Employment Lawsuits - Ramsey School District

Employment Lawsuits
1.Race Discrimination –
Company involved : Macy’s Department Store
Explanation of lawsuit: African American purchased expensive purse, as she’s walking out with
other customers, security alarm goes off, she gets accosted by security guard, others able to
walk out. Questioned her ability to purchase
Gender: Black female
Which law was broken: Title VII Civil Rights Act
Compensation/how much? Seeking $600,000 in damages, no settlement yet
2. Bias and Harassment
Sterling Jewelers
Explanation: Males make $1.50 more per hour
Gender: Women
Which law broken: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, and Sexual Harassment came out later by
other women
Compensation? Case is still ongoing
3. Race Discrimination
NY City Fire Department
Explanation: FDNY shut out minorities for firemen position, On hiring exams, asked their race
Gender: Black and Hispanic men
Law broken: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Compensation:$ 98 million paid to minorities 1999-2002
4. Wage Discrimination
Explanation: Forced employees to work off clock, work overtime & not paid for it
Gender: All genders
Law broken: Fair Labor Standards Act
Compensation: $35 Million to settle all lawsuits (Class action)
5. Age Discrimination
Explanation: Employee accused of stealing 68 cent pepper and was fired
Law broken: Age Discrimination and employment Act
Compensation: received $28 million
6. Age and Race Discrimination
Kansas City
Explanation: -PT prosecutors replaced with F/T prosecutors, PT workers didn’t have opportunity
to apply for the FT position (2 were black and one was older)
Law Broken: Age Discrimination and employment Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
Compensation: $1.6 million
7. Age Discrimination Lawsuit
Greektown Casino
Explanation: Diane Harris, employed for 10 years, for 6 months filled in for supervisor position,
she applied, but didn’t get job, she trained other supervisors and both were fired
Law Broken: - Age Discrimination and employment Act
Compensation: $600,000
8. Race Descrimination
Coca Cola
Explanation: Black workers getting paid 1/3 less salary; reduced & prevented them from
advancing in company
Law Broken: Title VII Civil Rights Act
Compensation: $192 million; task force created to watch over CocaCola for 5 years
9. Race Discrimination
Explanation: BMW switched contractors at their plant in SC, employees had to apply for jobs,
performed background checks, out of 645 employees 88 were denied being hired because they
had a criminal record and they were Black or Hispanic.
Law Broken: Title VII Civil Rights Act
Compensation: N/A
10. Religious Discrimination
 Abercrombie and Fitch
 Explanation: Muslim woman was hired, then after 4 months was asked to remove her headdress
 Law Broken: Title VII Civil Rights Act
 Compensation: Not settled yet
11. Racial Discrimination
Morgan Stanley
Explanation: Black employee paid less than his peers, not recognized for being responsible for
important deals
Law broken: Title VII Civil Rights Act
Compensation: $190,000
12. Gender Discrimination
Goldman Sachs
Explanation: Favoring males over females for opportunities to advance in business, more bonus
dollars went to men
Law broken: Title VII Civil Rights Act
Compensation: not settled yet
13. Disability Discrimination
MISO Corporation
Explanation: woman suffered from post-partum depression requested time off, (employer knew
about disability) they denied her. She took the time off without ok from employer, was fired.
Law broken: American with Disabilities Act
Compensation: $90,500
14. Disability discrimination
WalMart Stores
Explanation: Larry Z. was terminated due to medical condition
Law broken: Americans with Disabilities Act
Compensation: seeking $75,000
15. Age DiscriminationHawaiian Medical Group
Explanation: Owner confided to supervisor that Debra Moreno, 54 years of age, looked like a
bag of bones and sounded bad over the phone, was fired because she wasn’t a good
representation of the company.
Law broken: Age Discrimination and employment Act
Compensation: $193,000