Chp 1 & 2 SG

Chemistry Chp 1 Rev WS Answers
1) Define matter: Anything that has mass and occupies space.
2) Define chemistry: study of “matter”, its composition, properties, and the changes it undergoes.
3) List the FIVE traditional areas of study in chemistry. Give an EXAMPLE of what each area would
look at:
A. Organic Chemistry – Understand how plants undergo photosynthesis.
B. Analytical Chemistry- amount of lead in water.
C. Inorganic Chemistry- test how different metals conduct electricity.
D. Biochemistry- Test how nutrient absorption works.
E. Physical Chemistry- Testing the rate of rusting on different metals.
4) Give an example of PURE and APPLIED chemistry.
Pure Chemistry – mix different chemicals/elements to see what happens.
Applied Chemistry – Research more efficient/different fuel options.
5) Using ONE word, describe macroscopic and microscopic. List an example of each.
Macro = big, ex = person
Micro = small, ex = atoms
6) What Scientific Method – You notice that American Godzilla is smaller and weaker than
Japanese Godzilla. List the steps of the scientific method and what you would do for each step to
test this.
Observe – Am Godz is smaller and weaker than Jap Godz.
Hypothesize – Jap Godz is closer to more nuclear power plants than Am. Godz.
Test – Hatch baby Godz.s close to NPP and far from them.
Conclusion – NPP effect Godz. Growth.
7) What is the relationship between a hypothesis and observation?
A hypothesis is an informative explanation for an observation
8) According to your experiment in problem 6, what was the independent and dependent variables?
Independent variable – Number of NPP.
Dependent variable – Growth
9) A theory is a well
tested explanation for a set of observations.
Theories are subject to
10) A scientific law
the results of many observations and
It does not
- it just tells the relationship.
Chemistry Chp 2 Review WS Answers
11. What are the three states of matter?
Solid, liquid, gas
12. Fill in the table below with “Definite” or “Indefinite”
13. What are TWO extensive and intensive properties of strawberry jello?
Extensive – Mass, volume, weight
Intensive – Color, density, consistency.
14. What is the difference between physical change and chemical change? Give one example of each.
Physical – changes substance, but not the composition
Chemical – Substance(s) turn into a brand new thing
Ex) boil, freeze, melt, cut
Ex) Iron + O2 = rust, cooking
15. Explain the law of conservation of mass with an example.
The mass of sea water before boiling = mass of salt + steam after boiling.
16. What is the difference between a mixture and a compound?
Mixture = physical blend
Compound = chemical blend
17. What is the difference between a heterogeneous & homogeneous mixture?
How are they similar? Examples of each?
Hetero – composition not uniform throughout - soup.
Homo – composition uniform throughout – salt water.
Similar – both are physical mixtures
18. If I wanted to separate the solid (precipitate) out of my solution, I would use __filtration____.
If I wanted to separate the sugar out my lemonade, I would use ___distillation_____.
19. Give an example of an element. What makes it an element?
Al, can’t be separated into anything simpler.
20. Label each arrow with either PERIOD or GROUP
Period 
21. Match the following. Each option will get TWO letters.
__EF___Heterogeneous mixture
A. H2O
__BG___Homogeneous mixture
B. Salt water
C. C6H12O6
D. Si
E. Pepper water
F. Chocolate Chip Cookie
G. Green tea
H. P