Getting ready for tomorrow`s services TextStart The telecom industry

Getting ready for tomorrow's services
The telecom industry is changing more rapidly than ever before. Mobile services are
flourishing with penetration rates above 100% in developed countries and double-digit
growth in developing markets. In China and India, the number of subscribers is
growing by 10 million users A MONTH! Mobile data availability and usage are
exploding, with year-over-year bandwidth requirements increasing by 10 and 20 times.
On the fixed-line side of the business, broadband delivery to homes and businesses is
enabling new services like IPTV and operators are beginning to roll out Voice over IP
(VoIP) telephone services in competition with their own fixed-line analog service.
In addition to content for IPTV, operators are increasingly finding that they must be in
the content business across all of their offerings, from music downloads for mobile to
advertising-based video services on fixed broadband. And, of course, the Internet is
changing telecommunications as it has changed many other facets of life. Being able to
do location-based mobile lookups, letting your friends see where you are on an
Internet-based map, having your emails spoken to you, the list just keeps getting longer.
The boundaries between these industries are increasingly blurred, and the commercial
ecosystem is growing in complexity as a result, but the requirement for all operators is
the same: hold on to existing customers, attract new customers and increase revenue by
adding new services. There are many factors to consider as operators evolve their
business models, but one thing is a given – the network that will meet all of these
challenges will be All-IP.
As the network control center, the core network is set to play an increasingly pivotal
role in the All-IP network transformation. Deploying an All-IP core network has
emerged as a crucial element in raising operators' competitive position by supporting
the extension of the telecom industry value chain, and enabling the formation of
innovative business models. The All-IP core network will also drive network evolution
by creating a flat and customer-oriented system that supports converged services, open
interfaces to other systems, efficient use of resources and the reliability that is required
by today's customers.
The All-IP core network will greatly simplify network management, reduce OPEX,
more closely integrate and interact with web technologies, increase network capacity,
and intelligently manage the overall network. High-capacity, distributed solutions
based on an advanced generic computing platform will be applied to dependably and
cost-effectively support massive amounts of services. The All-IP core network is more
open and flexible. The "Software" core network features a generic software and
hardware platform, standard and modular services, large-scale customized software
R&D and end-to-end carrier-grade IP capabilities, and integrates key CT, IT, and web
technologies. The "Software" core network can assist operators to rapidly launch
services, and migrate from open network services to open network capability.
In this rapidly changing environment, expanding our understanding of customers helps
us better understand trends, while past experience is the best predictor of future success.
Thanks to sustained cooperation with global tier-1 operators, world-class core network
software R&D capabilities and robust platform technologies, Huawei has launched its
future-oriented core network solution based on a generic software and hardware
computing platform, converged subscriber data center, and an intelligent data service
engine. We look forward to sharing our thoughts and experiences with you regarding
advanced All-IP core networks.
Cai Liqun
President of Huawei Core Network Product Line