SOUTH CENTRAL LOS ANGELES REGIONAL CENTER FOR DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED PERSONS, INC. South Central Los Angeles Regional Center Funded Request For Proposals (RFP) Announcement Community Placement Plan (CPP) Fiscal Year 2015-2016 (Second Publication) CPP Project #1 Non-Ambulatory Specialized Adult Residential Facility for Consumers residing in Fairview Developmental Center INSTRUCTIONS AND FORMS Written Proposals Due: Tuesday, January 19, 2015 by 4:30pm Grant Award is contingent upon funding by the Department of Developmental Services. South Central Los Angeles Regional Center Request for Proposals (RFP) Announcement 2015-16 Community Placement Plan Start-up Project #1 (Second Publication) Overview South Central Los Angeles Regional Center (SCLARC) works collaboratively with the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to develop community living options for adult consumers who currently reside in state developmental centers. SCLARC is requesting proposals from interested parties to develop and operate one three-bed, non-ambulatory specialized adult residential facility. The home will accommodate three consumers (male or female) with serve to profound mental retardation and a history of on-going medical conditions that do not require intense nursing supervision (similar to an ICF-DDN). All 3 beds must be wheelchair accessible and sound proofed. Consumers exhibit physical aggression, self-injurious behavior (SIB) and some may be wheelchair dependent, have gait or mobility issues. All require a very structured environment and constant staff supervision. The ongoing reimbursement will be negotiated, based on the applicant’s budget and median rate limitations. The CPP rate accommodates the additional cost of providing individual bedrooms for each consumer and a 1:1 staffing level during the awake hours, seven days per week. There must also be two (2) awake DSP on the nocturnal shift. Consultant hours will exceed the typical 4I requirement. The applicant chosen for this development must agree to accept consumers identified by SCLARC for placements into this home. Funding is contingent upon funding from the Department of Developmental Services. Applicant Eligibility and Minimum Service Requirements Applicants must be in good standing. Applicants with a history of deficiencies issued by a licensing agency, corrective actions issued by the regional center or similar actions taken by a placement or oversight agency may not be considered for this development. Applicants must have a sound financial status. Financial statements for the past 3 years are required. The applicant must have access to a reserve through-out the development and vendorization process. The reserve amount is approximately $50,000.00. Applicants must have at least 3 years- experience as a regional center vendor or facility administrator, operating a level 4I or specialized adult residential facility serving assaultive consumers with health care issues. Applicants must have an identified administrator with a minimum of 3 years-experience working with the target population in a licensed residential setting. This individual must have a current administrator’s certificate from Community Care Licensing and have completed the Direct Support Professional Training year one and two course work (challenge tests cannot be accepted). The individual must also be PCMA, CPI or PRO-ACT certified. If the individual has not completed SCLARC’s residential services orientation, they must enroll in the July 2016 class. The administrator is required to be present at the facility a minimum of 20 hours per week and must not be the administrator of more than 10 facility beds. Applicants must have an identified behavior management consultant. This individual must be a BCBA with the appropriate national certification. If an individual other than a BCBA is used, 2 he/she must have completed twelve semester units in applied behavior analysis and possess a valid license as a psychologist, a clinical social worker, licensed marriage and family therapist, or licensed professional whose California licensure permits the design and/or implementation of behavior modification intervention services. The behavior management consultant identified by the applicant, must be the actual individual providing direct services to the consumers. This function cannot be assigned to a behavioral assistant. The behavior management consultant must have a minimum of 3 years experience designing and implementing behavior modification intervention services to assaultive consumers with severe to profound mental retardation. Applicant’s behavior management consultant must provide services at no less than eight (8) hours per consumer, per month. Applicants must have an identified registered nurse consultant, with a minimum of 2 years experience working with persons with developmental disabilities. Applicants must have an identified registered dietitian consultant. Applicant’s administrator, direct care staff and behavior management consultant must visit and observe the consumers at the state developmental center or current living arrangement prior to community placement. Applicants must identify community medical and health care resources as soon as the location of the property is identified. This includes a neurologist, psychiatrist, and general practitioner. Applicant must submit written confirmation that each has admitting privileges at a local hospital. Applicant’s psychiatrist must be an active part of the treatment team. Applicant must commit to ensuring that the behavioral consultant’s input regarding behavioral data is communicated to the psychiatrist and considered in his/her treatment decisions. Direct care staff must have a minimum of 2 years’ experience providing services to persons with developmental disabilities with assaultive behaviors. These individuals must also have a high school diploma or equivalent. Direct care staffs with undergraduate degrees and those who are licensed psychiatric technicians are preferred. All staff must be PCMA, PRO-ACT or CPI trained before they are allowed to work with consumers in the facility. Staffing must be in place on the date the facility becomes operational. Direct care staff must meet the Direct Support Professional Training year one and two requirement prior to employment. Direct care staff must be paid a minimum of 150% of the State’s pending minimum wage. Applicants are to develop a staff “no cell phone” policy. At a minimum, this policy must identify a designed location for staff cell phone usage along with a phone policy which includes the agreement that cell phones will not be used in the presence of consumers, except during emergencies. The applicant will include a designated area for storage in his/her program design. Applicants will be required to operate an intensely structured living environment with constant consumer supervision. Some consumers may not be able to participate in a traditional day program. The applicant must be prepared to provide structured activities during hours the consumer would normally be at a community based day program. Applicants should consider this periodic additional staffing requirement in their initial ongoing budget because additional funding may not be available this once the facility becomes operational. Applicants must make arrangements for supplemental services to be provided to the consumers. 3 Applicants will be required to have a scale for measuring weight that is appropriate for the target population. For example, if the consumer is wheel chair dependent, have gait /mobility issues etc., a scale for measuring a non-ambulatory consumer’s weight will be required. Applicants must have a gradual dose reduction plan in place for psychotropic medications. Applicants must have a written plan to address all of the compliance requirements associated with the drug Clozaril. This includes contracting with a medical service provider that provides inhome services for the weekly blood monitoring. Applicants must conduct weekly staff technical assistance/training sessions to address each consumer’s individual treatment plan. The behavior management consultant and the facility administrator must be active participants in each session. At a minimum, 4, one hour sessions must be held each month. Applicants must have a written shift transition procedure which will allow for a 10 to 15 minute overlap so off-going and on-coming staff at every shift will be informed about important behaviors and/or medical issues. Applicants will account for the overtime costs in the initial ongoing budget. Applicants must have an incident debriefing procedure that will ensure that the behavioral consultant reviews all incidents with the facility staff within 7 days (within 24 hours for containments) of the occurrence. It is critical that debriefings are held for all severe incidents. Applicants must maintain written documentation that every staff person involved was apart of the debriefing session. Applicants must agree to a team approach to the facility’s development and consumer transition. The transition team may include applicant’s physicians and other clinicians, SDC and Regional Project staff, service coordinators, SDC liaisons, resource developers, housing foundation staff, etc. The applicant will be required to ensure that services are in place to address areas or concerns raised by the development/transition team upon each consumer’s arrival in the home. SCLARC’s quality assurance staff will conduct facility monitoring visits on a semi-annual basis. A vehicle that can accommodate the transportation needs of the consumers must be assigned to the facility. Start-up funds are not available to purchase or lease the vehicle. Direct support professionals must be trained to safely escort consumer to outside services and programs and address behavioral issues that may occur in the van. The applicant is required to accept the consumers SCLARC identifies for placement. The applicant must commit to modifying services and supports to address any challenges encountered. Issuing a 30-termination notice is not acceptable unless a full ID team meeting is held and the team agrees that the placement is not appropriate, and SCLARC gives approval for the service termination. The applicant must agree to secure a minimum 5 year lease if the home is developed through a non-profit housing foundation. Failure to provide services for a minimum of 5 years will result in a repayment of all or a portion of the original Start-up funds. The repayment will be as follows: o 1 year of operation- 100% o 2 years of operation- 75% o 3 years of operation- 50% o 4 years of operation- 25% Each consumer will have their own bedroom, with a full or queen size bed. The individuals will be involved in choosing their own décor. 4 The facility will have a call button system and video cameras in common areas to account for what transpires between consumers and staff and to better address accusations of abuse. Applicants must be prepared to begin providing direct services to consumers by March 01, 2017. Applicants Ineligible The following agencies or individuals are not eligible: The State of California, its officers or its employees; A Regional Center, its employees, or their immediate family members; Area Board members, their employees or their immediate family members; Any applicants with a conflict of interest with either its board members or employees. Proposal Submission The Proposal will not be considered for review if it is received after the 01/19/16 deadline. Three (3) copies of the proposal are due on 01/19/16 at 4:30 p.m. The contact person for this project is Evelyn Galindo. She can be reached at Timeline Request for Proposals Announcement………………………………………..... Proposal Submission Deadline……………………………………………………….. Proposal Review and Selection………………………………………………………. Executive Director Review and Approval……………………………………….. Notice of Selection Committee Decision……………………………………….. Applicant Serves Consumers…………………………….…………………………... 12/24/15 01/19/16 01/20/16 –10/29/16 02/01/16 - 02/28/16 03/2016 – 04/2016 03/01/2017 Selection Procedures The proposals will be reviewed, scored and prioritized. Failure to follow RFP guidelines or the submission of incomplete documents will result in rejection. Scoring will be as follows: Organization Background and Experience……………………………………. Financial Stability ………………………………………………………………………… Proposal Narrative and Program Design..…………………………………….. Implementation Plan……………………………………………………………………. Projected Advance Budget…………………………………………………………… Projected Start-up Budget……………………………………………………………. Evaluation of Previous Performance (service track record)…………. Number and type of current start-up projects throughout CA……. Total…………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10 15 25 10 10 10 10 10 100 Rights Reservations SCLARC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received as a result of this Request for Proposals or to negotiate separately with any contractor when it is determined to be in the best interest of SCLARC. 5 SCLARC reserves the right to select any one of the finalists interviewed regardless of the proposal score. SCLARC’s decision will be final in any manner of interpretation of the RFP (Request for Proposals). Proposal Narrative Organization Background and Experience 1. Contact Information-name, address, email address and telephone number of applicant and for the individual to interface with SCLARC during the proposal review process. 2. Company Information- indicate whether applicant is applying as a corporation, non-profit corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability corporation. Include copies of the articles of incorporation and corporation by-laws; certificate of limited partnership and any amendments; or a copy of the limited liability company articles of incorporation and certificate of amendment (if any). 3. Proposal Author- Provide names of all parties involved in writing all or parts of the proposal. 4. Project Team- Names of partners, key staff members and/or consultants (if known) who will be involved in the implementation of the project. Attached copies of the individuals’ resumes. 5. Summary of applicant’s experience providing residential services to the target population. 6. Summary of applicant’s commitment to quality services. This section must address each minimum requirement and include the applicant’s “continuous quality improvement plan”. 7. List of References- provide letters of reference relevant to experience and other qualifications required to complete this or similar services. 8. List of all vendorizations with SCLARC and any other of the California Regional Centers. 9. List of all previous and current start-up projects or (both grant and unsolicited) with any of the California Regional Centers. Note that this information will be used to confirm that applicant has a track record consistent with established timelines for CPP start-up development. 10. List of services provided to other populations (if applicable). 11. Signed “Use of Start-up Guidelines Certification”. Financial Status 1. Applicant/agency financial statements for the past 3 years, documenting financial stability and assets sufficient to undertake the start-up project. Program Design 1. CPP initial funding fiscal year and project number. (CPP 2015-16, Project #1). 2. Statement of purpose. 3. Facility entrance criteria/description of consumers served. The description must be consistent with the consumer characteristics described in the RFP and at the information meeting. 4. Description of consumers not appropriate for placement. 5. Exit criteria. 6. Description of procedure used to develop consumer individual service plans. 7. Statement that the individual service and behavior intervention plans will be in place by the admission date. The plan will be modified as needed. 8. Include a sample of a consumer specific individual service plan (ISP) prepared in conjunction with the designated consultant. This must include: comprehensive and descriptive information that reflects the skills, deficits or behaviors that the consumer displays; measurable and time limited objectives; antecedents, consequences and function of the behaviors exhibited; and specific methods to accomplish the identified goals and objectives. The ISP must include a gradual dose reduction (GDR) objective. 6 9. Description of consumer services provided. Include a statement indicating who plans, conducts and assists consumers in participating in the services and activities described in this section. 10. An intensely structured living environment with constant consumer supervision is required. Include a sample weekly consumer schedule, showing structured activities occupying every waking hour. 11. Provide detailed information about the activities provided during hours the consumer would normally be at a community based day program but can’t due to security concerns. Include a sample weekly schedule of activities. 12. Sample monthly social activity schedule to include community outings for consumers who can safely be in the community. 13. Statement of commitment that a vehicle that can accommodate the transportation needs of the non-ambulatory consumers will be assigned to the facility. 14. Statement of commitment to secure a scale that is appropriate for the target population. For example, if the consumer is wheel chair dependent, have gait /mobility issues etc., an appropriate scale for measuring the consumer’s weight will be required. 15. Description of measurable anticipated service outcomes. 16. Description of instructional curricula, skills training strategies and other techniques will be utilized to assist consumers with gaining greater independence in activities of normal living. 17. Data methodology used to measure consumer progress. Include how measurement and reporting of progress on skill training goals will differ from measurement and reporting on the reduction of targeted behavior problems. Include how and for what time period data will be summarized for reporting. 18. A statement that the applicant’s administrator, direct care staff and consultant will visit and observe the consumers and developmental center staff at the State Developmental Center or IMD facility prior to community placement as per the transition plan. 19. Statement that a behavioral assessment will be completed and direct support staff trained to implement the plan by the admission date. 20. Applicants must have a behavioral incident debriefing procedure that will ensure that the behavioral consultant reviews all incidents with the facility staff within 7 days of the occurrence. 21. Description of the facility’s behavior intervention plan to include positive support methods and techniques. This must include: Positive behavioral supports utilized including reinforcement systems; Behavioral methods and strategies employed to deal with inappropriate behaviors; Techniques used; (1) to prevent acting out behavior; and (2) de-escalate verbal/physical aggression; and intervention strategies and techniques used in therapeutic physical intervention. Describe how the treatment plan is the first and primary mode to address behavioral issues. Describe when and how consumer behavioral contracts will be used and include a sample contract. Describe the behavioral incident debriefing procedure. Include a statement that the behavioral consultant will review all incidents with the facility staff within 7 days (within 24 hours for containments) of the occurrence. It is critical that debriefings be held for all severe and violent incidents. Applicants must maintain written documentation that every staff person involved participated the debriefing. State clearly the facility’s policy for when and only when a containment of a client is to be done. Be very specific about the circumstances that would necessitate such intervention. Discuss what is to occur when a consumer becomes a danger to self or others. For example, if physical containment is necessary it can only be used when a consumer becomes a danger to self or others. Also, note that any containment must be an approved containment taught 7 22. 23. 24. 25. through Professional Crisis Management Association (PCMA), Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) or Pro-ACT. All of these comply with restrictions outlined in SB130, Section 1180.4. Indicate which of the three intervention methods will be used. Include a statement that the facility will commit to one type of intervention method for consistency. The containment can only be performed by facility staff that is certified in this technique. A statement that at no time will a one-person containment be performed. Physical containment is a last resort and can only be used if other forms of intervention have been unsuccessful, such as redirection, counseling, removal from area, or whatever other interventions are indicated in the consumer’s Behavioral Treatment Plan. A statement addressing whenever containment becomes necessary, the details of the containment will be recorded by one of the two members involved in the containment. Details include, who was present, the antecedents that led to the containment, the location of the containment, the time span of the containment, and the results of the containment. Indicate that if a consumer is injured during containment, that this will also be documented. A Special Incident Report / Unusual Occurrence will be reported to the regional center and CCL within 24 hours. A written report will be submitted to both agencies within 48 hours of occurrence. Include a statement including that “within 24 hours of containment, the Administrator will meet with staff and the client involved in the containment and review what led to the use of physical containment.” Indicate that this is the “debriefing.” Indicate that the Behavioral Consultant will be contacted within 24 hours so that he/she can review the incident and if necessary amend the existing Behavioral Intervention Plan? Staff “no cell phone” policy. At a minimum, this policy must identify a designated location for staff cell phone usage along with a phone policy which includes the agreement that cell phones will not be used in the presence of consumers, except during emergencies. Include a statement designating the area for storage for the cell phones upon staff’s arrival to work. Description of medication preparation and dispensing procedures. Statement indicating that medication logs will be maintained. Add a statement confirming that the facility will maintain a Consumer Treatment Profile (CTP) that will list current medical and maladaptive behaviors. Each medication prescribed will be related to one or more conditions on the CTP. The CTP must be reviewed at the time of each clinical appointment for accuracy and updates. Medications used for the management of maladaptive behaviors will have a Gradual Dose Reduction (GDR) statement developed by the ID team and approved by the treating psychiatrist. A GDR may be contraindicated if used to treat a psychiatric disorder or if a prior attempt resulted in behavioral de-compensation that is well documented. The format for the GDR is as follows: The Gradual Dose Reduction (GDR) statement for each consumer will include in its plan… “When ___(behavior) is at ____(frequency) for _____(months), ____(medication name) will be reduced by ____(dose).” Psychiatric and behavioral disorders must have a behavioral objective in the Behavior Intervention Plan if treated with a medication. 26. Develop a written plan to address all of the compliance requirements associated with the drug Clozaril. This includes contracting with a medical service provider that provides in-home services for the weekly blood monitoring. 27. Statement of commitment to preparing and maintaining daily on-going written consumer notes. 8 28. Statement of commitment regarding the preparation and maintenance of quarterly reports of consumer progress. Agreement to submit the report within 30 days of the end of the quarter. The date and signature of the behavior consultant and administrator must be included. 29. Consumer rights. 30. House values (rules). 31. Consumer theft and loss policy. This must include a commitment to take inventory of the consumer’s personal property at the time of admission. There must be a plan for modifying the inventory when the consumer’s personal property changes and a description of the practices used to safeguard personal property upon the death of the resident. 32. Special incident reporting procedures. 33. Emergency disaster plan. 34. Consumer medical emergency procedures. 35. Staffing emergency procedures. 36. Consumer grievance procedure. 37. Policy regarding the frequency of night time bed checks. 38. Consumer hydration policy. 39. Sample menu along with a statement indicating that a menu will be posted. Include a statement that the facility agrees to provide the foods necessary to comply with any physician prescribed special diet. 40. Neighborhood complaint procedure. 41. Organizational chart for the facility listing all positions. 42. Sample direct care staff schedule. The minimum requirement is 1:1 during awake hours and 2 staff overnight. Staffing on outings/trips away from the facility will be 1:1 plus a driver. Include a “relief” plan to have staff available to ensure constant 1:1 supervision during staff restroom breaks. 43. Include a written shift transition procedure which will allow for a 10 to 15 minute overlap so offgoing and on-coming staff at every shift will be informed about important behaviors and/or issues which might evoke problem behaviors. 44. Administrator qualifications statement. This must include statements that the administrator will have a minimum of 3 years’ experience as an administrator of a specialized or level 4I facility and experience working with the target population in a licensed residential setting. This individual will have a current administrator’s certificate from Community Care Licensing and has completed the Direct Support Professional Training year one and two course work at the time of hire (challenge tests cannot be accepted). The individual will be PCMA, CPI or PRO-ACT certified at the time of hire. The individual will have a SCLARC residential services orientation certificate. 45. Administrator’s duties statement. 46. A statement that the administrator will manage no more than a total of 10 beds total. 47. Statements that the administrator will be present at the facility a minimum of 20 hours per week, with the majority of the hours when consumers are present. Attach a sample schedule of the administrator’s hours. 48. Direct Care Staff qualifications. This will include a statement that direct care staff will have a minimum of 2 years’ experience providing services to persons with developmental disabilities who exhibit behavioral deficits. These individuals will also have a high school diploma or equivalent. Direct care staff will also have completed the Direct Support Professional Training year one and two training course work at the time of employment. 49. Direct Care Staff duties statement. 50. A statement confirming that applicant will have staffing in place on the date the facility becomes operational. 51. A statement that the direct care staff base wage will be a minimum of 150% of the minimum wage. 9 52. Statement that staff will take “in person” CPR and First Aid Courses. 53. Statement that staff will maintain current CPR and First Aid Certifications. 54. Statement that all staff providing direct care and supervision to consumers will be CPI or Pro-Act trained. 55. Statement that staff will maintain current PCMA, CPI or PRO-ACT Certifications. 56. A statement that the facility will have a Register Nurse consultant. 57. A statement that the facility will have a Register Dietitian consultant. 58. Consultant qualifications and duty statement. This individual must be a BCBA with the appropriate national certification. If an individual other than a BCBA is used, he/she must have completed twelve semester units in applied behavior analysis and possess valid license as a psychologist, a clinical social worker, licensed marriage and family therapist, or licensed professional whose California licensure permits the design and/or implementation of behavior modification intervention services. The behavior management consultant identified by the applicant, must be the actual individual providing direct services to the consumers. This function cannot be assigned to a behavioral assistant. 59. A statement that the consultant will work with consumers for a minimum of 8 hours per consumer, per month. This individual must be a BCBA with the appropriate national certification. If an individual other than a BCBA is used, he/she must have completed twelve semester units in applied behavior analysis and possess valid license as a psychologist, a clinical social worker, licensed marriage and family therapist, or licensed professional whose California licensure permits the design and/or implementation of behavior modification intervention services. This individual must be a BCBA with the appropriate national certification. If an individual other than a BCBA is used, he/she must have completed twelve semester units in applied behavior analysis and possess valid license as a psychologist, a clinical social worker, licensed marriage and family therapist, or licensed professional whose California licensure permits the design and/or implementation of behavior modification intervention services. At least four hours per month will be dedicated to the weekly staff technical assistance/training sessions to address each consumer’s individual treatment plan. The behavior management consultant and the facility administrator must be active participants in each session. 60. Staff training plan. In addition to the requirements specified in CCR Title 17, the training plan must include weekly staff technical assistance/training sessions to address each consumer’s individual treatment plan. 61. Copy of personnel policies. 62. Description of the governing body. Specify if facility will be licensed and vendored as an individual/sole proprietor, partnership, limited liability company or corporation. 63. Provide a list of the general partners or corporate offices and the percentage of shares owned by each. 64. Policy for refusal of medical care/treatment by a consumer’s conservator. 65. Statement that the vendor will maintain current general and professional liability and worker’s compensation insurance, and name SCLARC as additional insured. 66. Description of the health care services provided for consumers who will age in place. Include the following: A statement that applicant will comply with CCR Title 22 Section 80092- Requirements for Restricted Health Care Conditions. A statement that applicant is willing to provide the needed care for consumers who have Restricted Health Conditions; A statement that prior to admission the applicant will communicate with all other persons who provide care to that consumer to ensure consistency of care for the medical condition; 10 A statement that the applicant will be responsible for monitoring the consumer’s ability to provide self-care for the health condition, document any change in that ability, and inform the appropriate persons of that change; and A statement that should the condition of the consumer change, all staff providing care and services will complete any additional training required to meet the consumer’s new needs, as determined by the consumer’s physician or a licensed professional designated by the physician. Include a description of the procedure used to develop individual health condition care plans. Address the following in this section: o that the consumer and the consumer’s authorized representative, if any, the consumer’s physician or a licensed professional designated by the physician, and the placement agency, if any, participated in the development of the plan; o that the consumer’s physician or a licensed professional designated by the physician, will include in the plan the stability of the medical condition, the medical conditions that require services or procedures, the specific services needed, and the consumer’s ability to perform the procedures. o that the consumer does not require 24-hour nursing care and/or monitoring; o the identification of a licensed professional who will perform procedures if the consumer needs medical assistance; o the identification of the person(s) who will perform incidental medical assistance that does not require a licensed professional; o the name and telephone number of emergency medical contacts; a date specified by the consumer’s physician or designee, who is also a licensed professional, when the plan must be reviewed by all parties; o a signed statement from the consumer’s attending physician that the plan meets medical scope of practice requirements; and o a signed statement from a regional center representative that they have reviewed and approved the plan and that the regional center will monitor implementation of the plan. Include a description of training to be provided to staff if consumers with Restricted Health Conditions will be considered for admission into the facility. Description should address the following–that prior to admission of a consumer with a restricted health condition the applicant will: o Communicate with all other persons who provide care to that consumer to ensure consistency of care for the medical condition. o Ensure that facility staff who will participate in meeting the consumer’s specialized care needs complete training provided by a licensed professional sufficient to meet those needs. o Ensure that training on condition includes hands-on instruction in both general procedures and consumer specific procedures. o Ensure that all new facility staff who will participate in meeting the consumer’s specialized care needs will complete the training prior to providing services to the consumer. o Ensure that facility staff receives instruction from the consumer’s physician or other licensed professional to recognize objective symptoms, observable by a lay person, and how to respond to that consumer’s health problems, including who to contact. o Ensure that if the condition of the consumer change, that all staff providing care and services will complete any additional training required to meet the consumer’s new 11 needs, as determined by the consumer’s physician or a licensed professional designated by the physician. Implementation Plan 1. Provide an action plan with timelines for the start-up project. Vendor must be ready to provide services by March 01, 2017. Projected Budgets 1. Provide a projected start-up budget. 2. Provide a project budget outlining how the 25% start-up advance will be used. 12