2016 Upper Division Application

9201 University City Boulevard
Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
School of Social Work
BSW Program
Application to Upper Division
Thank you for applying to the BSW Program at UNC Charlotte, also referred to as Upper
Division. The application deadlines to begin the Upper Division course sequence in August 2016
are listed below.
Spring 2016 Application Deadline:
February 1, 2016
Summer 2016 Application Deadline:
July 1, 2016
Your typed name at the end of this application is considered to be an acknowledgement that
you have read and agree to the information listed below.
1. Applications must be typed. Applications that are not typed will not be accepted.
2. If assistance is needed to complete this application due to a disability, please contact
Amy Peters, Admissions Director, at abarsanti@uncc.edu, at least three weeks prior to
the due date so that arrangements can be made.
3. The following documents need to be emailed to Ms. Cheryl Whitley, Administrative
Support Associate, at cwhitl31@uncc.edu by 5pm on the due date:
 Application
 Two essays
 Unofficial transcript(s) – If your grades from previous institutions are not clearly
outlined on your UNC Charlotte transcript, then please submit the transcripts from
the previous institutions. If your grades from previous institutions are clearly on
your UNC Charlotte transcript, then you only need to submit the UNC Charlotte
4. Applicants will receive an email from Ms. Whitley confirming receipt of their documents
within 48 business hours of submission. If an applicant does not receive a confirmation
email, it means the documents were not received. If the applicant believes there has
been an error, it is the applicant’s responsibility to notify Ms. Whitley within 5 business
BSW Upper Div Application 2016
days of the application deadline and to provide a copy of the original email showing the
time/day that the documents were sent. Without verification, the application will not be
given consideration.
5. The application and supporting materials must be sent from the student’s UNC
Charlotte email address. In an effort to protect student confidentiality, applications
cannot be accepted from personal email addresses.
6. Late applications will not be accepted.
Notification of Admission Decisions:
1. Letters regarding admissions decisions are sent by March 1st for applicants who have
met the February 1st deadline.
2. Letters regarding admissions decisions are sent to by August 1st for applicants who have
met the July 1st deadline.
In order to be eligible to apply for 2016 admission to Upper Division, also referred to as the
BSW Program, you must have:
1. A grade of “D” or greater in BIO 1110, BIO 1110L, POLS 1110, PSYC 1101, STATS 1222 &
SOCY 1101
2. A grade of “C” or greater in SOWK 1101 and SOWK 2182
3. Be enrolled in STATS 1222 and SOWK 2183 or have completed these two courses with
grades of “C” or greater; If enrolled and offered admission, the offer would be
conditioned upon completing the courses prior to beginning Upper Division with grades
of "C" or better
4. Completed the first 4 semesters of General Education requirements outlined on the
Social Work advising checklist OR demonstrate that you will have completed these
requirements prior to beginning Upper Division courses
5. An overall GPA at UNC Charlotte 2.25 or higher
Selection Criteria:
The following are giving consideration in the review process.
1. Completion of the first four semesters of the University General Education requirements
and Social Work Lower Division courses outlined on the Social Work Advising checklist
2. A minimum overall GPA of 2.25
3. Grades earned in courses related to the major including prerequisites (i.e. – bio),
population courses, and writing courses
4. Prior paid or voluntary human services-related experience
5. Written essay responses where applicants have the opportunity to demonstrate their
writing skills, ability to self-reflect, and their understanding of professional social work
BSW Upper Div Application 2016
Due to having a limited number of available seats, not all applicants who meet the eligibility
criteria will be offered admission. Using the above criteria, those who the BSW Admissions
Committee determines to have the strongest applications will be selected until all available
seats are filled.
General Information:
1. Applicants must meet with an advisor in the CHHS Advising Office prior to applying to
ensure they have met the eligibility criteria.
2. Applicants may apply to the BSW Program a maximum of two times. Applicants denied
admission are encouraged to explore other majors and to seek out guidance from their
academic advisors.
3. Applicants are responsible for knowing the UNC Charlotte General Education
requirements and BSW required courses. For details, see the BSW Program Student
Handbook located on the BSW Program Webpage.
4. Applicants are not denied admission based on their criminal backgrounds, but having
past convictions or pending charges may preclude a student from being considered for
some field placements and from participating in some course related community
projects. A criminal background may be a barrier to graduating from the BSW Program
or for future employment.
5. The BSW Program is a two-year full-time day program. Applicants accepted into the
program are guaranteed seats in required social work courses, but not in particular
course sections.
6. Applicants accepted into the program must complete an internship for course credit
over two semesters during senior year while also attending classes. While efforts will be
made to accommodate student preferences regarding practice areas and internship
location, students may be placed up to a 50-mile radius of the University for internships.
In addition, service-learning activities off campus are also incorporated into some
courses. Students working jobs of more than 15 hours per week may find it difficult to
complete this program.
BSW Upper Div Application 2016
BSW Program Application
Applicant Information:
Date of Application:
Student ID #:
Mailing Address:
Alternate Phone:
UNC Charlotte Email Address: (This is
where your notification letter will be
sent to)
Have you ever applied to Upper
Division in the past?
_____ Yes _____ No
If yes, please indicate when, the outcome, and your
previous name if it has since changed:
Have you met with an advisor in the
CHHS Student Advising Center?
_____ Yes _____ No
College/University Education:
Please list your educational experiences below. Add lines as needed.
Overall GPA
Number of
Credits Earned
UNC Charlotte
Please list the total credits you have completed (including transfer credits): _______
BSW Upper Div Application 2016
Please list your grade for each of the following courses:
BIOL 1110:
SOCY 1101:
SOWK 1101:
BIOL 1110L:
STATS 1222:
SOWK 2182:
PSYC 1101:
POLS 1110:
SOWK 2183:
* If you are currently enrolled in STATS 1222 or SOWK 2183, please note it above.
Volunteer or Paid Health & Human Service Experience:
Please list below your volunteer and paid health & human service related experience
completed within the past 3 years. Add lines as needed.
Name of
Name & Phone
Number of
Dates &
Number of Hours
(Specify per
week, per
month, etc)
Describe your
Narrative Section:
The narrative section of this application provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate your
writing, skills, self-awareness, and understanding of social work values. Provide a 1 page
double-spaced response for each essay. Attach your responses to your application:
BSW Upper Div Application 2016
Essay #1: What influences led you to the decision to pursue a social work degree?
Essay #2: As a social work student (and as a professional social worker) you will be expected to
explore, evaluate, and potentially change your perspective on people who are different from
you. You will be asked, for example, to accept and help people with disabilities, older people,
people who identify as LGBTQ, people who are poor, persons have been convicted of crimes,
people of a different race or ethnicity, and people whose religious beliefs differ from yours. In
addition, the NASW Code of Ethics outlines professional core values from which social workers
work. These values of the profession, times may conflict with you personal values. With this in
mind, please address the following:
a. Identify the group you feel you may have the most work to do in terms of
understanding their situation and being able to become an effective helper.
b. Explain the reason(s) you may have difficulty working with this group.
c. Describe steps you will take or have taken to become more comfortable working
with the population you identified in A & B.
d. Identify the professional social work values from the NASW Code of Ethics that you
see as being your strengths. The NASW Code of Ethics can be found at:
e. Explain the reason that you see these values as your strengths.
f. Identify the personal values or beliefs you hold that you need to put aside at times
because they may conflict social work values.
g. What might you do if faced with a conflict between your personal and the values of
the profession? Be as specific as you can.
Your typed name below indicates that you are aware that the social work faculty will use this
application as a first step in considering your appropriateness for the social work profession
and that, due to the limited number of seats in our program, not all students who apply will
be accepted even if they have met the minimum requirements. Using the criteria of GPA,
grades in required courses, Volunteer/Paid Human Service Experience, and Writing Skills
(including ability to self-reflect and understanding of social work values), the BSW Admissions
Committee identifies the strongest applications, with the final decision made by the BSW
Coordinator until all seats are filled. Second time applicants are evaluated in the same
manner as all other applications. If admitted to Upper Division, your performance will
continue to be evaluated as you progress toward a social work degree.
Student’s Typed Name:
_____________________________ Date: ______________
BSW Upper Div Application 2016