IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI Unit 7 EQUILIBRIUM Equilibrium represents a state in a process when the observable properties such as temperature, pressure and concentration do not change with time. The equilibrium may be established in physical changes and chemical changes. Therefore equilibrium may be classified as physical equilibrium and chemical equilibrium. Physical equilibrium: equilibrium in physical process The types of equilibria exist in three states of matter: 1. Solid ⇌ Liquid 2. Liquid ⇌ Gas 3. Solid ⇌ Gas 1. Solid ⇌ Liquid equilibrium: When ice and water kept in insulated closed vessel at constant temperature. (273K) and atmospheric pressure. There is no change of mass of ice and water because rate of conversion of ice into water and from water to ice are equal at 273 K and atmospheric pressure. This stage is known as solid-liquid equilibrium. It is a stage in a reversible process at which rate of melting of ice (solid) is equal to rate of freezing of water (liquid). Example: H2O(s) ⇌ H2O(l) (273 K and 1 atm) (rate of melting of ice = rate of freezing of water) 2. Liquid ⇌ Gas equilibrium: It is a stage in a reversible process at which rate of evaporation of liquid is equal to rate of condensation of vapours. Example: H2O(l) ⇌ H2O(g) (373 K and 1 atm) ( rate of evaporation = rate of condensation) a. For any liquid at one atmospheric pressure (1.013 bar ), the temperature at which the liquid and vapours are at equilibrium is called normal boiling point of the liquid. The normal boiling point of water is 1000 C at 1atm (1.013 bar). 3. Solid ⇌ Gas equilibrium: It is a stage in a reversible process at which rate of sublimation of solid is equal to rate of condensation of vapours. Example: I2(solid) ⇌ I2(vapour) (rate of sublimation of solid = rate of condensation of vapours) NH4Cl(s) ⇌ NH4Cl(vapour) Camphor(s) ⇌ Camphor (vapour) M.RENUKA DEVI 1|Page IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI Equilibrium involving Dissolution of Solid or Gases in Liquid 1. Solids in Liquids: It is a stage in a reversible process at which rate of dissolution of solid is equal to rate of crystallization of solid in a saturated solution at given temperature. Example: Sugar (solution) ⇌ Sugar(solid) (rate of dissolution of sugar = rate of crystallization of sugar) NaCl (solution) ⇌ NaCl(solid) 2. Gases in Liquids: It is a state of equilibrium between gas molecules dissolved in solution and vapours of gas above liquid surface at given temperature. Example : CO2(gas) ⇌ CO2(in solution) This equilibrium is governed by Henry’s law, which states that “at any given temperature, the mass of a gas dissolved in a given mass of a solvent is proportional to the pressure of the gas above the solvent”. mαp Characteristics of equilibrium in physical process: 1. 2. 3. 4. It is possible only in a closed system at a given temperature It is dynamic ie opposing processes occurs at same rate. It is characterized by constant value of one of its parameters at a given temperature. The magnitude of quantities at any stage indicates the extent to which process proceeded before reaching equilibrium. There are two types of reactions. They are 1) Reversible reactions: A reaction in which products of the reaction react with each other to form back the original reactants OR a reaction which can occur in both forward and backward directions is called reversible process. It is represented by ⇌. Example : A + B ⇌ C+D Dissociation of hydrogen iodide: 2HI ⇌ H2 + I2 Synthesis of ammonia by Haber’s process: N2+ 3 H2 ⇌ 2NH3 2) Irreversible reaction: A reaction which can occurs only in forward direction but not in backward direction is called irreversible reaction. Ex: A+B C+D NaOH + HCl NaCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) NaCl + H2O AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq) Equilibrium in chemical process Consider a reversible reaction A + B ⇌ C + D is conducted in a closed vessel at constant temperature. In the beginning of reaction, the concentration of A and B are maximum and concentration of C and D are zero. And also (rate) velocity of forward reaction (v) is maximum and velocity (rate) of backward reaction is zero. As reaction proceeds, the concentration of A and B decrease, where as the concentration of C and D increases leading to decrease in the rate of forward M.RENUKA DEVI 2|Page IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI reaction and an increase in the (rate) velocity of backward reaction. After some time, velocity of forward reaction is equal to velocity of backward reaction. i.e, V1 = V2. The system reaches a state of chemical equilibrium where there is no change in composition. Chemical Equilibrium: It is a state of a reversible reaction, in which the rate of forward reaction is equal to the rate of backward reaction. Justify chemical equilibrium is dynamic: Any reversible reaction at equilibrium, the reaction seems to be stopped, because the concentration of reactant and product do not change with time in this state. But actually the forward and backward reaction occurs at same rate. So there is a molecular activity. Hence equilibrium is dynamic. Molar concentration or active mass: It is defined as “number of moles of substances present in 1 dm3 of a solution”. The unit of a molar concentration is mol/dm3. The symbol is [ ]. Law of mass action: This was formulated by Guldberg and Waage It states that “at constant temperature rate of a reaction is directly proportional to the product of molar concentration of reactants raised to the power of respective number of moles”. Consider a reaction A + B ⇌ Products. Applying law of mass action Rate of reaction 𝛼 [A] [B] 𝜈 = k[A] [B] Where k is rate or velocity constant Note: Applying law of mass action for the following reactions a) N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3 3 𝜈 =k [N2] [H2] b) 2HI ⇌ H2 + I2 𝜈 =k [HI]2 Derive equilibrium constant expression (Kc) for a reaction. M.RENUKA DEVI 3|Page IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI Consider a reversible reaction aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD is conducted in a closed vessel at constant temperature. Let [A], [B], [C] and [D] be the molar concentration of reactant and product A, B, C & D respectively and let Rf and Rb be the rate of forward and backward reaction respectively. Applying law of mass action to the forward reaction. Rate of forward reaction (Rf ) 𝛼 [A]a [B]b ∴ Rf = k1 [A]a [B]b Where k1 is rate constant of forward reaction. Applying law of mass action to the backward reaction. Rate of backward reaction (Rb) 𝛼 [C]c [D]d Rb = k2[C]c [D]d where k2 is rate constant of a backward reaction. At equilibrium. Rf = Rb k1 [A]a [B]b = k2 [C]c [D]d ∴ [𝐶]𝑐 𝑘 Kc = 𝑘1 = [𝐴]𝑎 2 [𝐷]𝑑 [𝐵]𝑏 where Kc is equilibrium constant expressed in terms of concentration This is known as equilibrium law or law of chemical equilibrium. “ At a given temperature, the ratio of the product of the molar concentration of the product to that of the reactants, each concentration term raised to a power equal to its stoichiometric coefficient in the balanced chemical equation is constant “Equilibrium constant is the ratio of velocity (rate) constant of a forward reaction to the velocity (rate) constant of a backward reaction” or Kc = Rf /Rb “It is the ratio of product of molar concentration of products is to product of molar concentration of reactants raised to power of respective number of moles”. Note: Write Kc expression for the following reactions. ⇌ a) N2 + 3H2 2NH3 [NH3 ]2 Kc = [N b) PCl5 2 ] [H2 ]3 ⇌ PCl3 + Cl2 Kc = M.RENUKA DEVI [PCl3 ][Cl2 ] [PCl5 ] 4|Page IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI ⇌ c) H2 + I2 Kc = 2HI [HI]2 [H2 ] I2 ] Derive Kp expression for gaseous reversible homogeneous reaction ⇌ aA + bB cC + dD Consider a gaseous reversible reaction aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD is conducted in a closed vessel at constant temperature, Let PA, PB, Pc and PD be the partial pressure of reactants and products and V1 and V2 be the velocity of forward reaction and backward reactions. Applying law of mass action to the forward reaction. V1 𝛼 PaA × PbB ∴ V1 = k1PaA × PbB Where k1 is velocity constant of a forward reaction. Applying law of mass action to the backward reaction. V2 𝛼 PcC × PdD V2 = k2 × PcC × PdD Where k2 is velocity constant of a backward reaction. At equilibrium, V1 = V2 k1 × PAa × PbB = k2 × PcC × PdD k Kp =k1 = 2 Pc c × PD d PA a × PB b ∴ Equilibrium constant is the ratio of products of partial pressure of products to the product of partial pressure of reactants raised to the power of respective number of moles. Note : Write Kp expression for the following reactions: ⇌ 2NH3(g) a) N2(g) + 3H2(g) PNH32 Kp = ⇌ b) PCl5 PN2 × PH23 PCl3 + C12 Kp = Ppcl3 × Pcl2 Ppcl5 Derive the equation which relates Kp and Kc Kp expression for a reversible reaction aA + bB Kp = M.RENUKA DEVI 𝑃𝐶 𝑐 × 𝑃𝐷 𝑑 𝑃𝐴 𝑎 × 𝑃𝐵 𝑏 ⇌ cC + dD is - - - - (1) 5|Page IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI Kc = [𝐶]𝑐 [𝐷]𝑑 [𝐴]𝑎 [𝐵]𝑏 Ideal gas equation for ‘n’ mole of a gas is PV = nRT 𝑛 n ∴ P = CRT P = 𝑣 RT ∴ PA = [ A ]a RTa ∵v=C PB = [B]b RTb Pc = [C]c RTc PD = [D]d RTd & Substituting these in equation (1) [𝐶]𝑐 𝑅𝑇 𝑐 × [𝐷]𝑑 𝑅𝑇 𝑑 Kp = [𝐴]𝑎 ∴ Kp = 𝑅𝑇 𝑎 × [𝐵]𝑏 𝑅𝑇 𝑏 [𝐶]𝑐 [𝐷]𝑑 × 𝑅𝑇 𝑐+𝑑 [𝐴]𝑎 [𝐵]𝑏 𝑅𝑇 𝑎+𝑏 ∴ Kp = Kc × RT (c+d) - (a+b) ∴ Kp = Kc × 𝑅𝑇 Δn Write the relationship between Kp and Kc for the following reactions: a) N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) ∆ng = 2 – 4 = - 2 Kp = Kc × 𝑅𝑇 ∆𝑛𝑔 Kp = Kc × 𝑅𝑇 −2 ∴ ∴ Kp < Kc Kc Kp = RT2 b) PCl5(g) ⇌ ∆𝑛 = 2 – 1 = 1 Kp = Kc × 𝑅𝑇 ∆𝑛 Kp = Kc × 𝑅𝑇 1 ∴ Kp = Kc × RT ∴ Kp > Kc PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) c) 2HI(g) ⇌ H2(g) + I2(g) ∆𝑛 = 2 – 2 = 0 Kp = Kc × 𝑅𝑇 0 Kp = Kc × 𝑅𝑇 1 ∴ Kp = Kc Relationship between equilibrium constant of a reaction and its multiples: Chemical equation equilibrium constant aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD Kc cC + dD ⇌ aA + bB K/c = K M.RENUKA DEVI 1 c 6|Page IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI naA 𝑎𝐴 𝑛 𝑐𝐶 𝑛 + + ⇌ ncC + nbB 𝑏𝐵 𝑛 𝑑𝐷 𝑛 ⇌ ⇌ 𝑐𝐶 𝑛 𝑎𝐴 𝑛 + ndD 𝑑𝐷 + + K//c = Knc KIIIc = 𝑛√𝐾𝑐 𝑛 𝑏𝐵 KIVc = 𝑛 1 𝑛 √𝐾𝑐 Homogeneous Equilibrium: The equilibrium in which all reactants and products are in same phase. 1. N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) 3+ 2. Fe (aq) + SCN (aq) ⇌ Fe(SCN)2+(aq) 3. 2HI(g) ⇌ H2(g) + I2(g) Example: Heterogeneous equilibrium: The equilibrium in which reactants and products are in different phase is called heterogeneous equilibrium. Example: Let us consider dissociation of CaCO3 ⇌ CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g) Kc = [CaO(s)] [CO2(g)] [CaCO3(s)] (We can simplify chemical equilibrium in heterogeneous system, the molar concentration of pure solids and liquids is constant. Because molar concentration of pure solids and liquid is independent of the amount of the substances and it is considered as constant. Simplified equilibrium constant is ⇌ 2) Ni(s) + 4CO(g) Kc = Kc = [CO2(g)] or Kp = Pco2 Ni (CO)4(g) [𝑁𝑖(𝐶𝑂)4(𝑔)] [𝐶𝑂(𝑔)]4 3. Ag2 O(s) + 2HNO3(aq) ⇌ 2AgNO3(aq) + H2O(l) [AgNO3(aq)]2 Kc = [HNO 3 (aq)]2 Characteristics of equilibrium constants Kc / Kp The value of equilibrium constant is independent of initial concentrations of reactants and products. Equilibrium constant depends on temperature. It is constant for a given reaction at constant temperature. Equilibrium constant is applicable only when concentration of reactants and products have attained equilibrium. The equilibrium constant for the reverse reaction is equal to the inverse of the equilibrium constant for the forward reaction. (ie Kc = x then K = 1/x) M.RENUKA DEVI 7|Page IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI Application of equilibrium constant: 1) It is used to predict the extent of reactions. 2) It is used to predict the direction of the reaction. 3) It is used to calculate equilibrium concentrations. Predicting the extent of a reaction: Equilibrium constant is directly proportional to the concentration of product and inversely proportional to the concentration of reactants. It shows that higher the value of K, faster is the reaction and it nearly to completion. But smaller the value of K, slower is the reaction and the reaction proceeds rarely. If Kc >103, ie if Kc is very large, the reaction proceeds nearly to completion If Kc < 10 -3, ie if Kc is very small, the reaction proceeds rarely. If Kc is in range of 10-3 to 103, appreciable concentration of both reactants and products are present. Predicting the direction of the reaction: It helps to predict the direction of the reaction at any stage by using reaction quotient (Q). It is same as the equilibrium constant except the concentrations are not necessarily equilibrium values. For a general equation, aA + bB Qc = Qc = ⇌ cC + dD [𝐶]𝑐 [𝐷]𝑑 [𝐴]𝑎 [𝐵]𝑏 product of concentration of products product of concentration of reactants If Qc > Kc, the reaction will proceed in the backward direction until the equilibrium is achieved (reactant side) If Qc < Kc, the reaction will proceed in the forward direction until the equilibrium is achieved (product side) If Qc = Kc, the reaction is at equilibrium Relationship between equilibrium constant, reaction quotient and Gibbs energy: The relationship between ∆G, = ∆𝐺 0 , and Kp is ∆G=∆G0 +RT ln Kp. At equilibrium, ∆G=0, and Kp = Qc ∴ 0 =∆G0 + RT In Qc ∆G0 = - RT ln Qc ∆G0 = - 2.303 RT log10 Qc Factors affecting position of equilibria :Important factors which affect equilibria are 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Concentration Pressure Temperature Catalyst Addition of inert gas etc. M.RENUKA DEVI 8|Page IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI The effect of change in conditions on equilibrium can be predicted by using Le Chatelier’s principle. It states that, “if a stress is applied to a system at equilibrium, the equilibrium is shifted in such a way so as to cancel the applied stress. OR If a system at equilibrium is subjected to a change in temperature, pressure or concentration, the equilibrium shifts in the direction that tends to nullify the effect of the change. 1) Effect of concentration change: When reactants are added to a system at equilibrium, the system tends to decrease the concentration of reactant to convert it into product. So forward reaction is favorable and equilibrium shifts to right side. The increase in concentration of any of product shifts equilibrium towards backward direction. 2) Effect of temperature change: When temperature of the system is increased at equilibrium, the system tends to decreases the temperature by the absorption of heat so endothermic reaction is favorable and equilibrium shifts to such side. (the increase in temperature shifts equilibrium in the direction of the endothermic reaction. When temperature of the system is decreased at equilibrium, the system tends to increase the temperature by the liberation of heat. So exothermic reaction is favorable and equilibrium shifts to such side. (the decrease in temperature shifts equilibrium in the direction of the exothermic reaction. Example: N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⇌ 2NH3(g) ΔH = −93.38 kJ/mol Low temperature is favorable for high yield of ammonia, but practically very low temperature slow down the reaction and thus a catalyst is used to increase rate of the reaction. 3) Effect of pressure change: If pressure of a system is increased at equilibrium, the system tends to shift the equilibrium in the direction of decreasing gaseous moles. If pressure of a system is decreased at equilibrium, the system tends to shift the equilibrium in the direction of increasing gaseous moles. Pressure has no effect if the gaseous reactants and products have equal moles 4) Catalyst: catalyst has no effect on the position of equilibrium because it alters both forward and backward reactions to the same extent, but equilibrium attains quickly. 5) Rare gas: Addition of inert gas at constant volume does not change the partial pressure or molar concentrations of the substance involved in a reaction. So the added gas does not take part in a reaction. ∴ addition of inert gas has no effect on position of equilibrium at constant volume. Note: But at constant pressure, addition of inert gas increases the number of moles. So equilibrium shifts to that side (if ∆n(g) = 0, inert gas has no effect]. Ionic equilibrium in solution: Chemical compounds are of two types. 1. Electrolytes: These are substances which conduct electricity both in molten state and in solution. Ex: NaCl, H2SO4, CH3COOH etc M.RENUKA DEVI 9|Page IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI 2. Non electrolytes: These are substances which do not conduct electricity both in solid and in solution. Ex: C6H6, C2H5OH, urea, glucose etc Electrolytes are of two types. They are 1. Strong electrolytes: There are electrolytes, which undergoes complete ionization in aqueous solution. Ex: Strong acid: HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, HClO4 etc Strong base: KOH, NaOH, LiOH, Ba(OH)2 etc Soluble salt: NaCl, Na2SO4 CH3COONa, KBr etc Ex: NaCl → Na + + Cl2. Weak electrolytes: These are electrolytes which undergoes partial ionization in aqueous solution. Ex : Weak acid: CH3COOH, H3PO4, H2S etc Weak base: NH4OH Ca(OH)2, Al(OH)3 etc Ex: NH4OH ⇌ NH+4 + OH − Ionic equilibrium : It is the equilibrium established between ions and unionized molecules in an aqueous solution of the weak electrolyte. Ex: CH3COOH(aq) ⇌ CH3COO-(aq) + H+ (aq) Acids, Bases and Salts: Acids are substances, which have sour taste, turns blue litmus paper into red, and they reacts with bases gives salt and water. They can also react with carbonates and bicarbonates liberating CO2 gas. Bases are substances, which have bitter taste, turns red litmus paper into blue, and they reacts with acids forms salt and water. Salts: These are substances, which are formed by the combination of acids and bases. There are four types of salts. 1. 2. 3. 4. Salt of strong acid and strong base ex : NaCl, K2SO4, NaNO3 NaBr, KBr Salt of strong acid and weak base ex: NH4Cl, FeCl3, CuCl2, CuSO4 Salt of weak acid and strong base ex: CH3COONa, Na2CO3, NaHCO3 Salt of weak acid and weak base ex: CH3COONH4, HCOONH4, (NH4)2CO3, NH4HCO3 Theories of acids and bases: There are three important theories of acids and bases. They are : 1. Arrhenius theory of acids and bases: According to this theory “Acids are substances, which can donate proton (or Hydrogen ion)” Ex: HCl, H2SO4, HNO3 etc. HCl(aq) H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) M.RENUKA DEVI 10 | P a g e IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI Basicity of an acid: It is equal to number of replaceable hydrogen atom present in one molecule of an acid. So HCl, HNO3 are monobasic. H2SO4, H2C2O4 are dibasic, H3PO4 is tribasic acid. 2. Bases are substances, which can donate hydroxyl ions. Ex: NaOH, KOH, etc. NaOH(aq) Na+(aq) + OH-(aq) Acidity of a base: “It is equal to number of replaceable hydroxyl groups present in one molecule of base”. So NaOH, KOH are monoacidic, Ca(OH)2, Ba(OH)2, are diacidic bases. Bronsted - Lowry –theory of acids and bases: According to this theory “Acids are substances which denote proton and bases are substances which accept proton”. H3 O+ (aq) Ex: HCl(aq) + H2O(l) ⇌ Acid base Cl− (aq) + conjugate acid conjugate base In this example, HCl donate proton, so it is an acid and H2O accept proton, so it is base. NH4 + (aq) NH3(aq) + H2O(l) ⇌ base acid conjugate acid + OH − (aq) conjugate base Conjugated acid base pairs: The acid-base pair which differs only by one proton. Ex : HCl & Cl− and H2O and H3O + etc Note: If Bronsted acid is a strong acid, then its conjugate base is a weak base and vice versa. Each conjugate acid has one extra proton and each conjugate base has one less proton. Conjugated bases for acids: Conjugated acids Conjugated bases Conjugated acids Conjugated bases HCl Cl- H2S HS- H2O OH- HNO3 NO3- H3O+ H2O HClO4 ClO4- H2SO4 HSO4- NH3 NH2- NH4 NH3 Amphoteric substances: These are substances, which can act both as an acid as well as a base. Ex: H2O, NH3, etc. M.RENUKA DEVI 11 | P a g e IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI Lewis theory of acids and bases: According to this theory, acids are substances which accept pair of electrons and bases are substances which donate pair of electrons. Ex: NH3 + BF3 ⟶ H3N: BF3 In above example, NH3 donate pair of electron, so it is base and BF3 accept pair of electron, so it is an acid. Example: electron deficient species like AlCl3, Co3+, Mg2+ etc acts as Lewis acids and H2O, NH3, OHwhich can donate a pair of electrons, can act as Lewis bases. Relative Strength of acids and bases: It depends on ability to donate proton or ability to donate hydroxyl ion. Acids and bases that dissociate completely to give large number of H+ and OH-ions are strong acids and bases. But in case of weak acids and weak bases, they undergoes partial ionization to give low concentration of H+ and OH-ions. The relative strength of weak acid and weak bases can be compared in terms of dissociation constant or ionization constant. Dissociation constant (Ionisation constant) of weak acids (Ka) Consider an aqueous solution of weak acid HA, ionizes partially in H2O, can be represented by a reaction. HA ⇌ H3O+ + A Applying law of mass action K= [ H3 O+ ] [A− ] [HA] K = [H3 O+ ] [A− ] HA + ∴ Ka = [H3 O ] [A HA −] Ka is called ionization constant or dissociation constant of acid Ka is a measure of acid strength. It shows that, larger the value of Ka, stronger is the acid and smaller the value of Ka, weaker is the acid. Ex: Ka values of A and B are 1.8 × 10-5 & 1.8 × 10-6 respectively. Between these A is strong and B is weak. Ionization constant for weak bases: (Kb ) Consider an aqueous solution of weak base BOH, ionizes partially in H2O, can be represented as BOH ⇌ B+ + 𝑂𝐻 − Applying law of mass action M.RENUKA DEVI 12 | P a g e IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI K= K= [B+ ] [OH− ] [BOH] [𝐵+ ] [𝑂𝐻 − ] Kb = 𝐵𝑂𝐻 [𝐵+ ] [𝑂𝐻 − ] [𝐵𝑂𝐻] Kb is the ionization constant or dissociation constant of weal base. Kb is a measure of base strength It shows that, larger the value of Kb, stronger is the base and smaller the value of Kb, weaker is the base. Ex: Kb values of P and Q are 1.8 × 10 – 5 & 1.85 × 10 – 5 respectively. Between these, Q is strong and P is weak. Derive an expression for Ostwald dilution laws: [Ionization constant for weak electrolytes] Consider a weak electrolyte HA, ionizes partially in water can be represented as ⇌ H+ + A – HA Let ‘c’ mol / dm3 be the initial concentration of HA and let ‘𝛼’ be the degree of dissociation. i.e out of ‘c’ mole dissociate to give ‘cα’ mole of H+ and ‘cα’ mole of A – . ∴ the remaining concentration of HA at equilibrium is (c – cα ) mole. ⇌ H+ + A – HA Initial conc. C 0 0 Conc at eqm C–Cα cα cα Applying law of mass action. i.e, K = K= [H+ ] [A− ] HA 𝑐𝛼 ×𝑐𝛼 (𝑐−𝑐𝛼) 𝛼2 𝑐 2 K = 𝑐(1−𝛼) 𝑐𝛼2 K =1−𝛼 It is the mathematical expression of Ostwald dilution law. For weak electrolyte ≪< 1 ∴ 𝛼 = 1 ; Ka Ka = C𝛼 2 or α = √ C Note: 1) Ostwald dilution law states that, degree of dissociation of an electrolyte increases with dilution and it approaches unity at infinite dilution. It is called limiting value, 2. Degree of dissociation or ionization (𝛼) : It is defined as the fraction of the total quantity of electrolyte ionized at equilibrium or the amount of electrolyte dissociates per mole. M.RENUKA DEVI 13 | P a g e IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI 3. The equation used to calculate [H+] = √𝑲𝒂 × 𝜶 or c 𝜶 for weak acids and [OH √𝑲𝒃 × 𝒄 or c 𝜶 for weak bases. – ] = Ionic product of water: K 𝝎 Water is a weak electrolyte & it undergoes partial ionization can be represented as ⇌ H2O H+ + OH – Applying law of mass action, K= [H+ ][ OH− ] H2 O K[H2O] = [H+] [OH – ] K𝜔 = [ H+ ] [OH – ] “Ionic product of water is the product of molar concentration of hydrogen ion and hydroxyl ion in water or in any aqueous solution”. At 298K, K𝜔 = 10 – 14 M2 ∴ at 298K [H+ ] [OH – ] = 10 – 14 In acidic solutions, [ H+ ] > [ OH – ] > 10-7 in basic solutions, [ OH+ ] > [ H+ ] < 10-7 and in neutral solutions or in water [ H+ ] = [OH – ] = 10 – 7 M Common ion effect: Suppression of degree of dissociation of weak electrolyte by the addition of strong electrolyte containing common ion is called common ion effect. Ex : Consider partial ionization of CH3COOH, CH3COOH ⇌ CH3COO – + H+ Applying law of mass action, K= [CH3 COO− ] [ H+ ] CH3 COOH To this small quantity of CH3COONa is added, so [CH3COO –] ion increases. In order to keep ‘K’ constant, [H+] should decreases and [CH3COOH] must increases. ∴ degree of dissociation of CH3COOH is suppressed. It can also suppressed by adding HCl or any other strong electrolyte containing common ion. Ex : 2 The degree of dissociation of NH4OH can suppressed by adding NH4Cl Relation between Ka and Kb: Considering the conjugate acid- base dissociation equilibrium reaction B(aq) + H2O(aq) ⇌ M.RENUKA DEVI BH+(aq) + OH – (aq) 14 | P a g e IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI Applying law of mass action Kb = [𝐵𝐻 + ] [𝑂𝐻 − ] [𝐵] Multiplying and dividing the above expression by [H+] Kb= [𝐵𝐻 + ] [𝑂𝐻 − ][𝐻 + ] [𝐵][𝐻 + ] =[OH – ] [H+] × [BH+ ] / [B] [H+] ∵ Ka = [𝐵][𝐻 + ] [𝐵𝐻 + ] Ka × Kb = K𝜔 Kb = Kw / Ka Equilibrium constant for a net reaction: It is obtained after adding equilibrium constants of a individual reactions. i.e KNET = K1 × K2 × - - - ex: In case of a conjugate acid base pair NH4 and NH3 we see NH4(aq) + H2O(1) ⇌ H3 O(aq) + NH3(aq) Ka = [H3O+] [NH3] / [NH4] - - - - - - (1) NH3(aq) + H2O(1) ⇌ NH4(aq) + OH – (aq) Kb = [ NH4 ] [OH – ] /[NH3] - - - - -(2) Ka x Kb = [H+ ] [OH – ] = 10 – 14 =Kw Polybasic acids and polyacidic bases: Polybasic acids are acids, which can donate more than one H+ ion. Poly acidic bases are bases, which can donate more than one OH – ion. In poly basic acids, Ka1, Ka2, Ka3 are first ionization constant, second ionization constant and third ionization constant respectively but Ka1 > Ka2 > Ka3 because more difficult to remove proton from a negative ion due to electrostatic forces. Ex: H2A is stronger than HA – and it is stronger than A – Factors affecting acid strength: Acidic nature depends on a) The Bond strength of H-A (or size) b) Polarity of H-A bond (electro negativity) M.RENUKA DEVI 15 | P a g e IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI a) The Bond strength of H-A : The strength of H-A bond is weak in case strong acid. Hence cleavage of bond becomes easier, where as the strength of H-A bond is high is case of weak acids. As the size of elements increases down a group, bond strength decreases, so acid strength increases. Size increases. HF < HC1 < HBr < HI Acid strength increases b) Polarity of H-A bond: In case of strong acids the electro negativity difference between H and A is large, hence H-A bond become more polar therefore cleavage of bond becomes easier, whereas polarity of H-A bond is less in case of weak acids. As the electro negativity increases in the same row, polarity of the substance increases. ∴ acidic strength increases. Electro negativity CH4 < NH3 < H2O < HF Acid strength increases PH of a solution: It was proposed by Sorensen. Hydronium ion concentration in molarity expressed on logarithmic scale known as pH scale. PH of a solution: It is the negative logarithm to the base ten of molar concentration of H+ ion in mol/dm3. 1 ∴ PH = – log10 [H+] or PH = log10 [𝐻 +] On pH Scale, acidic solution has pH< 7, basic solution has pH> 7 and neutral solution has pH=7 Note: PH of blood is 7.35, so it is slight basic. POH of a solution: It is the negative logarithm to the base ten of molar concentration of hydroxyl ion in a solution. POH = – log10 [OH – ] Note : At 298K, PH + POH = 14 In neutral compounds or neutral solution: PH = POH = 7 Show that PH + POH = 14 at 298 K We know that, [H+] [OH – ] = 10 – 14 Taking – log10 on both sides –log10 [H+] [OH – ] = – log10 10 – 14 M.RENUKA DEVI 16 | P a g e IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI – – [log10 [H+ ] + log10 [OH – ]] = –( – 14) × log10 10 log10 [H+] + – log10 [OH –] = 14 × log10 10 PH + POH = 14 Pka of a solution: It is the negative logarithm to the base ten of ionization constant of weak acids. i.e. PKa = – log10Ka larger the value of Ka, smaller the value of Pka, stronger is the acid and vice versa. Pkb of a solution: It is the negative logarithm to the base ten of ionization constant of weak bases. i.e Pkb = – log10Kb larger the value of Kb, smaller the value of Pkb, stronger is the base and vice versa Note: Pkb value of P and Q are 2.8 & 6.2, which is strong. P is strong. 𝝎 Show that pKa + pKb = 14 = 𝑷𝒌 We know that, at 298K, Ka × Kb = K𝜔 Taking –log10 on both sides ∴ –log10 ka × kb = –log10 k𝜔 = –log10 – 14 ∴ –log10 ka +(–) log10 kb = –log10 k𝜔 = –(–14) × log10 10 By definition ∴ Pka + Pkb = 𝑃𝑘𝑤 = 14 Hydrolysis of a salt and PH of a solution: The process of interaction between water and cations or anions or both of salts to produce either acidic or alkaline solution is known as hydrolysis of salts Hydrolysis of salts of following types: Salts of strong acid and strong base: They do not undergo hydrolysis, because their solution is neutral due to hydration of ions. ∴ PH of a solution of salt of strong acid and strong base is neutral ie pH= 7. Ex: NaCl Salt of strong acid and weak base: These salts undergo hydrolysis to produce acidic solution. In this category of salt, cation undergoes hydrolysis. Example:NH4Cl(aq) ⇌ NH4+(aq) + Cl-(aq) NH4+ ions undergo hydrolysis with water to form NH4OH and H+ ions. NH4+(aq) + H2O ⇌ NH4OH(aq) + H+(aq) NH4OH being a weak base remains almost unionized, but H+ ion concentration increase. Thus pH of a solution is less than 7. M.RENUKA DEVI 17 | P a g e IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI Salt of strong base and weak acid: These salts undergo hydrolysis to produce basic solution. In this category of salt, anion undergoes hydrolysis. Example: CH3COONa(aq) ⇌ CH3COO-(aq) + Na+(aq) Acetate ions undergo hydrolysis with water to form acetic acid and OH- ions. CH3COO-(aq) + H2O ⇌ CH3COOH(aq) + OH-(aq) Acetic acid being a weak acid remains almost unionized, but OH- ion concentration increase. Thus pH of a solution is more than 7. Salt of weak acid and weak base : Salts of this undergoes hydrolysis to form neutral solution. When ammonium acetate is dissolved in water, it undergoes hydrolysis as CH3COONH4(aq) + H2O ⇌ CH3COOH(aq) +NH4OH(aq) Acetic acid and ammonium hydroxide are weak electrolytes and ionize partially. They undergo ionization to the same extent. Therefore [H+] = [OH-]. Hence the solution is almost neutral. CH3COOH ⇌ NH4OH ⇌ CH3COO- + H+ NH4+ + OH- pH is determined by their pK values ∴ PH of such solution = 7 + ½ (Pka – Pkb ) Buffer solutions: These are solutions, which can resist change in their pH value by adding small quantity of an acid and small quantity of a base. There are three types of buffer solutions. They are 1. Acidic buffer. Ex: CH3COOH + CH3COONa 2. Basic buffer ex : NH4OH + NH4C1 3. Neutral buffer Ex : CH3COONH4 The equation used to calculate pH of acidic buffer is pH = pka + log10 POH of a basic buffer is POH = Pkb + log10 [𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑡] [𝑏𝑎𝑠𝑒] [𝑠𝑎𝑙𝑡] 𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑑 and . These are Hendersons equations. PH of many body fluids are controlled by buffer action and any deviation indicates malfunctioning of the body. Buffer solutions are used to determine pH of unknown solutions. Solubility (S): it is defined as the number of moles of the solute dissolved in 1dm3 of the saturated solution, Solubility equilibrium of sparingly soluble salts: Solubility depends on lattice enthalpy of salts and the salvation enthalpy of ions in solution. Generally a salt dissolve in a particular solvent, if its salvation enthalpy is greater than its lattice enthalpy. M.RENUKA DEVI 18 | P a g e IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI Every salt has its characteristic solubility which depends on temperature. On the basis of solubility, salts are three types. 1. 2. 3. 4. Salt having solubility more than 0.1 mol/L are considered as soluble in water. Salt having solubility between 0.01 - 0.1 mol/L are considered as slightly soluble in water. Salt having solubility more than > 0.1 mol/L are considered as soluble in water. Salt having solubility less than 0.01 mol/L are considered as sparingly soluble water. In a saturated solution of sparingly soluble salt solution contains both ions and undissolved salt. ∴ an equilibrium is established between both ions and undissolved salt. It is called solubility equilibria. AB(s) A+ + B – ⇌ Unionized electrolyte ions Consider a saturated solution of sparingly soluble electrolyte AB, it contains both ions and undissolved solute. Therefore an equilibrium is established between ions and solid. i.e, AB(s) ⇌ A+ + B – Applying law of mass action K= [A+ ] [ B− ] [AB(s) K[AB(s)] = [A+] [B –] + – ∴ Ksp = [A ] [B ] for a pure solid substances, the concentration remains constant. Ksp is called Solubility product Solubility product (Ksp) or solubility product constant: “Solubility product is defined as the product of molar concentration of constituent ions raised to their appropriate powers in a saturated solution of sparingly soluble electrolyte at a given temperature”. Note: Solubility product equation for different electrolytes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. AB2 type : Ksp = [A++] [B –]2 A2B type : Ksp = [A+]2 [B – – ] AB3 type : Ksp = [A+++] [B – ]3 AB4 type : Ksp = [A4+] [B – ]4 A3B4 type : Ksp = [A4+]3 [B3 – ]4 MxXy type : Ksp = [Ap+]x [Bq –]y Relationship between solubility and solubility product: Consider a saturated solution of sparingly soluble electrolyte AB. An equilibrium is established between both ions and undissolved solute. ∴ AB(s) ⇌ M.RENUKA DEVI A+ + B – 19 | P a g e IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI Let”S” mol/dm3 be the solubility of AB, so it gives ‘S’ mole of A+ and ‘S’ mol of B – ∴ Ksp = [A+] [B – ] Ksp = s × s ∴ Ksp = s2 It is the solubility product expression of AB type electrolyte. “It is an expression, which relates solubility and solubility product of an electrolyte”. Note: Write solubility product expression for different electrolytes. 1. AB2 type: Ksp = [A 2+] [B – ]2 = s × (2s)2 = 4s3 2. A2B type : Ksp = [A+]2 [B 2 – ] = (2s)2 × s Ksp = 4s3 3. AB3 type: Ksp = [A3+] [B – ]3 = s × (3s)3 Ksp = 27S4 4. AB4type: Ksp = [A4+] [B –]4 Ksp = s × (4s)4 Ksp = 256 s5 Ionic product: IP or Qsp It is the product of molar concentration of constituent ions raised to their appropriate power in any solution of an electrolyte. Solubility product principles: 1. If IP < Ksp, it is unsaturated solution ∴ precipitation does not takes place. 2. If IP = Ksp, it is just saturated solution ∴ precipitation does not take place 3. If IP > Ksp, it is super saturated solution ∴ precipitation takes place. M.RENUKA DEVI 20 | P a g e IMPULSE PU SCIENCE COLLEGE, HUBLI Distinction between Ionic product and solubility product Common ion effect on solubility of ionic salts. According to Le Chateliers principle, if we increase the concentration of any one of ions, it combines with ions of opposite charge, so some of the salt will be precipitated till Ksp = Qsp. If we decrease the concentration of any one of the ions, more salt will dissolve to increase the concentration of both the ions till once Ksp = Qsp. Ex: When HCl is passed through saturated solution of NaCl, Cl– ion increases. So it combines with Na+ of NaCl and forms precipitate of NaCl. Thus, due to common ion effect solubility may decrease or increase till once again Ksp = Qsp. M.RENUKA DEVI 21 | P a g e