information skills - Rous Public School

DEFINING/ORIENTATION (What do I really want to find out?)
Children will be able to:
 locate school library
 identify teacher librarian
 borrow & return books correctly and regularly
 know & use library terms e.g. barcode, return tray, browsing box,
 identify bookmobile & local library as another source of information, stories,
LOCATING:- (Where can I find the information I need?)
Children will be able to identify parts of a book eg cover, title page, spine
 use cover picture & title to indicate contents of book identify non-book resources e.g. pictures, videos
 choose a simple book for themselves
 understand that books on the same subject are grouped
SELECTING I ACQUIRING - (What information do I really need to use?)
Children will be able to:
 discriminate between non-fiction and fiction books
 identify key events-,main ideas in fiction books
 identify in simple non-fiction books the main subjects / themes
 give picture talks e.g. naming simple objects & their purpose,
 use a simple table of contents
 interview people (parents, relatives, friends etc.) to gather information .
ORGANISING / ANALYSING and RECORDING:- (How can I best use this information?)
Children will be able to:
 identify important parts of a story
 sequentially organise a story
 label / compose title for a story, a picture
 report events (orally or in written form)
 illustrate stories
 use a simple flow chart (pictorial format)
 record observations & make predictions e.g. solving problems, posing moral dilemmas
 find simple 'key words' in a title, sentence, paragraph
PRESENTING / COMMUNICATING:- (How can I present this information?)
Children will be able to  present information clearly (orally/written/ pictures)
 share information with others
 participate in drama e.g. simple plays
 relate to others an item of news
 informally discuss themes & events
 create a simple book
 create maps e.g. classroom, library, playground
 create a time line e.g. a day at school
 participate in group discussions
 use 'key'words / phrases to present information
ASSESSING I EVALUATING: (What did I learn from this?)
Children will be able to  express opinions on a specific topic, story, news item
 know when a task is completed
 know how well a task is done
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DEFINING ORIENTATION: (What do I really want to find out?)
Children will be able to:
 follow simple directions
 explain tasks in own words
 understand key words/key idea of task
 identify purpose of an experiment
 interview or excursion
LOCATING: (Where can I find the information I need?)
Children will be able to  locate. Fiction, Non Fiction & Reference
 Areas of Library information Centre
 Understand that non-fiction is grouped in subjects
 use simple dictionaries
 find simple topic, in-Junior Encyclopaedias
 use simple contents and index pages
 suggest resources where information could be obtained
SELECTING ACQUIRING: -(What information do I really need to use?)
Children will be able to  use cover / packaging of source to decide appropriateness of resource
use simple content page to select relevant information
 skim using subheadings
 ask questions to find info from a resource person
 select appropriate picture from a range of pictures
 find main idea in a short paragraph read to class
ORGANISING I ANALYSING: (How can I best use this information?)
Children will be able to –
 answer the question "Why am I doing this?" (purpose)
 discard irrelevant information after reviewing purpose
 combine answers found in more than one source into sentence(s) - with the guidance of teacher / parent
 help compile class charts and graphs
 use flow charts,(story maps) etc.- to represent and retell story
PRESENTING/COMMUNICATIG: (How can I present this information?)
Children will be able to  present information clearly
 Write a simple sentence & illustrate it
 Draw a picture and. Label with key words
 Explain the-picture to others
 Participate in group discussion of best way to.present information
 give oral reports to group
 create simple maps
Children should be able to:
 express opinions about presented information
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DEFINING /ORIENTATION: (What do I really want to find out?)
Students will  say what to look for
 formulate questions orally on a given subject
 identify key words in a question
 identify subject areas related to the question (eg carrots, vegetables, food farming, agriculture, cooking)
LOCATING:- (Where can I find the information I need?)
Students will  use table of contents:
 know what a contents page is and where it is located
 be familiar with different formats
 know how to use contents to locate material related to general subject areas
 introduce a method of assessing if a book is likely to contain to sufficient information to warrant borrowing
 transfer skills in use of table of contents
to any topic under research
 find page references for specific areas and use this information to locate relevant data
 locate fiction and non fiction books
 recognise that all books on a similar topic are shelved together
 know the purpose of call numbers
 shelve junior fiction books
 locate own and friend's name in a telephone directory
 be aware that atlases are books of maps
 pick out key words in print
 know alphabetical order - use to locate information
 understand the use of catalogue, subject or index or the use of an enquiry terminal to locate subjects
SELECTING I ACQUIRING - (What information do I really need to use?)
Students will:
 interpret pictures
 interpret simple graphs
 search more widely if information is inadequate
 discriminate between fact and fiction
 use books as sources of information
 use table of contents to locate sections of books
 retell stories
 identify key words in a sentence
 recognise limitations of own knowledge on a topic
ORGANISING I ANALYSING RECORDING: - (How can I best use this information?)
Students will:
 select general reference material appropriate to need
 arrange events, facts, and ideas in a sequence
 retell a story sequentially
 have knowledge of story development beginning / middle /end
 study pictures to gather and record information using attached captions
 study pictures in groups to gather and record information about a particular topic
 study pictures as above to develop notes and feel atmosphere
 build flow charts
 construct time lines
 build retrieval charts examples and use
 group and label
 label diagrams
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DEFINING / ORIENTATION - (What do I really want to find out?)
Students will:
 identify key words in a question
 interpret key words, deduce key words
 state task in own words
 be aware of library Organisation
 know general concept of Dewey Order for non-fiction
 use a variety of dictionaries,
 list words in alphabetical order to fourth letter, use guide words, understand the abbreviations and symbols,
find meaning of a word and use it in a sentence
 use directions in maps, street directories
LOCATING:- (Where can I find the information I need?)
Students will:
 develop a search plan
 identify possible sources
 use alternative subject headings
 use 'see' and 'see also' references
 use a subject index
 understand that non fiction is arranged by subject; that books on the same subject have the same number
 use shelf labels to locate subjects
 find a specific subject given its Dewey number
 select an item on shelves related to question
 select materials appropriate to reading level
 use indexes to locate needed sections of books
 use a table of contents
 be aware of particular types of sources of information - encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases, telephone
directories, thesauri, biographies, year books, timetables, street directories, resources in the community
 recognise range of encyclopedias general, alphabetically organised, subject organised, with/without index
 use guide words on spine, guide words on pages, entry words
 be aware of indexes to encyclopedia direct search for headings, page references, cross references
 atlas - use index, page numbers and map references
 discriminate between fiction and non fiction books
 be aware that non-fiction materials are arranged by subject
 use book jacket summary to select books
 use subject headings to locate needed sections of an article
 use public library as well as school library
 collect several resources on a subject
 use audio - resources visual
 understand the meaning of bibliography
SELECTING I ACQUIRING: (What information do I really need to use?
Students will:
 use known knowledge to move to new fields of knowledge
 know when to seek help
 use indexes in books to locate relevant sections
 interpret page reference (eg 93-99)
 skim and scan for ideas or specific details
 say what has to be looked for
 identify main idea in a sentence
 identify main idea in a paragraph
 research about a person - extract required details
 relate news item
 find information from pictures, captions, charts
 atlas - recognise simple topographical features, legends, compass points, latitude and longitude
 conduct interviews with prepared questions to obtain information
 participate in large or small group discussion
 search more widely if information is inadequate
 decide whether information is fact or opinion
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ORGANISING /ANALYSING /RECORDING - (How can I best use this information?)
Students will:
 use and compare material appropriate to reading level and needs
 use a number of sources (eg related -articles in World Book)
 interpret information presented in graph chart form
 interpret information presented in diagram form discussion from audio-visual resource (e.g. television /
 classify pictures, facts and events under headings, sequentially or in categories
 locate main ideas in paragraph – bold print - italics - beginning of a paragraph summary at end
 follow directions - cooking books craft books - books of experiments
 use retrieval charts - displaying summary details and reconstruct full form
 make diagrams, simple graphs, charts and other pictorial work to show information
 use signs and captions to illustrate Information
 draw time lines
 locate publication details
 check suitability of source - is it Out Of date - does it only apply to some countries?
PRESENTING/COMMUNICATING:- (How can I present this information?)
Students will:
 participate in group discussion to share information
 orally present information obtained in a retrieval chart and a time line
 participate in formal / informal discussions
 prepare and give short talks to class use appropriate vocabulary, keep to the topic, keep to a time limit
 give report with reference to (1) notes (2) keywords
 participate in debate
 lead in a discussion (group)
 use keywords and phrases to write sentences
 use paragraphs - include series of related ideas
 use captions with pictures
 use grouping and labelling
 use time lines
 use family trees
 use retrieval charts
 use outline for note taking
 publish short stories
ASSESSING / EVALUATING: - (What did I learn from this?)
Students will:
 interpret information of all forms
 state own strengths and weaknesses in work
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DEFINING / ORIENTATION: - What do I really want to find out?)
Students will:
 be aware of other sources of information – local libraries, home, people, newspapers
 interpret questions, using dictionary if necessary
 deduce key words from a sentence
 brainstorm
 develop own directions for class assignment with advice and guidance if necessary
LOCATING: - (Where can I find the information?)
Students will:
 Understand the rationale behind the Dewey Decimal System of Classification (keeping like books together)
 Use facts in brief section and subheadings in encyclopedias
 locate in books: publisher, date, place of publication, editor, translator
 use encyclopedia indexes, volume, page number, key words
 use-a wider variety, of community resources-(human and material)
 use telephone directory to locate sources of needed information
 use yellow pages of telephone directory
 use yellow page index
 use atlas –index
 use a globe and be-able to relate a round globe to a flat map in an atlas
SELECTING I ACQUIRING: - What information do I really need to use?
Students will:
 skim
 select relevant information
 reject irrelevant information
 identify topic sentences in paragraphs
 extract facts from past experiences
 select a topic based on avaiiable resources when given a choice
 distinguish relative worth of sources
 interpret simple graphs and labelled diagrams
 interview students and adults to add to a topic of study
ORGANISING I ANALYSING RECORDING:- (How can I best use this information?)
Students will:
 refine selection of extract and relevant information from broad selection of materials
 profit from suggestions and constructive criticism
 interpret information in non book material
 select information appropriate to questions and requirements
 take notes (summarise, put. information into own words)
 refrain from copying undigested slabs of partially understood information
 organize work under sub titles where appropriate
 review information
 make simple bibliographies
 select, identify and use key points of a story or experience
 compose questions for and participate in interviews
 compile charts, graphs, timeline, using gathered information
PRESENTING/ COMMUNICATING:- (How can I present this information?)
Students will:
 participate in group discussion to share information
 orally present information obtained in a retrieval chart and a time line
 participate in formal / informal discussions
 prepare and give short talks to class use appropriate vocabulary, keep to the topic, keep to a time limit
 give report with reference to (1) notes (2) keywords
 participate in debate
 lead in a discussion (group)
 use keywords and phrases to write sentences
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use paragraphs - include series of related ideas
use captions with pictures
use grouping and labelling
use time lines
use family trees
use retrieval charts
use outline for note taking
publish short stories
participate as an effective member of a quiz team/panel/discussion group etc
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DEFINING / ORIENTATION: -(What do I really want to find out?)
Students will:
 use other Libraries and sources of information; understanding the relationship of the primary library to the
public and internet library network
 define own information skills path, given a broad topic
 brainstorm with relevant ideas;-concepts, words.
 Focus on scope of, and manage time for class assignments
LOCATING: (Where can I find the information I need?)
Students will:
 understand the shelving of resources by call number order
 use computer enquiry, search for needed material under author series or subject
 carry out comprehensive searches to locate required information, with help when necessary
 locate books, illustrations, list of contributors, edition printing dates
 use outlines, summaries and sub headings in printed material to locate information
 use dictionaries to locate word pronunciation
 Identify difference between word by word and letter by letter listings
 alphabetise surnames beginning with Mac and Mc., hyphenated surnames, double surnames
 use newspaper sections to locate needed information
 locate relevant cartoons, charts, graphs and audio-visual material
 know, locate and use different sections of telephone directory including sections of telephone directory
containing emergency numbers, information, government departments, post codes
 take notes while continuing to listen and observe
SELECTING/ACQUIRING (What information do I really need to use?
Students will:
 check findings against other sources
 select relevant phrases from texts
 skim for relevant information (economic reading) and select main idea
 interpret more complex graphs and labelled diagrams
 use a thesaurus
 understand that different encyclopaedia are useful for different countries, (eg World Book - United States
and general world information; Collins Australia encyclopaedia - Australia)
 use indexes of encyclopaedia
 use biographies
 use timetables and street directories
 use grid references to locate specific places in atlases
 use scales in atlases to calculate distances between places
 use keys to identify specific information on maps
 make-inferences from gathered information
 conduct surveys to find facts and opinions
 write formal letters to seek information
 detect bias (eg newspapers) What is the value of television and radio? Can they lie to us? How? Why?
 Distinguish between documentary and entertainment
ORGANISING I ANALYSING RECORDING:- (How can I best use this information?)
Students will:
 refine selection of extract and relevant information from broad selection of materials
 profit from suggestions and constructive criticism
 interpret information in non book material
 select information appropriate to questions and requirements
 take notes (summarise, put. information into own words)
 refrain from copying undigested slabs of partially understood information
 organize work under sub titles where appropriate
 review information
 make simple bibliographies
 select, identify and use key points of a story or experience
 compose questions for and participate in interviews
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compile charts, graphs, timeline, using gathered information
PRESENTING/ COMMUNICATING:- (How can I present this information?)
Students will:
 participate in group discussion to share information
 orally present information obtained in a retrieval chart and a time line
 participate in formal / informal discussions
 prepare and give short talks to class use appropriate vocabulary, keep to the topic, keep to a time limit
 give report with reference to (1) notes (2) keywords
 participate in debate
 lead in a discussion (group)
 use keywords and phrases to write sentences
 use paragraphs - include series of related ideas
 use captions with pictures
 use grouping and labelling
 use time lines
 use family trees
 use retrieval charts
 use outline for note taking
 publish short stories
 participate as an effective member of a quiz team/panel/discussion group etc
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