Strieder, F. Child Welfare Professional Development and

(410) 706-5479
525 West Redwood Street, Baltimore, MD 21201
Doctor of Philosophy
1990 University of MD, School of Social Work,
Baltimore, Maryland
Master of Science in Social Administration 1977 Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH
Bachelor of Science
1971 Gannon, University, Erie, PA
2000 to Present
Clinical Associate Professor
University of Maryland, School of Social Work, Baltimore, MD
2001 to 2004
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics, Division of Child Protection
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
1990 to 2000
Instructor in Psychiatry
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
1991 to 2000
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Maryland School of Social Work, Baltimore, MD
2000 to Present
Director, Family Connections/Grandparent Family Connections/Trauma Adapted
Family Connections
Ruth H. Young Center for Families and Children, University of Maryland, School of
Social Work, Baltimore, MD
Responsibilities: Program development, staff development, integration of service
delivery with management information system, community collaboration, clinical
instruction, and funding development
2000 to 2003
Director, Community Services
Center for Families, University of Maryland School of Social Work and School of
Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Baltimore, MD
Responsibilities: Program development, staff development, integration of service
delivery, community collaboration, clinical instruction, and funding development,
and Care Clinic program development.
1996 to 2000
Director of Clinical Program Development
Kennedy Krieger Institute Family Center
Baltimore, MD
Responsibilities: Participation in central management activities and program
development, administration of therapeutic foster care program, Director of
Program Evaluation and MIS
1985 to 1996
Director of Treatment Program
Kennedy Krieger Institute Family Center, Baltimore, MD
Responsibilities: Supervision of treatment activities of staff, participation in central
management activities and program development, administration of therapeutic
foster care program, coordinator of the Family Clinic which includes a training
component, field instructor, administration of field instruction at the Kennedy
Krieger Family Center, supervisor of child psychiatry fellows and conducting family
treatment seminars.
1983 to Present
Private Practice
Baltimore, MD
Responsibilities: Individual, marital, and family therapy
1983 to 1985
Clinical Social Worker
University of Maryland Drug Treatment Center, Baltimore, MD
Responsibilities: Assessment and treatment of clients with diagnosis of substance
abuse; group, individual, and marital therapy.
1982 to 1984
Teaching Assistant
University of Maryland School of Social Work and Community Planning,
Baltimore, MD
Responsibilities: Support for research and teaching activities of faculty.
1979 to 1982
Clinical Social Worker Specialist
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,
Cleveland, OH
Responsibilities: Family and group therapist for in-patient and out-patient clients.
Member of in-patient milieu management team, family and group therapy
instructor and supervisor and for nursing staff and medical residents
1977 to 1979
Clinical Social Worker
Southwest Child and Family Counseling, Parma, OH
Responsibilities: Child, family, individual and group therapist, consultation to
school system.
1973 to 1975
Mental Health Worker
St. Vincent Community Mental Health Center, Erie, PA
Responsibilities: Intake, evaluation and crisis intervention for adult psychiatric
1971 to 1973
Secondary Education Math Teacher
Erie City School District, Erie, PA
Responsibilities: High school math teacher, faculty representative for school board
planning committee, and faculty sponsor for student activities.
Project Coordinator and Instructor Child Welfare Trauma Informed Practice Training,
Montgomery County Maryland
Developed and taught curriculum with Dr. Collins based on an augmentation of the
National Child Traumatic Stress Network Trauma informed Child Welfare Toolkit with a
focus on developing internal leaders in the child welfare department who will continue
promoting trauma informed focus.
Collaborative for Excellence in Motivational Interviewing, Therapeutic Foster Care at the
Kennedy Krieger Institute
Implement the course curriculum developed by the Collaborative in Excellence for
Motivational Interviewing with Dr. Pecukonis.
2013-present Teaching Motivational Interviewing Skills to Child Welfare Social Work Students through
Live Supervision: A Randomized Control Trial
Funded by a School of Social Work Dean’s Research Grant with Dr. Pecukonis as PI, served
as instructor, manual developer, and research study team member.
2012-Present Program Director & Co-Investigator
Trauma Adapted Family Connections. University of Maryland’s School of Medicine,
University of Maryland School of Social Work and Kennedy Krieger Family Center SAMHSA
grant to continue the Family-Informed Trauma Treatment or FITT Center.
# 1U79SM061256-01
2011-Present Program Director & Principle-Investigator
University of Maryland School of Social Work Ruth H. Young Center for Families & Children
Family Connections Program. Maryland Department of Human Resources Social Services
Faculty Participant
Child Welfare Traineeships: A Model for Child Welfare for Child Welfare Workforce
Development in Urban Areas. National Child Welfare Workforce Institute.
2009-Present Site Manager & University of Maryland Principal Investigator
NIH Multi-site Smith & Hayslip (Co-PI). Differential Effectiveness of Parent Training and
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on the Psychological Well-Being of Custodial Grandparents
and Grandchildren.
Program Director & Co-Investigator
Trauma Adapted Family Connections. University of Maryland’s School of Medicine and its
partners University of Maryland School of Social Work and Kennedy Krieger Family Center
received a $2.4 million SAMHSA grant to form the Family-Informed Trauma Treatment or
FITT Center. 2 U79 SM058147
Principal Investigator
Baltimore City Intergenerational Service and Housing Initiative Planning Grant, Annie E.
Casey Foundation, The Zanvyl and Isabelle Krieger Fund, and the Helena Foundation.
Program Director
Family Connections Replication – Family Connections Intergenerational U.S. Department
of Human Resources , Children’s Bureau, Office on Child Abuse & Neglect, Cooperative
Agreement #90CW1126, Diane DePanfilis Principle Investigator.
Principal Investigator
Take Part Therapeutic Foster Care Project. U.S. Department of Human Resources Resource
and Training Grant Adoption Opportunities. LOG #93-652
Family Therapy Seminar
Department of Child Psychiatry
Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Fall 2001
SOWK 630
University of Maryland
School of Social Work
Fall 2002
SOWK 630
University of Maryland
School of Social Work
2003-present Seminars for the Family Connections Program
Family Therapy Seminar
Division of Child Psychiatry
University of Maryland Baltimore
Summer 2011 Core Concepts of Trauma Treatment with Children and Adolescents
Fall 2011
Dean’s Teaching Award
Summer 2012 Core Concepts of Trauma Treatment with Children and Adolescents
Spring 2013
Core Concepts for Trauma Informed Child Welfare Practice
Summer 2013 Core Concepts of Trauma Treatment with Children and Adolescents
Summer 2014 Core Concepts of Trauma Treatment with Children and Adolescents
Winter 2012 Training for Motivational Interviewing with Live Supervision and Standardized
Clients, University of Maryland School of Social Work Education for Public Child Welfare
Program, Baltimore Maryland
Summer 2012 Training for Motivational Interviewing with Live Supervision and Standardized
Clients, University of Maryland School of Social Work Education for Public Child Welfare
Program, Baltimore Maryland
Summer 2013 Training for Motivational Interviewing with Live Supervision and Standardized
Clients, University of Maryland School of Social Work Education for Public Child Welfare
Program, Baltimore Maryland
2014 Trauma informed Child Welfare Practice, Montgomery County Department of Social
Services, Rockville Maryland
Summer 2014 Training for Motivational Interviewing with Live Supervision and Standardized
Clients, Therapeutic Foster Care at Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore Maryland
2013-Present Core Faculty, University of Maryland Interprofessional Education Center
2012-Present University of Maryland School of Social Work Motivational Interviewing Training Research
2012-Present Chair, Contractual Faculty Review and Promotion Committee
Change Framework Expert Meeting Participant - Advancing a Trauma-Informed
Collaborative System for Emerging Young Adults Transitioning from Foster Care to
Adulthood in Maryland
2011-Present Board of Directors, Baltimore Health Care Inc.
2011-Present Advisory Committee, Therapeutic Foster Care Program of the Kennedy Krieger Institute
Planning Committee, 2nd Symposium of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren,
National Center on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
2009-Present MI Research Group University of Maryland School of Social Work
University of Maryland Baltimore, President’s Outreach Council
Steering Committee, Coalition to Protect Maryland’s Children
Governor’s Office for Children Outcomes Stakeholder Workgroup
Advisory Board, University of Maryland Center for Infant Study
Board Member, Maryland Disability Law Center CityWide Program
Washington Villag e Pigtown Neighborhood planning Center Youth
Development Committee
2004-Present Washington Village Executive Roundtable
Board Member, Baltimore Southwest Consortium
Advisory Board Member - Kinship Care Resource Center
Member, The Maryland Kinship Care Statewide Multidisciplinary Committee
Member, The Baltimore City Citizens Review Panel
Chair, Baltimore Alliance against Child Abuse and Neglect
Chair, Standard for Sexual Abuse Committee, Baltimore Alliance against
Sexual Abuse Coalition
Chair, Research and Education Committee
Foster Family-based Treatment Association
1994- 2000 Chair, Outcome Evaluation Leadership Committee
Maryland Association of Resources for Families and Children
Board Member, Foster Family-based Treatment Association
Member Continuation of Placement Guidelines and Standards Committee
State of Maryland Social Service Administration
Interdisciplinary Needs Assessment Subcommittee
State of Maryland Office for Children, Youth, and Families
Member, Foster Care Standards Committee
State of Maryland Social Service Administration Treatment
Member of Search Committee for Vice Chancellor of the Graduate School,
University of Maryland, Baltimore
University of Maryland at Baltimore Graduate Council
American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (Clinical Member)
Gerontology Society of America
National Association of Social Workers-Diplomat
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
International Society for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect
Maryland, Licensed Certified Social Worker – Clinical #03853, Approved Supervisor
Collins, K.S., Clarkson-Freeman, P., Strieder, F.H., Baldwin, C. & Reinicker, P. (2014 under review). A treatment
outcome study of reducing developmental and complex trauma symptomatology with families to prevent
child abuse and neglect: Trauma Adapted Family Connections. Journal of Child Abuse and Neglect.
Lee, B. R., Ebesutani, C., Kolivoski, K. M., Becker, K. D., Lindsey, M. A., Brandt, N. E., Cammack, N.,
Goolsby, D., Strieder, F., Chorpita, B. F., & Barth, R. P. (2014). Program and Practice Elements for
Placement Prevention: A Review of Interventions and their Effectiveness in Promoting HomeBased Care. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. Am J Orthopsychiatry. 84(3), 244-56. doi:
Collins, K. S., Strieder. F. H., DePanfilis, D., Tabor, M., Clarkson Freeman, P. A., Linde, L., and Greenberg,
P. (2011). Trauma Adapted Family Connections: Reducing Developmental and Complex Trauma
Symptomatology to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect. Child Welfare, 90(6), 29-48.
Barth, R. P., Lee, B. R., Lindsey, M. A., Collins, K. S., Strieder, F., Chorpita, B. F., Becker, K. D., & Sparks, J.
A. (2011). Evidence-based practice at a crossroads: The timely emergence of common elements
and common factors. Research on Social Work Practice.
Sharpe, T. L., DePanfilis, D., Strieder, F., Gregory, G. (2009). Replication of Family Connections:
Lessons learned from grandparents. Protecting Children, 6, 59-69.
Schamess, G., Strieder, F., & Martel-Connors, K. (1997). Supervision and Staff Training for Children's
Group Psychotherapy: General Principles and Applications with Cumulatively Traumatized, InnerCity Children. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 47, 399-425.
Martel-Connors, K., Schamess, G., & Strieder, F. (1997). Children's Treatment Groups: An overview, and
an Innovative Model for Ameliorating the Effects of Cumulative Trauma. In Jerrold Brandell, (Ed.)
Theory and Practice in Clinical Social Work. A Handbook for the 1990's and Beyond. New York:
Free Press.
Strieder, F., Schamess, G., & Martel-Connors, K. (1996). Creating and Sustaining A Group Treatment
Program for Cumulatively and Repetitively Traumatized Children: Administrative Principles and
Systemic Considerations. Journal of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy, 6, 61-74.
Kates, W., Johnson, R., Rader, M., & Strieder, F. (1991). "Whose Child is This? The Assessment and
Treatment of Children in Foster Care". American Journal or Orthopsychiatry, 61, 584-591, 1991.
Collins, K.S., Strieder, F.H., Tabor, M., Hayward, A., & Davis, S. (2014). Trauma Adapted-Family
Connections: Advanced intervention strategies. In D. DePanfilis (Ed.), Family Connections
intervention manual: helping families meet the basic needs of their children. (7th ed). (pp.74109). Baltimore, MD: University of Maryland, Baltimore.
Pecukonis, E. V., Strieder, F. H., & Wade, K. (2013). Child Welfare Training Manual for Motivational
Interviewing with Live Supervision and Standardized Clients. Baltimore MD: University of
Maryland, Baltimore.
Collins, K., Connors, K., Davis, S., Donohue, A., Gardner, S., Goldblatt, E., Hayward, A., Kiser, L., Strieder, F.
Thompson, E. (2010). Understanding the impact of trauma and urban poverty on family systems:
Risks, resilience, and interventions. Baltimore, MD: Family Informed Trauma Treatment Center. or
Kiser, L., Connors, K., Gardner, S. Strieder, F., & Lyons, J. (2009). Family Assessment of Needs and
Strengths Manual, An Information Integration Tool for Families Exposed to Traumatic Events.
Baltimore, MD: University of Maryland, Baltimore.
Collins, K.S.; Strieder, F.H.; Tabor, M.; Hayward, A.; & Davis, S. (2008). Trauma Adapted-Family
Connections: Advanced intervention strategies. In D. DePanfilis (Ed.), Family Connections
Intervention Manual: Helping Families Meet the Basic Needs of their Children. (6th ed). (pp. 101126). Baltimore, MD: University of Maryland, Baltimore.
DePanfilis, D. McDermott-Lane, M., Girvin, H., & Strieder, F. (2004). Family Connections Intervention
Manual, 5th ed. Baltimore, MD: University of Maryland, Baltimore.
Strieder, F. & Ayer, D., SumOne for Kids-Maryland: An Outcome Evaluation System.(1997) . The American
Association of Children's Residential Centers, Papers Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the
American Association of Children's Residential Centers, October, 1997.
Strieder, F., The Relationship Between Social Workers' Confirming Behaviors, Parental Perspectives and
Parental Performance.(1990). Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Maryland, 1990.
Giesey, G. & Strieder, F. (1982). "Attending to Family Issues in Anorexia Nervosa", in Anorexia Nervosa.
Meir Gross (ed.), Lexington: Callamore Press, 1982.
Kates, W., Johnson, R., Rader, M., & Strieder, F., Whose Child is This? Assessment and Treatment of
Children in Foster Care. In F. J. Turner, Differential Diagnosis and Treatment in Social Work, (4th
ed. pp. 356-365), The Free Press, 1995.
Strieder, F., Brylske, P. & Powers, N. (June 2014). Advanced in Trauma Informed Treatment Foster Care WhyWhat-How? Foster Family-based Treatment Foster Care Association – Maryland Chapter, Children’s Guild
Baltimore Maryland, June 20, 2014.
Strieder, F. Trauma Informed: What Does It Mean to You. 8th Annual Maryland CASA Conference. Annapolis,
Maryland, March 29, 2014.
Gardner, S. and Strieder, F. Making Connections to Make Changes: Engaging Families Affected by Intergenerational
Trauma. Tenth Annual Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference Integrating Clinical Interventions
with a Behavioral Health Approach. Baltimore, Maryland, March 18 2014.
Collins, K., Creeden, R., Strieder, F. and Clarkson Freeman, P. (March 2014). Family Shared Meaning of Trauma:
Partnering with Families to Develop and Apply Narrative Practice Principles in Family Trauma Work.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration 2014 National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Conference. Falls Church, Virginia, March 5, 2014
Smith, G. C., Hayslip, B., Strieder, F., Montoro-Rodriguez, J., Merchant, W., & Williamson, M. (November,
2013). What Kinds of Families Commit to an RCT like Project COPE? 66th Annual Scientific
Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Hayslip, B., Strieder, F., Montoro-Rodriguez, J., & Smith, G. C.. Professional Leaders Perceptions of
Intervention Benefits and Therapeutic Content. 66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the
Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 22, 2013.
Montoro-Rodriguez, J., Smith, G. C., Hayslip, B., Strieder, F., Williamson, M., Merchant, W., & Greenberg,
P. Professionals’ Perceptions of Practical Issues in Conducting RCTs with Custodial Grandfamilies.
66th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, , Louisiana,
November 22, 2013.
Strieder, F., Montoro-Rodriguez, J., Hayslip, B., Smith, G. C., Williamson, M., & Merchant, W.. The
Challenges of Recruiting Custodial Grandfamilies into a Randomized Clinical Trial. 66th Annual
Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, New Orleans, ,Louisiana, November
22, 2013.
DePanfilis, D., Strieder, F., Collins, K. S., Clarkson Freeman, P., Costello, T. Adapting a Promising MultiFaceted Child Maltreatment Preventive Intervention to Respond to Differences in Target
Populations, ISPCAN European Regional Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. Dublin Ireland,
September 16, 2013.
Brylske, P., Strieder, F., Price, C., & Mettrick, J. Creating Trauma-Informed Child Welfare Systems of Care.
Maryland System of Care Training Institutes 2013, The Institute for Innovations and
Implementation at the University of Maryland School of Social Work. Baltimore Maryland, June 4,
Strieder, F. Child Welfare Professional Development Working with Families Who Experience Trauma, The
University of Maryland School of Social Work Child Welfare Academy. Frederick Maryland, May
30, 2013.
Connors, K. & Strieder, F.H. Child Welfare Professional Development and Supervisors Working with
Families Who Experience Trauma, The University of Maryland School of Social Work Child
Welfare Academy. Baltimore Maryland, May 23, 2013.
Collins, K. S, Berkowitz, S., Strieder, F. H., & Clarkson Freeman, P. Back to the Future: Trauma-Focused
Family Assessment. National Child Traumatic Stress Network All-Network Conference New
Directions: Collaboration for a Comprehensive Focus on Childhood Trauma. Philadelphia
Pennsylvania, May 1, 2013
Strieder, F. Trauma-Informed Care: What Does It Mean? 7th Annual Maryland CASA Conference.
Annapolis Maryland, April 6, 2013.
Strieder, F. Compassion Fatigue, Secondary Traumatic Stress or Burnout? Identification and Practical
Strategies for Frontline Case Workers, The University of Maryland School of Social Work Child
Welfare Academy. Baltimore Maryland, December 3, 2012 .
Strieder, F. Child Welfare Professional Development and Supervisors Working with Families Who
Experience Trauma, The University of Maryland School of Social Work Child Welfare Academy,
Baltimore Maryland, November 8, 2012.
Collins, K. S., Strieder, F. H., Freeman, P. C., and Tabor M. Trauma Adapted Family Connections: Reducing
Developmental and Complex Trauma Symptomatology to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect.
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 28th Annual Meeting Beyond Boundaries:
Innovations to Expand Services and Tailor Traumatic Stress Treatments. Los Angeles, California
November 3, 2012
Ross, L., Strieder, F., & Vrabel, C. Organizational Impact and Intervention of STS. The National Center for
Child Traumatic Stress Speaker Series. [Webinar] March 30, 2012.
Collins, K. S., Strieder, F., Tabor, M., & Clarkson Freeman, P.A. Trauma Adapted Family Connections:
Reducing Development and Complex Trauma Symptomatology to Prevent Child Abuse and
Neglect. Family Informed Trauma Treatments: Supporting Family Recovery. Raising the Standard
of Care Improving Access Services: Past Accomplishments and Future Goals. NCTSN All-Network
Conference. March 8, 2012
Connors, K., Gardner, S., Kiser, L., & Strieder, F. Family Informed Trauma Treatments: Supporting Family
Recovery. Raising the Standard of Care Improving Access Services: Past Accomplishments and
Future Goals. Pre-Conference Day, NCTSN All-Network Conference. March 5, 2012
Layne, C., Strand, V., Abramovitz, R., Stuber, M. ; Ross, L., Strieder, F., & Amaya-Jackson, L., Using the
Core Curriculum on Childhood Trauma to Create “Gold Standard” Training for Evidence-Based
Students and New Practitioners. ISTSS 27th Annual Meeting: Social Bonds and Trauma Through
the Life Span Pre-Meeting Institute #7. November 2, 2011
Strieder, F. Fostering Resilience Grandparents Raising Grandchildren. 14 th Annual Respite Awareness
Conference. Linthicum, Maryland, October 24, 2011
Figley, C., Kiser, L., Saltzman, W. & Strieder, F., Innovations in Family-Centered Approaches to Trauma
and Loss The National Center for Child Traumatic Stress Speaker Series. [Webinar] September 16,
Strieder, F., Gardner, S., Connors, K., Components of Family-Informed Treatment. The National Center for
Child Traumatic Stress Speaker Series. [Webinar] June 17, 2011.
Strieder, F. Trauma Informed Practice for Child Welfare. University of Maryland School of Social Work
Education for Public Child Welfare Program. Baltimore, Maryland, March 8, 2011.
Strieder, F. Trauma Informed Practice for Child Welfare. University of Maryland School of Social Work
Education for Public Child Welfare Program. Baltimore, Maryland, January, 6 & 7, 2010.
Collins, K., Cantley, J. Strieder, F., & Tabor, M. Trauma Adapted Family Connections, Colorado State
University School of Social Work PERC (Prevention, Empowerment, and Resiliency Collaborative.
Fort Collins, Colorado, February 22-26, 2010.
Smith, G., Hancock, G., Kelley, S., Whitley, D. Doblin-MacNab, M. L., Hayslip, B., Davis, S., Goodman, C. C.
& Strieder, F. Symposium: Family Dynamics and Interdependence within Custodial Grandparent
Families. Creative Approaches to Healthy Aging, The Gerontological Society of America 62 nd
Annual Scientific Meeting. Atlanta Georgia, November 18-22, 2009.
Fuller-Thomson, E., Hayslip, B., Strieder, F. & Butts, D. Symposium: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren:
15 Years of Research, Theory, Policy, & Practice. Creative Approaches to Healthy Aging, The
Gerontological Society of America 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting. Atlanta Georgia, November 1822, 2009.
Collins, K & Strieder, F. Trauma Informed Supervision for Child Welfare. University of Maryland School of
Social Work Child Welfare Academy. Rockville, Maryland, November 13, 2009.
Strieder, F. H. Using Prevention Science to Design, Implement, and Evaluate Prevention Strategies:
Lessons Learned form Family Connections. Promoting Emotional Health in High Risk Trauma
Populations: Using Interventions That Work. Baltimore, Maryland. October 9, 2009.
Strieder, F.H., Working with Grandparent and Other Kinship Caregivers and their Families. New Strategies
for Changing Times. The 2009 Meeting for Agencies and Courts. Arlington, Virginia. August 3-6,
Strieder, F. H. Using Prevention Science to Design, Implement, and Evaluate Prevention Strategies:
Lessons from Family Connections. 17th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect –
Focusing on the Future: Strengthening Families and Communities. Atlanta, Georgia, April 4, 2009.
DePanfilis, D. & Strieder, F. H. Using Prevention Science to Design, Implement, and Evaluate Prevention
Strategies: Lessons Learned form Family Connections. Focusing on the Future: Strengthening
Families and Communities, 17th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. Atlanta,
Georgia, April 3, 2009.
Fuller-Thompson, E., Hayslip, B. Jr., Peterson-Lent, j., & Strieder, F.H., Plenary Panel Session: A Dialogue –
Interaction Among Research, Practice, and Policy. 2nd Symposium on Grandparents Raising
Grandchildren “Strengthening Family Connections: Enhancing Our Grandchildren’s Future.”
Atlanta Georgia, March 11, 2009.
Woodruff, K., DePanfilis, D., & Strieder, F. Symposium: Targeting problem behaviors among African
American children and youth: The promise of Family Connections. Society for Social Work &.
Research 13th Annual Conference – Research that Promotes Sustainability and Rebuilds
Strengths. New Orleans, Louisiana, January 17, 2009.
Strieder, F. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren – Designing Interventions That Make a Difference. 11th
Annual Respite Awareness Day Conference Spotlight on Respite. Linthicum Heights, Maryland
October 27, 2008.
Strieder, F. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren – Designing Interventions That Make a Difference. South
Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy 9th Annual Summer Institute. “Moving Mountains:
Creating Change through Leadership and Innovation.” Greenville South Carolina, June 17, 2008.
Hayslip, B, Gladstone, J., Strieder, F., Cox, C., & Goodman, C. Interventions with Grandparents Raising
Grandchildren: Getting Help and Getting Better. The Gerontological Society of America 60 th
Annual Scientific Meeting. “The Era of Global Aging: Challenges and Opportunities.” San
Francisco California, November 20 2007.
Strieder, F. & Noel, P Grandparents Raising Grandchildren - Designing Interventions That Make a
Difference. 16th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. Portland Oregon, April 20,
Williams, C., Strieder, F., & Whitley, C. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: Creating Community
Partnerships to Address a Growing Need. 16th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect.
Portland Oregon, April 20, 2007.
Moore, W.. & Strieder, F. Strengthening Vulnerable Families. 2007 Family Foundation Conference
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront. Baltimore, Maryland, February 24, 2007.
Strieder, F., Hayward, A. & Daining, C. . Using Research Data to Inform Family Support Practice. The 9 th
National Child Welfare Data and Technology Conference, Washington, D.C. July 19, 2006.
Strieder, F. Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Baltimore City Council on Urban Affairs Aging
Subcommittee, Center for Aging Services and Policy Development. Baltimore, Maryland, April 25,
Butts, D., Linette, K., & Strieder, F. Grandfamilies: Effective Messaging, Programs, and Public Policies to
Support Grandparents and Other Relatives Raising Children. Family Support America 11th Biennial
International Conference. Chicago, IL, March 26-29, 2006.
Butts, D. Obrien, N., Edwards, R. & Strieder, F., Grand-Families: Addressing Challenges, Providing
Support. Aging with Attitude: Transforming Our Communities and Our Nation, Grant Makers In
Aging Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, October 26-28, 2005.
Strieder, F. Grandparent Family Connections: The Family Center. Generations United 13th International
Conference, The Intergenerational Current: Across the Life Span and Around the Globe.
Washington, DC, September 16, 2005.
Strieder, F. & Gilborn M.,Working with Intergenerational Families to Increase Safety, Well-Being, and
Permanency. Generations United 13th International Conference
The Intergenerational Current: Across the Life Span and Around the Globe, Washington,
D.C.,September 13-17, 2005
Strieder, F. & Pitts, W., Panel on Replicating Project Healthy Grandparents, National Center on
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Conference A Second Chance for Children: Embracing the
Future, Atlanta, Georgia, May 11 & 12 2005.
DePanfilis, D. & Strieder, F. Working with Intergenerational Families to Increase Safety, Well-being and
Permanency. 15th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Boston, Massachusetts, April
21, 2005.
Girvin, H., Strieder, F. & DePanfilis, D. Working with Intergenerational Families to Increase Safety, Wellbeing and Permanency. Children 2005 Crossing the Cultural Divide, Child Welfare League of
America National Conference, Washington D.C., March 10, 2005.
Weimer, D., Weber, E., & Strieder, F. Health and Social Welfare Issues: Interdisciplinary Approaches to
Problem Solving. Making an Impact 30 Years of Clinical Legal Education at the University of
Maryland Law School, Baltimore, Maryland, April 2, 2004.
Girvin, H., DePanfilis, D., & Strieder, F. Working with Intergenerational Families to Increase Safety, Wellbeing and Permanency. The Governor’s 11th Annual Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect,
Baltimore, Maryland, April 29, 2004
Strieder, F. Sarsgard, D., Harkness, M. & Clay, N. Engaging Families in Community-Based Programs, The
Governor’s 11th Annual Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Baltimore, Maryland, April 29,
Strieder, F., Weimer, D., & Jozsa, M. Healthy Grandparent Families. Working together effectively. In Safe
Hands Protecting Our Children. The Governor’s 10th Annual Conference on Child Abuse and
Neglect, Baltimore, Maryland, April 29th, 2003.
Strieder, F., Koverola, C., & Baron, B. Multi-disciplinary teams: Working together effectively. The
Governor’s 9th Annual Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Baltimore, Maryland, April 25 th,
Strieder. F. & Cangelosi, S., Working with families to increase the safety and well-being of children, The
Ninth Annual American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
Colloquium, Washington, D.C., June 20-23, 2001.
Strieder, F. & Gardner, S. Working with families to Increase the safety and well-being of children, The
Governor’s 8th Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Baltimore, Maryland, April 17, 2001.
Strieder, F. & Brylske, P. Oh, What a relief it is! The provision of respite care in the continuum of postadoption respite services. North American Council on Adoptable Children 26th Annual
Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, July 27-30, 2000.
Clausen, R. E., Ryan, J, Strieder, F. Improving and Further Developing Your Children’s Services Information
System, The Sixth Annual Behavioral Informatics Tomorrow Conference, San Jose, California,
March 18-20, 1999
McComb, J. & Strieder, F. SumOne for Kids- Maryland: A Multiagency Evaluation System, Child Welfare
League Conference, Maui, Hawaii, October, 1998
Strieder, F., Brieling, J., Corcoran, K., Rosenblatt, A., Thomlison, B., and Burge, D.Outcome-based
Strategies in Treatment Foster Care - A Moderated Panel Discussion, Anaheim, California, July,
Strieder, F. and Howe, S. A System Of Care For Children's Mental Health: Expanding The Research
Base,Tampa, Florida, March, 1998
Strieder, F., & Ayer, D. SumOne for Kids-Maryland: An Outcome Evaluation System, American Association
of Children's Residential Centers, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October, 1997
Strieder, F. SumOne for Kids-Maryland: An Outcome Evaluation Project. CWLA Mid-Atlantic Region
Training Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, June, 1997.
Strieder, F. & Gardner, S. Linking Community-Based and Clinic-Centered Services for Families in Need.
CWLA Mid-Atlantic Region Training Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, June, 1997.
Strieder, F. Program Outcome Evaluation, for the Maryland Association of Resources for Families & Youth
(MARFY) and The Baltimore County Department of Social Services Conference Managed Care and
Child Welfare: Ready or Not, Here it Comes, Linthicum Heights, Maryland, April, 1997.
Strieder, F. & Gardner, S. Developmental Interactional Model, Training conducted at Woodbridge,
Virginia, April, 1997.
Strieder, F. & Ayer, D. Data for Decision Making in Children’s Mental Health Services, 1996 National
Conference on Mental Health Statistics, Washington, D.C., May, 1996.
Strieder, F. Chronic Victimization: A Family Tie that Binds, The 1995 National Symposium on Child
Victimization, Washington, D.C., November, 1995.
Strieder, F. & Gallagher, M. Therapeutic Foster Care. FFTA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Fall Conference,
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, October, 1995.
Strieder, F. & Gallagher, M. Strengthening Families Affected by Intergenerational Trauma. MANSEF
Annual Conference, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, October, 1995.
Strieder, F. & Levy, J. Therapeutic Foster Care. MANSEF Annual Conference, Baltimore Convention
Center, Baltimore, Maryland, October, 1995.
Strieder, F. & Levy, J. Child Welfare Services and Hospital Partnership: Planning for Children With
Complex Needs. Presented at the University of Maryland School of Social Work, Baltimore,
Maryland, September, 1995.
Strieder, F. Treatment Foster Care: A Response to Children Who Have Experienced Chronic Victimization
and their Families. FFTA Annual Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, August, 1995.
Strieder, F. & Gardner, S. Intergenerational Family Issues of Abuse. Presented at the Community
Response to Family Violence: Educating the Community Conference, Hagerstown, Maryland,
April, 1994.
Strieder, F. & Brylske, P. This Child is Yours: This Child is Ours-A Multidimensional Model for Working with
the Child and Family. Presented at The Foster Family-Based Treatment Association 8th Annual
Conference, Washington, D.C., August, 1994.
Strieder, F., Gallagher, M., & Gardner, S. An Interactional Developmental Approach to Conducting Family
Therapy Presented at Maryland Family and Children's Services, Baltimore, Maryland, March,
Martel-Connors, K. Schammess, G., & Strieder, F. Children’s Group: Ameliorating the effects of Trauma.
Presented at the American Group Psychotherapy Association 38th Institute and 51st Conference,
Washington, D.C., February, 1994.
Chamberlain, P., Snodgrass, B. & Strieder, F. H. The Role of Treatment/Specialized Foster Care in the
Child Welfare Continuum of Services. Presented at the Second Annual National Child Welfare
Conference, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth,
and Families, Children's Bureau. Washington, D.C., March, 1994.
Strieder, F., Kates, W, & Mannino, L. Characteristics of Individuals who Choose to Become Treatment
Foster Parents. Presented at the 13th Annual MARFY Conference, Ocean City, MD, November,
Strieder, F. & Gallagher, M. Family Treatment and Family Preservation: A Developmental-Interactional
Model to Family Therapy. Presented at the Holiday Inn, Timonium Plaza. Timonium, Maryland,
Strieder, F. & Kates, W. Characteristics of Individuals who Choose to Become Treatment Foster Parents.
Presented at the 7th Annual FFTA Conference, Be There for the Change. Chicago, IL, 1993.
Gallagher, M. & Strieder, F. Supporting Family Preservation through an Integrated Treatment Approach.
Presented at the Francis Scott Key Medical Center, Johns Hopkins Division of Child And
Adolescent Psychiatry Conference on Family Therapy and Preservation. Baltimore, MD, 1992.
Strieder, F., Benedict, L., Brylske, P. & Kimmel, H. Helping Children Survive Multiple Placements.
Presented at the Annual Conference of the Maryland Association of Non-public Special Education
Facilities. Baltimore, MD, 1991.
Strieder, F. Empowerment- An Issue for Everyone Who is in Foster Care. Presented at the Third Annual
Maryland Child Welfare Conference, Maryland Department of Human Resources Office of Child
Welfare; Baltimore, Maryland, 1990.
Strieder, F., Gallagher, M. & Rader, M. Intervening with Children and their Families While the Children
are Placed in a Residential Care Facility. Presented at the St. Vincent's Residential Center.
Baltimore, MD, 1990.
Strieder, F. Family Therapy with Children Who Display Pseudo Seizure Symptoms. Presented at the
Symposium on Pseudo Epilepsy. Cleveland Clinic Foundation; Cleveland, Ohio, 1982.