Secondary Lesson Plan Teacher: Callie Ellis Unit Topic: Order of Operations/Expressions Lesson Topic: Expressions introduction Subject: Math 6 Unit Duration: 3 weeks Parallel Text (including page #s): Glencoe McGraw-Hill, Math Connects Course 1, page #274-278 Grade Level: 6 Lesson Date: Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2013 Predominant Method/Model: Direct Instruction Curriculum Alignment: Common Core 6-EE2 Expressions with numbers and letters Concurrent Skills/Competency Focus: Listening, following directions, basic operations Instructional Objectives: TSW identify the variables, coefficients, constants, and operations in algebraic expressions through class discussion and classwork problems. TSW evaluate algebraic expressions given a variable through classwork and homework problems. INSTRUCTIONAL PROCEDURES (Designating Set and Closure) -TSW complete the warm up and check. -TTW collect homework and check for a grade. -TTW instruct students to take notes in their math notebooks for the lesson today. TTW present the attached powerpoint presentation. -TTW explain the following vocabulary: variable, coefficient, constant, algebraic expression, operation. -TSW complete the attached table about identifying the variables, coefficients, constants, and operations in algebraic expressions on the Smart board. -TTW explain the 2 ways to indicate division and the 4 ways to indicate multiplication in algebraic expressions, showing examples of each. -TTW explain and demonstrate how to solve an algebraic expression by “plugging in” the value of the given variable. -TTW work Example Problems 1-4 from Reteach Algebra: Variable and Expressions (in the powerpoint) with the class on the board asking for the variable, constant, and arithmetic. -TSW complete Practice Problems 1-9 independently in class with the teacher walking around to check for accuracy. -TTW assign textbook page 276, #8-19 for homework and allow students to begin in class. ASSESSMENT (Of Objectives) TSW complete the table identifying the variables, coefficients, constants, and exponents from Skills Practice Algebra: Variables and Expressions. TTW check classwork problems for accuracy. MATERIALS/RESOURCES (Aligned with Procedures) Warm up Oct 7 – 11 Warm Up for Oct 7.pdf Expressions powerpoint Ellis Variables and Expressions.pptx Reteach Algebra: Variables and Expressions Reteach Variables and Expressions.pdf Skills Practice Algebra: Variables and Expressions Skills Practice Variables and Expressions.pdf Carter, John A., Cuevas, Gilbert J., Day, Roger, & Malloy, Carol. (2012). Math Connects: Course 1. Columbus, OH: Glencoe McGraw-Hill, page 276, #8-19. ASSIGNMENT (For Review, Practice, and/or Extension) Textbook page 276, #8-19