Department of Biological Sciences Newsletter October 2011 CALENDAR ADDITIONS: Please add to Calendar where someone can click on date and see event. Newsletter Content 1. Recent Faculty Achievements 2. Recent Student Achievements 3. Spring Graduation 4. Biological Sciences Learning Center 5. Advisement 6. Spring Registration 7. 2012 Caribbean & Ireland Studies Programs 8. Graduate Student Opportunities 9. Seminar Series 10. Halloween fun! RECENT FACULTY ACHIEVEMENTS Congratulations to Dr. Yee! He has been invited to author a chapter for the prestigious book, “Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates” edited by James Thorp and Alan Covich. The editors of this text are expanding this single volume into a 7-volume set, and Dr. Yee has been invited to be the lead author a chapter on the ecology and biology of aquatic beetles. He will be co-authoring this chapter with one of his fellow predaceous diving beetle researchers, Dr. Siegfried Kehl, from the University of Bayreuth in Germany. Dr. Donald Yee is happy to announce that his book proposal titled, "Ecology, Systematics, and the Natural History of Predaceous Diving Beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)", has been accepted by Springer publishers. Dr. Yee will serve as editor and contributor to the 12chapter volume that will be written over the coming couple of years. This will be the first book specifically dedicated to the ecology and biology of this important group of aquatic predators. The book had contributors from scientists from 7 different countries. RECENT STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS Wail Hassan, who received his Ph.D. from the Department of Biological Sciences in 2004, was recently hired as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Sciences at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Congratulations to David Allgood, who successfully defended his masters thesis on 5 October. David studied competitive interactions and oviposition patterns between two medically important mosquito species in the lab of Dr. Yee. SPRING GRADUATION Ok students- LAST DAY to file application for degree for Spring 2012 Commencement is Friday, November 18. Don’t forget this IMPORTANT deadline! BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES LEARNING CENTER Need help with a class? Go to the Biological Sciences Learning Center in Mississippi Hall Basement 004. FREE tutoring assistance for Students enrolled in Biological Sciences Lecture Courses: BSC 103, BSC 107, BSC 110, and BSC 111. Find a time that works for you! Their hours are: Mon, Tues, Wed 5-7PM; and Thurs 3-5PM. ADVISEMENT Advisement week is October 31-November 4. Make an appointment with your advisor! It’s up to YOU to get the classes YOU need Aquatic Insect Ecology class Dr. Yee will be offering BSC 648/L and BSC 492 “Aquatic Insect Ecology” for the spring semester. This course will cover the basic and applied aspects of aquatic insects in both moving and standing waters. Lab will include topics including identification and sampling methods, reading and discussion of the primary literature, and student presentations. Look for more details as spring registration nears. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Dr. Yee. 2012 CARIBBEAN & IRELAND STUDIES PROGRAMS Check out these awesome programs being offered! *Enroll in the Ireland Biology Field Experience this spring! (BSC 404/L and 504/L) Join Dr. Kristy Halverson as she takes you on a biological field experience unlike no other. Visit locations such as the Irish House in Dublin, the Wicklow Mountains, Glendalaugh, Blarney Castle & Stone, Blarney Woolen Mills, kayaking with Fungi, the Cliffs of Moher, The Barren, Doolin Cave, and topping it all off with a banquet at the Bunratty Medieval Castle. Become familiar with major Ireland geography, customs, culture and history. Identify and document native flora and fauna biodiversity. Aid in local biological conservation efforts. Participate in service-learning projects and provide well thought-out reflections on the experiences with respect to attitude, behavior, and course content. Experience Irish culture by immersing oneself in local activities. And most importantly, have come craic! Check out these awesome pics from the Ireland trip! Dates: The on-campus portion of the class this spring 2012 semester will be arranged by the professor, likely beginning late January/early February. The field portion of the trip to Ireland will be 13 May - 26 May 2012. Cost: The cost of the program is $4599 for undergraduate credit and $4799 for graduate credit. This price includes tuition*, airfare, housing, some meals, and all entry fees. (Financial Aid is Available!) Apply through International Programs at: Completed online application, with $250 deposit, will be accepted until November, space permitting. *Spend New Year’s Eve in Jamaica! Study Abroad Opportunity during the 2012 Winter Intersession – Caribbean Studies Program The 2012 Southern Miss Caribbean Studies Program (CSP) is offered during the winter intersession (Dec. 28, 2011 – Jan. 12, 2012). Application deadline is October 28, 2011. You will need a passport, so apply for one if you do not already have it. Other than the obvious, why enroll in the Caribbean Studies Program? • The Caribbean Studies Program (CSP) is the closest Study Abroad program, based in Ocho Rios, Jamaica with site visits to Kingston and other areas. • CSP is among the shortest and most convenient of USM’s International Studies programs, offered during the winter intersession (Dec. 28, 2011 – Jan. 12, 2012) • CSP is among the least costly: $3,699 for undergraduates ($3,899 for graduate students), which includes tuition, plane fare, housing, transportation in Jamaica. • All CSP courses are 4 credit hours and count toward the Spring 2012 semester. Students may use their spring financial aid to finance the trip. BSC 404/504&L: Caribbean Marine Biology is not just for Marine Biology or Biological Sciences majors–the only prerequisites are Introductory Biological Sciences I and II (BSC 110/L and BSC 111/L) OR permission of the instructor. Contact Dr. Patricia Biesiot (, 601.266.4883,) if you have any questions about this course or the Caribbean Studies Program. Not interested in the Caribbean Marine Biology course? Have a friend who hasn’t taken Introductory Biology? Choose among the 12 CSP courses to add an international dimension to your degree, to broaden your personal horizon, and to have the time of your life. International Programs website: <> <> Click on “For Students”, then “Browse Programs”, then “Caribbean Studies”; scroll down to see the courses offered. Apply online using the “Register to Apply” at the top of the “Caribbean Studies” webpage. Need Financial Aid? Cost is a major consideration for most students interested in USM Study Abroad programs, but it is an investment in learning that can have long term benefits. Ms. Francis Suddeth in the USM International Programs office is available to help students finance their Study Abroad experiences. She is located in the International Programs Office on the Fourth Floor of the International Building and is available Tuesday through Friday from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Please contact her for an appointment at 601.266.4344. GRADUATE STUDENT OPPORTUNITIES The Yee Lab of Aquatic Insect Ecology is happy to announce that he has received three years of funding from the National Institutes of Health to study how environmental filters affect communities of medically important mosquitoes in containers. Dr. Yee is actively recruiting graduate students who will be supported off this grant. Further information about these opportunities and others can be found on his website ( or on his Research Blog ( Get in on the action! SEMINAR SERIES The 5th semester of the informal seminar series, E3 (Ecology, Evolution, and the Environment) is now underway. E3 is held Wednesday at noon to 1 pm in JST 210. We have a variety of talks scheduled from students and faculty. Please plan to join us and learn what is going on in the department. Don’t forget to bring your lunch! The schedule can be found at: Stop by! HALLOWEEN FUN! The USM chapter of Roots and Shoots is teaming up with the Biological Sciences Learning Center to offer our annual Haunted Halloween Biology Trail. It is a spooky but fun educational experience down in the BSLC. Last year, we had over 600 people tour the museum and learn how "frighteningly fun" nature can be. This year's Trail will be October 28 from 4:30p-7: 30p and will offer multiple exhibits such as the "Mad Doctor" and "Creepy Crawlies". We would like to invite everyone to attend (or volunteer their time if they want to participate)! Wear your Halloween costume when you attend the trail! *For more info, please contact Carrie Jo Boyce [] or Michael Sellers []