Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee for Girls` Activities of the

Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee for Girls’ Activities of the Ontario Federation of School
Athletic Associations (OFSAA) held on Thursday, November 27, 2014, at the Sheraton Parkway
Conference Centre in Markham, Ontario.
Attendance: Jane King, CISAA; Linda de Jeu, COSSA; Kathy Brook (CWOSSA) Acting Chair; Tammy
Bovaird, EOSSAA; Julia McCreadie, GBSSA; Carolyn Massey, GHAC; Linda Correia, LOSSA; Kendra Read,
NCSSAA; Anita Anderson, NEOAA; Laura Aubertin, NOSSA; Janine Lavoie, NWOSSAA; Kelly Barbison,
ROPSSAA; Christine Baillie, SOSSA; Cathy Johnson, SWOSSAA; Monica Crewe, Wendy Luck, TDSSAA;
Michele Van Bargen, WOSSAA; Liana Williams, YRAA; Staff: Doug Gellatly, Damien Hope, Diana Ranken;
Observers: Lynn Kelman, Barry Mutrie, Bonnie Glover.
Regrets: Patty Johnson, TDCAA
1. Motion: C. Johnson/L. Williams
“that the minutes of the April CGA meeting be adopted as circulated”
2. Business Arising from the Minutes
There was a question as to the rules to be used for the OFSAA Gymnastics Festival this year. This will
be referred to the SAC and make sure they pass along the information to all Associations.
3. Correspondence - none
4. Reports
a) Fall Championships
i) Golf (SWOSSAA)
- participants thin it is ready to become a championship, had 110 golfers this year
- concern with the logo rules on bags, shirts, etc. as it is difficult for this sport to regulate
- need clarification on the GPS rule
ii) Field Hockey (GHAC)
- convenors must be more aware of the risks in purchasing souvenir apparel
- check with OFSAA before signing any contracts to avoid major problems
iii) “A” Basketball (EOSSAA)
- held an outstanding banquet
- hosted in Cornwall
iv) “AA” Basketball (SWOSSAA)
- very close competition in this championship
- need more accurate information for seeding purposes
- teams did not disclose information and this was considered ‘cheating’
- a formal complaint will be received against one coach, all other teams well-behaved
v) “AAA” Basketball (SWOSSAA)
- presented an individual award to a player and this is against OFSAA policy
- need to make this very clear to convenors that only the specified OFSAA awards are allowed
vi) “AAAA” Basketball (CWOSSA)
- bad weather hindered travel to the event
- also presented an individual award
General Comments:
- more work is needed on seeding and accurate completion of forms
- OFSAA reps need to put forth names of women for the Leadership in School Sport Award
- convenors should not be presenting any awards other than the specified OFSAA awards
- when hosting events be sure everyone is clear on the regulations
- regulations should be thoroughly reviewed at the coaches’ meeting for each championship
b) Winter Championships
i) “A” Volleyball (SOSSA)
- using 3 facilities and videotaping all courts live
- banquet is at the Warplane Museum and teams will have an opportunity to visit it
ii) “AA” Volleyball (NWOSSAA)
- will be held in Dryden with the same convening committee that did the boys’ OFSAA
- Jennifer McMaster is convenor
iii) “AAA” Volleyball (WOSSAA)
- Sean Pellow is hosting at Ingersoll DCI
iv) “AAAA” Volleyball (SWOSSAA)
- Renee Fuerth of St. Anne’s is convening in Windsor
v) “A/AA” Hockey (NWOSSAA)
- Travis Batters, St. Thomas Aquinas HS, is convening in Kenora
vi) “AAA/AAAA” Hockey (NCSSAA)
- Kendra Read, All Saints CHS in Ottawa is the convenor
- Ottawa Senator tickets will be available for teams for the game against Boston
- Registration is March 8th and play begins on March 9th
vii) Curling (COSSA)
- will be held in conjunction with OFSAA Boys’ Curling this year in Brighton
- Suzanne Doombas and Bradley Bresee, East Northumberland are convening
c) Spring Championships
i) Rugby (ROPSSAA)
- hosting both championships, convenor is Jason Cormier, St. Francis Xavier SS
ii) “A, AA, AAA” Soccer (SWOSSAA)
- Stacey Ditchfield, Catholic Central, and Mike McKittrick (retiree) are convening “AAA” and
Linda Correia, EJ Lajeunesse is hosting “A”, all are in Windsor
- *change, Janine Day is hosting “AA” in Wallaceburg as this helps with the referee situation
iii) “AAAA” Soccer (ROPSSAA)
- Brigett Strano and Joe Carapi, convenors from St. Marcellinus in Mississauga
iv) Gymnastics Festival (NOSSA)
- JoAnne Bradley at ESC Champlain is convening, meet is in Sudbury
- first year as a Festival
d) Sports Advisory Committees
i) Basketball
- the main discussion in the SAC meeting was on FIBA rules
- reps are asked to put forth some names for members of the basketball SAC
- committee talked about combining the men’s and women’s SAC committees
- this would provide more consistency
- committee wants to see all levels as 16-team tournaments
- SAC committee supports moving to FIBA rules with the following exceptions:
- 30-second shot clock instead of 24 seconds
- full re-set on fouls and shots off rim
- Federation lines and game length including overtime
- no dunking during warm-ups
- **there will be a motion in April to adopt FIBA rules with the above exceptions
- to come into effect September 2016
- FIBA rules allow players to critically think and take power away from coaches
- basketball is the fastest growing sport in Canada
- referees and coaches are confused by 2 different sets of rules
- FIBA is a faster game
- important in our role as reps to go back and create dialogue
- need to listen to the voices of all basketball coaches
- speak to your principals re: adoption of FIBA rules and associated costs
- school admin should be aware of the expense to the school
- proposal to go to FIBA rules originally came from Basketball Canada
- question as to whether the shot clocks all need to be in a specific location?
5. Order Paper Motions for Girls’ Sports
- Girls’ Basketball, 5(d) Entry - no change in intent, simply a clarification
6. New Business
a) Entry Submissions
- would like the method/timing of entry submissions to be more consistent across the board
b) 3-Year Calendar
- Girls’ Curling and Gymnastics convenors needed for 2015-16
- Convenors needed for 2016-17: Field Hockey, A/AA Hockey, Curling, Gymnastics, Rugbys,
all Soccer levels
- SWOSSA will host “AA” soccer in 2016-17, Lucien Gava, L’Essor
7. Motion to Adjourn:
T. Bovaird/K.Read