Case study: Time-limited vouchers to encourage fertilizer adoption: Are they effective? 1 Introduction In 2010, the Ministry of Agriculture in Naguda decided to work with an NGO called “Fertilizer for All” to pilot a new approach to increase adoption of fertilizer. Fertilizer adoption is limited in Naguda and the Ministry wants to increase fertilizer use to increase yields. In the month after harvest, the NGO staff visited 1,000 farmers to offer them time-limited vouchers to adopt fertilizer in their farming plots, and convey the message below: “Hello. My name is Marc Oyeye, and I’m from Fertilizer for All. We are an NGO that promotes the use of fertilizers in farming plots. We’d like to let you know that with this voucher, you could get fertilizer at a 50% discount. Please also note that it will expire in two weeks.” Did the time-limited voucher increase the adoption of fertilizer? How can we find out? This case study addresses these questions by examining the various methods that can be used to assess the impact of a program or intervention. While the context of this case study is fertilizer use in Naguda, the questions raised here are also valid for the assessment of the impact of other public programs in developing countries. Background By some estimates, there are approximately 1.4 billion people living on less than $1.25 a day, many of whom are farmers. As such, identifying ways to increase agricultural incomes is crucial in meaningfully alleviating poverty. Such strategies are especially important in Naguda, where agricultural yields have been low and remained stagnant for many years. The use of fertilizer has the potential to dramatically increase yields and, if used correctly, is a highly profitable investment. However, adoption rates remain are low. If fertilizer is so profitable, why do so few farmers in Naguda use it? Is it lack of information about profitability, lack of money to purchase it, or an inability to save for the purchase? In search of an explanation for this low fertilizer adoption rate, and especially in search of a solution, the Minister of Agriculture hired a consultant, who proposed the following strategy: Based on Duflo et al. “Nudging Farmers to Use Fertilizer: Theory and Experimental Evidence from Kenya.” 1 To: His Excellency the Minister of Agriculture From: S.Holma, consultant Date: December 15, 2010 Ref: Fertilizer adoption survey update Diagnostic I have implemented a survey of 500 randomly selected farmers in Naguda to find out why the fertilizer adoption rate is so low. After careful analysis, I conclude that the following is the most important reason why farmers do not adopt fertilizer: They have difficulty saving harvest income until the time when inputs are needed. Proposal Since the issue is that farmers have difficulty saving, the Ministry of Agriculture should hire a company to visit the farmers and give them time-limited vouchers to incentivize them to purchase fertilizer right after the harvest season, when they have cash available. Since most farmers in Naguda have neither telephones nor cell-phones, visiting farmers door-to-door is the only viable option. The Ministry of Agriculture is skeptical about this proposal. Before rolling out the strategy in the whole country, they decide to hire an NGO, “Fertilizer for All” to run a pilot experiment to test the efficacy of time-limited fertilizer vouchers. An impact evaluation will be built into the pilot experiment. The Minister of Agriculture hires you to run the impact evaluation. Question 1 for discussion – What is the one basic question that your impact evaluation should be able to answer? Please complete Question 1 before reading further. ****************************** Did the time-limited fertilizer voucher work? In December 2010, the NGO “Fertilizer for All” obtained a list of 1,000 farmers in Naguda. The list of 1,000 farmers was obtained from the archives of the national civil registry of Naguda, in which all farmers are registered. The archives also contain data on the size of the farmer’s household, the age of the farmer, where the farmer lives (i.e., Northern Region or Southern Region), and the level of economic development of the farmer’s district. In January 2011, interviewers visited all 1,000 farmers, but were only able to speak with 403 people. That is to say, only 403 farmers were at home and offered the voucher. For each of the 1,000 farmers, the volunteers noted whether the farmers are at home for visit or not. Finally, after 6 months, Fertilizer for All revisited the farmers and determined whether they had actually used the vouchers in the new farming season or not. Fertilizer for All has agreed to share with you its data concerning the 1,000 farmers involved in their fertilizer voucher program. We are asking you to use this data to gauge the impact of the fertilizer voucher campaign on fertilizer adoption rates, i.e. its impact on the percentage of farming plots that are fertilized. Method 1 – Difference in the proportion of fertilizer usage, between farmers that received fertilizer voucher versus those that did not receive it. Assume that the 403 farmers that received the fertilizer voucher constitute the ‘treatment’ group and the remaining 597 farmers (i.e. those that were visited but were not in their home) represent the ‘comparison’ group. If you want to determine the impact of receiving a voucher on fertilizer adoption rate, you might check to see whether those who received the voucher were more likely to fertilize their farming plots than those who did not. Table 1a below compares the proportion of farmers in the ‘treatment’ group that had their farming plots fertilized with the proportion of such farmers in the ‘comparison’ group. Table 1a: Percentage of farmers that had adopted fertilizer in 2011 Method 1: Simple difference … among farmers that got the voucher … among farmers Estimated that did not get the voucher impact 16.5 % 9.6 % 6.9 pp* Question 2 for discussion – Do you think this method can give you a precise idea of the actual impact of the voucher on the farmers’ fertilizer adoption rate? Why or why not? Please complete Question 2 before reading further. ****************************** Method 2 – Use a multiple regression model to determine the differences between farmers that received the fertilizer voucher and those that did not. If you believe that the farmers that received the fertilizer voucher may have inherent characteristics different from those who did not receive them, you can test the difference by using a multivariate regression, as follows: The participant group and the comparison group are defined in the same way as in Method 1. To estimate the impact of the program, one does a regression in which the ‘dependent variable’ indicates whether the farmer used fertilizer or not (i.e., 0 = did not fertilize plot, 1 = fertilized plots). The ‘key explanatory variable’ is a variable indicating whether the farmer was offered the voucher or not (i.e., 0 = offered, 1 = was not offered). Potential differences in other characteristics of the farmers can be disentangled by adding other ‘explanatory variables’ such as the size of farmer’s household, the age of farmer, size of the property etc. The coefficient of the ‘key explanatory variable’ is the estimated program impact. Table 1b shows the estimated impact of the fertilizer voucher using the multivariate method (Method 2) compared to the estimated impact of the simple difference (Method 1) Table 1b: Percentage of farmers that had adopted fertilizer in 2011 … among farmers offered voucher Method 1: Simple Difference 16.5 % Method 2: Multiple regression … among farmers Estimated not offered voucher impact 9.6 % 6.9 pp* 5.1 pp* pp=percentage points *: statistical significance = 5 % Controls include size of farmer’s household, age of the farmer, a variable indicating the level of economic development in the farmer’s district and a variable indicating whether the farmer lives in the Northern Region. Table 2 compares the average characteristics of the ‘treated’ groups and ‘comparison’ groups used in these two methods. Table 2: Average characteristics of farmers Farmers that got voucher Size of farmer’s property (Ha) Average age of farmer Percentage of farmers that have mobile phone Percentage in the Northern Region Sample size Farmers that did not get voucher Difference 2.8 1.0 1.8* 35.8 31.0 4.8 32.7 % 32.2% 0.5 pp 54.7 % 46.7 % 8.0 pp* 403 597 Question 3 for discussion – Why do you think that the impact estimated using Method 2 is smaller than the impact estimated using Method 1? Question 4 for discussion – Do you think the impact estimated with Method 2 represents the true causal effect of the voucher on farmers’ fertilizer adoption? Why or why not? Question 5 for discussion – Can you correct the weaknesses of Method 1 by taking a random sample of farmers got the voucher and a random sample of farmers who did not get the voucher? Question 6 for discussion – Using the data described above, can you come up with some more convincing methods for estimating the impact of the voucher? What kind of information would be helpful? Please complete questions 3 through 6 before reading further. ****************************** Method 3 – Using Panel Data If you are still concerned about differences in characteristics between farmers that were offered the vouchers and those that were not, you might use panel data, i.e. you could follow the same farmers over time. As it turns out, the archives of the NGO also had data indicating whether farmers had adopted fertilizer in the past two years, from 2009 to 2010. The farmers’ past behavior with regard to fertilizer adoption can be a solid predictor of their future fertilizer adoption behavior. Table 3 shows the past fertilizer adoption behavior for the group of farmers that were offered the vouchers versus farmers that were not at home during Fertilizer for All’s visit. Table 3: Percentage of farmers who adopted fertilizer prior to 2011* … among farmers that got voucher … among farmers that did not get voucher Difference Used fertilizer in 2011 16.5 % 9.6 % 6.9 pp Used fertilizer in 2010 14.4 % 8.6 % 5.8 pp Used fertilizer in 2009 12.7 % 7.3 % 5.4 pp Difference between fertilizer usage in 2011, those in 2010 2.1 % 1.0 % 1.1 pp* pp=percentage points *: statistical significance = 5 % Question 7 for discussion – How could you use this data on behavior regarding fertilizer adoption in previous years to improve your analysis? What kind of method could you use? Based on the information in Table 3, what would be your new estimate of the impact of the fertilizer voucher on fertilizer adoption rates? Question 8 for discussion – Compare your new estimate to the estimates you obtained with Method 1 and Method 2. Is the estimated impact lower or higher? Why do you think this is? Please complete questions 7 through 8 before reading further. ****************************** Randomized Experiment As it turns out, the 1,000 farmers were chosen at random from the archives of the national civil registry of Naguda. This is similar to the random drawing done in a clinical trial, where the treatment/drug is administered randomly so as to be received by one group of patients but not the other. The complete list includes 7,000 farmers. We can exploit this random drawing of 1,000 farmers to estimate the impact of the fertilizer voucher. The idea is that the 1,000 farmers that were targeted for receiving vouchers from Fertilizer for All (now referred to as the ‘treatment’ group) should be identical to the 6,000 other Nagudian farmers (now referred to as the ‘control’ group) in terms of observable and non-observable characteristics. The only difference between the treatment and control groups is that the first group was visited by Fertilizer for All and the second was not. Table 4 compares the ‘treatment’ group and the ‘control’ group on the basis of observable characteristics. Table 5 shows the estimated impact of the fertilizer voucher by comparing fertilizer use in the treatment group with fertilizer use in the control group. Table 4: Characteristics of treatment and control groups ‘Treatment’ group ‘Control’ group (Visited) (Not visited) Difference 9.5% 10.9% 9.2% 11.3% 0.3 pp -0.4 pp 4.7 33.1 32.4% 49.9% 1,000 5.1 32.0 31.2% 51.4% 6,000 -0.4 1.1 1.2 pp -1.5 pp Adopted fertilizer in 2009 Adopted fertilizer in 2010 Size of farmer’s property (Ha) Average age of farmer % of farmers with mobile phone Percentage in the Northern Region Size of sample pp=percentage points *: statistical significance = 5 % Table 5: Randomized treatment and control groups Percentage of farmers that adopted fertilizer in 2011 ‘Treatment’ group ‘Control’ group Impact estimate Method 4a: Random Simple difference 12.4 % 12.2 % 0.2 pp Method 4b: Random Multiple Regression 0.2 pp pp=percentage points *: statistical significance = 5 % Question 9 for discussion – Notice that the two groups seem very similar in Table 4. Is this what you were expecting? Why or why not? Please complete questions 9 and 10 before reading further. ****************************** Technical note: Adjustment for take-up rate Table 5 shows the simple comparison of treatment and control groups, where the treatment group consists of all those were visited by Fertilizer for All and the control group consists of all those who were not visited. This estimated impact does not take into account the fact that 597 individuals in the “treatment” group were visited but not at home, therefore were not given vouchers. If we wish to estimate the impact of actually handing the voucher to the farmers, rather than just “visiting” the farmers, then we would need to adjust the estimate using the methodology of Instrumental Variables. A possible formula for making the adjustment is as followsοΌ πΈπ π‘ππππ‘π ππππ πππ‘βππ 4π π·πππππππππ ππ πππ‘π ππ ππππππ£πππ π‘βπ π£ππ’πβππ πππ‘π€πππ π‘ππππ‘ππππ‘ πππ ππππ‘πππ ππππ’ππ So: 0.2 400 −0 600 = 0.3 Conclusion Table 6 shows the estimated impacts of the fertilizer voucher on fertilizer adoption rates using the various methods discussed in this case study. Table 6 – Summary of estimated impacts of the fertilizer voucher Method Method 1: Simple difference Method 2: Multiple regression Method 3: ‘Double difference’ based on panel data Method 4a and 4b: Randomized experiment Method 4c: Randomized experiment adjusting for take-up rate Estimated impact 6.9 pp* 5.1 pp* 1.1 pp* 0.2 pp 0.3 pp pp=percentage points *: statistical significance = 5 % As you can see, not all methods yield the same results. It is therefore critical to choose the appropriate method. The purpose of this case study was not to assess a specific fertilizer voucher program, but to test various assessment methods in this particular context. In the analysis of the fertilizer voucher program, we noticed that those who received voucher were probably going to adopt fertilizer in their farming plots, but that they were also more likely to have fertilized their farming plots in previous years. Even when we accounted statistically for (known!) observable characteristics of farmers, including demographic characteristics and fertilizer use in previous years, there were still some inherent non-observable differences between the groups, independent of the fertilizer voucher program. Thus, when our non-random methods demonstrated a positive and significant impact, this result was attributable to a ‘selection bias’ (in this case, the selection of those who were at home during the visit and received the voucher) rather than to a successful fertilizer voucher program. Application to development Selection bias is a problem that occurs in many program evaluations. Think about some of the non-random development programs that you have evaluated or seen evaluated. Discuss how the participant group was chosen and how the ‘selection’ may have affected the evaluators’ capacity to gauge the true impact of the program.