Acne Treatment - charde` henderson

In addition to physical discomfort, scabbing, itchiness and a pervading sense of selfconsciousness, acne has a way of leaving behind unwanted scars. An excellent way to
counteract and reverse the signs of red spots, pits and scars is through tretinoin
treatment. When applied regularly over an extended amount of time, tretinoin is known
to successfully flatten and decrease acne scarring.
Also known as Retin-A cream, tretinoin is a natural derivative of vitamin A. It is
traditionally used to treat wrinkles and premature aging, but can also treat skin
discoloration and minimize acne scarring. Tretinoin is available in gel, liquid or cream
form and effectively removes a thin layer of dead skin cells from your face. This allows
the skin to even out skin tone, reverse bumps and repair scar texture by speeding up the
skin’s cell turnover. When the layer of dead skin is removed, a new layer of skin is
revealed, which causes the body to produce more collagen. The collagen helps plump
up the skin, which improves the appearance.
Despite it’s obvious benefits, tretinoin also has a few side affects that users should be
aware of. It has the ability to lighten or darken your skin and may cause redness,
blistering, peeling or itchiness. If you find that your skin is reacting too strongly to the
medication, consider lowering your dosage of tretinoin until your skin can adapt. Those
who are suffering with acne while they begin a tretinoin treatment might experience an
initial increase in breakouts. The breakouts should subside over time. When using taking
tretinoin, avoid drying products that contain glycolic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
To being your tretinoin treatment, begin with a low dosage and then work your way up.
Apply it once or twice a day after washing your face with a mild cleanser. Pat your wet
face down with a clean towel and wait about half an hour for your skin to be completely
dry. After 30 minutes, apply a pea-sized amount of tretinoin on your face with your
fingertips, and smooth it over the acne scars. You should notice results within the matter
of weeks. Continue using the treatment until you reach the desired results, or until your
doctor advises you to stop.
If you are interested in reducing the signs of acne scarring, check out our website and
place an order for tretinoin prescriptions online today.