OU UT TP PU UT TS S R A S O N S F REEEA AS SO ON NS S IIIF F U D A T E UPPPD DA AT TE E R C O M M E N D A T O N REEEC CO OM MM ME EN ND DA AT TIIIO ON N P P R O G R E S S PR RO OG GR RE ES SS S B E L O W T B A R G E T BE EL LO OW WT TA AR RG GE ET T P P A R T N E R S H P PA AR RT TN NE ER RS SH HIIIP P S T R A T E G I E S S ST TR RA AT TE EG GIIE ES S S S S A N D P R O P O S E D AN ND DP PR RO OP PO OS SE ED D A A C T O N AC CT TIIIO ON N - Development budgeting system piloted in one locality (East Nile) - Preparation of participatory local development pan in one target locality - East Nile Locality Development plan preparation finalized. - State constitution and local governance act for Khartoum state where not finalized and effective yet. - East Nile locality committed to start implementation of its five year development plan starting year 2006. - Budgeting and financing systems to be revised after the effectiveness of the state constitution and the new local governance act - Programme budgeting system prepared and piloted in three localities - Establishment of planning, information and monitoring units in target localities - Locality staff, trained and oriented with IT and electronic application, user interface prototype applications designed tested and implemented - Khartoum locality towards of E. government applications by 2006 - Locality information centers monitored, and staff provided with additional training in web applications and communication plus English language. - The three localities are now using the established information centers for decision making in some areas - Progress within target - The Localities are willing to maximize the benefits of information centers, and to be apart of the country strategy of Egovernment initiative - SLGP continued its role in collaboration with other partners through its membership in the national E-government committee - Ensure that Planning, information and monitoring units included in the new locality structure - More training need to be made to accommodate the new developments in information and communication technology and to promote internal communication / information sharing within the locality ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SLGP 6 of 44 APR - 05 PROJECT PERFORMANCE: IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES: The main challenges experienced during implementation: 1- The Comprehensive peace agreement (CPA) that put an end to the longest civil war in Africa has been signed in the beginning of the year 2005; Followed by the preparation of the transitional national constitution, which took a long process to be effective. All this process forced the project to revise it annual work plan to cope with this rapid developments 2- The project has witnessed this year the process of the mid-evaluation, the main recommendations of the evaluation that project should consider is related to the revision of its objectives to cater for more sound national policy issues of local governances that related to Khartoum state and its localities. RATING ON PROGRESS TOWARDS RESULTS: For Outcomes: The project succeeded to maintain the progress made towards the target results during previous years and add to that the national dimension by contribution to the northern states constitutions that prepared as in accordance with Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and transitional constitution. The project also led in collaboration with other partners the process of establishing local government association at national level. The project also contributed to the assessment of capacities of the national institutions expected to lead the governance process in the county. However, Good governance principals, MDG goals were the essential cross cutting issues that emphasized by the project. In the following we will highlight some evidence that project is still in the right track heading towards SRF ends despite the challenges and constraints that experienced during the year:. 1- Improved capacity of localities to Generate Revenues: Positive results were recorded from the evaluation of the localities performance in revenue generation as a result of the project interventions, which include the increase in revenue generation, the change in the treatment of the tax payers, introduction of the new revenue sources, and enforcement of the financial and revenue legislatives, introduction of new systems including information systems in performing financial, planning and control duties. 2- Conducive Policy Environment for Improved Local Governance Ensured: SLGP policy recommendations have been approved by the authorities and forwarded to the concerned authorities for adoption and consideration, The recommendations have been one of the importation references in the process of the preparation of the state constitution and drafting of the new local governance act, furthermore, the recommendations were disseminated nation-wide through the regional forums organized as part of orientation and advocating for good governance in the process of preparation of the northern states constitutions, in addition to the preparation of the Local Governance Act model in the context of the CPA. ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 7 of 44 APR - 05 3- Increased the Community empowerment and community awareness and capacities: As a result of the project interventions and intention of replication of the good experiences the communities of target localities and non- target localities were freely expressed their views and set their priorities through the participation in preparation of three years development plans targeting the marginalized groups and poverty pockets in their respective localities. Localities staff members were trained to technically lead this process. MDGs targets were considered and incorporated in the participatory plans. 4 -1 Transparent and enhanced mechanism for finance and budgeting: The project activities concentrated during this year in follow up of the previous yeas activities in addition to the finalization of the five years participatory development plan for East Nile locality. The experience of participatory local development planning was replicated in other six localities. As a result significant budget allocations have been made to the delivery of basic services to the poor in Khartoum state. The importance of the planning units at locality level was recognized and would be in place after approval and the effectiveness of the new local governance act within the locality structure. 4.2. Increased capacity of localities to collect and manage information: The information centers established in the target localities contributed positively in providing the necessary information for decision making, reports on the situation of revenue and expenditure are now provided on regular basis (daily, weekly, and monthly). Internet communication via emails are on promotion stages. Most of the information the local plans were based on, were a result of the help ( though not as expected) provided from theses centers ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 8 of 44 APR - 05 RATING ON PROGRESS TOWARDS RESULTS: For Outputs: A Arreeaa ooff O Ouuttccoom meess M Maaiinn A Annnnuuaall iinntteennddeedd O Ouuttppuutt R Raattiinngg PPA A R T A L AR RT TIIIA AL L N O T NO OT T A C H E V E D AC CH HIIIE EV VE ED D A A C H E V E D AC CH HIIIE EV VE ED D 1- Revenue raising 2- Policy environment 3- Community empowerment 4-1 Finance and budgeting mechanism 4-2 collection and management of information - Capacities of target Localities to generate revenues enhanced and revenue increased by 15% - Local governance policy recommendations approved and adopted - Communities were expressed their views and priorities through the participatory local development plans that targeting the marginalized groups - Participatory pilot development projects implemented - Completion of East Nile locality participatory Development plan - Formulation of participatory development plans for tow localities (7 localities covered) - Establishment of planning units in target localities - Locality staff, trained to fill capacity gaps. - Monitoring of data entry and collection -Establishment of communication system by emails SOFT ASSISTANCE: Key activities of soft assistance undertaken by the project: a. In collaboration with the Ministry of Federal Governance and governments of the northern states SLGP organized four regional forums aiming to raise the awareness of policy makers at state level on formulation of state constitution in the context of Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the transitional national constitution. Local governance policy recommendations and good governance principals were highlighted through these forums. ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 9 of 44 APR - 05 b. SLGP was participated as a member in the committee that assigned to articulate Khartoum state constitution and drafts the new local governance act. In addition to the contribution through its policy recommendation that approved by state and forwarded to the committee use it as one of its references c. SLGP has contributed to the federal committee that assigned by federal Governance Ministry for formulation of Local governance Act Model for the States of the Northern Sudan. d. The project has initiated and assisted in the assessment of capacities of Ministry of Federal governance and the national training institutions working in the governance area. e. SLGP and Federal Ministry of Governance, in coordination and collaboration with Dutch Association of Municipalities (VNG) and Gedaref State have the preparation process for establishing a national association for the local governments in the Sudan. f. The project participated in the orientation and awareness training sessions for States civil servants official that organized in Wad Madani by the Federal council of Ministers, The project has presented a paper on good Governance. Proposed elements for soft assistance strategy for the next year: - The opened avenues of the cooperation with the Ministry of Federal Governance to disseminate the good experiences and results achieved by the SLGP could be developed national wide. A among the good examples was what have been provided to the northern states to articulate the state Constitutions within the context of the CPA. The difference in the quality of constitutions between the states that benefited from the awareness forums and that states (Dar Fur State) SLGP and MFG failed to organize the forum from them due to the inconvenient conditions for these states reasons. This fact is recorded according to the statement made by a national professional in constitutions. However, SLGP achieved results and experiences could be extended to the southern states. SLGP experiences were different from others where good governance principals, MDGs, gender and environment dimensions where married to local and state governance. - The Local governance policy recommendations are considered one of the great SLGP achieved result during last three year. This could be the starting point to the new State Ministry of local governance in Khartoum and other state. SLGP could play a good role on leading the discussions and debates on how theses policy recommendations could be materialized. ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 10 of 44 APR - 05 LESSONS LEARNED: The performance of SLGP in 2005 was below the expectation of the project management and staff, the reason mainly would be attributed to unfavorable working environment, There was instability in country office personnel who got in charge of SLGP each one came with his/her own perspectives, therefore, the project work plan was revised four times, the localities were in a transitional status a new act, new state constitution , thus most of the new activities were postponed, without conducive environment targets can not be achieved. PREPARED BY: ………………………………… EL FATIH A. ABDELL RAHAMAN NATIONAL PROJECT MANAGE ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 11 of 44 APR - 05 APR – Annexes ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 12 of 44 APR - 05 SUPPORT TO LOCAL GOVERNANCE PROJECT The project Performance for 2005 Introduction: The year 2005 considered an important point in the project life it witnessed several developments at national level as well as the project level, thus this year represent the third year of the project implementation therefore the mid-term evaluation has been a mandatory, this year also witnessed the signature of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) that put an end to the longest civil war in Africa. In addition to other factors both the mid-term evaluation and the CPA have affected the project activities and its performance. The project work plan has been revised four times trying to accommodate the continuous developments. The mid-term evaluation resulted that the project should address governances issues that can result in change at national level, because most of governance policies of national or state nature. Thus project activities should be directed towards this direction. CPA has made at turning point on the country structure change governing constitutions and legislations. The project management has tried to accommodate all these developments therefore the project implemented new activities with national dimensions such as contribution in state constitutions, preparation of national model for local governors act, establishment of local government associations, assessment the capacities of national governance training institutions, and Ministry of Federal Governance and many other activities in addition to the locality related activities. This year the project also witness instability in its funding 30% of the project budget has been utilized for other purposes in addition to that the subsequent changing the project work plan was made difficult to trace the project delivery in physical or financial terms. Due to the above conditions the project performance has badly affected and it was below the project management expectations. Prior to the preparation of the year 2006 work plan the project has prepared an exit strategy that aimed to sustain and consolidate the positive achievements particularly under the targeted localities. Thus the 2006 work plan is a reflection to this strategy. We will highlight and discuss in the following main activities performed by the project during the year 2005. The original and the revised work plans for 2005 are attached. ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 13 of 44 APR - 05 1- Improved capacity of localities to generate revenue: The project activities concentrated in the area of revenue raising on reviewing and consolidating of adopted recommended revenue policies, follow up and evaluation of performance of target localities, an evaluation process to the capacities of target localities have been performed after the implementation of the planned interventions.. The evaluation covers the application of the knowledge learnt, skills gained, the initiatives made, the improvement in revenue policies, and the achievements made. The improvement that observed covered different areas such as establishment of revenue information unit, preparation of revenue records, review all revenue sources, and prepare baseline data for locality population and services, vertical and horizontal expansion of revenue sources. Additional training for revenue staff at state and local levels, and enforcement of the financial and revenue legislations. The indicators recorded for improvement include, increase in the revenue generation rate which attributed to introduction of new sources of revenue and utilization of the neglected sources, improve the treatment and cooperation with tax payers, Improvement in financial report preparation, decision making and forecasting of future of the revenue and the expected changes, introduction of new systems including information systems in performing financial, planning and control duties, and he improvement of the legislative aspects of the revenue. 2- Conducive policy environment for improved local governance: The project has continued the follow up of approval and adoption of local governance policy recommendations by Khartoum State, the State ministerial economic committee has approved most of the recommendations, and asked the Minister of finance as chairperson to forward that to the state committee (SLGP was represented) that formed to articulate the state continuation and draft the new local governance act, that was in line with the new development after the signature of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. (CPA). After the effectiveness of CPA and in accordance with the project mid-termed evaluation recommendations the project work plan has been revised to cope with these developments, accordingly, SLGP local governance policy recommendations were disseminated nation-wide through organization of regional forums in collaboration with Ministry of Federal Governance as part of orientation and advocating for good governance within the efforts for preparation of Northern States constitutions. The Northern states (excluding Khartoum state) have been grouped into five regions, East, North, Dar fur, Kordofan, and central. Four forums were successfully conducted in collaboration of with the respective states in Wad Madani, Gedarif, El Damir, and El Obeid for central, Eastern, Northern, and Kordofan regions respectively. It was not possible to organize Dar four region forum due to several inconveniences. Thus 12 states participated, total number participants was 450 person (out of them 120 females) governance stakeholders at national and local levels participated in the forums. . ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 14 of 44 APR - 05 As mentioned later SLGP has positively contributed through its policy recommendations and the membership in formulation of Khartoum state draft constitution, local governance Act, and horizontal and vertical relations of state governance levels according to CPA protocols SLGP also participated in the federal committee that was assigned by federal governance Ministry for formulation of Local governance Act Model for the northern states of the Sudan, and participated in the national workshop that was organized by the committee, which was addressed by the federal Minister of Federal Governance to discuss the draft Model of the Local Governance Act. SLGP has initiated in collaboration with counterpart institutions to assess the capacities of both Ministry of Federal governance and Governance national training institutions capacities. National independent qualified teams of consultants were hired to conduct the assessment; the two teams have submitted the draft final report which will be discussed in separate workshops that would be organized by the project in coordination with respective partners by the beginning of year the 2006. 3- Increased Community empowerment and community awareness and capacities: The project replicated the experience of participatory multi-year local development planning for East Nile locality in the other Khartoum state localities including the nontarget localities. Three years participatory development plans targeting the marginalized groups and poverty pockets in the localities were prepared with heavy involvement of target communities and locality staff. 37 member staff of seven localities trained to lead the plan preparation and to be the core for proposed planning, information and monitoring unit in each locality according the new local governance act. A professional consultancy firm was contracted to assist in the plans preparation. The draft plans were finalized for each locality and will be presented to participatory planning workshop to discuss them and come out with combined Khartoum State plan targeting the marginalized groups and poverty pockets within the localities. 4 -1 Transparent and enhanced mechanism for finance and budgeting: The project activities concentrated during this year in follow up of the previous yeas activities in addition to the finalization of the five years participatory development plan for East Nile locality which has been operational as from the beginning of 2006. The planning information and the monitoring units that were planed to be established during 2005 work plan were not established, the new local governance act that expected to be effectives during the year is still under preparation because it connected with the state Constitution. (Khartoum state is still not yet finalized the approval of the constitution and formation of the new governments and localities. 4-2 Improve the capacity of localities to collect and manage information: Three information centers that established and rehabilitated by the project where operating in the three target localities, the monitoring and mentoring process has continued from the project side. 12 staff members of these centers were trained on ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 15 of 44 APR - 05 communication and English Language in collaboration with British Educational Institutes in Khartoum. 5- Other outputs:: 5-1 of small Pilot Projects: The project continued follow up and monitoring of the implemented pilot projects during previous years and the projects under implementation, the status of the last group of pilot projects is as follows: 1- El Nahda Women Society pilot project in East Nile Locality has been implemented and opened during 2005, the center now performing its assignment on promoting women skills. 2- East Nile Locality celebrated the launch of the Poor Rural Families Livelihoods Improvement Project in July 2005. The three development committees of targeted communities namely, Abu deleig , Ed-babiker and Isailat villages were provided with equipments ,tools and other training inputs. The Commissioner, popular leaders and SLGP manager addressed the participants who vowed to sustain and coordinate social centers activities with the specialized locality departments. Its worth mentioning that SLGP contribution in the project amounts to 30,000 USD which is about 45% of the total initial cost. The project is endorsed within the locality budget and a technical committee representing specialized locality units formed for arranging these centers programmes. It is the first time in which the technical departments unite their efforts and involve in popular activities at the grass-root level. 4- Bier El Sahla rural water station project in Um bada locality is installed and handed over the community who managing it under the supervision of the locality. 4- Pilot projects of Khartoum locality: The two pilot projects of Khartoum locality namely the Arkaweet comprehensive cultural center and El Lamab child capacity development, that their implementation stared in last quarter of 2004 are still not finalized, the two projects were involved in heavy civil works including some fabricated ready made parts to be imported from Turkey for the Arkaweet center. They are expected to be finalized during 2006. 5-2 Other Activities: SLGP has implemented the following activities which some of them were not included in its work plan but performed aiming at enhancing and building the partnerships with other cooperation agencies: 1- SLGP Mid-Term Evaluation has been conducted during January 2005 by independent team composed of national and expatriate consultants. The findings of evaluation have been presented to a workshop organized at UNDP country office an attended by different local, state, and national stakeholders. However, the main finding of the evaluation that some policy issues were difficult to affect on them at the local level thus it should be addressed at national level. ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 16 of 44 APR - 05 2- The project has organized first Annual Project Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting in February, The meeting that chaired by the State Minister of Finance and attended by other members, I.E MIC, Commissioners of target locality and local legislatives councils, State Local governance administration, community representatives and NGOS, the meeting discussed the project performance in 2004 and approved the project work plan for 2005. 3- SLGP has received Mr. Ronald McGill Senior Technical Adviser, UNCDF Local Development Unit and organized a seminar attended by all local governors stakeholders, the advisers experiences and prospective for local governance in the context of CPA particularly for the southern state where presented and discussed. 4- SLGP and Federal Ministry of Governance have joined the efforts of Dutch Association of Municipalities (VNG) and Gedaref State on leading the efforts of the establishment of National Association of Local governments. The project has hosted and organized all preparatory works for the workshop that was organized in September in Gedaref State for the orientation of the local authorities of the other state and agree on action plan for the established of the association. The outcome of the workshop were the full acceptance and the support of the idea, agreement on action plan, and formation of preparatory committee to follow up and prepare for organization of a national conference to be attended by representatives of all local government in Sudan to deiced on type and the constitution of the proposed association. However, the conference would be held after the issuance of local government act by all states and formation of local governance institutions. UNDP represented by the project and Association of Dutch Municipalities were act as facilitators and observers 5- The project participated in the orientation and awareness training sessions for States civil servants official on Good governance that was organized in Wad Madani by the Federal council of Ministers, The project presented a paper on good Governance principals. 6- SLGP has participated in many other occasions at local, state and national level where good governance and MDGs were incorporated particularly in participatory planning at local level, and training of local staff, SLGP also highlighted the MDGs at the national Forums. 7- SLGP will terminate its activities by mid 2006; accordingly, the project developed and exit strategy (attached), that translated in the 6 months work plan (attached). The objectives of the strategy include, the completion and consolidation of the incomplete activities that necessary for future sustainability of the project out comes, advocate and disseminate the new development on local governance system that resulted from CPA and the new local governance act, and filling of the necessary skill and capacity gaps in areas of development planning, information centers and other targeted areas. Operational issues: 1. Summary of financial status: ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 17 of 44 APR - 05 The total budget for the 2005 was USD 488,000, this amount was not fully disbursed or spent on project activities. Some fund were transferred to other projects and activities by the country office, in addition to that the project work plan has been revised four times during the year, therefore it was difficult to calculate the actual status of the project delivery for year 2005. 2. Procurements: No new procurement for non-expendable equipments or items made during this year. 3. Project staff: Changes have taken place to project staff structure during the year: a. Mr. Fadi Atabani the project Assistant resigned from the project in June. b. Mr. Ismail Mohamed Ali and Mr. Tag El Din Abdalla the project drivers have both transferred to other projects during the year. c. Mr. Tabulu the project guard has also resigned from his job and joined WFP. 4. Project equipment and premises: The project vehicles were operating satisfactorily in terms of fuel consumption and general performance year. Two of the project new vehicles Toyota Land cruiser Wagon and Saba Saiba Saloon were transferred to Women in politics and Port Sudan local governance projects respectively. Furthermore, the remaining two new Toyota Land cruiser Wagons would be transferred to other projects in January 2006 according to the request of country office, The project other equipment, generator, photocopier machine, the computers and printers were also satisfactorily operating. 5- Constraints: The project implementation during 2005 was faced by different in favorable conditions that force the project performance to be below the expectation of the project staff and management, despite the great contribution made by the project in preparation of State constitutions and other CPA related efforts, However most of these problems were out of the control of project. Constraints can be listed as follows: a. Peace Agreement took long time to be effective. Consequently the state constitutions and local governance acts took a long time to be finalized. However, for Khartoum State as of January 2006 it was not approved yet. b. The project work plan has been revised for times during the year. c. Programme officers whom the project was under their portfolio at country office were changed several times during the year, each one came with her/his own prospective which was reflected in the frequent revisions and amendments of the project work plan, in addition to other factors referred to. ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 18 of 44 APR - 05 Inventory ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 19 of 44 APR - 05 Project Inventory Table (1) Local Governance Project (00014861) No. Description Serial No, Delivery date Condition Location UNDP Coding 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 Compaq CPU P4/Mouse/Keyboard Compaq 17” Monitor HP Laser Jet Printer 1000 + Cable Siemens CPU P4/Mouse/KB/Modem Siemens CPU P4/Mouse/KB/Modem Siemens CPU P4/Mouse/KB/Modem Siemens CPU P4/Mouse/KB/Modem Siemens 17” Monitor Siemens 17” Monitor Siemens 17” Monitor Siemens 15” Monitor UPS Powerware 5115 UPS Powerware 5115 5 KAL Flip Charts 6S29LB5ZM0P2 223CS43AA283 406382 YBSK016155 YBSK016116 YBSK016134 YBSK016151 YEPF567751 YERG566164 YERG548321 YEPF588199 UT474A0669 UT474A0688 NA Oct 2002 Oct 2002 Oct 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good 15 4 Cork Notice Boards 60x90 NA June 2003 Good 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Whiteboard 120x240 Sharp SF-2540 Plain Paper Copier Panasonic Fax Machine KX-FPC95 Panasonic Switching System KX-T206 Panasonic Telephone KX-T7030X Panasonic Telephones KX-TS3MX Panasonic Telephones KX-TS3MX Panasonic Telephones KX-TS3MX Compaq N1020V Laptop P4 NA 587496 1LAFA007836 587496 1GAVI456281 2CBFB446585 2CBFB446590 2CBFB446587 9X31LDLZ32P3 June 2003 Jan 2003 July 2003 Jan 2003 Jan 2003 Jan 2003 Jan 2003 Jan 2003 Mar 2003 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Proj Asst Office Proj Asst Office M&E Office NPM Office M&E Office Secretary Office IMS Office NPM Office Secretary Office M&E Office M&E Office PA Office M&E Office Office Hallway M&E Office NPM Office Storeroom Storeroom NPM Office IMS Office Proj Asst Office M&E Office Conference Room Office Hallway Secretary Office Office Hallway Secretary Office M&E Office NPM Office Guards Office IMS Analyst SLGP04-BT2000-PA-001 SLGP04-BT2000-PA-002 SLGP04-BT2000-ME-001 SLGP04-BT2000-SR-003 SLGP04-BT2000-PO-001 SLGP04-BT2000-ME-002 SLGP04-BT2000-SR-004 SLGP04-BT2000-NPM-002 SLGP04-BT2000-PS-002 SLGP04-BT2000-ME-003 SLGP04-BT2000-UNV-002 SLGP04-BT3300-PA-001 SLGP04-BT3300-ME-001 SLGP04-AS240-PA-001 SLGP04-AS240-ME-001 SLGP04-AS240-CR-001 SLGP04-AS240-NPM-001 SLGP04-AS240-PS-001 SLGP04-AS240-PA-002 SLGP04-AS240-ME-002 SLGP04-AS240-NPM-002 SLGP04-AS240-UNV-001 SLGP04-AS240-CR-002 SLGP04-BR900-PS-001 SLGP04-BT7200-PA-001 SLGP04-BT7200-UNV-001 SLGP04-BT7200-PS-001 SLGP04-BT7200-ME-001 SLGP04-BT7200-UNV-002 SLGP04-BT7200-PO-001 SLGP04-BT2000-IMS-001 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SLGP 05 20 of 44 APR - No. Description Serial No, Delivery date Condition Location UNDP Coding 25 Toyota Landcruiser Wagon 2003 Dec 2002 Good Mohd Abdalla SLGP04-BTR2400-DR2-001 26 Toyota Landcruiser Wagon 2003 Dec 2002 Good Hamid Tiha SLGP04-BTR2400-DR1-001 27 28 29 Toyota Hilux Double Cabin Toyota Landcruiser Prado 2 Pairs Desktop Stereo Speakers JTECB01J10100904 9 JTECB01J10100903 8 16069 5263 1996 1998 Mar 2003 Good Good Good 30 31 32 33 HP Laser Jet Printer 1200 + Cable HP Laser Jet Printer 1200 + Cable HP Laser Jet Printer 1200 + Cable FG Wilson Generator 17.5KVa Silent May 2003 May 2003 May 2003 Aug 2003 Good Good Good Good SLGP04-BTR2400-DR4-001 SLGP04-BTR2400-DR5-001 SLGP04-BT6100-PO-001 SLGP04-BT6100-ME-001 SLGP04-BT2000-PA-003 SLGP04-BT2000-PS-003 SLGP04-BT2000-SR-011 SLGP04-BM3080-PE-002 34 Daewoo Air Condition Window Type 18 BTU Daewoo Air Condition Window Type 18 BTU 2631262 2724571 2630110 FGWLISOIEAOA793 7 NA Samir Osman UNDP compound Secretary Office M&E Office Secretary Office IMS Office Proj Asst Office Project Exterior Aug 2003 Good M&E Office SLGP04-BM30-PA-001 NA Aug 2003 Good Proj Asst Office SLGP04-BM30-ME-001 NA Aug 2003 Good GPC Office SLGP04-BM30-SR-001 37 38 Daewoo Air Condition Split Outdoor Unit Type 17.1 BTU Lamo Drinking Water Cooler 5 Secretarial Desks NA NA Aug 2003 Aug 2003 Good Good 39 5 Secretarial Chairs NA Aug 2003 Good Office Hallway Proj Assistant IMS Analyst Secretary Planning Officer GPC Proj Assistant IMS Analyst Secretary Planning Officer GPC SLGP04-BM1100-PS-001 SLGP04-AO5500-PO-001 SLGP04-AO5500-PS-001 SLGP04-AO5500-IMS-001 SLGP04-AO5500-PA-001 SLGP04-AO5500-SR-001 SLGP04-AO2000-PO-001 SLGP04-AO5500-PS-001 SLGP04-AO5500-IMS-001 SLGP04-AO5500-PA-001 SLGP04-AO5500-CR-001 36 36 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SLGP 05 21 of 44 APR - No. Description Serial No, 40 41 42 Changeover Switch German 63A Nokia 2100 Mobile Phone Nokia 2100 Mobile Phone 351522/00/231484/5 351522/00/231759/0 43 44 45 46 Nokia 2100 Mobile Phone Nokia 2100 Mobile Phone HP Scan Jet 4570C Dell Laptop Latitude C640 P4 47 48 49 Calculator Citizen SDC-9790 Calculator DS-528L Wall Clock 351522/00/231432/4 351522/00/231264/1 CN33ST60B3 CN-04P240-486432CA-0715 020102 NA NA 50 Wall Clock NA 51 Wall Clock NA 52 Wall Clock NA 53 Wall Clock NA 54 55 56 57 58 59 Panasonic Telephone KX-TS500MXW HP Scanjet Colour Printer 1220C Flash Disk 256MB LG Flash Disk 256MB LG Flash Disk 256MB LG D-Link Wireless Access Point DWL-900AP+ Wireless USB Network Adapter 2.4GHz HP Photosmart 435 Digital Camera 3.1 MP 5x Zoom (with 64MB SD Memory Card) 3HCFA133536 CN42L850K8 None None None BN12538010869 60 61 NA CN3AR9112V Faulty camera replaced with CN3AQ910BO Delivery date Condition Location UNDP Coding Aug 2003 Aug 2003 Aug 2003 Good Good Good SLGP04-BM3080-PS-001 SLGP04-BT9230-DR1-001 SLGP04-BT9230-DR2-001 Aug 2003 Aug 2003 Sept 2003 September 2003 Nov 2002 May 2003 November 2002 November 2002 November 2002 November 2002 November 2002 July 2004 July 2004 July 2004 July 2004 July 2004 2004 Good Good Good Good Kitchen Tageldin Abdalla Mohd Abdalla (WIPP Project) Samir Osman El Fatih Ahmed Proj Asst Office M&E Officer Good Good Good Proj Asst Office M&E Office Proj Asst Office SLGP04-BO310-PA-001 SLGP04-BO310-ME-001 SLGP04-BM910-PA-001 Good Secretary Office SLGP04-BM910-PS001 Good GPC Office SLGP04-BM910-CR-001 Good M&E Office SLGP04-BM910-ME-001 Good NPM Office SLGP04-BM910-NPM-001 Good Good Good Good Good Good IMS Office Storeroom Project Assistant IMS Office M&E Officer Office Hallway SLGP04-BT7200-IMS-001 SLGP04-BT2000-PA-005 SLGP04-BT2000-ME-004 SLGP04-BT2000-IMS002 SLGP04-BT2000-ME-005 SLGP04-BT7200-HW001 2004 July 2004 Good Good IMS Office M&E Officer SLGP04-BT7200-IMS-002 SLGP04-BP3940-ME-001 SLGP04-BT9230-DR4-001 SLGP04-BT9230-PS-001 SLGP04-BT2000-PA-004 SLGP04-BT2000-CR-012 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SLGP 05 22 of 44 APR - 62 Description 63 64 66 Orient Table Fan Siemens CPU P4/Mouse/KB/Modem (inc 2.4 GHz Data Link Wireless PCI Adapter DWL-520+) Siemens CPU P4/Mouse/KB/Modem (inc 2.4 GHz Data Link Wireless PCI Adapter DWL-520+) Siemens CPU P4/Mouse/KB/Modem 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 65 Serial No, Delivery date Condition Location UNDP Coding YBSK016146 Oct 2004 Dec 2002 Good Good Guards Room M&E Office SLGP04-BM1900-GU-001 SLGP04-BT2000-PS-001 YBSK016138 Dec 2002 Good Room 5 SLGP04-BT2000-UNV-001 YBSK016122 Dec 2002 Good Storeroom SLGP04-BT2000-SR-003 Siemens CPU P4/Mouse/KB/Modem Siemens 17” Monitor Siemens 15” Monitor Siemens 15” Monitor Siemens 15” Monitor UPS Powerware 5115 UPS Powerware 5115 UPS Powerware 5115 UPS Powerware 5115 UPS Powerware 5115 UPS Powerware 5115 UPS Powerware 5115 UPS Powerware 5115 Panasonic Telephones KX-TS3MX UNIK 22 UTA ISDN Network Term D-Link Ethernet Switch DES-1008 D-Link Ascend ISDN Router YBSK002263 YERG566461 YERG588212 YEPF588210 YEPF588215 UT474A0668 UT474A0691 UT474A0696 UT474A0684 UT474A0697 UT474A0687 UT474A0680 UT474A0683 2CBFB446586 01363898 B21K432004934 BE03131002922 (old serial # of faulty device 8508539) Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Dec 2002 Jan 2003 Mar 2003 Mar 2003 Mar 2003 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Storeroom IMS Analyst Room 5 Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom SLGP04-BT2000-SR-004 SLGP04-BT2000-SR-006 SLGP04-BT2000-SR-009 SLGP04-BT2000-PO-002 SLGP04-BT2000-SR-008 SLGP04-BT3300-SR-001 SLGP04-BT3300-SR-002 SLGP04-BT3300-PS-001 SLGP04-BT3300-UNV-001 SLGP04-BT3300-SR-003 SLGP04-BT3300-NPM-001 SLGP04-BT3300-SR-004 SLGP04-BT3300-SR-005 SLGP04-BT7200-PA-002 SLGP04-BT7200-UNV-003 SLGP04-BT7200-UNV-004 SLGP04-BT7200-UNV-005 D-Link PCI Cardbus Adapter DWL650+ 1 Cork Notice Board 60x90 2 Pairs Desktop Stereo Speakers BN0W43B008393 NA NA Feb 2004 June 2003 Nov 2002 Good Good Good Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom SLGP04-BT7200-SR-001 SLGP04-AS240-PS-002 SLGP04-BT6100-UNV-001 SLGP04-BT6100-PS-001 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SLGP 05 23 of 44 APR - No. Description Serial No, Delivery date Condition Location UNDP Coding 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 HP Laser Jet Printer 1200 Nokia 2100 Mobile Phone Sony Data Projector VPL – CX5 Tiger 950V Generator Motorola GP340 Radio with battery Motorola GP340 Radio with battery Motorola Radio Charger HTN900B Motorola Radio Charger HTN900B Motorola Spare Battery Motorola Spare Battery Panasonic Telephone KX-TS500MXW MS Office XP Software 2694651 351522/00/231519/8 4020513 NA 672TEE9186 672TEE9189 4012PDN08 4043PDQ08 NA NA 3HCFA133535 001BD329027X10072 1 May 2003 Agt 2003 Sept 2003 Oct 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Room 5 Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Project Assistant Guards Room Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom Storeroom IMS Analyst SLGP04-BT2000-UNV-03 SLGP04-BT9230-DR3-001 SLGP04-BP26000-CR-001 SLGP04-BM3080-SR-001 SLGP04-BT9230-SR-001 SLGP04-BT9230-SR-002 SLGP04-BT9230-SR-003 SLGP04-BT9230-SR-004 SLGP04-BT9230-SR-005 SLGP04-BT9230-SR-006 SLGP04-BT7200-PA-002 SLGP04-BT2000-SR-010 99 MS Office XP Software 2004 Good Storeroom SLGP04-BT2000-SR-011 100 MS Office XP Software 2004 Good Storeroom SLGP04-BT2000-SR-012 101 MS Office XP Software 2004 Good Storeroom SLGP04-BT2000-SR-013 102 MS Project Software 2004 Good Storeroom SLGP04-BT2000-SR-014 103 Projector Screen 180x180 001BC345281X10036 2 001BC345281X10032 7 001BC345281X10111 8 001BD322008X10146 7 NA 2004 Good Storeroom SLGP04-BT29700-SR-001 Prepared by the Project Assistant Certified by the NPM ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SLGP 05 24 of 44 APR - Exit Strategy ________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ SLGP 25 of 44 APR - 05 Table (2) United Nations Development Programme Support to Local Governance Project (SLGP) Exit Strategy 2002 - 2006 Expected Outcomes and outputs: 1/ Improved capacity of localities to generate revenue: 1-1 Revenue policy recommendations issued, approved and adopted 1-2 Revenue in target localities increased by 5% by year 2, and 10% by year 3, and 15% by year 4 Achieved outputs - Assessment of Local Revenue Exiting Laws and Policies - 55 target locality staff participated in local revenue raising and upgrading workshop. Indicators Status of achieved outcomes - Report on revenue policy recommendations issued. - Economic Committee of Khartoum approved the revenue policy recommendations. - Locality revenue resources increased horizontally. - Means of revenue collection in target localities improved and have been more human. - Revenue sources to be specified to local governance according to the new local governance act need more elaboration and avenues of dialogue and mutual understanding need to be opened between the state and localities. - 36 locality Staff trained internally and abroad in locality revenue rising. - Revenue in target localities - Performance evaluation increased by more that 40%, a report produced. considerable proportion could be attributed to project interventions. 26 Required sustainability measures if any - Task force composed of representatives of localities executives and councilors, state finance staff and state legislative councilors to study all possible opportunities to promote revenue sources specified and potential for localities. - Establish/promote the existing Revenue administration at state ministry of finance to promote revenue at locality level. Expected Outcomes and outputs: Outcomes 2: Conducive Policy Environment for improved local governance performance ensured: Achieved outputs - Local Governance Policies and Legislations assessed and policy recommendation report issued - 37 local council 2-1 Local governance existing members trained on Local policies and legislations Governance Policies and revised recommendations Legislations and their issued and adopted performance evaluated. 2-2 Piloting of approved - 110 attended policies assessed workshops and seminars 2-3 Organizational structure, on Local governance Job description and policies and legislations performance appraisal system - Post Training (PAS) for local Governments Evaluation Forum for prepared and adopted Localities councillors - Assessment of Khartoum State policy towards informal sector - 21 localities police, health and administrative officers trained on Indicators Status of achieved outcomes Required sustainability measures if any - Policy recommendations issued and approved by Khartoum State Ministerial Economic committee. - The approved policy recommendations incorporated in new local governance act for Khartoum State localities (SLGP participated in the State level committee formed for this purpose). - New locality organizational structure and human resource management system were recommended. - The new introduced local governance policies need to be disseminated at both state and local levels. - The recommended organizational structure human resource management system for localities were not applied due to the change of local governance act. - Locality and concerned state staff members and councilors need to be refreshed with the new local governance policies and legislations. - The recommended organizational structure and human resource management system for localities need to be revised according to the new local governance act. - Create state entity to work as mechanism to adopt local governance policy recommendations, exchange and disseminate SLGP experiences and lessons learnt. - Initiate state localities platform to unite Khartoum state localities common interest and to advocate for future national localities association. 27 - Lack State level entity to adopt local governance recommendation and to disseminate the achieved experiences and lessons Informal sector organization and safeguarding public order 60 participants attended workshop on Khartoum State policy towards informal sector - Transparency & accountability in Khartoum state and localities governance system assessed and report issued. - 154 participants attended workshops and seminars on transparency & accountability at federal level and Khartoum state and locality levels. - Locality organizational structures and management of 28 Expected Outcomes and outputs: Outcomes 2: Cont… Achieved outputs Indicators human resource reviewed and practical structure recommended. - 45 locality staff members participated in Organizational structures for local governments' workshop 28 Locality staff members trained Organizational structures and management of human resource. - Preparation of Khartoum state local governance act as part of State constitution 29 Status of achieved outcomes Required sustainability measures if any Expected Outcomes and outputs: Outcomes 3: a- A statesponsored policy for increased community empowerment is in place and b- community awareness and capacities to plan and participate in the management of local development increased: 3-1 Community organizations, NGOs and other grass-root organizations role and participation studied 3-2 Participatory development action plan formulated 3-3 50% of target groups provided with essential knowledge and information Achieved outputs Indicators Status of achieved outcomes Required sustainability measures if any - 18 target localities staff members trained on Data collection and analysis, - 57 community representatives participated in Participatory Planning Workshop as part of Baseline survey component, Baseline Survey for Target Localities report produced. - 23 of one locality trained on Participatory Muli-year local development Plan formulation. - 37 participated in Multi- Year participatory Development plans for Khartoum state localities marginalized groups. - Key local community and staff members in target localities trained and participated on data collection, analysis, and planning. - Community in selected areas in all Khartoum state in addition to staff members trained and participated in locality multi-year development plan. - Well designed community based small pilot projects implemented in collaboration between the community and localities. - Locality administration, legislative councils and communities need to be brought closer through a joint interaction, in order to create more confidence and cooperative communities in dealing with locality administration. - Community leaders need training in participatory Monitoring and evaluation. - Conduct participatory awareness programmes and meetings in roles of the locality towards the community, and the community towards the locality and community members. - Conduct participatory monitoring and evaluation training programmes for local councilors and key community members. 30 through seminars, workshops and media publicity campaigns 3-4 Communities in target localities strongly linked with locality administration and all information and Expected Outcomes and outputs: Outcomes 4: - 7 small pilot projects implemented. - One target locality NGOs and CBOs organized in a forum 46 of the members trained and resource center established and network and Web site established. 150 participated in the forum - 1610 Community members participated in HIV/AIDS awareness seminars - 552 community members participated in 25 Community Empowerment sessions. - Cooperation and coordination materialized between NGOs, CBOs in Um Bada locality as model. NGOs and CBOs were linked in resource centre and web site. - Key Community leaders in target localities gained knowledge in HIV/AIDS, and gained skill in project proposal preparation and budgeting. Achieved outputs Indicators - Local Governance - Old Local governance 31 Status of achieved outcomes Required sustainability measures if any - No change expected - Conduct training to locality Transparent and enhanced mechanism for finance and budgeting developed and increased capacity of localities to collect and mange information: 4-1-1 Efficient finance and budget system piloted in one locality and assessed for effectiveness 4-1-2 Training plan prepared 4-2-1 Sustainable management information system operational 4-2-2 Sustainable MIS and finance and budgeting system fully Planning and Budgeting system assessed and report issued. - 29 locality staff members trained Preparation of current and development budget - 41 local governance stakeholders participated in Local Governance development planning and financial systems - 35 local governance stake holder attended Local Development Planning orientation session budgeting system is still exist. Some improvements observed. - All Khartoum state localities have multi-year development plans. - No separate planning, information and monitoring units exist in locality established within the locality organizational structure in Khartoum State. - Report on Assessment of Information Management System of target Localities -ICT Awareness in better business process among locality 32 to be occurred to the Local governance budgeting system due to the linkage with the overall state and country budgeting system. - The improvement could be made in the implementation and reporting system. - Khartoum state localities need to be empowered in the area of development plans implementation. - No separate planning, information and monitoring units established within the locality organizational structure in Khartoum State. - Two out of the three (Khartoum and Um Bada) established financial and budgeting units on budget implementation, recording, monitoring and reporting. - Establishment of planning, information and monitoring units in localities, and provide necessary technical assistance and training for staff in order to take the responsibility of implementation of the development plans, and to lead the future planning process at locality and community level - Promoting Internal Communication and information sharing within the designated operational produced - 33 locality staff members trained in Computing and Information Management system - Establishment of three information centres in t. localities - 35 staff members of target localities participated in Role of IT for management development at local level workshop - Communication and English Language Training for 12 information Centres cadres other Outcomes and outputs: Outcomes 5: Local governance principals and good experiences Achieved outputs - Organization of 4 regional forums formulation of Northern state constitutions attended 12 staff/councillors is increased -Information centres is helping in decision making support by availing informant reports in revenue/expenditure. -Staff competency in application support/development is increased information centres are locality. functioning and progressing as planed. The third (East Nile) still need some work particularly from the side of the locality administration Indicators - Good local governance was one of three major issues discussed and 33 Status of achieved outcomes - Required sustainability measures if any - and lessons disseminated at national level through active involvement of SLGP materializing the CPA development on good local governance State represented by 450 stakeholders. - National workshop for preparation for establishment of national local governments association in Sudan attended by 50 participants - Capacity Assessment to Ministry Federal Governance finalizes. - Capacity Assessment to Governance Training institutions finalized. recommended for in the four forums. - National preparatory committee was formed to prepare for national conference for local government all over the country to deicide on the association. - - The Work of the Preparatory committee need to be organized and coordinated in collaboration with Ministry of Federal governance. - - - 34 - The proposed Khartoum state localities platform with curry out the job of the coordination and the kink with local government association preparatory committee. - 2006 Work Plan 35 Table (3) United Nations Development Programme Sudan Year: 2006 (Jan - June): Project ID: 00014861 Project Title: Support to Local Governance Timeframe Proj.ID Expected Output Key Activities Resp o. Partn Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 er Planned Budget Fund Donor Budget Amount Description USD Project Management and Coordination: 1-1 Salaries X X SLGP 4000 UNDP 71400 Service contract ind 60,000 1-2 Gasoline/Vehicle Maintenance X X SLGP 4000 UNDP 73400 Maintenance Operation of transportation 2,500 1-3 Photocopier/ Office equipment Maintenance X X SLGP 4000 UNDP 73400 Maintenance Operation of transportation 500 X X SLGP 4000 UNDP 72400 Land tel. Charges 300 X X SLGP 4000 UNDP 72400 Mobile tel. Charges 100 X X SLGP 4000 UNDP 74500 Sundry 500 X SLGP 4000 UNDP 72400 X SLGP 4000 UNDP 72500 1-4 Landline Tel. charges 1-5 Mobile phone top up 1-6 Petty cash/Water 1-9Internet 1-10 Stationary 36 Connectivity charges Stationary and other o. supplies 590 1,000 1-11 Documentation and reporting 1-12 Project Evaluation 1 X SLGP 4000 UNDP 74200 Print and Publication 2,000 X SLGP 4000 UNDP 72400 Promotional Material 5,000 72,490 Sub-total 37 Timeframe Proj.ID Expected Output Key Activities 2- Revenue raising and Policy Environment: 2.1. Capacities of 2-1 Revenue raising: localities to generate 2.1.2 In 38ouncillors38 revenues increased by with revenue administration at state 25% in transparent, ministry of finance efficient and just promote revenue / manner 2.2. Conducive policy environment for improved local governance performance ensured expenditure adminstrarions at targert localities. 2.2.1. Conduct training workshop to refresh Locality and concerned state staff members and 38ouncillors with the new local governance policies and legislations. 2.2.2 Promote/ create state entity to work as mechanism to adopt local governance policy recommendations, exchange and disseminate SLGP experiences and lessons learnt. Resp o. Partn Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 er X Planned Budget Fund Donor Budget Amount Description State SLGP 4000 UNDP 72100 Training USD 3,500 X X X State Locali ty SLGP 4000 UNDP 72100 Training X X State Locali ty SLGP 4000 UNDP 71300 Local Consultant 38 2,700 5000 2.1.3 Revise and help establish organizational structures and human resource management systems for target localities according to the new local governance act Sub total State Locali ty SLGP X 4000 UNDP 71300 Local consultant 5,000 16,200 2 39 Proj.ID Expected Output 3. Community empowerment: 3-1 Community organizations, NGOs and other grass-root organizations role and participation studied Key Activities Resp o. Partn Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 er Planned Budget Timeframe Fund Donor Budget Amount Description USD 3.1.1 Organize forums for fostering the role NGOs and CBOs working Khartoum and East Nle localities X X State Locali ties CBOs UND P SLGP 4000 UNDP 72100 Public admin policies and infrastructure services 7,000 3-1-1 Help promote networking for NGOs and CBOs working in Khartoum and East Nle localities benefiting from the expereince and lessons learnt from of Umm Bada locality resouces center 3-1-3 Facilitate the establishment of aplatform for local government association X X State Locali ties CBOs UND P SLGP 4000 UNDP 71300 Training & edu servi 5,000 X X MFG State s Locali ties SLGP 4000 UNDP 71300 Training and education 35,400 40 3-2 Participatory development action plan formulated 3 3-2-1- Conduct participatory monitoring and evaluation training programmes for local councilors, leaderes of grass-root organizations and other key community members X X State localiti es CBO SLGP local counc ils Sub-total 4000 UNDP 71300 Training & edu servi 8,000 55,400 41 Key Activities Proj.ID Expected Output Resp o. Partn Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 er Planned Budget Timeframe Fund Donor Budget 4 Budgeting, finance system, planning system: 4-1 Budgeting, finance system, planning and Information Management system: 4-1-1 Establishment of Locali 4000 UNDP 4-1 Outcomes 4: planning, information and ties Transparent and SLGP enhanced mechanism monitoring units in localities, and provide State X X for finance and necessary technical budgeting developed assistance and training for locality staff. 4-1-4 Develop a monitoring and reporting module for the implementation of the local development plans 4 SMoF LGD Localiti es SLGP Trainin g instituti ons X 4000 UNDP Amount Description USD 72100 Training and 5,000 74200 Print and Publication 3,000 8,000 Sub Total 42 Resp o. Partn Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 er 4-2 Information Management system: Key Activities Proj.ID Expected Output 4-2 Sustainable Management Information system operational 4-2-1 Awareness, seminars, and training Program, to better harness ICT 4-2-2Promote internal communication / information sharing in locality Planned Budget Timeframe X X Locali ties SLGP X Fund Donor Budget 4000 4-2-5 Study Tour 5 X X 72100 Locali ties SLGP X Description Training and Education Service UNDP 1,500 1,500 0 72100 Locali ty SLGP SLGP X USD Infm Tech. Supplies 4000 4-2-3 Monitoring of data entry and information sharing 4-2-4 Dissemination of experiences and best practice UNDP Amount 0 X X SLGP Locali ties Sub Total 4000 UNDP 71600 4000 UNDP 71600 Travel Tickets DSA International 15,000 26,000 43 Proj.ID Expected Output Key Activities Resp o. Partn Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 er Timeframe Planned Budget Fund Donor Budget Amount Description USD Activity 5 Social security sheme Other activities 72500 supplies Sub total 2,179 12,178.65 14,357.65 Grand Total 184,447.65 6 44