Recycling Game

How fast can you recycle?
Players sit at a table in front of a box filled with different types of sortable
materials (recyclables and non-recyclables). Surrounding their area are two
smaller bins. The object is to sort the objects in your box by placing the correct
items from the larger box into the correct smaller bin. The run time should not be
more than a minute per round.
KEY R.A. =
Resident =
Materials Box =
Sort Bins=
This game needs to have at least two players and one RA to facilitate it. Players
will be competing against each other to see who can correctly sort the materials
in the least amount of time. Players will stand in front of the boxes to do this.
Tables to play on
Boxes to sort the reusable and non reuseable material (fake fruit, sandwich bags,
Stopwatch or Timer
10x recyclable materials
10x non-recyclable material
(fake fruit, sandwich bags,
Per box
This game can be run with only one RA, but teaming up with more RAs can lighten
the work load. After the game is completed, RAs will need to reset the game by
putting unsorting sorted the sorted materials. RAs will also need to explain the
rules of the game to the new players and provide prizes to the winners of each
Each round has one main winner, the person who correctly sorted the
materials in the least amount of time. If the winner has incorrectly sorted the
materials they are disqualified and cannot receive this main prize. Ideas for a
main prize
are a recycling related item (water bottle, reusable shopping bag, etc.). The
other non-winners can receive a smaller consolation prize (pencil, sticker, pin,
etc.) if you would like.
Extra Notes:
Refer to the UB’s All in One recycling guidelines to determine what can and
cannot be recycled.