AEC 3206 INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN AGRICULTURE 1. INSTRUCTORS Assoc. Prof. Johnny Mugisha(B.Sc. Agric.; M.Sc. Agric.; PhD) (Associate Professor) Ms. Alobo Sarah (B.Sc. Agric.; M.Sc. Agric. & Applied Econ.) (Teaching Assistant) 2. COURSE TYPE AND LOCATION: Core for B.Sc. Agric. IV and B.ABM III;Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness. 3. COURSE STRUCTURE 3 Credit Units: 45 Contact Hours per semester; 30 lecture hours (2 contact hours per week for 15 study weeks) and 30 tutorial hours (1 contact hour per week for 15 study weeks) 4. COURSE DESCRIPTION: Basis for international trade; Theory of comparative advantage & potential gains in trade; Patterns of trade in Agricultural products, Concepts of free trade; Trade policies & practices of export & import nations; Analysis of effects of different measures of protection & intervention; Commodity agreements; Agricultural trade; Policies of common market areas & the role of international institutions - GATT and UNCTAD; Gender analysis of international trade policies. 6. COURSE OBJECTIVES General objective To introduce students to the concept of international trade. Specific objectives To equip students with knowledge and understanding of the worldwide importance of international trade, why we trade, concepts underlying and the overall importance of international trade. To enable students improve their ability to evaluate economy wide problems concerning free trade, protectionism, competitiveness, benefits from trade, including other issues and applications on global trade. 7. RECOMMENDED REFERENCES FOR READING 1. Dominic Salvatore, 1995. International Economics, 5th edition, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. (Current edition printed in January 2007) 2. Slamon Samien, 2006. A primer on export diversification:key concepts, theoretical underpinnings and empirical evidence. 3. Fahim Al-ma Rhubi, 2000. Export diversification & growth: an empirical investigation, Applied Economics Letters 7: 559-562 4. Jeremy W. Mattson, Won W. Koo and Richard D. Taylor, 2004. Non-tarriff trade barriers in agriculture. Centre for agricultural policy and trade studies, Agribusiness & Applied economics report No. 531, March 2004. 5. Agricultural trade, policies and principles by Tweeten. 4. COURSE CONTENT, METHODS OF INSTRUCTION, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT REQUIRED TOPIC CONTENT METHOD OF INSTRUCTION / TOOLS / EQUIPMENT 1.BASIS FOR INTERNATIONAL TRADE - Introduction Importance of trade Why does trade occur Comparative advantage & trade Time allocated Interactive lectures (2 hrs) Seminar (2 hrs) NEEDED LCD Projector, Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Interactive lectures (2 hrs) Tutorial (2 hrs) Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Seminar1: Why countries trade. 2.BASIS FOR INTERNATIONAL TRADE - Increasing opportunity costs & trade Trade with demand and supply Different tastes as a basis for trade Measuring gains from trade Tutorial 1: Exercises on trade with demand & supply; measuring gains from trade. 3. INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL TRADE THEORIES - Mercantilist’s views on trade Adam Smith’s Absolute Advantage Tutorial 2: Exercises on absolute advantage & trade 4. INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL TRADE THEORIES 5. INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL TRADE THEORIES 6. THE TERMS OF TRADE - Ricardo’s law of comparative advantage (differences in technology) - Comparative advantage & opportunity cost theory Tutorial 3: Exercises on comparative advantage & trade - Standard theory of international trade - Hecksher-Ohlin theory of international Trade (differences in factor endowments) Tutorial 4: Exercises on Hecksher-Ohlin & trade - Terms of trade - Calculating a country’s terms of trade - Determinants of terms of trade Interactive lectures (2 hrs) Tutorial (2 hrs) Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Interactive lectures (2 hrs) Tutorial (2 hrs) Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Interactive lectures (2 hrs) Tutorial (2 hrs) Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Interactive lectures (2 hrs) Tutorial (2 hrs) Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Interactive lectures (2 hrs) Seminar (2 hrs) LCD Projector, Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Tutorial 5: Exercises on Calculating a country’s terms of trade 7. THE CONCEPTS OF FREE TRADE - Relationship between imports & exports Optimal trade policy Benefits of free trade Seminar 2: Arguments for & against free trade. Test : covering topics 1-7 8. TRADE POLICIES & PRACTICES OF EXPORT & IMPORT NATIONS - - Modern trade theory & trade policy Strategic trade policy Instruments of strategic trade policy: Tariffs and quotas, Domestic product standards, product regulations, and other NTBs Export subsidies Support for R&D, investments, production, labor training, education, etc often call industrial policy Problems with strategic trade policy: Interactive lectures ( 2 hrs) Seminar (2 hrs) LCD Projector, Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts what we Seminar 3: Free trade, strategic trade & the modern trade theory 9. TRADE POLICIES & PRACTICES OF EXPORT & IMPORT NATIONS - Export competitiveness: definition & Measurement Economies of scale & competitive strategies Export diversification: definition, rationale & Measurement Interactive lectures (2 hrs) Tutorial (2 hrs) Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Interactive lectures (2 hrs) Seminar (2 hrs) LCD Projector, Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Interactive lectures (2 hrs) Tutorial (2 hrs) Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Interactive lectures (2 hrs) Seminar (2 hrs) LCD Projector, Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Tutorial 6: Exercises on export competitiveness & export diversification 10.TRADE POLICIES & PRACTICES OF EXPORT & IMPORT NATIONS - Uganda’s export incentives & trade policy Trade policy instruments: Tarriffs & non-tarriff barriers to trade Seminar 4: Trade policy instruments 11.TRADE POLICIES & PRACTICES OF EXPORT & IMPORT NATIONS 12. ECONOMIC INTERGRATION - Welfare effects of trade policy Instruments Tutorial 7:Exercises on welfare effects of Employing different trade policy instruments Course work assignment 1: On trade policies & practices of export & import nations - Forms of economic integration: trade creating and trade diverting customs unions, - conditions for maximizing welfare impacts of customs unions. Seminar 5 : Economic intergration 13. ECONOMIC INTERGRATION - Static welfare effects of customs unions Tutorial 8: Exercises on welfare effects of customs unions - 14. POLICIES OF COMMON MARKET AREAS & THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS International institutions for trade: ITO GATT / WTO: functions & principles UNCTAD, COMESA, EAC,etc IMF, World Bank, etc OECD, OPEC, etc Regional integration FDI policy Industrial policy Interactive lectures (2 hrs) Tutorial (2 hrs) Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Interactive lectures (2 hrs) Seminar (2 hrs) LCD Projector, Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Interactive lectures ( 2 hrs) Seminar (2 hrs) LCD Projector, Chalk / BB or Markers / Flip charts Seminar 6: Institutions for modern trade policy 15.GENDER ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE POLICIES Course work assignment 2: On the role of international institutions in promoting trade - Gender & international trade: issues & applications: - How does trade, trade policies and WTO rules contribute to or diminish gender inequalities, gendered markets, female poverty and discrimination? - How do the reproductive tasks by women interact with trade and trade related activities? Seminar 7: Gender analysis of trade agreements - 16 - 17 Revision time Final Examination 9. SUMMARY OF TIME NEEDED Lectures Tutorials and Seminars 10. COURSE ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment (test): Continuous assessment (assignment): University Examination: 30 hrs 15 hrs There will be 1 test arising from tutorials, seminars and topics covered, during week 7 of the semester Students will write 2 course work assignments 20% Final examination during week 16-17 of the semester 60% 20%