HECS-HELP Benefit - Mathematics and Science Reported Course Completions 2010 – Natural and Physical Science AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY University name The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University Course code 3600HBSCI Course name Bachelor of Science (Science (Honours)) 3600XBSCI Bachelor of Science (Science) 3602XBSCM 3605HBBIOT B Science(Sci Communication) (Science Communication) Bachelor of Biotechnology (Biotechnology (Honours)) 3605XBBIOT Bachelor of Biotechnology (Biotechnology) 3607HMEDSC Bachelor of Medical Science (Medical Science Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science (Medical Science) 3607XMEDSC 3613XBGOS B Global & Ocean Sciences (B Global & Ocean Sciences) 4006 B Music/B Science 4106 B Arts / B Science 4106HBARTS B Arts / B Science (Arts Honours) 4106HBSCI B Arts / B Science (Science Honours) 4426 B Finance/B Science 4460 BActStud / BScience 4460HBSCI BActStud / BScience (Bachelor of Science (Hon)) 4556 B AsianStudies(Spec)/B Science 4556HBSCI B AsianStudies(Spec)/B Science (Science Honours) 4596 B Asian Studies / B Science 4600HBSC Bachelor of Science (Adv) (H) (Bachelor of Science (Adv) (H)) 4602 B Science / B Economics 4602HBSCI B Science / B Economics (Science Honours) The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University The Australian National University University of Canberra University of Canberra University of Canberra University of Canberra University of Canberra University of Canberra University of Canberra University of Canberra University of Canberra University of Canberra University of Canberra University of Canberra University of Canberra University of Canberra University of Canberra 4603 B Science / B Laws 4603-0000B B Science / B Laws 4603HBSCI B Science / B Laws (Science Honours) 4603HLLB B Science / B Laws (Laws (Honours)) 4604 B Science / B Commerce 4604HBSCI B Science / B Commerce (Science Honours) 4608HBSCI B Science/B Science(Forestry) (Science Honours) 4613HBGOS B Global & Ocean Sci (Hon) (B Global & Ocean Sci (Hon)) 4619 BScience(Psych) / BScience 4619HBPSYC 4660HPHB BScience(Psych) / BScience (Science (Psychology) Honours) Bachelor of Philosophy (Hons) (PhB(Hons) - Science) 4661HPHB PhB(Hons)/BSc(Hons) ANU-NUS (Joint degree ANUNUS Science) 4706 B Engineering / B Science 4706HBSCI B Engineering / B Science (Science Honours) 4711 BSoftwareEngineering/BScience 4715 B Engineering (R&D)/B Science 223ZA1 365AE1 365AE2 365AE3 365AE4 365AE5 392AB2 660AA2 660AA3 660AA4 660AA5 660AA6 680AA2 814AA1 836AA1 Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Biology Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Biology Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Biology Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Biology Bachelor of Applied Science in Human Biology Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Forensic Studies in Forensic Science Bachelor of Forensic Studies in Forensic Science/Bachelor of Laws Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws NEW SOUTH WALES University name Avondale College Avondale College Avondale College Avondale College Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University Course code 40401 40451 44001 44002 22530225 22531052 3454SC01 Course name Bachelor of Science - Major in Biological Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Teaching Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Teaching Bachelor of Applied Science (Wine Science) Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary)/Bachelor of Science Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University 4209GS01 4402BM01 4408FB01 4412AB01 Associate Degree in General Studies (Science) Bachelor of Biotechnology (Medical) Bachelor of Forensic Biotechnology BMedicalScience/BBiotechnology(Medical-Applied) Charles Sturt University 4412CP01 Charles Sturt University 4412PA01 Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University Charles Sturt University Macquarie University Macquarie University Macquarie University 4414US01 4428CS01 4502BM01 4514HN01 5405FS01 5407AS01 5420SC01 5507AS01 5507SC01 32DB010900 32DC019900 32DE010900 Macquarie University Macquarie University Macquarie University Macquarie University 32F5010900 32F6010900 32F6019900 32F9010900 BMedicalScience(Clinical Physiology)/BBiotechnology(Medical-Applied) BMedicalScience(Pathology/BBiotechnology(MedicalApplied) Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Clinical Science Bachelor of Biotechnology (Medical) (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) Bachelor of Applied Science(Food Science) Bachelor of Animal Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Animal Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Marine Science (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Sciences (Honours) Honours Degree of BSc/BA in Natural History, Cultural and Museum Studies Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in Museum Studies & Heritage Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in Natural History Culture & Museum Bachelor of Marine Science Bachelor of Medical Sciences Bachelor of Medical Sciences Bachelor of Science in Advanced Program Biology Macquarie University 32FB010900 Bachelor of Science in Biodiversity & Conservation Macquarie University Macquarie University 32FD019900 34A7010700 Macquarie University 34A7010900 Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in Museum Studies & Heritage Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts in Museum Studies & Heritage Macquarie University #NUM! Macquarie University #NUM! Macquarie University Macquarie University Macquarie University Macquarie University Macquarie University 9568010101 9568010500 9568010703 9568010900 9569010101 Macquarie University 956A010900 Macquarie University Macquarie University Macquarie University Macquarie University 9578010703 9578010900 957F010900 #NUM! Macquarie University Macquarie University Macquarie University Southern Cross University Southern Cross University The University of New England The University of New England The University of New England The University of New England The University of New England The University of New England The University of New England The University of New England The University of New England The University of New England The University of New England The University of New England 9594010900 9599010900 U0F6010103 2207186 3007162 ADSC2 Bachelor of Science in the Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science in the Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science in the Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science in the Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science with the Diploma of Education in the Faculty of Scie Bachelor of Science with the Diploma of Education in the Faculty of Scie Bachelor of Science with the Diploma of Education in the Faculty of Scie Bachelor of Science with the Diploma of Education in the Faculty of Scie Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Laws in the Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in the Faculty of Science Bachelor of Science with Bachelor of Laws in the Faculty of Arts Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Faculty of Science Bachelor of Biodiversity and Conservation Bachelor of Commerce Associate Degree in Clinical Sciences Bachelor of Clinical Sciences Advanced Diploma in The Sciences Macquarie University 9569010301 Macquarie University 9569010500 Macquarie University 9569010900 ADSC3 Advanced Diploma in The Sciences BASC2 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science BASC3 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science BBIOSC1 Bachelor of Biomedical Science BGEOSC2 Bachelor of GeoScience BMSM1 Bachelor of Marine Science and Management BMTTCH2 Bachelor of Mathematics/Bachelor of Teaching BSC2 Bachelor of Science BSC3 Bachelor of Science BSC4 Bachelor of Science BSC5 Bachelor of Science The University of New England The University of New England 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Diploma in The Sciences HBASC1 Bachelor of Advanced Science with Honours HBSC2 Bachelor of Science with Honours 3052 Biotechnology 3060 Food Science and Technology 3065 Food Science 3142 Mining Engineering/Science 3529 Commerce/Science 3617 Nanotechnology 3641 Telecommunications/Science 3647 Bioinformatics 3651 Software Engineering/Science 3655 PV and Solar Energy/Science 3711 Mechanical & Manf Eng/Science 3725 Electrical Engineering/Science 3726 Computer Engineering/Science 3730 Civil Engineering/Science 3811 Science (Medicine) 3831 Science (Medicine) Honours The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of New South Wales The University of Newcastle 3870 Health and Exercise Science 3871 Exercise Physiology 3930 Science/Arts 3931 Advanced Science/Arts 3933 Advanced Mathematics/Arts 3935 Science/Social Science 3952 Optometry/Science 3970 Science 3972 Advanced Science 3983 Science/Computer Science 3986 Advanced Mathematics 3988 Environmental Science 3991 Medical Science 4075 Science/Education 4410 Science 4463 Science (CDF) 4770 Science / Law The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle 10015 Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) / Bachelor of Science 10092 Bachelor of Mathematics / Bachelor of Science 10142 Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) / Bachelor of Science 10159 Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours) 10237 Bachelor of Mathematics 10323 Bachelor of Science 10443 Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) / Bachelor of Mathematics 10496 Bachelor of Science (Honours) 10671 Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Computer Science The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle 10778 Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Laws 10863 Bachelor of Science (Food Technology) 10945 Bachelor of Science The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Newcastle The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of 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and Bachelor of Science HH015BD_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015C Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015C_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015DA_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015DC_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015D_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015ED_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015E_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015F Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015F_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015G Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015G_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015I_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015J_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015L_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015M_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015N_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015P_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015Q_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015RA_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science HH015Y_CH Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science LH000A Bachelor of Science LH000B Bachelor of Science LH000C Bachelor of Science LH006A Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws LH006B Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws LH006B_CH Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws LH010A Bachelor of Medical Science LH011A Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts LH011B Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts LH011D Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts LH014A Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Commerce LH018A Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics) The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney LH019A LH021A LH022A LH030A LH035A LH037A LH038A LH039A LH040A LH040B LH040C LH043A LH045A The University of Sydney The University of Sydney LH048A LH049A The University of Sydney The University of Sydney The University of Sydney LH051C LH053A SH051A The University of Sydney SH054A The University of Sydney SH088A The University of Sydney SH093A The University of Sydney XH030A The University of Sydney XH031A The University of Sydney XH031A_CH University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney C09020 Bachelor of Science (Bioinformatics) Bachelor of Science (Marine Science) Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biotechnology) Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science and Technology B.Sc.(Adv) B.Sc.(Adv.Maths) Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biology and Genetics) (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Marine Science) (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biotechnology) (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science and Technology (Honours) Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) Honours Bachelor of Applied Science (Exercise and Sport Science) Bach of Applied Sc(Exercise & Sport Science) & Bach of Sc(Nutrition) Bachelor of Education(Secondary: Science) & Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Education(Secondary: Maths) & Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Education(Secondary: Maths) & Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics C09021 Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance (Honours) C09022 Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) C09023 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Science C09025 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Chemistry Forensic Science Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Chemistry C09026 C09029 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental Science University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney C09031 Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) C09035 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Physics C09046 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nanotechnology C10073 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science C10074 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science Diploma in Engineering Pract Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Medical Science C10075 C10076 C10115 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Medical Science Dip in Engineering P Bachelor of Biomedical Science C10117 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology C10126 Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Laws C10131 Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Laws C10140 Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Laws C10154 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics C10155 Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance C10157 Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance Bachelor of Arts in International St Bachelor of Mathematics and Computing C10158 C10161 C10162 Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Business C10163 Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Business C10166 Bachelor of Science C10167 C10169 Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Business C10170 Bachelor of Science Nanotechnology C10172 Bachelor of Biotechnology C10168 University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney 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27111 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Mathematics 27201 Bachelor of Mathematics and Information Technology 35161 35162 35171 35172 35182 35191 35201 35202 35623 35731 35771 35772 35773 35774 35871 35892 35901 35902 35911 35912 36101 36111 36261 Bachelor of Science (General Science) Bachelor of Science (General Science) Bachelor of Science (Biological Science) Bachelor of Science (Biological Science) Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) Bachelor of Science (Chemistry) Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Science) Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Science) Bachelor of Science (Advanced Science) Bachelor of Applied Science (Nutrition and Food) Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Applied Science (Food Technology) Bachelor of Science (Forensic Science) Bachelor of Science (Gene Science) Bachelor of Science (Gene Science) Bachelor of Science (Nanotechnology) Bachelor of Science (Nanotechnology) Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Food Science) University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney 36301 36321 36322 36371 36381 University of Western Sydney 36382 Bachelor of Science - Pathway to Teaching (Secondary) University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Western Sydney University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of 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742 MBIO 742 MCHM 742 SC01 742 SC02 742 SC04 742 SC06 742 SC52 744 Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science Honours Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science Honours Bachelor of Science Honours Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Advanced Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Advanced Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Advanced Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Advanced Bachelor of Science (Honours) - Advanced Bachelor of Marine Science Honours Bachelor of Marine Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Biotechnology University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong 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Bachelor of Science / Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Engineering - Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Engineering - Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Advanced) Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Mathematics Advanced (Honours) Bachelor of Mathematics Bachelor of Mathematics Bachelor of Mathematics Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance Bachelor of Mathematics and Finance Bachelor of Mathematics and Economics Bachelor of Computer Science - Bachelor of Science University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong 769 Bachelor of Mathematics - Bachelor of Computer Science 775 ENVE Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Laws 775 HUMG Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Laws 775M Bachelor of Medical Science - Bachelor of Laws 784 Bachelor of Medical Radiation Physics 787 Bachelor of Medical Science 787C Bachelor of Medical Science - Bachelor of Commerce University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong 788 Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) 789 MB01 Bachelor of Marine Science 789 MB03 Bachelor of Marine Science 789A MB01 Bachelor of Marine Science Advanced 791 MECH Bachelor of Engineering - Bachelor of Mathematics University of Wollongong University of Wollongong 792 PHYS 845 VIS Bachelor of Science - Bachelor of Mathematics Bachelor of Creative Arts - Bachelor of Science University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong University of Wollongong 845 WRIT 846A Bachelor of Creative Arts - Bachelor of Science 846 Bachelor of Nanotechnology Bachelor of Nanotechnology 847 Bachelor of Medical and Radiation Physics NORTHERN TERRITORY University name Charles Darwin University Charles Darwin University Charles Darwin University Charles Darwin University Charles Darwin University Charles Darwin University Charles Darwin University Charles Darwin University Charles Darwin University Charles Darwin University Charles Darwin University Course code BBMSC2 BBMSC3 BNBSC22 BSBED32 BSBLAW2 BSC231 BSC232 BSC992 BSCBB32 BSCIH3 BTLBSC1 Course name BACHELOR OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE BACHELOR OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE BACHELOR OF NURSING/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE/BACHELOR OF EDUCATION BACHELOR OF SCIENCE/BACHELOR OF LAWS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE/BACHELOR OF BUSINESS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONOURS) BACHELOR OF TEACHING AND LEARNING/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE QUEENSLAND University name Central Queensland University Central Queensland University Central Queensland University Central Queensland University Central Queensland University Central Queensland University Central Queensland University Central Queensland University Central Queensland University Central Queensland University Central Queensland University Griffith University Course code CA02 CA66 CA67 CA86 CF34 CF93 CG09 CG67 CU04 CU18 CU98 1007 Course name B Applied Physics B Sci (Biology) (Hons) B Sci (AppChem) (Hons) B Chemical Sciences B Biomedical Science (Hons) AdvDip Biomedical Science B AppPhys(Co-op)/DipProfPrac AD Geoscience B Biomedical Science B Science B Informatics Bachelor of Science (Ecology and Conservation Biology) Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science with Aviation Bachelor of Biomedical Science Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Information Technology Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education Secondary Bachelor of Environmental Engineering/Bachelor of Science Bach. of Urban and Environmental Planning/Bach. of Science (Environment) Bachelor of Biomedical Science (Gold Coast) Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Biomolecular Science Bachelor of Photonics & Nanoscience Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science Bachelor of Forensic Science Bach. of Forensic Science/Bach. of Criminology and Criminal Justice Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Science (Ecology and Conservation Biology) Bachelor of Marine Science Bachelor of Science with Honours (Accelerated) B Biomolecular Science (Exit Point) Griffith School of Environment Honours Program Biomolecular and Physical Sciences Honours Program Griffith University Griffith University Griffith University Griffith University Griffith University Griffith University 1018 1026 1031 1032 1033 1045 Griffith University 1071 Griffith University 1085 Griffith University 1087 Griffith University Griffith University Griffith University Griffith University Griffith University Griffith University Griffith University 1094 1210 1238 1240 1242 1264 1265 Griffith University Griffith University Griffith University 1280 1306 1315 Griffith University Griffith University Griffith University Griffith University Griffith University 1328 1334 1350 2006 2078 Griffith University 8023 Diploma of Biosciences James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University James Cook University BAPS019999 BARS099999 BBSA019901 BEEC030000 BEEL031305 BEGH03000H BGEA010703 BGEB010703 BMLA019901 BMSA010907 BSCA019999 BSCB019905 BSCC010900 BSCF019999 DISC019999 HAPA019999 HARL099999 Bachelor of Applied Science Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences Bachelor of Engineering-Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Engineering-Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Engineering-Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Geology Bachelor of Geology (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science Bachelor of Marine Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Biotechnology Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science-Bachelor of Laws Diploma of Science Bachelor of Applied Science with Honours Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Science with Honours James Cook University James Cook University HBMA019901 HEQM070100 James Cook University HMLA019901 James Cook University HMLB019901 Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences with Honours Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Science with Honours Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science Honours (Graduate) Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science with Honours James Cook University Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology HSCA019999 HL40 IF21 Bachelor of Science with Honours B Nursing / B Applied Science (Human Movement Studies) B Engineering (Electrical) / B Mathematics IF29 B Applied Science / B Information Technology IF39 B Applied Science / B Laws IF58 B Mathematics / B Information Technology IF60 B Mathematics / B Business IF61 B Applied Science / B Business IF86 Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Applied Science IX02 B Applied Science / B Education (Secondary) IX14 Bachelor of Applied Science / Bachelor of Education (Primary) B Applied Science / B Information Technology IX26 Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland University of Technology Queensland 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Science) LS50 Bachelor of Biotechnology Innovation MA54 Bachelor of Mathematics SC01 Bachelor of Applied Science SC20 B Applied Science / B Mathematics SC40 Bachelor Of Biomedical Science SC60 Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) 2030 B Science 2037 B Food Technology 2037H B Food Technology (Honours) 2055H B Biotechnology (Honours) 2081 B BusMan/BScience 2087 B Commerce/BScience 2098 B Economics/BScience 2109 B Science/BArts 2110 B Science/BEducation(Sec) 2111 B Science/BLaws 2111H B Science/BLaws (Honours) 2228 B InfTech/BScience 2233 B Science/B Journalism 2260 B Applied Sc/BBusiness Managmt ANATOX2031 B Science(Hons) (Anatomy) BIOCHX2031 B Science(Hons) (Biochemistry) BIOMEX2031 B Science(Hons) (Biomedical Science) BIOPHX2031 B Science(Hons) (Biophysics) BIOTHH2055 B Biotechnology (Biotechnology)(Hons) BOTANX2031 B Science(Hons) (Botany) CHEBHH2055 B Biotechnology (Chemical Biotechnology)(Hons) CHEMIH2094 B Engineering/BScience (Chemical Engineering BE)(Hons) CHEMIX2031 B Science(Hons) (Chemistry) CHEMIX2094 B Engineering/BScience (Chemical Engineering - BE) The University of Queensland CIVILH2094 B Engineering/BScience (Civil Engineering - BE)(Hons) The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland CIVILX2094 COMAHH2200 COMANX2200 DEVELX2031 DRUGHH2055 B Engineering/BScience (Civil Engineering - BE) B Marine Studies (Coastal Management)(Hons) B Marine Studies (Coastal Management) B Science(Hons) (Developmental Biology) B Biotechnology (Drug Design & Develop't)(Hons) The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland ECOLHH2009 ECOLOX2031 ELECTH2094 The University of Queensland ENVIRH2094 The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland EVOLUX2031 EXPLOX2031 GENETX2031 GEOLOX2031 MARBHH2200 B Environmental Science (Ecology) (Hons) B Science(Hons) (Ecology) B Engineering/BScience (Electrical Engineering BE)(Hons) B Engineering/BScience (Environmental Engineering BE)(Hons) B Science(Hons) (Evolutionary Biology) B Science(Hons) (Exploration Geophysics) B Science(Hons) (Genetics) B Science(Hons) (Geology) B Marine Studies (Marine Biology & Ecology)(Hons) The University of Queensland The University of Queensland MARBIX2031 MATERH2094 The University of Queensland The University of Queensland MATHEX2031 MEAERH2094 The University of Queensland MECHAH2094 The University of Queensland MECHAX2094 The University of Queensland The University of Queensland MECHAY2094 MECSPH2094 The University of Queensland MECSPX2094 The University of Queensland MECTRH2094 The University of Queensland MGCPHH2200 B Engineering/BScience (Mechatronic Engineering BE)(Hons) B Marine Studies (Marine Geo&Coastal Proc)(Hons) The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland MICBHH2055 MICROX2031 NEUROX2031 PARASX2031 PHARMX2031 PHYSIX2031 PHYSLX2031 PLABHH2055 PROBHH2225 B Biotechnology (Microbial Biotechnology)(Hons) B Science(Hons) (Microbiology) B Science(Hons) (Neuroscience) B Science(Hons) (Parasitology) B Science(Hons) (Pharmacology) B Science(Hons) (Physics) B Science(Hons) (Physiology) B Biotechnology (Plant Biotechnology)(Hons) B Engineering/BBiotech (Process Technology)(Hons) B Science(Hons) (Marine Biology) B Engineering/BScience (Materials Engineering BE)(Hons) B Science(Hons) (Mathematics) B Engineering/BScience (Mechanical & Aerospace EngBE)(Hons) B Engineering/BScience (Mechanical Engineering BE)(Hons) B Engineering/BScience (Mechanical Engineering - BE) B Engineering/BScience (Mechanical Eng - BE) B Engineering/BScience (Mechanical & Space Eng BE)(Hons) B Engineering/BScience (Mechanical & Space Eng - BE) The University of Queensland SEMGTX2259 The University of Queensland The University of Queensland The University of Queensland University of Southern Queensland University of Southern Queensland University of Southern Queensland University of Southern Queensland University of Southern Queensland University of Southern Queensland University of Southern Queensland University of Southern Queensland University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast SOFTWY2094 STATIX2031 ZOOLOX2031 BABS B Business/B Applied Science (Sustainable Enterprise Managmt) B Engineering/BScience (Software Eng - BE) B Science(Hons) (Statistics) B Science(Hons) (Zoology) BArtsBScience BBMS BBiomedical Science BCBS BCommerceBScience BEBS BEngineeringBScience BSCH BScience(Honours) BSCI BScience BSSM BScBEd (Senior/Middle School) BTWN BTechnology(Wine) ECE-HONS Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Ecology and Evolution) GEN-HONS Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Genetics) MBI-HONS Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Molecular Biology) MIC-HONS Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Microbiology) PHR-HONS Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Pharmacology) SA301 Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science SB301 Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Science SC301 Bachelor of Science SC303 B Science / B Science (Honours) SC351 Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) SC352 Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition SC355 Bachelor of Biomedical Science SC361 Bachelor of Science (Microbiology & Biotechnology) SC362 Bachelor of Animal, Plant & Marine Biotechnology University of The Sunshine Coast University of The Sunshine Coast SC363 Bachelor of Biotechnology SE301 Bachelor of Education/Bachelor of Science SOUTH AUSTRALIA University name The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The Flinders University of South Australia The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide Course code BBT Course name Bachelor of Biotechnology (Honours) BEDJPBSC BMS Bachelor of Education (Junior Primary/Primary), Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Education (Middle School), Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Education (Secondary), Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Medical Science BSC Bachelor of Science BSCBC Bachelor of Science in Biodiversity and Conservation Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science BEDMSBSC BEDSBSC BSCES BSCH BSCHNN Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Enhanced Program for High Achievers) Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Nanotechnology) BSCMB Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology BSCMC Bachelor of Science in Medicinal Chemistry BSCNT Bachelor of Science in Nanotechnology (Honours) BTFA DIPAS Bachelor of Technology (Forensic and Analytical Chemistry) Diploma in Applied Science HBSC Bachelor of Science (Honours) HBSCBC HBSCMB Bachelor of Science in Biodiversity and Conservation (Honours) Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology (Honours) BABSC BAGSCOEN BEBSP BEDAS BEDM1 BEDM4 BEDM5 BEDM7 BEDM9 B.Arts/B.Science B.Ag Sc (Oenology) B.E (Elec) & B.Sc(Physics) B.E(Aero Eng) with BScience B.E(Chem) with BMaCompSc B.E(Comp Sys) with BMa&CompSc B.E(E&E) with BMa&CompSc B.E(Mechat) with BMa&CompSc B.E(Aero) with BMaCompSc HBSCES The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide The University of Adelaide University of South Australia University of South Australia University of South Australia University of South Australia University of South Australia University of South Australia University of South Australia University of South Australia BEDS1 BEDS2 BEDS3 BEDS6 BEDS9 BEDSB BEDSK BEPB3 BFIBM BFOODSCT BFTMGT BMATHSCI BOEN BSCBIOTECH BSCECOCHEM BSCEVBIOL BSCI BSCIBIOMED BSCIJURIS BSCIMOLBIO BSCIPETGEO BSCM&CS BSCM&DD BSCMARINE BSCNANOSCM BSCOPTPHOT BSCSSAP BSCSUSENV BTBSC HBFSCT HBMATHSCI HBMEDSC HBOEN HBSC HBSCM&CS HSCHP APPSC-IHHS DBQF HON03-IBBL IBBL IBFS IBNF IBPA IHBY B.E(Chem) with BSc B.E(Civil & Env) with BSc B.E(CivilSt) with BSc B.E(Mech) with BSc B.E(Aero) with BSc B.E(Chem) with B.Sc(Biotech) B.E(Mining) with BSc B.E(Pet) & B.Sc(Geol & Geoph) B.Finance/B.Ma.&Comp.Sc. B.Food & Nutrition Science B.Food Tech & Management B.Mathematical Sciences B.Oenology B.Sc (Biotechnology) B.Sc (EcoChemistry) B.Sc (Evolutionary Biology) B.Science B.Sc (Biomedical Science) B.Sc (Jurisprudence) B.Sc (Molecular Biology) B.Sc (Petroleum Geoscience) B.Math & Comp Sci B.Sc (Molecular & Drug Design) B.Sc (Marine Biology) B.Sc (Nanoscience & Materials) B.Sc (Optics & Photonics) B.Sc (Space Sc & Astrophysics) B.Sc (Sustainable Envir) B.Teaching/B.Science B.FoodSc & Technology - hons B.Mathematical Sciences - hons B.Medical Science - honours B.Oenology - honours B.Science - honours B.Ma. & Comp. Sc. - honours B.Sc (HighPerfCompPhys) (Hons) BHlthSc(Hons)orBApSc(Hons) (BAppSc(Hons)) BQuantitativeFinance BLaboratoryMedicine (Honours 2003) BLaboratoryMedicine BApSc(FoodSciNutrition) BNutritionandFoodSciences BPharmaceuticalScience BMedical,PharmBiotech(Hons) University of South Australia University of South Australia University of South Australia University of South Australia University of South Australia LBSC LHPC LHSC OPTIM-LBMA SCI-LBES BScience BApScHons(AppliedPhysics) BScienceHons BMathematicalSciences (Optimisation) BScience,BEducation (BScience) TASMANIA University name University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania Course code 63E G3A G3K J3T University of Tasmania J4T University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania K3B K4B L3G L4G University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania M3G M3M M4E M4G N3C N4C University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania University of Tasmania R3I S2G S3E S3G S3L S3N S3V S3Y S4E S4G S4T University of Tasmania S4V Course name Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws (63E) Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Science (G3A) Bachelor of Business and Bachelor of Science (G3K) Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Environment) (J3T) Bachelor of Applied Science (Marine Environment) with Honours (J4T) Bachelor of Marine Science (K3B) Bachelor of Marine Science with Honours (K4B) Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws (L3G) Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws with Honours (L4G) Bachelor of Biomedical Science (M3G) Bachelor of Medical Research (M3M) Bachelor of Biomedical Science with Honours (M4E) Bachelor of Medical Research with Honours (M4G) Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (N3C) Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) (N4C) Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science (R3I) Associate Degree in Science (S2G) Bachelor of Applied Science (S3E) Bachelor of Science (S3G) Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Science (S3L) Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Teaching (S3N) Bachelor of Biotechnology (S3V) Bachelor of Antarctic Science (S3Y) Bachelor of Science with Honours (S4E) Bachelor of Antarctic Studies with Honours (S4G) Bachelor of Natural Environment and Wilderness Studies with Honour (S4T) Bachelor of Biotechnology with Honours (S4V) VICTORIA University name Course name Deakin University Deakin University Course code D3111 D3211 Deakin University Deakin University D3312 D3441 Deakin University D3511 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE/BACHELOR OF LAWS BACHELOR OF TEACHING (SECONDARY)/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BACHELOR OF TEACHING (SCIENCE)/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Deakin University D3722 BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Deakin University Deakin University Deakin University Deakin University S3191 S3201 S3202 S3211 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOTECHNOLOGY) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE) Deakin University Deakin University S3212 S3231 BACHELOR OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE) Deakin University Deakin University Deakin University Deakin University S3232 S3241 S3242 S3951 Deakin University S3991 BACHELOR OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE BACHELOR OF FORENSIC SCIENCE BACHELOR OF FORENSIC SCIENCE BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (CONSERVATION ECOLOGY) BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (MARINE BIOLOGY) Deakin University Deakin University S4001 S4011 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONOURS) BACHELOR OF FORENSIC SCIENCE (HONOURS) Deakin University S4112 BACHELOR OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE (HONOURS) Deakin University S4332 BACHELOR OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE (HONOURS) La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University BSBS LWLS LWLSP RBSCS RZASB Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Chemical Science Bachelor of Applied Science/Bachelor of Business La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University RZCES SBANS SBANS01 SBBAS Bachelor of Civil Engineering/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Animal & Veterinary Biosciences Bachelor of Animal Science Bachelor of Biological Sciences (Advanced Science) La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University SBBCB SBBIS SBCBE SBCHS Bachelor of Biotechnology and Cell Biology Bachelor of Biological Sciences Bachelor of Conservation Biology and Ecology Bachelor of Chemical Sciences BACHELOR OF ARTS/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BACHELOR OF COMMERCE/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University SBMC SBMS SBMS01 SBMSM SBMSS Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry Bachelor of Biomedical Science Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University SBNS SBNS01 SBS SBSB SBSS SHBCB Bachelor of Human Nutrition Bachelor of Nutritional Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Space Science Bachelor of Biotechnology and Cell Biology with Honours La Trobe University La Trobe University SHBIS SHCBE Bachelor of Biological Sciences with Honours Bachelor of Conservation Biology & Ecology with Honours La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University La Trobe University SHMC SHMES SHMS SHN SHS SHSB SHSSC SZAS SZESBS Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry with Honours Bachelor of Biomedical Science with Honours Bachelor of Mathematics/Statistics with Honours Bachelor of Human Nutrition with Honours Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Space Science with Honours Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science Bach of Environmental Sci/Bach of Biological Sciences La Trobe University SZFMS La Trobe University La Trobe University SZFS SZNTS Bachelor of Finance/Bachelor of Mathematical and Statistical Science Bachelor of Finance/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Nanotechnology / Bachelor of Science La Trobe University La Trobe University SZSC03 SZSSE Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Science Education Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University 413 414 502 503 514 853 854 866 884 Bachelor of Medical Science Honours Degree of Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws The honours degree of Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering 5302 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science 11202 Bachelor of Science (Science Scholar Program) 14696 Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University 14697 14698 16334 16335 20052 20063 21302 Monash University Monash University 21462 Bachelor of Computing and Bachelor of Science 21882 The honours degree of Bachelor of Science (Science Scholar Program) 22303 Bachelor of Biomedical Science 32781 Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering and Bachelor of Science Monash University Monash University Monash University Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) Bachelor of Arts (Communication) and Bachelor of Science Monash University 32821 Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering and Bachelor of Science 33562 Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Bachelor of Laws Monash University 34181 The Honours Degree of Bachelor of Biomedical Science Monash University 34182 Honours degree of Bachelor of Biomedical Science Monash University Monash University 34531 Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry 35051 The honours degree of Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) Monash University Monash University 35121 Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) 35131 Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management) Monash University 35171 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Computer Science Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University Monash University 35201 Bachelor of Science Advanced with Honours 35221 Bachelor of Science (Medical Bioscience) 35231 Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)/Bachelor of Science (Medical Bioscie 35261 Honours degree of the Bachelor of Science (Medical Bioscience) 35271 Bachelor of Biotechnology (with Honours) 35281 Bachelor of Biomedical Science/Bachelor of Science Monash University 35301 Bachelor of Science (Food Science and Technology) Monash University Monash University Monash University 35381 Honours degree of Bachelor of Science 37112 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education 38043 Bachelor of Biomedical Science and Bachelor of Economics Monash University 38791 Bachelor of Biomedical Science/Bachelor of Engineering Monash University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University BH006 BH009 BH010 B Sc (App Chem) (Hon) B Sci (Phys) (Hons) B Sc (Mathematics) (Hons) RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University RMIT University Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology BH012 BH031 BH032 BH058 BH059 BH063 BP017 BP076 BP079 BP083 BP092 BP147 BP183 BP184 BP199 BP226 BP227 BP229 BP230 BP231 BP245 E069Y ESB056 B Sci (Applied Sciences)(Hons) B Sci (AppBiol/Biotech) (Hons) B App Sci (Lab Medicine)(Hons) B App Sci (Biomed Sci) (Hon) B App Sci (Pharmac Sci) (Hon) B Science (Statistics) (Hon) Bachelor of Applied Science B Sci (Applied Chemistry) B Sci (Physics) B Science (Mathematics) B Sci (Consumer Science) B App Sci(Laboratory Medicine) BAppSc(ChinMed)BAppSc(HumBiol) B App Sci (Pharmaceutical Sci) B Sc (Food Tech & Nutrition) B Sci (Biotechnology) B Sci (Biological Sciences) B Science (Applied Sciences) B Sci (Nanotechnology) B Biomedical Science B Sci (Statistics) Beng (Telecoms & Internet Technologies)/ Bsc (Computer Science & Softwar BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOTECHNOLOGY/ BIOCHEMISTRY) ESB057 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOTECHNOLOGY) ESBA057 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOTECHNOLOGY)/ BARTS (MEDIA & COMMUNICATIONS) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOTECHNOLOGY/ BIOCHEMISTRY)/BACHELOR OF BUSINESS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOTECHNOLOGY)/ BACHELOR OF BUSINESS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOTECHNOLOGY/ BIOCHEMISTRY) (HONOURS) BACHELOR OF ARTS (PSYCHOLOGY/PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY) Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology S061 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES Z0416BCH BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOCHEMISTRY AND CHEMISTRY) Z0416MBI BACHELOR OF SCIENCE(MEDICAL BIOPHYSICS) ESBB056 ESBB057 ESBH056 N051 S040 S060 BSC (BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES) / BENG (ELECTRONICS & COMPUTER SYSTEMS) BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (PHOTONICS)/BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (T&IT) Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology Swinburne University of Technology The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne Z046 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Z049Y BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (PSYCHOLOGY/BIOCHEMISTRY) Z052Y BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BIOCHEMISTRY/CHEMISTRY) Z062Y BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (PSYCHOLOGY/ PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY) Z073Y Bachelor Of Science (Honours) Chemistry Z079Y BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY) (HONOURS) 064AA Bachelor of Biomedical Science 279BB Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Information Systems 297BB Bachelor of Food Science (Honours) 450AA Bachelor of Food Science 625EEH 754AA Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Electrical Engineering/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Software Engineering/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Engineering (IT) Software Engineering/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science (Degree with Honours) 755BB Bachelor of Science 755QA Bachelor of Science 755QB Bachelor of Science 755QG Bachelor of Science 797AA Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Teaching 857EE Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) and Bachelor of Science 902BB Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science 925BB Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws 925BBH Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Laws 945EG Bachelor of Geomatic Engineering and Bachelor of Science 945EGH Bachelor of Geomatic Engineering and Bachelor of Science 625SE 625SEH The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne University of Ballarat University of Ballarat University of Ballarat University of Ballarat University of Ballarat University of Ballarat University of Ballarat Victoria University Victoria University Victoria University Victoria University 980AA 985AC Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery & Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery & Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery & Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery & Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery & Bachelor of Medical Science Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) and Bachelor of Science 985ACH Bachelor of Engineering (Chemical) and Bachelor of Science 985AM Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical &Manufacturing)& Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical &Manufacturing)& Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) and Bachelor of Science Victoria University Victoria University 980AAH 980BB 980CC 980CCH 985AMH 985AVH 985CEH 995BB Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering)/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical Engineering)/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Engineering (Software Engineering)/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science B-BMED Bachelor of Biomedicine B-SCI Bachelor of Science DMATHSC CD5 CM8 SB5 SC5 SS5 SS8 TA5 EBSE SBBS SBBY SBCM Diploma in Mathematical Sciences SBCP SBIA Bachelor of Applied Science (Chemistry) Bachelor of Science (Internet Technologies and Applications) 985EEH 985SEH Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences (Honours) Bachelor of Biomedical Science Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Applied Science Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours) Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Sciences) Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology) Bachelor of Science (Computer and Mathematical Sciences) Victoria University SBMF Victoria University Victoria University Victoria University SBSP SHAB SHBB Bachelor of Science (Medical Forensic and Analytical Chemistry) Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Psychology Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Applied Biology) Bachelor of Science (Honours) Biology (Biotechnology) Victoria University SHBM Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Biomedical Sciences) Victoria University SHCB Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Chemical Sciences) Victoria University SHNF Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Nutrition and Food Sciences) WESTERN AUSTRALIA University name Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Course code Course name 131310 Bach of Sc(Physics), Bach of Eng (Computer Syst Eng) 131410 Bach of Sc (Physics), Bach of Eng (Electrical Power Eng) 131810 Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science 132510 Bachelor of Sci (Computer Science), Bachelor of Sci (Physics) 132610 B Science (Mathematical Sciences), B Commerce (Finance) 133010 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Finance) 133310 B Sc (Chem), B Sc (Ext Metallurgy) 155210 Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Sciences) 156299 Bachelor of Science 170609 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) (Honours) 172299 Bachelor of Science (Geophysics) 172499 Bachelor of Science (Physics) 173299 Bachelor of Science (Medical Science) 174399 Bachelor of Science (Mineral Exploration and Mining Geology) 177299 Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology) 177499 Bachelor of Science 300210 Bachelor of Science (Environmental Biology) (Honours 300212 Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology) (Honours) 300241 Bachelor of Science (Geophysics) (Honours) 301387 Bachelor of Science (Math Science), Bachelor of Education (Sec Educ) 301578 Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biotechnology) (Honours) 301590 Bachelor of Science (Medical Science) (Honours) 301636 Bachelor of Science (Molecular Biotechnology) 302395 Bachelor of Science (Life Sciences) Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Curtin University of Technology Edith Cowan University Edith Cowan University Edith Cowan University Edith Cowan University Edith Cowan University Edith Cowan University 302408 Bachelor of Science (Actuarial Science) 302452 Bachelor of Science (Actuarial Science) (Honours) 302929 Bachelor of Science (Chemistry), Bachelor of Commerce (Entrepreneurship) 303316 Bachelor of Science (Forensic and Analytical Chemistry) 303770 Bachelor of Science (Environmental Biology) 303799 Bachelor Science (Enviro Biology), Bachelor of Social Sci (Sociology) 303800 Bachelor of Science (Envir Biology), Bachelor of Social Science 304002 Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science) (Honours) 305347 Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology), Bachelor of Science (Envir Biolog 305377 Bachelor of Science (Nanotechnology) 305537 Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology), Bachelor of Commerce (Finance) 305539 Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology), Bachelor of Commerce (Entrepreneu 305549 Bachelor of Science (Envir Biology), Bachelor of Education (Sec Educ) 305551 Bachelor of Science (Physics), Bachelor of Education (Sec Educ) 305735 Bachelor of Science (Human Biology Preclinical) 307321 Bachelor of Science (Land and Water Resource Science) 308549 Bachelor of Science (Applied Geology), Bachelor of Science (Geophysics) 310265 Bachelor of Science (Astronomy) 310757 Bachelor of Science (Forensic Investigation) B731 E531 E591 E691 310837 Bachelor of Science (Honours) - School of Science and Computing 311148 Bachelor of Science - School of Science and Computing 311549 Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Education (Secondary Education) 3081 Bachelor of Science 4291 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Business Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences) Bachelor of Science (Human Biology) Honours Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences) Honours Bachelor of Science (Human Biology) Edith Cowan University Edith Cowan University Edith Cowan University G181 G601 G831 Edith Cowan University Edith Cowan University Edith Cowan University Edith Cowan University Edith Cowan University Edith Cowan University Murdoch University Murdoch University G871 K051 K091 K221 K231 M161 B10192 B10294 Murdoch University Murdoch University B10297 B10298 Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University B10313 B10314 B10323 B10324 B10325 B10326 B10356 B10357 B10411 B10412 B10432 Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University B10446 B10561 B10562 B10563 B10564 B10581 Murdoch University B10582 Murdoch University B10583 Murdoch University Murdoch University B11381 B11382 Murdoch University B11383 Murdoch University Murdoch University Murdoch University B11392 B11393 B11394 Bachelor of Arts (Education)/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science (Applied and Analytical Chemistry) Bachelor of Science (Forensic and Biomolecular Science) Bachelor of Science (Marine and Freshwater Biology) Bachelor of Science (Biomedical Science) Bachelor of Forensic Investigation Bachelor of Science (Surf Science and Technology) Bachelor of Arts (Education)/Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science (Physics) Honours BACHELOR OF LAWS/BACHELOR OF SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS AND NANOTECHNOLOGY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOTECHNOLOGY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOTECHNOLOGY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOTECHNOLOGY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOTECHNOLOGY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MARINE SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MARINE SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MINERAL SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE BSC/BACHELOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY BSC/BACHELOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY BSC/BACHELOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE AND SURGERY 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of Engineering Honours 510101 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Economics 510201 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Commerce 511202 Bachelor of Science and Technology 5112H1 Bachelor of Science and Technology (Honours) 511602 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Engineering 5116H2 Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Engineering Honours 511702 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Economics or Commerce 511802 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education 511902 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science 521001 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Computer Science 710302 Bachelor of Science in Restoration Ecology 7112H1 Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)