unit -2 curves civil department Definition A transition curve differs from a circular curve in that its radius is alw As one would expect, such curves involve more complex formulae th with a constant radius and their design is more complex. Because circular curves are easier to design compared to transition they are easily set out on site, the question that naturally arises is to transition necessary and why is it not possible to use circular curves intersecting straights? The need for Transition Curves Circular curves are limited in road designs due to the forces which a as they travel around a bend. Transition curves are used to introduc gradually and uniformly thus ensuring the safety of passenger. Transition curves have much more complex formulae and are more out on site than circular curves as a result of the varying radius. Radial Force and Design Speed Radial forces act on a vehicle as it travels around a curve and this is curves are necessary A vehicle of mass m, travelling at a constant speed v, along a curve subjected to a radial force P such that: P mv 2 r This force acting on the vehicle is trying to push the vehicle back on course. On a straight road where r = ∞, P = 0. Roads are designed according to a ‘design speed’ which is constant stretch of roadway. Thus a vehicle must be able to comfortable and the length of a given stretch of road at the design speed regardless o The mass of a vehicle is also assumed constant and consequently: 1 P∝ r Thus the smaller the radius of a curve the greater the radial force ac vehicle. Any vehicle leaving a straight section of road and entering a circular radius r will immediately experience the full radial for P. If the radius and the thus P too large, the vehicle will skid off the roadway or over Transition curves are curves in which the radius gradually changes f a particular value R. The effect of this is to gradually increase the rad zero to its maximum value, thereby reducing its effect. To introduce P uniformly along the length of the transition curve, P m proportional to the length of the transition curve l. Therefore: P∝ 1 and r P∝ l Combining the two requirements: Thus 1 l∝ r rl K Where K is a constant. Therefore for each transition in a transition curve the radius R and le be designed to equal to K over the whole length of the curve. The use of Transition Curves Transition curves can be used to join to straights in one of two ways: - Composite curves - Wholly transitional curves Composite Curves Here transition curves of equal length are used on either side of a ce arc of radius R. Wholly Transitional Curves A wholly transitional curve consists of two transitional curves of equa no central arc. The radius of this curve is constantly changing and th force is constantly changing. There is only one point Tc (the common tangent point) at which P is This means wholly transitional curves are safer than composite curv they cannot always be fitted between to straight due to minimum rad requirements. Superelevation Although transition curves can reduce the effect of radial force on a can also be further reduced or even eliminated by raising one side o relative to the other. The difference in height between the two sides known as the superelevation (SE). In theory, by applying enough superelevation the resultant force can act perpendicular to the surface of the road pushing the vehicle dow throwing it off. 2 2 tan α mv / R v mggR and SE B tan α Therefore: Maximum theoretical superelevation, SEmax Bv 2 , where v is in gR The maximum SE occurs where the radius r = R, along the central a composite curve or at Tc on a wholly transitional curve. In practice for roadways with high design speeds, wide carriageways SEmax could be very large and would be alarming to drivers approa dangerous with reduced speeds. Therefore the following best practic generally applied: Superelevation shall normally balance out only 45% of the radial forc 0.45(Bv2/gR)). In rural areas superelevation shall not exceed 7% (1 in 14.5 and whe possible, radii should be chosen such that superelevation is kept wit value of 5% (1 in 20) In urban areas, superelevation shall not exceed 5% The minimum allowable SE is 2.5% (1 in 40) to allow for drainage Expressing v in kph and R in metres and substituting gravity for 9.81 2 Bv Maximum allowable SE 282.5R Transition Curve Design Standards The British standard for designing the radii of transitional and circula depending on speed and superelevation is: Types of Transition Curve There are two types of curved used to form the transitional section o or wholly transitional curve. These are: -The clothoid -The cubic parabola For a transition curve the equation rl = K must apply i.e. the radius m proportion to the length. This is the property of a spiral and one curv this property is the clothoid. Another common curve derived from the clothoid is the cubic parabo a spiral i.e. rl is not always constant. However it can be used over a and is less complex than the clothoid. The clothoid the equation of the clothoid can be derived from the above diagram, two points close together (M and N) on a transition curve of lengt Φ is the deviation angle between the tangent at M and the straight T δis the tangential angle to M from T with reference to TI x is the offset to M from the straight TI at a distance y from T l is the length from point T to any point M on the curve (not shown) δl is the length along the curve from M to N Φl is the angle subtended by the arc δl of radius r Derivation: δl rδφ (chord length), rl = K is required and substituting 1/r = (l/K) δφ l δl K Integration gives + constant. But when l = 0, , so constant = 0 Therefore: 2 l φ (in radians) 2K At the end of a transition r= R and l = LT, giving K = rl = RLT. This gi φ l2 (in radians) 2RLT This is the basic equation of the clothoid. If its conditions are satisfie constant radial force will be introduced uniformly. The Cubic Parabola The cubic parabola is not a true spiral and cannot always be used. It very close to a spiral, however, and can be used within a certain deviations angle. In practice it is much easier set out a cubic parabola than a clothoid more commonly used where appropriate. The offset x is given by: x l yl 3 and 6K Substituting y = l in the expression for x gives y3x 6K Since K rl RLT It follows that: y 3 x 6RLT The length of a Transition Curve Required to Minimise Passeng Transition curve lengths must be designed so that they minimise pas discomfort and maximise safety. Consider the curve below: At any point the radial force P mv r 2 but since force = mass x acceleration the radial acceleration at any p cv r 2 i.e. the faster the change in radius the faster change in c an the faster radial force is introduced resulting in passenger d safety risks. Design standards recommend a maximum value of c of 0.3m2/s, ab passenger discomfort takes place. The transition curve length LT can be determined from c as follows: LT v3 cR (where v is in m/s) The Shift of a Cubic Parabola In order that the tangent lengths can be calculated a parameter know must also be calculated. S L 2 T VG 24R VF S FG 2 Tangent Lengths and Total curve Lengths In order for a composite cure to move vehicles through the deflection transition curve must them through a further deflection φmax. The tangent lengths are obtained as follows: IT = IV + VT = IW + WU = IU And IT ( R S ) tan θ 2 L T 2 The Total curve length Ltotal is given by: L total 2L L t LCA 0 CA LCA R(θ − 2φmax ) Setting out composite and wholly transitional curves The centre line provides an important reference on site from which o can be established and it can be set out either by traditional or coord methods. Setting out using the tangential angles method Setting out for tangential curves is similar to the method used for circ This is the most accurate of the traditional methods and it can be us transition curve. It is undertaken using a theodolite and a tape and, circular curves method it is necessary to first set out the intersection The method by which this is done is identical to that used for circular the intersection point has been fixed, tangent points T and U The entry and exit transition curves I1 is chosen as a chord length such that it is ≤R/20, where R is the m of curvature δ1 is calculated from l1 using δ1 = (l21 /6 RLT )(180/ ) A theodolite is set at T, aligned to I with a reading of 00°00’00” and δ A chord length of l1 is measured from T and lined in at point A using A peg is driven into the ground at this point and a nail in this is used The entry and exit transition curves l2 is the distance around the curve from T to B. 2 δ 2 is calculated from l 2 using δ 2 = (l 2 / 6 RLT )(180 / π ) degrees δ2 is set on the horizontal circle of the theodolite A chord length (l2 − l1 ) is measured from A and lined in at point B usin theodolite. A peg with a nail is used to locate B This procedure is repeated for all subsequent setting out points up to tangent point T at the end of the entry transition curve. Setting out the pegs on the exit of a transition curve The exit transition curve is set out from U to T2 with the theodolite se aligned to I such that the horizontal circle is reading 00°00’00”. The angles are the subtracted from 360°to give the required directions. As for the entry transition curve, sub-chords are usually required at t and end of the exit transition curve to ensure that pegs are placed at multiples of through chainage. If a wholly transitional curve is being set out, the common tangent po the two transition curves is set out again, having already been fixed the entry transition curve. The difference between the two gives a m accuracy of the setting out. Setting out the central circular arc This only applies to composite curves since wholly transitional curve central circular arc. The central circular arc is normally set out from T is first necessary to establish the line of the common tangent at T1. The next fig shows the entry transition curve and part of the central c which the final tangential angle for T toT1 will be δ max φ max / 3 Move the theodolite to T1, align back to T with the horizontal circle re 180 − (2φmax / 3) The common tangent along T1N now corresponds on the theodolite. Rotate the telescope in azimuth until a reading of 00°00’00” is obtain pegs on the circular arc from T1 to T2 using the tangential angles cir Again, initial and final sub-chords are normally required to ensure th located on the centre line at exact multiples of through chainage. Finally, point T2, the second common tangent point is established. S fixed when setting out the exit transition curve from U, the difference two positions gives a measure of the accuracy of setting out. In practice, the tangential angle and chord data are tabulated ready f Setting out using offsets from the tangent lengths This method is similar to that described for circular curves and again the tangent points have been set out. Two tapes are required and th best used for setting out short transition curves, since accurate tapin more difficult as the curve gets longer. In the case of a wholly transitional curve, the entry transition curve is the tangent point on the entry straight and the exit transition curve is the tangent point on the exit straight. The next figure shows part of a cubic parabola transition curve. To s point Z on the curve, the method involves choosing y and calculating x y 3 For a complete curve, x and y values should be t T / 6 RL . use on site. In the case of a composite curve, the entry and exit transitions are s same way as those for a wholly transitional curve and the central cir then set out by offsets from the long chord. Setting out using coordinate methods The two traditional methods of establishing the centre lines of compo wholly transitional curves have been described. Although these meth used, they have been virtually superseded for all major curves by co methods that use control networks. In such methods, which are equally applicable to transition curves an curves, the coordinates of points at regular intervals along the centre calculated with reference to a site control network. The points are th on site either using a total station set at points in the ground control surrounding the scheme as shown in the next Figure. These can also be set out by using a GPS receiver. In both cases th coordinates of points to be fixed on the centre line and the coordinat control network being used must be based on the same site coordin system. Nowadays, the coordinate calculations involved are usually done wit computer software highway design packages and results of such computations are normally presented in the form of computer printou for immediate setting out use on site. The following table details a co printout of the information required on the previous curve. . The curve is to be set out by bearing and distance from control points with a total station, each centre line point being established from one point and checked from another. The calculations required to produce are as follows. The coordinates of the control points are found from the control surve The horizontal alignment is designed and the coordinates of the inter tangent points are calculated. Assuming that the centre line is to be pegged at exact multiples of thr chainage, chord lengths and tangential angles are calculated for the exit transition curves and the central circular arc. The coordinates of the points to be established on the centre line are using the chord lengths, tangential angles and the coordinates of the and tangent points. Control points which are visible from and which will give a good inters the proposed centre line are found and the bearings/distances are ca from the control points to the centre line points. Coordinate methods compared with traditional methods When compared with the traditional methods of setting out from the t points, coordinate methods have a number of important advantages. they are not always appropriate and some of the relative merits of the categories of technique are listed below. -Coordinate methods can be carried out by anyone who is capable of station or a GPS receiver. Since the data is in the form of either beari distances or coordinates, no knowledge of curve design is necessary the case with traditional methods. -The increased use of highway design computer software packages i setting out data is presented ready for use in coordinate form has pro corresponding increase in the adoption of such methods. -The widespread use of computers has also greatly speeded up the c procedures associated with coordinate methods, which were always to be more difficult to perform by hand when compared with those as with the traditional methods. -Coordinate methods enable key sections of the centre line to be set isolation, such as a bridge centre line, in order that work can progres than one area of the site. -Obstacles on the proposed centre line, which may be the subject of can easily be by-passed using coordinate methods to allow work to p while arbitration takes place. Once the obstacle is removed, it is an e so establish the missing section of the centre line. This is not usually with traditional methods. -Coordinate methods have the disadvantage that there is very little ch final setting out. Large errors will be noticed when the centre line doe the designed shape, but small errors could pass unnoticed. In the tan angles method, checks are provided by locating common tangent poi two different positions. -Although the widespread use of total stations and the increasing use receivers on sites encourages the use of coordinate techniques, such may not always be available and it may be simpler to use traditional that work along the centre line. This will particularly be the case wher cur1e are being set out, such as those used for roads on housing est at roof intersections, short curves and boundaries. Plotting the centre lines of composite and wholly transitional cu Despite the widespread use of computer plotting facilities, there are s occasions during the initial horizontal alignment design when it is to undertake a hand drawing of the proposed centre line. For com wholly transitional curves the following procedure is recommende assumes that there is an existing plan of the area available. 1. Draw the intersecting straights in their correct relative positions on tracing paper. 2 Calculate the length of each tangent using IT IU ( R S ) tan(θ / 2 3 Plot the tangent points by measuring this distance along each straig either side of the intersection point at the same scale as the existi 4 To plot the entry and exit transition curves, use the offsets from the x y / 6RL lengths. Use 3 T to prepare a table of offset values x for sui values and ensure that the y values chosen will provide a good de the centre line. 5 At the scale of the existing plan, plot the x and values on the tracing p the tangent lengths to establish points on the entry and exit transition cu shown in the next Figure. 6 To plot the central circular arc (where appropriate), carefully join the p of the entry and exit transition curves. This is the long chord of the centr arc. 7 Measure the offsets from the long chord method, prepare table of offs for appropriate Y values. Again, ensure that the Y values chosen will pr definition of the centre line. 8 At the scale of the existing plan, plot the X and Y values from the long establish points on the centre line of the centre circular arc. 9 Carefully join all the points plotted to define the complete centre line. French curves is useful for this purpose, although with care a flexicurve used. 10 Superimpose the tracing paper on the existing plan and decide whet the design is acceptable. If it is not, change the design and repeat the p procedure. Examples On a proposed road having a design speed of 100 kph and a carriag 7.30 m, a composite curve consisting of two transition curves and a c arc of radius 750 m is to join two intersecting straights having a defle 09°34”28’. The rate of change of radial acceleration for the road is to The superelevation should be introduced at a rate of no more than 1 -Calculate the amount of superelevation that must be built into the ce arc. -Check that the transition curves are long enough for the superelevati introduced. Calculate the amount of superelevation that should be constructed al transition curve at 20 m intervals from the entry tangent point. 1. The amount of superelevation that must be built into the central ci 2 Bv maximum allowable SE = 282.8R 2 7.30 *100 282.2 * 750 0.344m then to express this as a % s%= v2 1002 2.828R 2.828 * 750 4.71% The radius of 750m is greater than the desirable min value of 720m f SE of 4.71% is less than the value of 5%. Hence the 0.344m SE into the central circular arc. Checking that the transition curves are long enough The length of each transition curve required for comfort and safety is equation LT v 3 3.6 3 cR 100 3 95.26m 3.6 3 * 0.3* 750 The superelevation value of 0.344 m must be introduced and remove 95.26 m, which represents a gradient of 0.344 0.36% 95.26 Since this is less that the maximum allowable rate of introduction of 1 transitions are long enough. The amount of SE that should be constructed along the entry transitio 20m intervals from the entry tangent point. rl K RLT K 95.26 * 750 71, 445 At 20m along the curve from entry tangent point r K 71, 445 3572.25m 20 20 (7.30 *1002 ) 0.07m SE at 20m along the curve = (282.8 * 3572.25) 1002 0.99% s% at 20m along the curve = 2.828 * 3572.25 Because this is less than the min allowable value of 2.5% for drainag 2.5% must be used therefore SE built at 20m along the curve = 2.5% of B = 0.025 * 7.30 = 0.18m