Biomedical Sciences Year 1 Course Code MATH6101 OR BIOL1002 OR MATH6105 OR PHAS1245 (All T1) BIOC1009 (T1) Course Title Elementary Mathematics I (0.5) Quantitative Biology (0.5) Mathematics for Science I (0.5) Mathematical Methods I (0.5) General Biochemistry for Natural Scientists (0.5) BIOL1005 Introduction to (T2) Genetics (0.5) PHOL1002 Human Physiology (T2) (0.5) Unless strong in Maths, students should take MATH6101 or BIOL1002. The latter has more emphasis on statistics. Year 2 Course Code MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) Year 3 Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) PLUS PHOL2005 (T1) OR PHOL2003 (T2) PHAR2005 (T1 & 2) PHOL2001 (T1) Options PHOL2003 (T2) PHAR2006 (T2) MSci Year Course Code BIOSM901 (T1 & T2) Course Title Research project (2.0) PLUS RECOMMENDED CORE BUT OTHER COMBINATIONS POSSIBLE DEPENDING ON TIMETABLE PHOLM009 Space Medicine and Extreme (T1) Environment Physiology (1.0) Structure and Function Of Nervous Systems (0.5) PHOL3002 (T1) The Heart and Circulation (1.0) Animal and Human Physiology Systems Neuroscience and Research Introductory Pharmacology (0.5) NB Can expand to PHAR2002 General and Systematic Pharmacology (1.0) at the expense of a 0.5cu option. PHOL3001 (T2) Respiration (0.5) PHOLM003 (T2) Fetal & Neonatal Physiology Molecular Pharmacology (0.5) *PHARM001 (T1) *PHARM031 (T2) Neuro-pharmacology (1.0) PHARM008 (T2) Psychopharmacology (0.5) Animal and Human PhysiologyMaintenance and Regulatory Mechanisms (0.5) OR *PHAR3003 (T1) PHAR3004 (T1) OR PHAR3006 (T1) PHAR3011 (T2) Receptor Mechanisms (0.5) Drug Design and Development (0.5) Synaptic Pharmacology (0.5) Immuno-pharmacology (0.5) Practical Pharmacology (0.5) Options ANAT3042 (T2) BIOC3017 (T2) NEUR2006 (T2) Cellular Neurophysiology (0.5) BIOC3012 (T2) Nutrition & Metabolism in Health & Disease (0.5) PHOLM006 (T1) The Cellular Basis of Brain Function (1.0) BIOC2003 (T1) Further topics in Biochemistry (0.5) BIOC3016 (T1) Genes to Disease (0.5) PHOLM004 (T1 & 2) Cell Signalling in Health and Disease (1.0) ANAT2010 (T2) *IMMN2001 (T2) *BIOL2006 (T1) MPHY2001 (T2) MPHY2002 (T2) STAT6101 (T1) OR STAT7101 (T1) Animal and Human Physiology Systems Neuroscience and Research Human Neuroanatomy (0.5) Infection and Immunity (0.5) Introduction to Human Genetics (0.5) Physics of the Human Body (0.5) Introduction to Biophysics (0.5) Options PHARM006 (T1) Drug Design And Development (0.5) Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Cardiovascular Disease (0.5) *BIOLM011 (T2) Advanced Human Genetics (2): Complex Disorders (0.5) Pain (0.5) PHAR3031 Immunopharmacology (0.5) (T2) *INIM3002 Immunology in Health & Disease (T1) (0.5) *BIOL3013 Advanced Human Genetics(1): (T1) Single Gene Disorders (0.5) Notes: 1. .BIOL2006 prerequisite for BIOL3013 which can lead to BIOLM011. 2. PHAR3003 recommended minimum background for further PHAR modules. 3. IMMN2001 prerequisite for INIM3002 and other INIM3*** modules. 4. Most Year 3 modules also available in Year 4 at M-level. 5. Core modules flexible for Years 3 & 4 provided no timetable clashes. Introduction to Statistical Methods and Computing OR Further Statistical Methods and Computing (Must be STAT7101 if BIOL1002 taken in year 1) Other options possible depending on timetable; Brain Behaviour and Cognition Year 1 Year 2 Course Code Course Title Course Code MATH6101 Or BIOL1002 Or MATH6105 Or PHAS1245 (All T1) BIOC1009 (T1) Elementary Mathematics I (0.5) Quantitative Biology (0.5) Mathematics for Science I (0.5) Mathematical Methods I (0.5) General Biochemistry for Natural Scientists (0.5) MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) PSYC6002 (T2) PHOL1002 (T2) MSci Year Course Title Course Code Course Title Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) PHOLM901 (T1 & T2) Research project (2.0) PHOL2005 (T1) Structure & Function of the Nervous System (0.5) NEUR3025 (T1) Advanced Neuroanatomy (0.5) Introduction to Psychology for Biologists (0.5) PSYC2205 (T2) Brain & Behaviour (0.5) PLUS NEUR3018 (T1) PSYCM211 (T2) Attention and Awareness (0.5) Human Physiology (0.5) ANAT2010 (T2) Human Neuroanatomy (0.5) Options PHAR2005 (T1&2) NEUR2006 (T2) PSYC2207 (T1) PSYC2301 (T1) STAT6101 (T1) Or STAT7101 (T1) Course Title Year 3 Introduction to Pharmacology (0.5) Cellular Neurophysiology (0.5) Attention and Action (0.5) Computing for Psychologists (0.5) Introduction to Statistical Methods and Computing or Further Statistical Methods and Computing NB Must be STAT7101 if BIOL1002 taken in Year 1 Neural Basis of Learning and Motivation (0.5) PSYC3209 (T2) Cognitive Neuroscience (0.5) OR PHOL3006 (T1) Cellular Basis of Brain Function (1.0) Options NEUR3045 (T2) Visual Neuroscience (0.5) PHAR3011 (T2) ANAT3042 (T2) ANAT3028 (T1) Synaptic pharmacology (0.5) Pain (0.5) NEURM041 (T1) PHOLM008 (T2) PSYCM207 (T1) Options PSYCM210 (T2) ANATM042 (T2) NEURM031 (T2) The Neurobiology of Neurodegenerative Disease (0.5) Other options possible depending on timetable Neural Computation: Models of Brain Function (0.5) Biological Bases of Hearing (0.5) Human Learning and Memory (0.5) Brain in Action (0.5) Pain (0.5) The Control of Movement (0.5) Molecular & Cell Biology Year 1 Year 2 Course Code MATH6101 Or BIOL1002 Or MATH6105 Or PHAS1245 (All T1) BIOC1009 (T1) Course Title Course Code Course Title Elementary Mathematics I (0.5) Quantitative Biology (0.5) Mathematics for Science I (0.5) Mathematical Methods I (0.5) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (0.5) MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) BIOL2004 (T1) Fundamentals of Molecular Biology (0.5) BIOL1005 (T2) Introduction to Genetics (0.5) CELL2008 (T1 and T2) Integrative Cell Biology (1.0) CELL1001 (T2) Cell Physiology and Developmental Biology (0.5) Year 3 Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) Course Title BIOSM901 (T1 & T2) Research project (2.0) CELL3050 (T1) Advanced Molecular Cell Biology (0.5) BIOCM010 (T2) CELL3140 (T1) Interdisciplinary Cell Biology (0.5) BIOCM016 (T1) Computational and Systems Biology: In Silico Analysis of Genes and Proteins and Their Biological Roles (0.5) Genes to Disease (0.5) CELL3001 (T2) Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (0.5) Options Introduction To Human Genetics (0.5) BIOL2010 (T2) Biology and Development (0.5) BIOC3012 (T2) STAT6101 (T1) Introduction to Statistical Methods and Computing Or Further Statistical Methods and Computing NB Must be STAT7101 if BIOL1002 taken in Year 1 BIOL3010 (T2) STAT7101 (T1) Course Code Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) BIOL2006 (T1) Or Course Title MSci Year Options BIOC3013 (T2) CELL3001 (T2) Molecular Genetics of Disease and Carcinogenesis (0.5) Nutrition and Metabolism in Health and Disease (0.5) Molecular Evolution (0.5) Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (0.5) Options BIOLM010 (T2) Molecular Evolution (0.5) ANATM003 (T1) Mechanisms Of Development (0.5) BIOCM013 (T2) Mol. Gen. of Disease and Carcinogenesis (0.5) BIOLM012 (T2) Sex, Genes and Evolution (0.5) Genetics, Evolution and Environment Stream Year 1 Course Code Course Title Year 2 Course Code Course Title Year 3 Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) BIOL1002 Or MATH6105 Or PHAS1245 (All T1) Quantitative Biology (0.5) Mathematics for Science I (0.5) Mathematical Methods I (0.5) MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) BIOL2004 (T1) Fundamentals of Molecular Biology (0.5) BIOC1009 (T1) BIOL2007 (T2) Evolutionary Genetics (0.5) BIOL3002 (T1) BIOL1005 (T2) General Biochemistry for Natural Scientists (0.5) Introduction to Genetics (0.5) EITHER BIOL2012 (T2) Fundamentals of Ecology (0.5) BIOC1010 (T2) Introduction to Microbiology (0.5) OR BIOL2005 (T2) CELL1001 “Cells and Development “or BIOL1008 “Environment and Evolution” may be taken as an alternative to BIOC1010 “Introduction to Microbiology” on which places are limited. Options BIOL2016 (T2) BIOL2010 (T2) BIOL2009 (T1) Course Title MSci Year Course Code Course Title Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) BIOSM901 (T1 & T2) Research project (2.0) BIOLM010 (T2) Molecular Evolution (0.5) BIOL3012 (T2) Plants, Environment and Climate Change (0.5) Sex, Genes and Evolution (0.5) BIOLM008 (T2) Species Conservation and Biodiversity (0.5) BIOL3018 (T1) Vertebrate Life and Evolution (0.5) Genetic Systems (0.5) Energy and Evolution (0.5) Biology of Development (0.5) Animal Biodiversity (0.5) Options GEOG3057 (T2) Past Global Environmental Change (0.5) Options BIOLM017 (T2) Biology of Ageing (0.5) ANAT3005 (T1) Mechanisms of Development (1.0) BIOLM024 (T2) Evolution and Genomics (0.5) BIOL2002 (T3 post exams) BIOL2006 (T1) Field Methods in Biology (0.5) ANTH7009 (T1) Primate Behaviour and Ecology (0.5) ANTHM052 (T1) Primate Evolution and Environments (0.5) Introduction to Human Genetics (0.5) BIOL3013 (T1) ANATM105 (T2) Clocks, Sleep and Biological Time BIOL1002 (T1) Quantitative Biology (0.5) BIOL3025 (T2) Advanced Human Genetics: Research Principles (0.5) Adaptation BIOLM011 (T2) Human Genetics in Context Or BIOL2015 (T1) Or Computational Biology (0.5) NB Must be BIOL2015 if BIOL1002 or STAT1004 taken in Year 1 Mathematics and Statistics stream (taken as a minor stream)(P- Physical Sciences, L-Life Sciences, B-both) Year 1 Year 2 Course Code PHAS1245(P) (T1) Or MATH6105(L) STAT1004(B) (T1) Course Title Mathematical Methods I (0.5) Mathematics for Science I (0.5) Introductory Probability and statistics (B) Course Code MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) STAT2002(B) (T1) Linear models and analysis of variance (I) [1004,1005] PHAS1246(P) (T2) Or MATH6106(L) (T2) STAT1005 (B) (T2) Mathematical methods II (B) [1245] Or Mathematics for Science 2 [Math6105] Further probability and statistics (B) PHAS1449(B) (T2) Practical mathematics (F) PHAS2246(P) (T1) Or STAT2001(L) (T1) Or MATH6201(L) (T1) Mathematical methods III (I) [1245,1246] Or Probability and Statistics II or Mathematical Methods for Chemistry [Math6105/6106] Prerequisites in brackets [ ] Options MATH6202 (T2) MATH6201 (T1) STAT7003 (T1) MATH6503 (T1) Mathematics for physics and astronomy (I) Mathematical methods in chemistry (I) Optimisation Algorithms in O.R. [1004] Mathematics for Engineers 3 Year 3 Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) STAT3101(P) (T1) Or STAT3008(L) (T1) PHAS2443(B) (T2) Probability and Statistics II (A) [1004,1005] Or Medical Statistics 1 [STAT2001] Practical Mathematics II (I) [1449] STAT3102(B) (T2) Or (If not taken in Y2) MATH6201 (T1) Or MATH6202 (T2) Options PHAS3459 (T1) Stochastic Processes (A) [3101] MATH7402 (T2) STAT7001 (T2) STAT3003 (T2) STAT3005 (T2) STAT7002 (T2) STAT3001 (T1) MSci Year Course Code Mathematical methods in chemistry (I) or Mathematics for physics and astronomy (I) Options Scientific programming using object orientated languages (A) Mathematical Methods 4 (I) Computing for practical statistics (I) [1004,1005, 2002, 3101] Forecasting (A) [2002,3101] Factorial Experimentation (A) [3101] Social Statistics (I) [3101] Statistical Inference Course Title Astrophysics Year 1 Course Code PHAS1245 (T1) Course Title Mathematical Methods I (0.5) PHAS1423 (T1) Modern Physics, Astronomy and Cosmology (0.5) Thermal Physics (0.5) PHAS1228 (T2) PHAS1246 (T2) Mathematical Methods II (0.5) Year 2 Year 3 Course Code MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) PHAS1130 (T2) Practical Astronomy (0.5) PHAS3330 (T1) Astrophysical processes: Nebulae to stars (0.5) Choose at least 1 from the following PHAS2246 Mathematical (T1) methods III (0.5) PHAS3137 (T2) Observational Astronomy 1: Techniques (0.5) Physical Cosmology (0.5) PHAS3135 (T1) The Physics of Stars (0.5) PHAS2112 (T2) PHAS2117 (T2) Physics of the Solar System (0.5) PHAS2228 (T2) Statistical Thermodynamics (0.5) Quantum Physics (0.5) PHAS2222 (T1) Options PHAS3334 (T2) PHAS3332 (T2) PHAS3338 (T1) Course Title Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) Interstellar Physics (0.5) Observational Astronomy III: Field Trip (0.5) Astronomical Spectroscopy (0.5) MSci Year Course Code PHASM101 (T1 & T2) Options PHASM319 (T1) Course Title Astronomy Project (1.5) PHASM312 (T2) Formation and Evolution of Stellar Systems (0.5) Planetary Atmospheres (0.5) PHASM315 (T1) High Energy Astrophysics (0.5) PHASM314 (T2) Solar Physics (0.5) PHASM336 (T1) Advanced Physical Cosmology (0.5) Physics Year 1 Course Code PHAS1245 (T1) Course Title Mathematical Methods I (0.5) PHAS1423 (T1) Modern Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology (0.5) Thermal Physics (0.5) PHAS1228 (T2) PHAS1246 (T2) Mathematical Methods II (0.5) Year 2 Course Code MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) Atomic & Particle Physics pathway PHAS2222 Quantum Physics (T1) (0.5) Year 3 Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) MSci Year Course Code PHASM201 (T1 & T2) PHAS3226 (T1) PLUS Quantum Mechanics (0.5) Practical Physics (0.5) Atomic & Molecular Physics (0.5) OR Condensed Matter Physics pathway PHAS2222 Quantum Physics (T1) (0.5) PHAS3224 (T2) Nuclear & Particle Physics (0.5) PHAS3226 (T1) Quantum Mechanics (0.5) PHASM472 (T2) PHAS2444 (T1&sT2) PHAS3225 (T2) Solid State Physics (0.5) 10PIM474 (T1) PHAS2444 (T2) PHAS2224 (T2) Practical Physics (0.5) PHASM426 (T1) PHASM421 (T1) PHASM442 (T1) OR Course Title Physics Project (1.5) PLUS Advanced Quantum theory (0.5) Atom and Photon Physics (0.5) Particle Physics (0.5) OR Order & Excitations in Condensed Matter (0.5) Physics at the Nanoscale (0.5) PHAS2228 (T2) Statistical Mechanics and Condensed Matter Physics (0.5) Options – both pathways PHAS2246 Mathematical Methods (T1) III (0.5) PHAS2201 Electricity & (T1) Magnetism (0.5) Options – both pathways PHAS2246 Mathematical Methods (T1) III (0.5) PHAS3201 EM Theory (T1) (0.5) Options PHASM426 (T1) PHAS3443 (T2) Advanced Quantum Theory (0.5) Lasers & Modern Optics [recommended] PHAS3427 (T2) PHAS3443 (T2) PHAS3444 (T2) PHAS3447 (T2) Climate & Energy Physics Lasers & Modern Optics (0.5) Practical Physics (0.5) Materials and Nanomaterials (0.5) PHASM427 (T2) 13PIM242 (T2) PHASM431 (T2) Quantum Computation & Communication Relativistic Waves & Quantum Fields Molecular Physics (0.5) Medical Physics Year 1 Course Code Course Title Year 2 Course Code Year 3 MSci Year Course Title Course Code Course Title PHAS1245 (T1) Mathematical Methods I (0.5) MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) MPHYM000 (T1 & T2) Medical Physics Project (1.5) PHAS1423 (T1) Modern Physics, Astronomy & Cosmology (0.5) PHAS2444 (T2) Practical Physics (0.5) MPHY3891 (T2) Medical Imaging with Non-Ionising Radiation (0.5) MPHYM012 (T1) Physiological Monitoring PHAS1246 (T2) Mathematical Methods II (0.5) MPHY2001 (T2) Physics of the Human Body (0.5) MPHY3890 (T2) Medical Imaging with Ionising Radiation (0.5) MPHYM886 (T1) Optics in Medicine MPHY1001 (T2) Introduction to Medical Imaging (0.5) MPHY2002 (T2) Introduction to Biophysics (0.5) MPHY3892 (T1) Treatment using Ionising Radiation (0.5) New Mod TBA for 2014 Completely Free Option for 2014-15 Options PHAS2201 (T1) Electricity & Magnetism (0.5) Options MPHY3013 (T2) Options PHAS3443 (T2) Lasers & Modern Optics Medical Electronics and Neural Engineering (0.5) Course Code Course Title Chemistry Streams Organic Chemistry Year 1 Course Code MATH6101 Or MATH6105 Or PHAS1245 (All T1) CHEM1601 (T1) CHEM1201 (T2) CHEM1101 (T2) Or CHEM1301 (T2) Course Title Elementary Mathematics I (0.5) Mathematics for Science I (0.5) Mathematical Methods I (0.5) Introduction to Chemical Principles (0.5) Basic Organic Chemistry (0.5) Year 2 Year 3 Course Code MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) CHEM2201 (T1 and T2) Principles of Organic Chemistry (1.0) CHEM3205 (T1) CHEM2203 (T2) Reaction Mechanisms in Chemical and Biological Systems (0.5) Basic Inorganic Chemistry (0.5) Basic Physical Chemistry (0.5)* Principles and Methods of Organic Chemistry (0.5) CHEM3206 Pathways, (T2) Intermediates and Function in Organic Chemistry (0.5) Major Stream Chooses CHEM3002 Laboratory Modules (T1&/or T2) 2 labs (0.5) OR CHEM3003 Laboratory module (T1&/orT2) 1 lab + plus poster (0.5) Minor Stream Chooses CHEM3203 (T2) Options CHEM2103 (T1 and T2) CHEM2302 (T2) Inorganic Chemistry for Natural Sciences (0.5) Physical Chemistry for Life Science (0.5) Course Title Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) MSci Year Course Code CHEMM901 (T1 and T2) Course Title Advanced Chemical Project (Independent Research Project) (2.0) CHEMM201 (T2) Stereochemical Control in Asymmetric Total Synthesis (0.5) Synthesis and Biosynthesis of Natural Products (0.5) CHEMM205 (T1) Biological Chemistry (0.5) OR any 2nd/3rd year chemistry course e.g. CHEM2302 Physical Chemistry for Life Science Options CHEM3204 (T2) Principles of Drug Design (0.5) CHEM3203 (T2) Biological Chemistry (0.5) Options CHEMM005 (T1) CHEMM003 (T1) CHEMM304 (T1 and T2) * A level maths required. Structural Methods in Chemistry (0.5) Organometallic Chemistry (0.5) OR any of the options not taken in 3rd year (CHEM3204 or CHEM3203). Numerical Methods in Chemistry (0.5) Physical Chemistry Year 1 Course Code MATH6105 Or PHAS1245 (All T1) CHEM1601 (T1) CHEM1301 (T2) CHEM1101 (T2) Or CHEM1201 (T2) Course Title Mathematics for Science I (0.5) Mathematical Methods I (0.5) Introduction to Chemical Principles (0.5) Basic Physical Chemistry (0.5) Year 2 Year 3 MSci Year Course Code MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) Course Code CHEMM901 (T1 & T2) CHEMM302 (T1 and T2) Course Title Advanced Chemical Project (Independent Research Project) (2.0) Frontiers of Experimental Physical Chemistry (0.5) Topics in Quantum Mechanics (0.5) CHEM2301 (T1 and T2) Physical Chemistry (1.0) CHEM3301 (T1) CHEMM301 (T1) CHEM2303 (T2) Chemical Dynamics (0.5) CHEM3042 (T1) Advanced Topics in Physical Chemistry (0.5) Concepts in Computational and Experimental Chemistry (0.5) Options CHEMM304 (T1 and T2) Numerical Methods in Chemistry (0.5) Major Stream Chooses CHEM3002 Laboratory Modules (T1&/or T2) 2 labs (0.5) OR CHEM3003 Laboratory module (T1&/orT2) 1 lab + plus poster (0.5) Minor Stream Chooses Basic Inorganic Chemistry (0.5) Basic Organic Chemistry (0.5) CHEM3401 (T1) Options CHEM2001 (T1) CHEM2202 (T1 and T2) The Chemistry of Materials (0.5) Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry (0.5) Options CHEM3401 (T1) CHEM3344 (T1 and T2) New Directions in Materials Chemistry (0.5) OR any 2nd/3rd year chemistry course e.g. CHEM2001 The Chemistry of Materials (0.5) New Directions in Materials Chemistry (0.5) Numerical Methods in Chemistry (0.5) CHEMM103 (T1) CHEMM005 (T1) Microstructural Control in Materials Science (0.5) Structural Methods in Chemistry (0.5) Inorganic and Materials Chemistry Year 1 Course Code MATH6101 Or MATH6105 Or PHAS1245 (All T1) CHEM1601 (T1) CHEM1101 (T2) CHEM1201 (T2) Or CHEM1301 (T2) Course Title Elementary Mathematics I (0.5) Mathematics for Science I (0.5) Mathematical Methods I (0.5) Introduction to Chemical Principles (0.5) Basic Inorganic Chemistry (0.5) Year 2 Year 3 Course Title Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) Course Code CHEMM901 (T1 & T2) Course Title Advanced Chemical Project (Independent Research Project) (2.0) CHEM2102 (T1 and T2) Principles of Inorganic Chemistry (1.0) CHEM3101 (T1) CHEMM003 (T1) Organometallic Chemistry (0.5) CHEM2001 (T1) The Chemistry of Materials (0.5) CHEM3141 (T2) Advanced Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (0.5) Rings, Chains and Clusters (0.5) CHEMM103 (T1) Microstructural Control in Materials Science (0.5) Major Stream Chooses CHEM3002 Laboratory Modules (T1&/or T2) 2 labs (0.5) OR CHEM3003 Laboratory module (T1&/orT2) 1 lab + plus poster (0.5) Minor Stream Chooses Basic Organic Chemistry (0.5) Basic Physical Chemistry (0.5)* CHEM3401 (T1) Options CHEM2202 (T1 and T2) CHEM2302 (T2) *Requires A level Maths MSci Year Course Code MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry (0.5) Physical Chemistry for Life Science (0.5) Options CHEM3401 (T1) New Directions in Materials Chemistry (0.5) OR any 2nd/3rd year chemistry course e.g CHEM2302 Physical Chemistry for Life Science New Directions in Materials Chemistry. (0.5) Options CHEMM004 (T2) Intense Radiation Sources in Chemistry CHEMM005 (T1) Structural Methods in Chemistry (0.5) CHEMM304 (T1 and T2) Numerical Methods in Chemistry (0.5) Earth Sciences streams Earth & Environment Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 MSci Year Course Code MATH6101 Or MATH6105 Or PHAS1245 (All T1) GEOL1013 (T1) Course Title Elementary Mathematics I (0.5) Mathematics for Science I (0.5) Mathematical Methods I (0.5) The Earth (0.5) Course Code MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) Course Code GEOLM905 (T1 & T2) Course Title Independent MSci Project (1.5) GEOL2008 (T1) GEOL3036 (T1 & T2) Biodiversity & Macro Evolution (1.0) GEOLM018 (T1) GEOL1012* (T2 & Easter) Surface Processes (0.5) GEOL2028 (T1) Vertebrate Palaeontology & Evolution (0.5) Isotope Geoscience (0.5) PalaeoOceanography (0.5) Tectonic Geomorphology (0.5) GEOL1003 (T2) History of Life (0.5) GEOL2009* (T2 & Easter) Surface Processes and Structures (0.5) Options GEOL2026 (Sept & T1) GEOL1001 (T1) Major Stream chooses 2, and Minor Stream chooses 1, of the following: GEOL3040* Crustal Dynamics, (Easter) Mountain Building and Basin Analysis (0.5) GEOL3045 Groundwater (T1) Geoscience (0.5) GEOL3046 (T2) Marine Geology (0.5) GEOL3049 (T1?) Advanced Geochemistry (0.5) Maps, Images & Structures (0.5) Earth Materials (0.5) GEOLM010 (T1) GEOLM012 (T2) Options GEOLM006 (T1) GEOLM022 (T2) GEOGM135 (T2?) GEOGM136 *Includes fieldwork for which there may be a financial contribution Palaeoclimatology (0.5) Earth & Planetary Materials Hydrogeology and Groundwater Resources Biological Indicators of Environmental Change Non-biological Indicators of Environmental Change Geophysical Sciences Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 MSci Year Course Code MATH6101 Or MATH6105 Or PHAS1245 (All T1) GEOL1013 (T1) Course Title Elementary Mathematics I (0.5) Mathematics for Science I (0.5) Mathematical Methods I (0.5) The Earth (0.5) Course Code MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) Course Code GEOLM905 (T1 & T2) Course Title Independent MSci Project (1.5) GEOL2014 (T1) Global Geophysics (0.5) GEOL3003 (T1&T2) Geodynamics and Global Tectonics (1.0) GEOLM002 (T2) Earthquake Seismology and Hazard (0.5) GEOL1012* (T2 & Easter) Surface Processes (0.5) GEOL2027 (T2) Structural Geology and Tectonics (0.5) GEOL3030* (Sept & T1) Field Methods in Active Tectonics (0.5) GEOL1004 (T2) Dynamic Earth (0.5) GEOL2026* (Sept & T1) Maps, Images and Structures (0.5) Options GEOL2009* (T2 & Easter) Surface Processes & Structures (0.5) GEOL1001 (T1) Earth Materials (0.5) GEOLM037 (T2) GEOLM010 (T1) Options GEOL3047 (T1) Seismology 1 (0.5) GEOL3048 (T1) Seismology 2 (0.5) GEOL3045 (T2) Groundwater Science (0.5) *Includes fieldwork for which there may be a financial contribution Options GEOLM006 (T1) Deep Earth and Planetary Modelling (0.5) (if not taken as GEOL3037) Tectonic Geomorphology (0.5) Earth & Planetary Materials (if not taken as GEOL3044) (0.5) GEOLM008 Physical Volcanology (T1) and Volcanic Hazards (0.5) Some modules may be available from the Institute of Risk and Disaster Reduction, such as Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards and Vulnerability or Integrating Science into Risk and Disaster Reduction Science and Technology Studies History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science (Year 3 only 2014-15) Year 1 Course Code Course Title Year 2 Course Code Course Title Year 3 Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) Choose 3 from the following HPSC3003 Communication of (T2) Scientific Ideas (0.5) HPSC3033 (T2) HPSC3020 (T1) Science Communication in Digital Environments (0.5) Philosophy of Natural Sciences HPSC3046 (T1) Science and Film Production (0.5) HPSC3036 (T1) Options HPSC3032 (T1) HPSC3028 (T1) HPSC3045 (T2) HPSC3040 (T2) HPSC3015 (T2) HPSC3034 (T2) HPSC3041 (T2) Governing Emerging Technologies (0.5) Investigating Contemporary Science (0.5) Philosophy of medicine (0.5) Philosophy of Information (0.5) Science, politics and the state of Russia and the Soviet Union (0.5) History of Astronomy and Cosmology (0.5) Science, Art and Philosophy (0.5) Disease in History (0.5) MSci Year Course Code Course Title Science and Technology Studies Policy, Communication and Ethics Year 1 Course Code MATH6101 Or MATH6105 Or PHAS1245 (All T1) HPSC1010 (T1) Course Title Elementary Mathematics I (0.5) Mathematics for Science I (0.5) Mathematical Methods I (0.5) Revealing Science (0.5) Choose 2 from: HPSC1011 History of Modern (T2) Science (0.5) HPSC1004 Science Policy (0.5) (T2) HPSC1008 (T2) Fundamentals of Science Communication (0.5) Year 2 Year 3 Course Code MAPS2001 (T1 & 2) Course Title Scientific Communication and Computing (0.5) Course Code MAPS3001 (T1 & 2) HPSC2002 (T1) Science in the Mass Media (0.5) HPSC3033 (T2) HPSC2006 (T2) Science and Ethics (0.5) HPSC3036 (T1) Options (Choose 1 from:) HPSC2001 Policy Issues in the (T1) Life Sciences (0.5) HPSC2003 Philosophy of Science (T1) 2 (0.5) Options choose HPSC3003 (T2) HPSC3020 (T1) Course Title Literature Project for Natural Sciences (0.5) Science Communication in Digital Environments (0.5) Governing Emerging Technologies (0.5) 1 from: Communication of Scientific Ideas (0.5) Philosophy of Natural Sciences HPSC2028 (T1) Thinking about Technology (0.5) HPSC3046 (T1) Science and Film Production (0.5) HPSC2012 (T1) Science and Religion (0.5) HPSC3032 (T1) HPSC2023 (T2) Sociology of Science and Technology (0.5) HPSC3041 (T2) HPSC3034 (T2) HPSC3045 (T2) Investigating Contemporary Science (0.5) Disease in History (0.5) Science, Art and Philosophy (0.5) Philosophy of Information (0.5) MSci Year Course Code Course Title