&time_control start_year start_month start_day start_hour start_minute start_second end_year end_month end_day end_hour end_minute end_second interval_seconds input_from_file history_interval frames_per_outfile restart restart_interval io_form_history io_form_restart io_form_input io_form_boundary debug_level auxinput4_inname auxinput4_interval / &domains time_step time_step_fract_num time_step_fract_den max_dom s_we e_we s_sn e_sn s_vert e_vert eta_levels 0.98738, 0.98077, = 2006, = 12, = 13, = 00, = 00, = 00, = 2007, = 02, = 01, = 00, = 00, = 00, = 21600 = .true., = 180, = 8, = .false., = 1440, = 2 = 2 = 2 = 2 = 0 = "wrflowinp_d<domain>", = 360, = = = = = = = = = = = 150, 0, 1, 1, 1, 276, 1, 206, 1, 40, 1.00000, 0.99667, 0.99268, 0.97223, 0.96179, 0.94884, 0.93346, 0.91447, 0.89203, 0.86633, 0.83640, 0.80141, 0.76188, 0.71838, 0.67156, 0.62208, 0.57068, 0.51720, 0.46214, 0.40769, 0.35800, 0.31274, 0.27161, 0.23431, 0.20056, 0.17106, 0.14553, 0.12291, 0.10287, 0.08512, 0.06940, 0.05547, 0.04313, 0.03220, 0.02251, 0.01394, 0.00634, 0.00000, p_top_requested num_metgrid_levels num_metgrid_soil_levels dx dy grid_id parent_id i_parent_start j_parent_start parent_grid_ratio parent_time_step_ratio feedback nproc_x nproc_y smooth_option / &physics mp_physics gsfcgce_hail gsfcgce_2ice co2tf ra_lw_physics ra_sw_physics cam_abs_freq_s levsiz paerlev cam_abs_dim1 cam_abs_dim2 radt sf_sfclay_physics sf_surface_physics bl_pbl_physics bldt cu_physics cudt isfflx ifsnow icloud surface_input_source num_soil_layers pxlsm_smois_init usemonalb seaice_threshold sst_update sf_urban_physics mp_zero_out maxiens maxens maxens2 maxens3 ensdim = 5000, = = 4, = = = = = = = = = = = = 30, 50000, 50000, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0 = 7, = 0, = 0, = 1, = 4, = 4, = 21600, = 59, = 29, = 4, = 40, = 10, = 2, = 2, = 2, = 0, = 3, = 5, = 1, = 0, = 1, = 1, = 4, = 1, = .false. = 1., = 1, = = = = = = = 0, 0, 1, 3, 3, 16, 144, slope_rad topo_shading fractional_seaice / = 0, = 0, = 1 &fdda grid_fdda = 2, gfdda_inname = "wrffdda_d<domain>", gfdda_interval_m = 360, ! calculate FDDA every time step fgdt = 0, ! keep FDDA running throughout entire simulation gfdda_end_h = 10000, if_no_pbl_nudging_uv = 0, if_no_pbl_nudging_t = 0, if_no_pbl_nudging_ph = 0, ! turn off nudging below model levels specified in k_zfac_ if_zfac_uv = 1, if_zfac_t = 1, if_zfac_ph = 1, ! nudging is turned off below these levels ! note that nudgind q is not available for spectral nudging k_zfac_uv = 20, k_zfac_t = 20, ! effectively turn off geopotential spectral nudging k_zfac_ph = 50, ! nudging coefficients: guv = 0.0, gt = 0.0, gph = 0.0, ! option to linearly change nudging strength (spectral only) ! default is 1 which means nudging is full strength for all ! specified levels dk_zfac_uv = 30 dk_zfac_t = 30 dk_zfac_ph = 30 ! top wave numbers for spectral nudging xwavenum = 2, ywavenum = 2, / &dynamics rk_ord diff_opt km_opt diff_6th_opt diff_6th_factor w_damping base_temp damp_opt zdamp dampcoef khdif kvdif = = = = = = = = = = = = 3, 1, 4, 0, 0.12, 1, 268. 0, 5000., 0.01, 0, 0, smdiv emdiv epssm non_hydrostatic h_mom_adv_order v_mom_adv_order h_sca_adv_order v_sca_adv_order time_step_sound moist_adv_opt scalar_adv_opt / &bdy_control spec_bdy_width spec_zone relax_zone specified nested / &grib2 / &namelist_quilt nio_tasks_per_group = 0, nio_groups = 1, / = 0.1, = 0.01, = 0.1, = .true., = 5, = 3, = 5, = 3, = 4, = 1, = 1, = = = = = 5, 1, 4, .true., .false.,