Lorain County JVS 15181 State Route 58 Oberlin, Ohio 44074 440-774-1051 May 2012 Career Based Intervention Course of Study 9th-10th Grade Course of Study For Lorain County Joint Vocational School Career Based Intervention Programs Developed by: Mr. Mathias L. Hauck Career Based Intervention Coordinator Lorain County Joint Vocational School Oberlin, OH 2 Acknowledgments Lorain County Joint Vocational School Career Based Intervention Sincere appreciation goes to the following school district individuals for their support and cooperation in preparing this course of study: Mr. John Nolan, Superintendent, Lorain County JVS Mrs. Jill Petitti, Principal, Lorain County JVS Mr. Charlie Warthling, Program Supervisor, Lorain County JVS Ms. Valerie Watring, Curriculum Director, Lorain County JVS Board Members: Mr. Rex Engle, Amherst Mr. Art Goforth, Avon Mrs. P. Ohradzansky, Avon Lake Dr. Richard Marcucci, Clearview Ms. Brenda Buchanan, Columbia Ms. Kathryn Karpus, Elyria Mr. Dwayne Becker, Firelands Ms. Deborah Melda, Keystone Mr. Jim Barnhart, Midview Ms. Kelly McCarthy, N. Ridgeville Mr. Barry Richard, Oberlin Ms. Sandra Jensen, Sheffield Mrs. Sally Stewart, Wellington Mr. C. Thompson, Treasurer, LCJVS Sincere appreciation goes to the following LCJVS CBI Coordinators for their suggestions and support in preparing this course of study: Ms. Debra Dohner Mr. Chris Frank Mr. Jeffrey Keck Mr. Mark Kovi Mr. John Lengen Mr. Charles Morgan Mr. Greg Morgan Mr. Jeremy Peth Mr. Eric Robson Mr. Michael Walsh Mr. Jack Whaley For their helpful suggestions and encouragement; Eric Landversicht, CBI Consultant, Ohio Department of Education; and Mrs. Kathy Truster, CBI Coordinator/State Board President, Butler Tech. 3 Table of Contents Career Based Intervention Programs Approval of Board……………………………………………………...5 District Philosophy……………………………………………………..6 District Goals…………………………………………………………...7 Program Philosophy…………………………………………………….8 Program Goals…………………………………………………………..8 Program Description and Design………………………………………..9 LCJVS CBIP Overview…………………………………………….......12 Curriculum Map…………………………………………..…………….14 Succeeding in the World of Work Correlation………………………….15 Scope and Sequence…………………………………………………….34 Student Assessment Policy……………………………………………..48 4 Statement of the Approval of the Board of Education I have examined the course of study content submitted for the Career Based Intervention Program and found it to be in satisfactory order, and therefore approve it. _____________________________________ Charlie Warthling, Program Supervisor _______________________ _____________________________________ Valerie Watring, Curriculum Director _______________________ Resolution WHEREAS, this Course of Study is based upon the Ohio Department of Education’s Career-Based Intervention Technical Content Standards and WHEREAS, the Career Based Intervention Advisory Committee has reviewed these state competencies and added competencies to further address local academic and work based learning needs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that The Board of Education of the Lorain County JVS District believes that this course of study meets the requirements of the Ohio Department of Education. We have reviewed its contents and approve of its use. ___________________________________ Cory Thompson, Treasurer ________________________________ Kathryn Karpus, Board President ___________________________________ John Nolan, District Superintendent ___________________________________ Approval date 5 District Philosophy The Board provides the Lorain County JVS with a skilled and responsible workforce made up of high school students pursuing initial employment, as well as adult students who are in need of training, retraining or advancement. The Joint Vocational School sees itself as a facilitator and contributor to the overall growth of Lorain County. In serving that vision, we recognize our commitment to building internal communities of students, teachers, administrators and support personnel working together to create opportunities for lifelong learning. To complement that vision, we are also committed to building external stakeholders consisting of parents, home-schools, businesses, industries and agencies working together to meet their ever-changing educational and economic needs. To carry out our philosophy, we support a Joint Vocational School educational culture that provides quality job training, balanced with applied skills in communications, math, science, critical thinking and problem solving. In addressing a holistic concept of people, we also promote the development of positive self-worth, responsible actions, team cooperation and pride in workmanship. By supporting these ideals, the Lorain County JVS encourages the growth of students and staff by providing an atmosphere that recognizes the concerns and needs of the individual, as well as providing the Lorain County economic community with individuals who are both qualified and well rounded. 6 District Goals 1. Develop Mastery of Basic Skills - to promote the acquisition of basic comprehension, communication and computation skills to the greatest extent possible for each student. Every effort will be made to offer each student the opportunity to master the basic skills needed to pursue his/her chosen goals. 2. Gain Knowledge and Experience in Field of Study - to provide, on a continuing basis, the opportunity and encouragement for each student to gain knowledge and experience in their field of study to enter the workforce. 3. Develop a Positive Self-Image - to respond to each student's need to develop a positive self-image and cultivate within students the ability to determine, understand and examine their own capabilities, interests and goals 4. Develop Skills of Constructive and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving - to foster skills of constructive and critical thinking, in order to enable each student to deal effectively with situations and problems in an independent, self-fulfilling and responsible manner. 5. Develop Skills Appropriate to a Technological Society - to provide to each student knowledge necessary to function in a rapidly changing workplace. 6. Develop Respect for Others and the Law and Citizenship Responsibilities - to promote the development of students who are mature, responsible citizens with respect for the rights of others, the law and the privileges and responsibilities of citizens. 7. Gain Understanding of Value Systems, Cultures and Heritage - to provide for each student a knowledge and understanding of social skills, so that he/she is prepared to participate responsibly and successfully in an ever-changing society. 8. Gain Understanding of Economic Roles in Society - to help each student gain a critical understanding of his/her role as a producer and consumer of goods and services and of the principles involved in the production of goods and services. 9. Gain Knowledge and Understanding of the Environment - to develop within students respect for and appreciation of the maintenance, protection and improvement of the physical environment. 10. Develop Within the Community a Sense of Pride in Their Schools - to provide communication with the community, highlighting the strengths of the educational program and inviting the community to participate in school functions. 11. Continual Evaluation and Revision of Curriculum - to provide, through constant evaluation, curriculum that is pertinent to student needs and reflects community business and industry. 12. Develop work ethics that reflect the expectations of the Lorain County Community. 7 Career Based Intervention Program Philosophy All students have the ability to learn, to establish a career plan and carry out their career path to gain success in their lives. Career Based Intervention Programs are designed to assist students who possess barriers to career and academic success to establish a career path by using work based learning experiences and gaining competencies to achieve a successful path to career options and postsecondary training. CBI is based on the key principles of higher student expectations, studying the common curriculum of the school, provide authentic learning opportunities, have supportive structures, establishing a sense of belonging, exhibit continuous student academic improvement with proper identification and selection of students. Career Based Intervention instruction and intervention is to be delivered by a caring instructor in an atmosphere where the student gains a sense of belonging in an education environment. Coordinators need to establish support systems using the school administration and staff, the community and student family members to meet the needs of the student. Career Based Intervention Goals Career Based Intervention (CBI) programs help students with barriers to career and academic success improve academic competencies, graduate from high school, develop employability skills, implement a career plan, and participate in a career pathway in preparation for postsecondary education and careers. CBI programs provide combined educational and work-based learning opportunities for students in grades 7 through 12 who demonstrate academic and/or social maturity difficulties in school. The number of years a student spends in a CBI program is determined locally by the program design and individual student needs. The following seven key principals are intended to guide CBI program design and delivery to best meet student needs. The key principals are: Higher Expectations, Common Curriculum, Authentic Learning, Supportive Structures, Sense of Belonging, Continuous Improvement, and Student Identification. Academics Career Based Intervention Related instruction must be based on the Core Integrated Technical and Academic Competencies (ITACs) with academic intervention and workbased learning. Academic credit classes must use established academic courses of study. Instruction of Core Integrated Technical and Academic Competencies, work based learning and academic intervention or academic credit instruction must be based on the key principals of Career Based Intervention. 8 Career Based Intervention Program Description and Design A. Mission To raise expectations, build capacity, and improve results of Career Based Intervention Programs by expanding and integrating academic and work-based learning experiences for students with barriers to career and academic success. B. Description The Career-Based Intervention (CBI) program is a Career-Technical Education Program designed for students ages 12-21 in grades 7-12 who are identified as disadvantaged (either academically or economically or both) or students with disabilities and who have barriers to achieving academic and career success. The program is to help students improve academic competence, graduate from high school, develop employability skills, implement a career plan and participate in a career pathway in preparation for postsecondary education and/or careers. The CBI program provides a combination of educational and work-based learning opportunities for student success. The number of years a student spends in the CBI program is determined by the local program design and individual student needs. CBI programs are recommended to have a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 25 students per class and all CBI students must have scheduled related instruction. CBI program models can be single period which is referred to as Connections (or Career Connections) or programs may be multi period in which students have separately scheduled related instruction and work-based learning periods. Academic instruction (for credits) by the CBI instructor is not a program requirement but is recommended if the instructor is age and subject appropriately certified/licensed. All programs must provide academic intervention to assist the student with study skills, assist with academic progress and success and prepare for appropriate standardized testing. The following key principals are based on seven of 10 High Schools That Work research-based key practices linked to student achievement and the integration of academic and career- technical skills and are intended to guide CBI program design and delivery to best meet student needs. The seven key principles used as a guide for program designs are: Higher Expectations - Partnering with administrators, teachers, counselors, parents and community to support a belief system that all learners will achieve academic success, establish a career pathway and become contributing members of society. Common Curriculum - Engaging learners in the common curriculum of the school that provides opportunities for graduation and links with school district and state curriculum and performance expectations. Authentic Learning - Providing appropriate and effective instruction by meeting student needs through active learner engagement and relating subject matter to life and work. Supportive Structures - Achieving optimum conditions for learning through a student-teacher ratio that promotes effective interaction and instruction, physical location to develop psychological and social identity and instructional resources and technology to meet individual learner needs. Sense of Belonging - Providing activities and a classroom/community environment that lead to increased positive social interaction, citizenship practices and leadership development. Continuous Improvement - Monitoring and improving classroom achievement by using student assessment and program data in relation to the district's continuous improvement plan. Student Identification - In partnership with administrators, counselors, teachers and parents, selecting students who have barriers to career and academic success. 9 C. Structure Ohio Career Based Intervention (CBI) –The Model CBI Definition: Work-based learning and academic intervention programs for students (ages 12-21) identified as disadvantaged and having barriers to career and academic success Historical Overview • Career Based Intervention (CBI) is a program that has served students at risk of academic failure for more than 45 years. 1 CBI students receive a minimum of 118 hours of annual instruction (can be a multi-year program) and access a wide range of services tailored to their needs. • Through CBI, students identified as disadvantaged (economic, academic or both) receive assistance in six areas: academic intervention; employability skills; career exploration; implementation of a career plan; work-based learning (paid, unpaid or a combination of both); and participation in a career pathway with options for both further education and jobs. • CBI programs adhere to seven key principles: Higher Expectations, Common Curriculum, Authentic Learning, Supportive Structures, Sense of Belonging, Continuous Improvement and Student Identification. The Model The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) has data indicating that disproportionately students are retained in Grade 9 and after to earn sufficient credit in one or more of the academic subjects of mathematics, science, English and social studies. CBI is a key strategy to help students progress to Grade 10, demonstrate proficiency on the Ohio Graduation Tests and gain access to the challenging coursework that prepares them for life after high school. The CBI program emphasizes: 1. Reaching students earlier –CBI is available to Grade 7 to 12 students and increasingly supports programs targeting middle-grade students as young as age 12 with the purpose of increasing their success in high school. 2. Teaming to support higher standards – CBI teachers are encouraged to build connections with the entire school community, including academic and technical instructors who have CBI students in their classes. This occurs both at the current grade level and with follow-up in subsequent grades so that students need no intervention. CBI Instructors also provide high-quality instruction aligned to the state’s academic content standards (technical content standards for Ohio’s 16 career fields). CBI keeps students from becoming disengaged and dropping out of school and provides students with opportunities for college and careers. Accountability Data related to the two key changes noted in the new CBI model include: • In FY2008 (the 2007-2008 school year), 28,050 (unduplicated count) CBI students were served. Sixty percent of the CBI class of 2008 graduated. • In FY2008, 8.8 percent of all CBI students were in Grades 7 and 8 – a 5.3 percent increase over two years. For more information, go to www.education.ohio.gov and search keyword CBI or contact: eric.landversicht@ode.state.oh.us. 10 E. Program Design The following program designs are provided to assist in program planning to meet the required CBI components at LCJVS. Each CBI Teacher will follow a six period model that is approved by their satellite school and program supervisor. To maximize the benefit of the CBI program, each class will be structured for 24 students per instructional period. Below are examples of approved CBI instruction. Non-Academic Model 1. Planning 2. CBI Related 9 3. CBI Related 9 4. CBI Lab 9 5. LUNCH 6. CBI Lab 9 7. CBI Related 10 8. CBI Related 10 Academic Model 1. Planning 2. CBI Related 9 3. CBI Academic 9 4. CBI Lab 9 5. LUNCH 6. CBI Related 10 7. CBI Academic 10 8. CBI Lab 10 11 Elective Model 1. Planning 2. CBI Related 9 3. CBI Related 9 4. CBI Related 9 5. LUNCH 6. CBI Related 10 7. CBI Related 10 8. CBI Related 10 LCJVS CBI Program Overview Topics included in class: -Self-Assessment -Exploring Careers -Finding a Job -Joining the Workforce -Professional Development -Life Skills -Lifelong Learning -Service Learning Population to be Served All students that are in the 9th and 10th grades and are categorized as disadvantaged and interested in employment Housing of the Program Taught in the classroom and implemented in the work force Supervisor of the Program CBI Coordinator and Supervisor Occupations Addressed by the Program Prepares students for entry-level positions in the world of work Entry into a LCJVS CTE Program Basic Program Operations Lab and related experiences taught in and out of school Develops fundamental skills for work knowledge, skills, values, abilities, and world attitudes Labor Laws Adhere to Ohio Minor Labor Laws regarding restrictions on employment Will apply for a variance when needed Facilitate meeting if student feels they are being asked to perform an illegal task Articulation Agreements This program is approved under the Ohio Department of Education Academics Academic support and credit recovery are core to the CBI Program’s philosophy Technology Technology is an ever-changing part of the program as it is in the world of work Promotes knowledge and skills needed to be competitive Student Leadership Encourages student participation in CBI leadership positions Encourages student participation in out-of-school leadership, citizenship, cooperation activities, and service learning Critical Thinking and Decision Making Develops the use of critical thinking skills in making wise decisions as an integral part of classroom instruction and work experience Teaches decision making techniques through the problem-solving approach, which includes identification of options, the selection and testing of an option, and determination of solution or conclusion Disclaimer Statement This course of study conforms to all federal, state, and local laws and regulations including Title IX and nondiscrimination against any student because of race, color, creed, sex, religion, citizenship, economic status, married status, pregnancy, handicap, other physical characteristics, age, or national origin. This policy of nondiscrimination shall also apply to otherwise qualified handicapped individuals. Program Curriculum Maps 9TH Grade Career Choices 10TH Grade Succeeding in the World of Work 1st Nine Weeks Related 1-3 Who Am I? Envisioning Your Future How Do You Define Success? Your Personal Profile Getting What You Want Knowing Who You Are Lifestyles of the Satisfied and Happy Keeping Balance and Perspective 1st Nine Weeks 1-5 Self Assessment You and the World of Work Getting to Know Yourself Exploring Careers Researching Careers Entrepreneurship Developing an Individual Career Plan 2nd Nine Weeks Related 4-6 What This Lifestyle Costs Lifestyle Math Sacrifice and Rewards Finding the Ideal Career Considering More Than Just the Work Career Research Job Shadowing 2nd Nine Weeks 6-12 Finding a Job Applying for a Job Interviewing Beginning a New Job Workplace Ethics Developing a Positive Attitude Workplace Health and Safety 3rd Nine Weeks Related 7-9 Decision Making Choosing What’s Best Setting Goals and Solving Problems Skills for Successful Living Avoiding Detours and Roadblocks 3rd Nine Weeks 13-18 Professional Development Interpersonal Relationships Teamwork and Leadership Professional Communication Skills Thinking Skills on the Job Technology in the Workplace Time and Information Management 4th Nine Weeks 19-25 Economics and the Consumer Managing Your Money Banking and Credit Understanding Insurance Taxes and Social Security Lifelong Learning Adapting to Change Balancing Work and Personal Life 4th Nine Weeks Related 10-12 Attitude in the Workplace Learning to Accentuate the Positive Getting Experience Finding a Job Writing a 10 Year Plan Student Presentations of 10 Year Plans Career-Based Intervention Pathway © 2013 PAGE REFERENCES COMPETENCY CAREER-BASED INTERVENTION TECHNICAL CONTENT STANDARDS Unit 1: Social and Emotional Skills 1.1 Manage one’s own emotions and behavior. Student Edition: 118-121, 126-129, 133 Ethics Check 180, 215 Project Discovery 123, 135 Section 9.2 Wrap Up 121 #2 Section 10.2 Wrap Up 133 #1-#2 Skills Spotlight 127 Unit 4 Review 160 #3 Ohio COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 1.2 Recognize character traits and external supports for best performance. Student Edition: 47, 58-59, 114-117, 166-169, 180, 182-184 Assessment 174 #3 Discovery Project 123, 175, 187 Discovery Project Connections 169 Figure 4.1 48 Figure 5.1 60 Figure 14.1 183 Section 9.1 Wrap Up 117 Section 13.1 Wrap Up 169 #1-2 Skills Spotlight 115, 168, 183 1.3 Demonstrate skills related to achieving personal and academic goals. Student Edition: 19-21, 62-64, 116, 179-180, 254 Assessment 66 #5-#6 Discovery Project 67 Discovery Project Connections 65 Figure 2.1 20 Section 14.1 Wrap Up 181 #2 Setting Goals 62 Skills Spotlight 13, 58, 183 Unit 1 Review 28 #9 1.4 Recognize and respect the feelings and perspective of others. Student Edition: 120, 168, 170, 172, 180 Assessment 134 #9 Section 13.1 Wrap Up #3 Teamwork on the Job 226 1.5 Discuss individual and group similarities and differences. Student Edition: 172-173 Assessment 174 #7 Diversity 172 Discovery Project 175 Discovery Project Connections 173 Section 13.2 Wrap Up 173 #3 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 1.6 Resolve interpersonal conflicts in a constructive way. Student Edition: 171-172 Assessment 174 #6 Discovery Project 175 Discovery Project Connections 173 Ethics Check 151 Real-World Connection 207 1.7 Apply decision-making skills to handle daily academic and social situations. Student Edition: 202-205 Assessment 210 #9 Discovery Project 211 Discovery Project Connections 205 Figure 16.1 204 Section 16.1 Wrap Up 205 Skills Spotlight 204 1.8 Contribute to the well-being of one’s school and community. Student Edition: 130-133, 172-173, 178-180, 182-184 Accepting Criticism 132 Assessment 134 #5-#6 Discovery Project 187 Discovery Project Connections 181 Professionalism 130 Skills Spotlight 153, 183 Teamwork 178 1.9 Develop personal traits to foster career advancement. Student Edition: 114-117, 126-129, 166-169, 180, 182-184 Asserting Yourself 128 Assessment 134 #2-#4, #8; 174 #4 Cooperation 114 Discovery Project 123, 135, 175, 187 Discovery Project Connections 169 Figure 14.1 183 Reading Check 167 Section 10.1 Wrap Up 129 #1 Skills Spotlight 115, 168, 312 Showing Initiative 116 Using Tact 166 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 1.10 Describe how conflict originates and impacts behavior. Student Edition: 172-172 Ethics Check 171 1.11 Describe different responses to conflict as they relate to results. Student Edition: 171-172 Achieving Resolution 171 Assessment 174 #6, #9, #10 Ethics Check 171 1.12 Embrace change as an opportunity. Student Edition: 310-313 Changing Jobs 306 Discovery Project 315 Discovery Project Connections 313 1.13 Develop and use networking techniques to create professional relationships. Student Edition: 74-75 Building a Network 75 Figure 6.1 75 Skills Spotlight 20 Unit 2 Review 160 #3 1.14 Manage stressful situations. Student Edition: 102, 140-141 Assessment 146 #5 Discovery Project 147 Discovery Project Connections 141 Ethics Check 141 Section 11.1 Wrap Up 141 1.15 Implement teamwork techniques. Student Edition: 180-181 Assessment 14 #10; 186 #4, #10 Discovery Project 187 Discovery Project Connections 181 Real-World Connection 179 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 1.16 Employ leadership skills. Student Edition: 182-185 Assessment 186 #10, 314 #10 Discovery Project 187 Figure 14.1 183 Section 14.2 Wrap Up 185 Skills Spotlight 183 1.17 Manage internal and external relationships to foster positive interactions. Student Edition: 167-169, 193 Discovery Project 175 Discovery Project Connections 169 Real-World Connection 167, 191, 207 Section 13.1 Wrap Up 169 #3 Skills Spotlight 168 Teamwork on the Job 226 Unit 2: Postsecondary and Career Preparation 2.1 Explore time management strategies related to personal, educational and workplace goals. Student Edition: 226-229 Assessment 210 #9; 234 #3-#4, #8 Discovery Project 235 Discovery Project Connections 229 Figure 18.1 228 Real-World Connection 36, 63 Section 18.1 Wrap Up 229 Skills Spotlight 228 Time-Management Tools 228 Unit 1 Review 28 #9 2.2 Develop a plan for on-time graduation. Student Edition: Programs of Study xix COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 2.3 Describe workforce, workplace and personal issues impacting careers. Student Edition: 10-13, 215, 306-307, 310-313 Assessment 26 #8-#9 Career Cluster 39 Challenge Project 161 Changing Jobs 306 Discovery Project 15, 315 Discovery Project Connections 313 Ethics Check 308 Job Dissatisfaction 310 Job Loss 312 Global Trade 10 Section 1.2 13 #2-#3 2.4 Describe career opportunities in each of the 16 career fields. Student Edition: 34 Assessment 14 #10 Career Clusters 11, 19, 39, 53, 65, 80, 93, 120, 155, 170, 209, 221, 232 Career Clusters Appendix 330-337 Challenge Project 69 Figure 3.1 35 2.5 Identify career interests, skills and aptitudes for career readiness. Student Edition: 6-7, 23-24, 58-59 Assessment 14 #4, #10 Career Clusters 53, 65, 93, 120, 155, 170, 209, 221, 232 Challenge Project 69 Discovery Project 15, 27, 43, 67 Discovery Project Connections 25 Education/Training 59 Figure 2.2 25 Section 1.1 Wrap Up 9 #2 Section 1.2 Wrap Up 13 #1 Section 3.2 Wrap Up 41 Skills Spotlight 13 Unit 1 28 #5 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 2.6 Complete additional research on selected career interests. Student Edition: 35-36, 38-40 Assessment 14 #10; 42 #5, #9 Challenge Project 69 College and Career Readiness 12, 21, 35, 77, 157, 169, 185, 205, 217 College and Career Readiness Mobile Website 3, 31, 71, 99, 163, 239, 303 Discovery Project 43 Figure 3.2 41 Real-World Connection 7, 23 Section 3.1 Wrap Up 37 #1, #2, #3 2.7 Create opportunities to gain additional career-related experiences. Student Edition: 37 Assessment 42 #4 Programs of Study xix 2.8 Explain apprenticeships. (Individualize if needed) Student Edition: 65 2.9 Explore postsecondary education options related to career interests. Student Edition: 64-65 Assessment 66 #7 College and Career Readiness 12, 21, 35, 77, 157, 169, 185, 205, 217 College and Career Readiness Mobile Website 3, 31, 71, 99, 163, 239, 303 Discovery Project 67 Programs of Study xix Section 5.2 Wrap Up 65 #3 2.10 Describe the process for enrolling in a postsecondary institution. Student Edition: The Suggested Program of Study (page xix) can be used as a discussion starter for the postsecondary application process. 2.11 Develop an individual academic and career plan for on-time graduation and career success. Student Edition: Programs of Study xix COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 2.12 Implement job search skills. Student Edition: 76-77 Assessment 82 #9; 94 #8 Challenge Project 97 Cold Calls 76 Discovery Project 83 Discovery Project Connections 77 Section 6.1 Wrap Up 77 #3 2.13 Develop orientation skills for a new job. Student Edition: 104-105 Assessment 160 #1 Discovery Project 111 Discovery Project Connections 105 Section 8.1 Wrap Up 105 #2 2.14 Prepare for career advancement. Student Edition: 307-309 Keeping Pace 308 Section 24.1 Wrap Up 309 #2 2.15 Display responsible behaviors at work to retain employment. Student Edition: 114-121 Assessment 122 #4 Confidentiality 120 Discovery Project 123 Discovery Project Connections 117 Section 9.1 Wrap Up 117 Showing Initiative 116 Skills Spotlight 115 2.16 Describe ways to balance work and family responsibilities. Student Edition: 322-325 Assessment 326 #5-#7, #9 Challenge Project 329 Discovery Project 327 Discovery Project Connections 325 Role as a Parent 322 Section 25.2 Wrap Up 325 2.17 Describe appropriate processes for resigning from employment. Student Edition: The section Making the Change (page 311) can be a springboard for discussion on the appropriate processes for resigning a position. COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 2.18 Student Edition: 307-309 Keeping Pace 308 Programs of Study xix Section 24.1 Wrap Up 309 #1 Develop an ongoing career plan. Unit 3: Financial Literacy 3.1 Describe the fundamental principles of money needed to make financial exchanges. Student Edition: 270-273 Assessment 274 #10 Discovery Project 275 Discovery Project Connections 273 Real-World Connection 256 Section 21.2 Wrap Up 273 3.2 Analyze personal financial needs and goals. Student Edition: 254 Needs and Goals 254 Real-World Connection 256 3.3 Describe work-related finances. Student Edition: 50, 53 Assessment 54 #6, #9 Discovery Project 55 Discovery Project Connections 53 3.4 Manage personal finances. Student Edition: 254-261 Assessment 262 #4-6, #8-10 Building a Budget 257 Discovery Project 263, 275 Discovery Project Connections 257, 261, 273 Real-World Connection 323 Section 20.2 Wrap Up 261 #2 Section 21.2 Wrap Up 273 #3 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 3.5 Explain the use of financial services providers. Student Edition: 260-261 Assessment 262 #7 Discovery Project 263 Discovery Project Connections 261 Discovery Project Preview 265 Financial Planning 258 Section 20.2 Wrap Up 261 #3 3.6 Identify investment strategies to ensure personal financial well-being. Student Edition: 266-269 Account Fees 266 Discovery Project 275 Discovery Project Connections 269 Planning Ahead 268 Section 21.1 Wrap Up 269 3.7 Describe the concept of wealth building. Student Edition: Wealth building can be introduced with Section 21.1 Savings and Investing (pages 266-269) during teacher/class discussion. 3.8 Describe basic financial concepts of business. Student Edition: 53 Assessment 54 #9 Discovery Project 55 Discovery Project Connections 53 Unit 4: Information, Media and Technological Literacy 4.1 Use computer systems. Student Edition: Assessment 14 #10; 26 #10; 82 #9-#10; 110 #10; 122 #10; 146 #10 Digital Tools 3, 31, 71, 99, 163, 239, 303 Program Overview xx-xxii Skills Spotlight 20 4.2 Describe aspects of the Internet. Student Edition: 219-222 Internet Privacy 220 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES Competency 4.3 Use computer applications. Student Edition: 36, 218-219 Assessment 14 #10; 26 #10; 110 #10; 122 #10; 222 #10 Connect xx-xxii Digital Tools 3, 31, 71, 99, 163, 239, 303 4.4 Use advanced computer applications. Student Edition: 218-219 Assessment 26 #10; 122 #10; 298 #10 College and Career Readiness Mobile Website 3, 31, 71, 99, 163, 239, 303 Connect xx-xxii 4.5 Demonstrate creative thinking to develop innovative products and processes using technology. Student Edition: Discovery Project 223 4.6 Use digital media to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance. Student Edition: Assessment 14 #10 Digital Tools 3, 31, 71, 99, 163, 239, 303 4.7 Demonstrate knowledge of technology concepts, systems and operations. Student Edition: Assessment 14 #10 Discovery Project 223 4.8 Use information accurately and creatively to solve problems. Student Edition: Discovery Project 223 4.9 Analyze media messages. Student Edition: 246-248 Discovery Project 251 Discovery Project Connections 249 Section 19.2 Wrap Up 249 Unit 5: Health and Wellness Literacy 5.1 Use critical thinking skills related to personal wellness and health. Student Edition: Assessment 146 #3-#5, #10 Discovery Project 147 My Plate 138 Real-World Connection 139 Section 11.1 Wrap Up 141 #1 Skills Spotlight 140 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 5.2 Demonstrate goal setting for personal health and well being. Student Edition: Personal goals for health and well being can be set using the information in Section 11.1 Becoming a Health Worker (pages 138-144). 5.3 Demonstrate behaviors that foster healthy, active lifestyles. Student Edition: 138 Assessment 146 #10 Exercise Benefits 139 My Plate 138 Sleeping Well 140 Skills Spotlight 140 5.4 Identify characteristics of physical and psychological abuse and unhealthy relationships. (teacher recommended) Student Edition: 120-121, 153 Unit 6: Business Readiness Skills 6.1 Discuss basic business concepts. Student Edition: 181 6.2 Describe business functions. Student Edition: This concept can be introduced through classroom discussion and the information on business ownership (pages 52-53). 6.3 Discuss the environmental impact of business. Student Edition: This concept can be introduced through classroom discussion and the information on business ownership (pages 52-53). 6.4 Describe systems in organizations. Student Edition: This concept can be introduced through classroom discussion and the information on business ownership (pages 52-53). 6.5 Describe organizational structures. Student Edition: 179 6.6 Practice continuous improvement. Student Edition: 181 6.7 Discuss the global environment in which businesses operate. Student Edition: 11, 215 Section 17.1 Wrap Up 217 #2 6.8 Explain the role of global trade. Student Edition: 215 Section 17.1 Wrap Up 217 #2 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES Unit 7: Ethics and Legal Practices 7.1 Make decisions within an ethical framework. Student Edition: Discovery Project 123 Discovery Project Connections 121 Ethics Check 24, 37, 49, 75, 92, 104, 119, 121, 141, 151, 171, 203, 227, 247, 255 Ethical Behavior 118 Real-World Connection 119 Section 9.2 Wrap Up 121 #2-#3 7.2 Assess the implications of ethical and unethical behavior. Student Edition: 118-120 Assessment 122 #8 Section 9.2 Wrap Up 121 #1 7.3 Research mandated standards, policies, legislation and legal practices. Student Edition: 150-157 Assessment 158 Civil Law 154 Discovery Project 159 Discovery Project Connections 153, 157 Lawyer 156 Section 12.1 Wrap Up 153 #1-#2 Section 12.2 Wrap Up 157 Unit 8: Safety 8.1 Promote a safe workplace. Student Edition: 142-145 Assessment 146 #6, #10 Discovery Project 147 Discovery Project Connections 145 Table 143 8.2 Evaluate the ergonomic factors in the workplace. Student Edition: 143 Ergonomic Chairs 144 Section 11.2 Wrap Up 145 8.3 Explain emergency response plans in a variety of industry settings. Student Edition: 144-145 Assessment 146 #7 Discovery Project 147 Discovery Project Connections 145 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 8.4 Identify the requirements for First Aid and CPR certifications. Student Edition: 145 Section 11.1 Wrap Up 145 #3 8.5 Examine entrance and exit procedures. Student Edition: 144 Discovery Project 147 Discovery Project Connections 145 Unit 9: Communication Skills 9.1 Explain effective communications. Student Edition: 190-193 Discovery Project 199 Discovery Project 193 Section 15.1 Wrap Up 193 #1-#2 9.2 Apply active listening skills. Student Edition: 192-193 Assessment 198 #5, #9, #10 Discovery Project 199 Discovery Project Connections 193 Full Attention 192 Section 15.1 Wrap Up 193 #3 Skills Spotlight 41 9.3 Apply appropriate verbal skills in business situations. Student Edition: 91-92 Assessment 198 #4, #8 Cold Calls 76 Discovery Project 95, 199 Discovery Project Connections 193 Real-World Connection 207 Skills Spotlight 76, 168 9.4 Use appropriate social skills to interact effectively with others. Student Edition: Assessment 198 #4, #10 Discovery Project 199 Real-World Connection 191 Skills Spotlight 41, 76, 168 9.5 Make oral presentations. Student Edition: Assessment 14 #10; 42 #10; 94 #10; 174 #10 Discovery Project 199 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 9.6 Engage in active observation. Student Edition: Assessment 198 #10 Sending Signals 190 9.7 Utilize effective written communication. Student Edition: 80-81, 93, 194-196 Ask for Help 194 Assessment 198 #6-#7 Discovery Project 83, 95, 199 Discovery Project Connections 197 Real-World Connection 81 Section 15.2 Wrap Up 197 #1-#2 Skills Spotlight 195 9.8 Use correct grammar and vocabulary. Student Edition: 195 Assessment 94 #10; 198 #4, #8, #10 Discovery Project 95, 199 Skills Spotlight 76, 195 9.9 Use communication tools. Student Edition: 76-77, 195 Assessment 26 #10; 94 #10 Discovery Project 199 Reading Skills Handbook xxvi-xxv Skills Spotlight 76 9.10 Read to acquire meaning from written material. Student Edition: 197 Discovery Project 199 Discovery Project Connections 197 Reading Skills Handbook xxvi-xxv 9.11 Follow company guidelines in the business environment. Student Edition: Assessment 198 #7-#8 Ethics Check 196, 203 Real-World Connection 207 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 9.12 Student Edition: 76-77, 80-81, 91-92 Assessment 94 #10 Cold Calls 76 Discovery Project 83, 95 Ethics Check 203 Real-World Connection 81, 207 Skills Spotlight 76, 88, 168 Use communication skills to inform and influence others. Unit 10: Customer Service 10.1 Explain the role of customer service. Student Edition: 191 10.2 Respond appropriately and in a timely manner to internal and external customers to foster positive relationships. Student Edition: Chapter 19 (pages 242-248) can be used as a springboard for discussion on customer relations. 10.3 Analyze product and service offerings for a business. Student Edition: Real-World Connection 309 10.4 Establish a relationship with customer/client. Student Edition: Chapter 19 Economic Systems (pages 242-248) can be used as a springboard for discussion on customer relations. 10.5 Assess customer needs. Student Edition: Chapter 19 Economic Systems (pages 242-248) can be used as a springboard for discussion on customer relations. 10.6 Educate customer about products and services. Student Edition: Chapter 19 Economic Systems (pages 242-248) can be used as a springboard for discussion on customer relations. Unit 11: Economics 11.1 Explain fundamental economic concepts to obtain a foundation for employment in business. Student Edition: 242-245 Discovery Project 251 Discovery Project Connections 245 Section 19.1 Wrap Up 245 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 11.2 Discuss the interactions of supply, demand and price. Student Edition: 243-244 Discovery Project 251 Discovery Project Connections 245 Free Enterprise 242 Section 19.1 Wrap Up 245 11.3 Describe the nature of business to show its contributions to society. Information about the nature and importance of business can be covered during teacher/class discussion when using Section 19.1 Economic Systems (pages 242-244). Competency 11.4 Differentiate among economic systems to understand the environments in which business function. Student Edition: Information about free enterprise (pages 242-245) could be used in conjunction with classroom discussion to analyze economic systems. 11.5 Discuss productivity to understand its impact on business decision-making. Student Edition: 178, 181 Assessment 222 #10 11.6 Explain economic indicators to measure economic trends and conditions. Student Edition: 244-245 Assessment 250 #5 Discovery Project 251 Discovery Project Connections 245 Section 19.1 Wrap Up 245 #3 Unit 12: Entrepreneurial Concepts. 12.1 Describe the role of entrepreneurship. Student Edition: 47 Taking Responsibility 48 Unit 2 Review 68 #2 12.2 Evaluate personal entrepreneurial potential. Student Edition: 47, 49 Discovery Project 55 Figure 4.1 48 Section 4.1 Wrap Up 49 #3 Skills Spotlight 47 You’re in Charge 50 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 12.3 Describe types of ownership. Student Edition: 52-53 Assessment 54 #5 Partnership 52 Section 4.2 Wrap Up 53 #3 12.4 Identify and explore entrepreneurial opportunities. Student Edition: 50-52 Real-World Connection 51 12.5 Determine viability of the business opportunity. Student Edition: Real-World Connection 51 12.6 Describe the importance of business planning. Student Edition: Owning and Operating a Business (pages 52-53) could be used with classroom discussion to meet this competency. Unit 13: Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking 13.1 Employ problem-solving skills to formulate solutions. Student Edition: 206-209 Assessment 210 #10 Covering the Bases 208 Discovery Project 211 Discovery Project Connection 209 Group Creativity 206 Section 16.2 Wrap Up 209 13.2 Demonstrate critical thinking techniques. Student Edition: 206-209 Assessment 210 #10 Discovery Project 211 13.3 Combine critical thinking and team building skills to solve problems. Student Edition: 206-209 Assessment 210 #10 Discovery Project 211 Discovery Project Connection 209 13.4 Evaluate and adopt plans and schedules to respond to unexpected events and conditions. Student Edition: Section 16.2 Wrap Up 209 #2 COMPETENCY PAGE REFERENCES 13.5 Use creativity and innovation. Student Edition: 207 Assessment 210 #10 Discovery Project 211 Discovery Project Connection 209 13.6 Analyze methods to learn how to learn. Student Edition: 24 Assessment 26 #7 Discovery Project 27 Discovery Project Connections 25 Figure 2.2 25 Reading Skills Handbook xxv Section 2.2 25 #3 13.7 Apply learning skills in new contexts. Student Edition: In addition to using the references from Competency 13.6, learning skills in new contexts can be gained by using the Discovery Projects found in every chapter of the text. Scope and Sequence Career field technical content standards define the knowledge and skills students need in order to be successful in a given career field. Career-Based Intervention Pathway Technical Content Standards Document May 2011 Table of Contents Introduction to Career-Based Intervention ................................................................................................ ii Career-Based Intervention Technical Content Standards ......................................................................... iii Business Review Panel ............................................................................................................................. iv Educator Review Panel.............................................................................................................................. v Purpose and Use of Technical Content Standards .................................................................................... vi Career-Based Intervention Competency Chart ........................................................................................ vii Unit 1: Social and Emotional Skills ................................................................ 1 Unit 2: Postsecondary and Career Preparation .......................................................................................... 7 Unit 3: Financial Literacy ........................................................................................................................ 13 Unit 4: Information, Media and Technological Literacy ......................................................................... 16 Unit 5: Health and Wellness Literacy...................................................................................................... 19 Unit 6: Business Readiness Skills ........................................................................................................... 21 Unit 7: Ethics and Legal Practices ........................................................................................................... 24 Unit 8: Safety ........................................................................................................................................... 25 Unit 9: Communication Skills ................................................................................................................. 27 Unit 10: Customer Service ...................................................................................................................... 32 Unit 11: Economics ................................................................................................................................. 34 Unit 12: Entrepreneurial Concepts .......................................................................................................... 36 Unit 13: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking ..................................................................................... 38 i Introduction to Career-Based Intervention The Career-Based Intervention (CBI) program is a Career-Technical Education Program designed for students ages 12-21 in grades 7-12 who are identified as disadvantaged (either academically or economically or both) or students with disabilities and who have barriers to achieving academic and career success. The program is to help students improve academic competence, graduate from high school, develop employability skills, implement a career plan and participate in a career pathway in preparation for postsecondary education and/or careers. The CBI program provides a combination of educational and work-based learning opportunities for student success. The number of years a student spends in the CBI program is determined by the local program design and individual student needs. CBI programs are recommended to have a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 25 students per class and all CBI students must have scheduled related instruction. CBI program models can be single period which is referred to as Connections (or Career Connections) or programs may be multi period in which students have separately scheduled related instruction and work-based learning periods. Academic instruction (for credits) by the CBI instructor is not a program requirement but is recommended if the instructor is age and subject appropriately certified/licensed. All programs must provide academic intervention to assist the student with study skills, assist with academic progress and success and prepare for appropriate standardized testing. The following key principals are based on seven of 10 High Schools That Work research-based key practices linked to student achievement and the integration of academic and career- technical skills and are intended to guide CBI program design and delivery to best meet student needs. The seven key principles used as a guide for program designs are: Higher Expectations - Partnering with administrators, teachers, counselors, parents and community to support a belief system that all learners will achieve academic success, establish a career pathway and become contributing members of society. Common Curriculum - Engaging learners in the common curriculum of the school that provides opportunities for graduation and links with school district and state curriculum and performance expectations. Authentic Learning - Providing appropriate and effective instruction by meeting student needs through active learner engagement and relating subject matter to life and work. Supportive Structures - Achieving optimum conditions for learning through a student-teacher ratio that promotes effective interaction and instruction, physical location to develop psychological and social identity and instructional resources and technology to meet individual learner needs. Sense of Belonging - Providing activities and a classroom/community environment that lead to increased positive social interaction, citizenship practices and leadership development. Continuous Improvement - Monitoring and improving classroom achievement by using student assessment and program data in relation to the district's continuous improvement plan. Student Identification - In partnership with administrators, counselors, teachers and parents, selecting students who have barriers to career and academic success. ii CAREER-BASED INTERVENTION TECHNICAL CONTENT STANDARDS The development process for the Career-Based Intervention Technical Content Standards began with extensive research of technical content standards from programs both National and International sources. The research also included a review of current standards for programs within Career-Technical Education in Ohio, 21st Century Skills and various articles from employment journals. The research resulted in the development of a guidance document that was submitted to a business review panel for validation and culminated with the work of a panel of educators specializing in Career-Based Intervention. During 2010, businesspersons and educators from across the state of Ohio took part in the formal development process. The following summarizes the various stages of the development process. Business Review Panel Eight Ohio business partners participated on the panel. Drawn from diverse businesses, the panel identified what skills are essential for success in the workplace. Using a draft document based on national standards and recent literature, the panel added, deleted and changed units, competencies and descriptors to reflect current practice in business. The review panel plays a critical role in the creation of technical content standards, ensuring that the standards are current, comprehensive and necessary to ensure student success in the working world. Educator Review Panel This panel was composed of educators from secondary and postsecondary institutions across Ohio. The panel reviewed the standards within the conceptual framework of Career-Based Intervention. In addition, the educator panel members recommended additions and editorial changes to the draft document. iii Business Review Panel Chris Anderson AVP, Talent Acquisition Nationwide Insurance Columbus, Ohio Cheryl Hardy President/Owner Hardy Communications Perrysburg, Ohio SFC Jamie Clevenger Recruiting and Retention NCO Ohio Army National Guard Columbus, Ohio Jason Keys District Manager Lincoln Electric Columbus, Ohio Chuck Bonacci Recruiting Specialist Louis Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center Brecksville, Ohio Peter S. Macrae, AIA President Triad Architects Westerville, Ohio David Grafmiller Partner/Programmer MFCD, LLC. Upper Sandusky, Ohio Bill Tacon Sr. Director, Workforce Education BioOhio Columbus, Ohio iv Educator Review Panel Brian Bachtel Career Technical Education Director Kent Theodore Roosevelt High School Kent, Ohio Kathryn Truster CBI Coordinator Butler Tech Hamilton, Ohio E. Jane Donehue CBI Coordinator Buckeye Career Center New Philadelphia, Ohio Leah Wasburn-Moses Assistant Professor Miami University Oxford, Ohio Amy Ervin CBI Coordinator Pickaway – Ross Career and Technology Center Chillicothe, Ohio Dr. Kimberly Wolfe, Ph.D. Career & Technical Education Coordinator Focus Learning Academies of Columbus Columbus, Ohio John Feltman CBI Supervisor Knox County Career Center Mt. Vernon, Ohio Clint Woodward Assistant Principal Project Rebuild High School Canton, Ohio William Klucinec CBI Coordinator Salem High School Salem, Ohio Nicki Wright CBI Coordinator Delaware Area Career Center Delaware, Ohio Lesley Snyder CBI Coordinator Jefferson Junior High School Toledo, Ohio Steve Zink CBI Instructor Great Oaks Institute of Technology & Career Development Cincinnati, Ohio Joe Statt Supervisor of Alternative Programs Butler Technology and Career Dev. Schools Hamilton, Ohio v Purpose and Use of Technical Content Standards These technical content standards determine the minimum content that must be taught in a CBI program. Teachers may choose to add additional competencies based on the input of their local advisory committee and/or postsecondary partners. Content Standards should be used to develop the scope and sequence section of a local course of study. Teachers should create a sequenced competency guide that organizes the competencies (not the units) by weeks or grading periods for the entire length of the program. The units and competencies have not been identified in any sequenced structure in this document. It is the responsibility of the teacher to complete the sequencing. Sequencing by competency, and not unit, creates an interdisciplinary approach that best reflects how the competencies will actually be used in the workplace. It also enables the teacher to develop realistic projects to challenge students to apply the competencies in the same way that they will when they are in the workplace. Structure and Format The Career-Based Intervention Technical Content Standards document is composed of a series of units, competencies and descriptors as follows: Units are a grouping of competencies sharing a common subject or theme; Competencies are specific knowledge and skill statements that outline the knowledge and skills needed for career success; and Descriptors follow each competency and serve to define what is meant by the related competency. Importance of Competencies All of the competencies in this document represent the minimum requirements for a CBI program as determined by an extensive review of the literature and the input from a panel of Ohio business partners. It is the responsibility of the local consortia to further define and/or expand, as needed, the descriptors for each competency. Explanation of Codes Essential (E) Competency Code A panel of business partners reviewed the draft document and identified the competencies that were needed by a student entering the workforce to be successful. All competencies identified in the document with an E were considered essential for career place success. The business community determined what should be taught in the program. Recommended (R) Competency Code All competencies identified in the document with the code R were recommended for career place success but not considered essential. vi Sample Competency Business Panel (Business, Industry, Labor) BIL: Competency is essential E Competency 1.1: Manage one’s own emotions and behavior. Descriptors: 1.1.1 Describe factors that create stress or motivate successful performance. 1.1.2 Apply strategies to motivate successful performance and to manage stress. 1.1.3 Analyze how thoughts and emotions affect decision making and responsible behavior. 1.1.4 Evaluate how expressing one’s own emotions in different situations affects others. 1.1.5 Develop methods to control impulses. 1.1.6 Generate ways to develop positive attitudes. 1.1.7 Discuss how expressing positive attitudes influences others. Descriptor Number Descriptors lead to competency proficiency. Competency Number Unit Number vii Career-Based Intervention Competency Chart The Business, Industry, and Labor (BIL) partnership validated each competency: BIL: E = Essential. Competency Unit 1: Social and Emotional Skills 1.1 Manage one’s own emotions and behavior. 1.2 Recognize character traits and external supports for best performance. 1.3 Demonstrate skills related to achieving personal and academic goals. 1.4 Recognize and respect the feelings and perspective of others. 1.5 Discuss individual and group similarities and differences. 1.6 Resolve interpersonal conflicts in a constructive way. 1.7 Apply decision-making skills to handle daily academic and social situations. 1.8 Contribute to the well-being of one’s school and community. 1.9 Develop personal traits to foster career advancement. 1.10 Describe how conflict originates and impacts behavior. 1.11 Describe different responses to conflict as they relate to results. 1.12 Embrace change as an opportunity. 1.13 Develop and use networking techniques to create professional relationships. 1.14 Manage stressful situations. 1.15 Implement teamwork techniques. 1.16 Employ leadership skills. 1.17 Manage internal and external relationships to foster positive interactions. Unit 2: Postsecondary and Career Preparation 2.1 Explore time management strategies related to personal, educational and workplace goals. 2.2 Develop a plan for on-time graduation. 2.3 Describe workforce, workplace and personal issues impacting careers. 2.4 Describe career opportunities in each of the 16 career fields. 2.5 Identify career interests, skills and aptitudes for career readiness. 2.6 Complete additional research on selected career interests. 2.7 Create opportunities to gain additional career-related experiences. 2.8 Explain apprenticeships. (Individualize if needed) 2.9 Explore postsecondary education options related to career interests. 2.10 Describe the process for enrolling in a postsecondary institution. 2.11 Develop an individual academic and career plan for on-time graduation and career success. 2.12 Implement job search skills. 2.13 Develop orientation skills for a new job. 2.14 Prepare for career advancement. 2.15 Display responsible behaviors at work to retain employment. 2.16 Describe ways to balance work and family responsibilities. 2.17 Describe appropriate processes for resigning from employment. 2.18 Develop an ongoing career plan. Unit 3: Financial Literacy 3.1 Describe the fundamental principles of money needed to make financial exchanges. 3.2 Analyze personal financial needs and goals. 3.3 Describe work-related finances. 3.4 Manage personal finances. 3.5 Explain the use of financial services providers. 3.6 Identify investment strategies to ensure personal financial well-being. 3.7 Describe the concept of wealth building. 3.8 Describe basic financial concepts of business. Unit 4: Information, Media and Technological Literacy 4.1 Use computer systems. 4.2 Describe aspects of the Internet. 4.3 Use computer applications. 4.4 Use advanced computer applications. viii BIL E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Competency 4.5 Demonstrate creative thinking to develop innovative products and processes using technology. 4.6 Use digital media to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance. 4.7 Demonstrate knowledge of technology concepts, systems and operations. 4.8 Use information accurately and creatively to solve problems. 4.9 Analyze media messages. Unit 5: Health and Wellness Literacy 5.1 Use critical thinking skills related to personal wellness and health. 5.2 Demonstrate goal setting for personal health and well being. 5.3 Demonstrate behaviors that foster healthy, active lifestyles. 5.4 Identify characteristics of physical and psychological abuse and unhealthy relationships. (teacher recommended) Unit 6: Business Readiness Skills 6.1 Discuss basic business concepts. 6.2 Describe business functions. 6.3 Discuss the environmental impact of business. 6.4 Describe systems in organizations. 6.5 Describe organizational structures. 6.6 Practice continuous improvement. 6.7 Discuss the global environment in which businesses operate. 6.8 Explain the role of global trade. Unit 7: Ethics and Legal Practices 7.1 Make decisions within an ethical framework. 7.2 Assess the implications of ethical and unethical behavior. 7.3 Research mandated standards, policies, legislation and legal practices. Unit 8: Safety 8.1 Promote a safe workplace. 8.2 Evaluate the ergonomic factors in the workplace. 8.3 Explain emergency response plans in a variety of industry settings. 8.4 Identify the requirements for First Aid and CPR certifications. 8.5 Examine entrance and exit procedures. Unit 9: Communication Skills 9.1 Explain effective communications. 9.2 Apply active listening skills. 9.3 Apply appropriate verbal skills in business situations. 9.4 Use appropriate social skills to interact effectively with others. 9.5 Make oral presentations. 9.6 Engage in active observation. 9.7 Utilize effective written communication. 9.8 Use correct grammar and vocabulary. 9.9 Use communication tools. 9.10 Read to acquire meaning from written material. 9.11 Follow company guidelines in the business environment. 9.12 Use communication skills to inform and influence others. Unit 10: Customer Service 10.1 Explain the role of customer service. 10.2 Respond appropriately and in a timely manner to internal and external customers to foster positive relationships. 10.3 Analyze product and service offerings for a business. 10.4 Establish a relationship with customer/client. 10.5 Assess customer needs. 10.6 Educate customer about products and services. Unit 11: Economics 11.1 Explain fundamental economic concepts to obtain a foundation for employment in business. 11.2 Discuss the interactions of supply, demand and price. 11.3 Describe the nature of business to show its contributions to society. 11.4 Differentiate among economic systems to understand the environments in which business function. 11.5 Discuss productivity to understand its impact on business decision-making. ix BIL E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Competency 11.6 Explain economic indicators to measure economic trends and conditions. Unit 12: Entrepreneurial Concepts. 12.1 Describe the role of entrepreneurship. 12.2 Evaluate personal entrepreneurial potential. 12.3 Describe types of ownership. 12.4 Identify and explore entrepreneurial opportunities. 12.5 Determine viability of the business opportunity. 12.6 Describe the importance of business planning. Unit 13: Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking 13.1 Employ problem-solving skills to formulate solutions. 13.2 Demonstrate critical thinking techniques. 13.3 Combine critical thinking and team building skills to solve problems. 13.4 Evaluate and adopt plans and schedules to respond to unexpected events and conditions. 13.5 Use creativity and innovation. 13.6 Analyze methods to learn how to learn. 13.7 Apply learning skills in new contexts. Unit 1: Social and Emotional Skills BIL: E Competency 1.1: Manage one’s own emotions and behavior. Descriptors: 1.1.1 Describe factors that create stress or motivate successful performance. 1.1.2 Apply strategies to motivate successful performance and to manage stress. 1.1.3 Analyze how thoughts and emotions affect decision making and responsible behavior. 1.1.4 Evaluate how expressing one’s own emotions in different situations affects others. 1.1.5 Develop methods and implement strategies to control impulses. 1.1.6 Generate ways to develop positive attitudes and develop replacement strategies. 1.1.7 Discuss how expressing positive attitudes influences others. 1.1.8 Channel emotions into something more positive. 1.1.9 Resolve conflicts to maximize positive outcomes. 1.1.10 Describe the nature of emotional intelligence. BIL: Competency 1.2: E Recognize character traits and external supports for best performance. Descriptors: 1.2.1 Describe how character traits influence choices and successes. 1.2.2 Describe how making use of school and community supports and opportunities can contribute to school and life success. 1.2.3 Build personal strengths and identify areas for improvement. x BIL E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6 Explain, develop and utilize positive adult role models and support systems contribute to school and life success. Implement a plan to build on strengths, meet a personal need or address a challenge. Evaluate how developing interests and filling useful roles support school and life success. BIL: E Competency 1.3: Demonstrate skills related to achieving personal and academic goals. Descriptors: 1.3.1 Set a short-term goal and make a plan for achieving it. 1.3.2 Identify strategies to make use of resources and overcome obstacles to achieve goals. 1.3.3 Apply strategies to overcome obstacles to achieve goal. 1.3.4 Monitor progress toward achieving a goal. 1.3.5 Evaluate performance against identified criteria. 1.3.6 Analyze why the goal was achieved or not achieved. BIL: E Competency 1.4: Recognize and respect the feelings and perspectives of others. Descriptors: 1.4.1 Predict others’ feelings and perspectives in a variety of situations. 1.4.2 Analyze how one’s behavior may impact others. 1.4.3 Analyze similarities and differences between one’s own and others’ perspectives. 1.4.4 Use conversation skills to understand others’ feeling and perspectives. 1.4.5 Demonstrate how to express understanding of those who hold different opinions. 1.4.6 Demonstrate ways to express empathy for others. 1.4.7 Respect the privacy of others. 1.4.8 Explain how cultural differences can impact people’s perspectives. BIL: E Competency 1.5: Discuss individual and group similarities and differences. Descriptors: 1.5.1 Explain how individual, social and cultural differences may lead to conflict and discuss how to address this. 1.5.2 Describe how personal choice influences others. 1.5.3 Explain the origins and negative effects of stereotyping and prejudice. 1.5.4 Demonstrate respect for individuals’ social and cultural groups. 11 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 1.5.8 Identify strategies for being respectful of others and opposing stereotyping and prejudice. Describe how advocacy for the rights of others contribute to the common good. Value the differences in others. Exhibit cultural sensitivity. BIL: E Competency 1.6: Resolve interpersonal conflicts in a constructive way. Descriptors: 1.6.1 Use strategies for preventing and resolving interpersonal problems. 1.6.2 Define peer pressure and evaluate strategies for dealing with it. 1.6.3 Describe how listening and communicating effectively help in resolving conflicts. 1.6.4 Discuss how conflict-resolution skills contribute to work within a group. 1.6.5 Describe the effects of using negotiation skills to reach solutions. 1.6.6 Identify current conflict-resolution skills and plan how to improve them. BIL: Competency 1.7: E Apply decision-making skills to handle daily academic and social situations. Descriptors: 1.7.1 Describe how decision-making skills improve study habits and academic skills to establish responsible social and work relationships. 1.7.2 Evaluate personal abilities to gather information, generate alternatives, and anticipate the consequences of decisions. 1.7.3 Apply decision-making skills to establish responsible social and work relationships. 1.7.4 Describe how present decision-making affects college and career choices. 1.7.5 Explain how responsible decision-making affects interpersonal and group relationships. BIL: E Competency 1.8: Contribute to the well-being of one’s school and community. Descriptors: 1.8.1 Review one’s school and community service participation. 1.8.2 Plan, implement and evaluate one’s participation in activities and organizations that improve school climate and contribute to one’s local community. 1.8.3 Work cooperatively with others to plan, implement and evaluate a community or school service project. 12 BIL: E Competency 1.9: Develop personal traits to foster career advancement. Descriptors: 1.9.1 Identify desirable personality traits important to business. 1.9.2 Exhibit self-confidence without arrogance. 1.9.3 Demonstrate interest and enthusiasm. 1.9.4 Demonstrate initiative. 1.9.5 Explain the concept of self-esteem. 1.9.6 Demonstrate responsible behavior. 1.9.7 Demonstrate honesty and integrity. 1.9.8 Demonstrate ethical work habits. 1.9.9 Explain energy and passion for work. 1.9.10 Demonstrate a willingness to learn. BIL: Competency 1.10: E Describe how conflict originates and impacts behavior. Descriptors: 1.10.1 Identify the basic psychological needs that motivate behavior (e.g. belonging, power, freedom). 1.10.2 Discuss the roles that different values play in generating conflict. 1.10.3 Identify how the effects of substance abuse, mental health, personality, economics, education and disabilities can create conflict. BIL: Competency 1.11: E Describe different responses to conflict as they relate to results. Descriptors: 1.11.1 Describe the soft response approach (e.g. avoidance, compromise and accommodation) and the typical reasons for using that approach. 1.11.2 Describe the hard response approach (e.g. force, threats, aggression and anger) and the typical reasons for using that approach. 1.11.3 Describe the principled response approach (e.g. good communication skills, problem solving skills and the ability to see the problem from more than one perspective) and the typical reasons for using that approach. 1.11.4 Describe ways to anticipate conflict before it arises in order to avoid dealing with it. 1.11.5 Recognize that conflict can be positive and an opportunity for better decisionmaking. 1.11.6 Resolve conflicts with diplomacy to maximize positive outcomes. BIL: E 13 Competency 1.12: Embrace change as an opportunity. Descriptors: 1.12.1 Discuss how change can be an opportunity. 1.12.2 Demonstrate optimism in a changing environment. 1.12.3 Recognize rapid, constant change as the “new normal.” 1.12.4 Identify ways to take advantages of change. BIL: Competency 1.13: E Develop and use networking techniques to create professional relationships. Descriptors: 1.13.1 Explain the importance of professional networking. 1.13.2 Identify ways that people network. 1.13.3 Utilize a personal pitch or “elevator speech.” 1.13.4 Use social media to network. 1.13.5 Demonstrate networking skills. 1.13.6 Develop a personal message to communicate your value. 1.13.7 Describe negative consequences that can occur from personal data placed on social networking sites. BIL: E Competency 1.14: Manage stressful situations. Descriptors: 1.14.1 Explain the nature of stress management. 1.14.2 Apply stress management techniques to the appropriate situation. 1.14.3 Recognize that most negative situations are not meant as personal affronts. 1.14.4 Recognize that a person’s perception is her/his reality. 1.14.5 Focus on the person’s perspective during stressful situations. 1.14.6 Use appropriate assertiveness. 1.14.7 Identify the positive components of stress. 1.14.8 Use stress effectively. BIL: E Competency 1.15: Implement teamwork techniques. Descriptors: 1.15.1 Define teamwork as it occurs in various situations. 1.15.2 Identify characteristics of a team player. 1.15.3 Participate as a team member. 1.15.4 Acknowledge other team members’ contributions. 1.15.5 Add to other team members’ contributions. 1.15.6 Assist team members as needed. 14 1.15.7 1.15.8 1.15.9 1.15.10 1.15.11 1.15.12 1.15.13 1.15.14 Use consensus building skills. Create trust. Negotiate agreements. Evaluate team processes. Encourage team building. Motivate team members. Use facilitation skills in a team environment. Identify a team mission. BIL: E Competency 1.16: Employ leadership skills. Descriptors: 1.16.1 Explain the concept of leadership. 1.16.2 Distinguish between leadership and management. 1.16.3 Determine personal vision. 1.16.4 Demonstrate adaptability. 1.16.5 Demonstrate a goal orientation. 1.16.6 Demonstrate skills to lead positive, needed changes. 1.16.7 Develop an action plan to accomplish benchmarks. 1.16.8 Lead by example. 1.16.9 Enlist others in working toward a shared vision. 1.16.10 Demonstrate entrepreneurial spirit in personal and professional life (e.g. innovation, creativity, initiative). 1.16.11 Investigate the benefits and risks of having an entrepreneurial spirit. 1.16.12 Know when to lead and when to follow. 1.16.13 Recognize the contributions of all employees to the greater good. BIL: Competency 1.17: E Manage internal and external relationships to foster positive interactions. Descriptors: 1.17.1 Treat others fairly. 1.17.2 Describe ethics in human resources issues. 1.17.3 Foster positive relationships. 1.17.4 Embrace diversity (e.g. personality, age, gender, religion). 1.17.5 Maintain collaborative partnerships with colleagues. 1.17.6 Explain the impact of culture within an organization. 15 Unit 2: Postsecondary and Career Preparation BIL: Competency 2.1: E Explore time management strategies related to personal, educational and workplace goals. Descriptor: 2.1.1 Identify time management techniques that help meet goals (e.g. setting priorities, using schedules and planners, avoiding procrastination, multitasking). 2.1.2 Describe barriers and choices that prevent or interfere with time management (e.g. procrastination). 2.1.3 Differentiate discretionary and non-discretionary time use. 2.1.4 Describe various time management systems. 2.1.5 Utilize time management strategies to meet education and workplace needs. BIL: E Competency 2.2 : Develop a plan for on-time graduation. Descriptors: 2.2.1 Identify graduation requirements (assessments, courses, etc.). 2.2.2 Identify current status related to graduation coursework. 2.2.3 Compare current status to graduation requirements. 2.2.4 Identify strengths and weaknesses related to academic coursework. 2.2.5 Determine academic areas where assistance may be needed. 2.2.6 Identify resources for assistance. 2.2.7 Seek assistance as needed. 2.2.8 Take responsibility for your actions and your goals. 2.2.9 Explain why on-time graduation is important (i.e. earnings, quality of life). BIL: E Competency 2.3: Describe workforce, workplace and personal issues impacting careers. Descriptors: 2.3.1 Identify social, economic and global trends impacting employment opportunities including: outsourcing; minimum wage; multi-cultural expectations and understandings; and changes in pensions and social security. 2.3.2 Explain implications of life and work changes (e.g. multiple careers in a lifetime, work-from home technologies, emerging careers, barriers and failures). 2.3.3 Describe the impact of factors such as population, climate, employment trends and geographic location on occupational opportunities. 16 2.3.4 2.3.5 Demonstrate knowledge of consequences of personal actions (family, friends, crime, goal achievement, etc.). Recognize the need to be personally responsible for retirement. BIL: E Competency 2.4: Describe career opportunities in each of the 16 career fields. Descriptors: 2.4.1 Describe career opportunities in agricultural and environmental systems. 2.4.2 Describe career opportunities in arts and communications. 2.4.3 Describe career opportunities in business and administrative services. 2.4.4 Describe career opportunities in construction technologies. 2.4.5 Describe career opportunities in education and training. 2.4.6 Describe career opportunities in engineering and science technologies. 2.4.7 Describe career opportunities in finance. 2.4.8 Describe career opportunities in government and public administration. 2.4.9 Describe career opportunities in health science. 2.4.10 Describe career opportunities in hospitality and tourism. 2.4.11 Describe career opportunities in human services. 2.4.12 Describe career opportunities in information technology. 2.4.13 Describe career opportunities in law and public safety. 2.4.14 Describe career opportunities in manufacturing technologies. 2.4.15 Describe career opportunities in marketing. 2.4.16 Describe career opportunities in transportation systems. 2.4.17 Describe trends in career opportunities. 2.4.18 Describe emerging career opportunities. 2.4.19 Continually research and evaluate career opportunities. 2.4.20 Identify career opportunities that cross career fields. BIL: E Competency 2.5: Identify career interests, skills, and aptitudes for career readiness. Descriptors: 2.5.1 Develop profile of interests, attitudes, goals, skills, aptitudes and expectations related to career options. 2.5.2 Identify career information resources (e.g. Ohio Career Information System [OCIS]). 2.5.3 Complete career-related assessments. 2.5.4 Use a range of resources to obtain career information. 2.5.5 Recognize factors affecting career choices. 2.5.6 Match career fields to personal interests, talents, goals and abilities. BIL: E 17 Competency 2.6: Complete additional research on selected career interests. Descriptors: 2.6.1 Describe labor market projections for career interests. 2.6.2 Identify education and training needed. 2.6.3 Identify wages and benefits. 2.6.4 Describe working conditions. 2.6.5 Describe physical, mental and emotional requirements of career. 2.6.6 Determine where jobs in various career fields are primarily located. 2.6.7 Identify licensure, certifications, and/or credentials needed for career. BIL: Competency 2.7: E Create opportunities to gain additional career-related experiences. Descriptors: 2.7.1 Describe opportunities to obtain career-related experience (volunteering, job shadowing, mentoring, interviews, internships, etc.). 2.7.2 Develop a plan to obtain career-related experience in areas of career interests. 2.7.3 Maintain a record of career-related experiences. BIL: E (Individualize If Needed) Competency 2.8: Explain apprenticeships Descriptors: 2.8.1 Define apprentice, apprenticeships, and apprenticeable occupations (e.g. Architectural Internship Development Program- AIDP, Engineer in TrainingEIT). 2.8.2 Define journeyperson and indentured. 2.8.3 Contrast registered and non-registered apprenticeships. 2.8.4 Distinguish related instruction from on-the-job training in an apprenticeship pathway. 2.8.5 Identify the advantages and disadvantages of apprenticeships. BIL: E Competency 2.9: Explore postsecondary education options related to career interests. Descriptors: 2.9.1 Identify academic, communication and interpersonal skills and knowledge associated with a successful postsecondary experience. 2.9.2 Identify postsecondary coursework needed for career interests. 2.9.3 List postsecondary institutions offering necessary coursework and credentials. 2.9.4 Describe requirements for enrolling in postsecondary institutions. 18 BIL: E Competency 2.10: Describe the process for enrolling in a postsecondary institution. Descriptors: 2.10.1 Identify variables associated with making a postsecondary education decision (e.g. tuition and living costs, location, majors/programs, financial aid, scholarships, institution size and reputation, living arrangements, security, child care). 2.10.2 Acquire and assess pertinent information on postsecondary institutions. 2.10.3 Compare and contrast placement services, internships and employment opportunities. 2.10.4 Describe admission documents and processes. BIL: E Competency 2.11 : Develop an individual academic and career plan for on-time graduation and career success. Descriptors: 2.11.1 Complete an academic plan for on-time graduation and career entry. 2.11.2 Complete a career plan to enter and advance in career chosen (i.e. Ohio Career Information System ). 2.11.3 Develop options and alternatives as part of the academic and career plan. BIL: E Competency 2.12 : Implement job search skills. Descriptors: 2.12.1 Develop (i.e. video, written) resumes that meet employer expectations. 2.12.2 Recognize possible job search resources (e.g. family, neighbors, friends). 2.12.3 Explore career possibilities through volunteer activities, a national data base and one stop career centers. 2.12.4 Cite examples of jobs and the required qualifications or background. 2.12.5 Explore employment opportunities locally, nationally, and globally. 2.12.6 Utilize job hunting skills (e.g. finding job postings, sending out resumes, scheduling interviews). 2.12.7 Develop effective interview skills and recognize and respond to discriminatory questions and practices. 2.12.8 Use networking skills to assist in job search. 2.12.9 Describe the concept of “flexible workplaces.” BIL: Competency 2.13: E Develop orientation skills for a new job. 19 Descriptors: 2.13.1 Utilize formal and informal sources of information for new employees that explain rules and procedures. 2.13.2 Identify requirements of on-the-job training. 2.13.3 Describe the purpose of a probationary period of employment. 2.13.4 Describe the importance of the workplace chain of command. 2.13.5 Describe the importance of listening and asking questions while orienting to a new job. 2.13.6 Describe the importance of human relations in orienting successfully to a new job. 2.13.7 Identify appropriate persons and departments to answer various types of questions. 2.13.8 Complete entry paperwork. 2.13.9 Identify appropriate use of electronic communications (texting, email, etc.). 2.13.10 Identify the timeline for enrollment in benefit programs. BIL: Competency 2.14: Descriptors: 2.14.1 2.14.2 2.14.3 2.14.4 2.14.5 2.14.6 2.14.7 2.14.8 2.14.9 E Prepare for career advancement Identify advancement opportunities (i.e., internally and externally). Demonstrate quality work. Describe the career ladder requirements for various occupations. Explain the employment issues associated with promotions. Discuss the need to enroll and complete training programs. Maintain a résumé, a list of references and a portfolio. Advocate for self. Be proactive in advancing in a career. Demonstrate continuous improvement. BIL: E Competency 2.15: Display responsible behaviors at work to retain employment. Descriptors: 2.15.1 Demonstrate integrity. 2.15.2 Demonstrate promptness and willingness to work. 2.15.3 Take responsibility for prioritizing and completing work assignments accurately, on time, efficiently and to a high standard. 2.15.4 Show initiative in carrying out assignments. 2.15.5 Demonstrate self-management skills. 2.15.6 Avoid absenteeism and call in appropriately. 2.15.7 Maintain appropriate grooming and hygiene. 2.15.8 Follow company policies related to personal business in the job setting. 2.15.9 Adapt to varied roles and responsibility and demonstrate flexibility. 20 2.15.10 2.15.11 2.15.12 2.15.13 2.15.14 Work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities. Demonstrate appropriate risk-taking and learn from mistakes. Demonstrate dedication, enthusiasm, passion and energy for the job. Demonstrate ways to adapt to change. Demonstrate the ability to work without supervision and to work in flexible environments (home-based, travel-based, flexible time, flat work place without supervision). BIL: E Competency 2.16: Describe ways to balance work and family responsibilities. Descriptors: 2.16.1 Describe the types of family issues that can impact work. 2.16.2 Describe the types of work issues that can impact family. 2.16.3 Identify workplace offerings that assist with family and personal issues. 2.16.4 Describe ways to handle conflicts between work and family. 2.16.5 Use technology to help manage work and life. BIL: E Competency 2.17: Describe appropriate processes for resigning from employment. Descriptors: 2.17.1 Identify employer policies for resigning employment. 2.17.2 Describe the components of a resignation letter. 2.17.3 Describe the consequences of leaving a job without following appropriate resignation processes. 2.17.4 Describe employer policies regarding compensation of leave, pay, and possible extension of insurance benefits. 2.17.5 Discuss employment contracts versus at-will employment. 2.17.6 Exit employment in a positive manner. BIL: E Competency 2.18: Develop an ongoing career plan. Descriptors: 2.18.1 Demonstrate ability to analyze past experiences in a constructive manner to improve future workplace success. 2.18.2 Identify ways to evaluate personal and professional skill sets and accomplishments. 2.18.3 Explain the importance of workplace skills that cross career areas. 2.18.4 Describe the importance of continual reflection on job productivity and effectiveness. 2.18.5 Describe the importance of continual learning on the job. 21 2.18.6 2.18.7 Unit 3: Update career plan frequently. Document successes. Financial Literacy BIL: Competency 3.1: E Describe the fundamental principles of money needed to make financial exchanges. Descriptors: 3.1.1 Explain forms of financial exchange (cash, credit, debit, electronic funds transfer). 3.1.2 Identify types of currency (paper money, coins, bank notes, government bonds and treasury notes). 3.1.3 Explain essential elements of a negotiable instrument. 3.1.4 Describe functions of money (medium of exchange, unit of measure, store of value). 3.1.5 Describe sources of income (wages/salaries, interest, rent, dividends, transfer payments). 3.1.6 Explain the time value of money. 3.1.7 Explain the purposes for and importance of credit. 3.1.8 Explain legal responsibilities associated with financial exchanges. BIL: E Competency 3.2: Analyze personal financial needs and goals. Descriptors: 3.2.1 Describe common financial needs (e.g. college, retirement, rent, utilities, insurance). 3.2.2 Explain basic financial vocabulary (credit, debt, profit, loss, bottom line). 3.2.3 Identify personal income and expenses. 3.2.4 Explain how income affects lifestyle and spending choices. 3.2.5 Explain a balanced spending plan and create a personal budget. 3.2.6 Evaluate and identify appropriate risk management options (i.e. types of insurance, savings). 3.2.7 Explain importance of legal and written documentation to protect individuals. 3.2.8 Set financial goals. 3.2.9 Explain the impact of personal finances on employment. 3.2.10 Explain the consequences of bankruptcy. 3.2.11 Interpret a credit report and validate credit history. 22 BIL: E Competency 3.3: Describe work-related finances. Descriptors: 3.3.1 Identify parts of a paycheck. 3.3.2 Identify and explain the reason for payroll deductions. 3.3.3 Describe how payroll deductions can be changed. 3.3.4 Identify the components of a benefit plan. 3.3.5 Describe the worth of benefits. 3.3.6 Describe various compensation options to determine which best fits individual needs. 3.3.7 Explain and compute interest rates. 3.3.8 Locate and use resources if questions arise. 3.3.9 Explain electronic deposits. BIL: E Competency 3.4: Manage personal finances. Descriptors: 3.4.1 Describe tax liabilities. 3.4.2 Maintain financial records. 3.4.3 Read and reconcile bank statements. 3.4.4 Describe the impact of bank account and credit card fees and charges. 3.4.5 Demonstrate the wise use of credit. 3.4.6 Validate credit history. 3.4.7 Discuss why and how a loan is obtained. 3.4.8 Protect against identity theft. 3.4.9 Prepare personal income tax forms. BIL: E Competency 3.5: Explain the use of financial services providers. Descriptors: 3.5.1 Describe types of financial services providers (banks, credit unions, loan services). 3.5.2 Discuss considerations in selecting a financial services provider. 23 BIL: Competency 3.6: E Identify investment strategies to ensure personal financial wellbeing. Descriptors: 3.6.1 Explain types of investments. 3.6.2 Assess the many factors that influence financial planning. 3.6.3 Adjust the financial plan to accommodate changes in funds. 3.6.4 Explain how and why investments are important. 3.6.5 Describe the power of compounding interest. 3.6.6 Establish investment goals and objectives. BIL: E Competency 3.7: Describe the concept of wealth building. Descriptors: 3.7.1 Identify the level of risk involved with investment options. 3.7.2 Identify the potential returns related to investment options. 3.7.3 Describe the differences between renting and buying. 3.7.4 Describe the reasons to have insurance. 3.7.5 Identify ways to maximize contributions to pre-tax retirement plans. BIL: E Competency 3.8: Describe basic financial concepts of business. Descriptors: 3.8.1 Identify an organization’s revenue sources and expenditures. 3.8.2 Compare a personal budget to a business budget. 3.8.3 Identify and explain parts of a business budget. 3.8.4 Identify and explain parts of a profit-and-loss statement. 3.8.5 Explain how quality and customer satisfaction affect profit. 3.8.6 Explain the impact of budget constraints. 24 Unit 4: Information, Media and Technological Literacy BIL: E Competency 4.1: Use computer systems. Descriptors: 4.1.1. Discuss the scope of computer systems. 4.1.2 Explain the scope of data communications tools. 4.1.3 Explain the use of basic operating systems. 4.1.4 Develop a system to manage files. 4.1.5 Compress or alter files. 4.1.6 Use control panel components. 4.1.7 Access data through various computer drives. BIL: E Competency 4.2: Describe aspects of the Internet. Descriptors: 4.2.1 Explain the extension designations of domain names. 4.2.2 Discuss the role of organizations in administering Internet activities. 4.2.3 Explain the role of internet service providers (ISPs). 4.2.4 Describe types of resources that can be accessed through the Internet (e.g. Web pages, social media, USENET newsgroups, listservs, files and programs, email). 4.2.5 Discuss the use of bookmarks. 4.2.6 Explain how to organize bookmarks. 4.2.7 Describe tools useful for navigating the Internet. 4.2.8 Identify the risks involved in using the Internet. 4.2.9 Explain the complete lack of privacy for Internet interactions. 25 BIL: E Competency 4.3: Use computer applications. Descriptors: 4.3.1 Demonstrate basic Web search skills to obtain needed information. 4.3.2 Demonstrate basic email functions. 4.3.3 Demonstrate use of personal information management and productivity applications. 4.3.4 Demonstrate word processing skills. 4.3.5 Use advanced word processing features. 4.3.6 Use design and presentation software. 4.3.7 Use writing/publishing software. 4.3.8 Create and use databases. 4.3.9 Demonstrate basic spreadsheet applications. 4.3.10 Use email appropriately. 4.2.11 Identify when email is appropriate and when it is not. BIL: E Competency 4.4: Use advanced computer applications. Descriptors: 4.4.1 Use advanced spreadsheet functions. 4.4.2 Use integrated business software application packages (e.g. accounting and payroll). 4.4.3 Utilize collaborative/groupware applications (wikis, google docs, shareware). 4.4.4 Use digital skills to network and create an appropriate online presence (e.g. web page, blogs, social media, mobile). 4.4.5 Use digital technologies, communication/networking tools and social networks appropriately to access and manage information. BIL: Competency 4.5: E Demonstrate creative thinking to develop innovative products and processes using technology. Descriptors: 4.5.1 Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products or processes. 4.5.2 Create original, media-rich products. 4.5.3 Identify technology-oriented trends and forecast possibilities. 26 BIL: Competency 4.6: E Use digital media to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance. Descriptors: 4.6.1 Publish work-related digital products. 4.6.2 Communicate information and ideas using technology tools and resources. 4.6.3 Contribute to team projects to produce original works or solve problems using technological tools and resources. 4.6.4 Analyze data using technological tools to identify trends, solutions and make informed decisions. 4.6.5 Use online resources to collaborate, research, publicize, communicate, and increase productivity. BIL: Competency 4.7: E Demonstrate knowledge of technology concepts, systems and operations. Descriptors: 4.7.1 Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information. 4.7.2 Select and use applications effectively to complete work. 4.7.3 Use appropriate resources to troubleshoot systems and applications. 4.7.4 Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies. BIL: E Competency 4.8: Use information accurately and creatively to solve problems. Descriptors: 4.8.1 Access information efficiently and effectively. 4.8.2 Evaluate information used. 4.8.3 Manage the flow of information from a variety of sources. 4.8.4 Describe the ethical and legal issues surrounding access and use of information. BIL: E Competency 4.9: Analyze media messages. Descriptors: 4.9.1 Demonstrate knowledge of how and why media messages are constructed. 4.9.2 Identify the purposes of media messages and assess messages for potential bias. 4.9.3 Describe how individuals interpret media messages differently. 4.9.4 Evaluate how media can influence beliefs and behaviors. 4.9.5 Describe the legal and ethical issues surrounding access and use of media. 27 4.9.6 4.9.7 4.9.8 Use the most appropriate media creation tools to create media products and messages. Recognize that media messages are opinions. Validate messages before taking actions. Unit 5: HEALTH AND WELLNESS LITERACY BIL: E Competency 5.1: Use critical thinking skills related to personal wellness and health. Descriptors: 5.1.1 Evaluate healthy and unhealthy alternatives in decision-making. 5.1.2 Evaluate effectiveness of health-related decisions. 5.1.3 Use knowledge of relevant terminology (i.e. deductible, co-pay, catastrophic, coverage). 5.1.4 Seek multiple perspectives when asking for assistance to make health-related decisions. 5.1.5 Consider impact of health- related decisions. 5.1.6 Analyze the influence of family, peers, health professionals, culture, media, and technology. 5.1.7 Determine reliability, accuracy and dependability of health information sources. 5.1.8 Access valid information about health products and services. 5.1.9 Describe long-term and short-term disability options. 5.1.10 Explain employer drug screening and disclose medications appropriately. 5.1.11 Explain the consequences of contract labor on health decisions. 5.1.12 Describe the impact of poor health decisions (drugs, alcohol, nicotine) on health and employment, including potential insurance and employment consequences. 5.1.13 Ask questions and be assertive when receiving medical advice. 5.1.14 Determine the costs of benefits provided by an employer. 5.1.15 Explain the health impact of a loss of benefits. BIL: E Competency 5.2: Demonstrate goal setting for personal health and well being. Descriptors: 5.2.1 Evaluate health status and develop goals to enhance health. 5.2.2 Engage in an ongoing cycle of goal-setting, implementation, evaluation and readjustment to enhance health and well being. 5.2.3 Explain personal finance decisions that need to be made for family planning. 28 BIL: E Competency 5.3: Demonstrate behaviors that foster healthy, active lifestyles. Descriptors: 5.3.1 Monitor current physical health to meet fitness goals. 5.3.2 Engage in activities to maintain appropriate levels of physical activity. 5.3.3 Practice preventive health behaviors. 5.3.4 Engage in behaviors that promote risk avoidance. 5.3.5 Identify factors that influence healthy eating. 5.3.6 Establish healthy eating behaviors. 5.3.7 Engage in behaviors that promote positive mental and emotional health. BIL: Did not review Teacher Recommended Competency 5.4: Identify characteristics of physical and psychological abuse and unhealthy relationships. Descriptors: 5.4.1 Define types of abuse and unhealthy relationships. 5.4.2 Describe signs of abusive and unhealthy relationships. Unit 6: Business Readiness Skills BIL: E Competency 6.1: Discuss basic business concepts. Descriptors: 6.1.1 Explain the role of business in society. 6.1.2 Describe types of business activities (e.g. marketing and public relations, operations, research and development, accounting, finance, community service, etc.). 6.1.3 Explain types of businesses. 6.1.4 Explain opportunities for creating added value. 6.1.5 Describe crucial elements of a quality culture/continuous quality improvement. 6.1.6 Describe the role of management in the achievement of quality. 6.1.7 Describe the need for and impact of ethical business practices. 6.1.8 Explain the importance of focusing on the customer. 6.1.9 Identify the goals of business (shareholder value, profit, etc.). 6.1.10 Explain the benefit to business of participating in community service. 29 BIL: E Competency 6.2: Describe business functions. Descriptors: 6.2.1 Explain the concept of marketing. 6.2.2 Explain the nature and scope of operations. 6.2.3 Explain the concept of management. 6.2.4 Explain the concept of financial management. 6.2.5 Explain the concept of human resources. 6.2.6 Explain the concept of risk management. 6.2.7 Explain the concept of strategic management. 6.2.8 Explain the concept of research and development. 6.2.9 Describe how an entry-level employee fits into the overall business functions. 6.2.10 Describe the need for legal counseling. BIL: E Competency 6.3: Discuss the environmental impact of business. Descriptors: 6.3.1 Discuss the role of sustainable business practices (i.e., going green). 6.3.2 Discuss why businesses may choose to implement sustainable business practices. 6.3.3 Describe types of environmentally sustainable products and services. 6.3.4 Explain the concept of environmentally responsible supply chains. 6.3.5 Identify ways to reduce a company’s impact on the environment at the local, community, global and planet levels. BIL: E Competency 6.4: Describe systems in organizations. Descriptors 6.4.1 Describe how one’s own performance impacts the success of an organization. 6.4.2 Explain how one’s work is connected to other work units within an organization. 6.4.3 Explain organizational mission. 6.4.4 Comply with organizational policies and procedures in a consistent manner. 6.4.5 Describe company guidelines regarding personal and professional interaction, appropriate dress and health and safety. 6.4.6 Describe quality and health standards set by external sources, including unions, OSHA and other national and international organizations. 6.4.7 Identify situations when approval from a supervisor, team lead, etc. may be needed. 6.4.8 Seek approval from the appropriate source when needed. 30 BIL: E Competency 6.5: Describe organizational structures. Descriptors: 6.5.1 Identify organized, at-will, contract, and temporary labor’s role within organizations. 6.5.2 Lists typical steps to follow for a grievance or dispute in the workplace. 6.5.3 Be aware of organizational structure (chain-of-command). BIL: E Competency 6.6: Practice continuous improvement. Descriptors: 6.6.1 Explain workers’ role in quality control. 6.6.2 Recognize when a work process needs improvement. 6.6.3 Recommend improvements to team or supervisor when appropriate. 6.6.4 Describe the importance and types of quality initiatives in the work place. 6.6.5 Identify ways quality initiatives minimize work costs, rework and production time. 6.6.6 Describe types of industry standards related to quality. BIL: E Competency 6.7: Discuss the global environment in which businesses operate. Descriptors: 6.7.1 Discuss the impact of globalization on businesses. 6.7.2 Explain factors driving the existence of a global business environment. 6.7.3 Describe forces that maintain differences between countries and regions. 6.7.4 Describe reasons why businesses go abroad and reasons they stay domestic. 6.7.5 Describe the economic regions of the world. BIL: E Competency 6.8: Explain the role of global trade. Descriptors: 6.8.1 Define the following terms: imports, exports, and international trade. 6.8.2 Describe reasons that international trade takes place. 6.8.3 List gains from international trade. 6.8.4 Identify ways in which the U.S. economy is affected by international trade. 6.8.5 Explain the importance of currency exchange rates. 6.8.6 Explain reasons why companies may maintain offshore accounts. 31 Unit 7: Ethics and Legal Practices BIL: E Competency 7.1: Make decisions within an ethical framework. Descriptors: 7.1.1. Define “ethics.” 7.1.2 Identify codes of ethics within the professions. 7.1.3 Develop an individual ethical framework. 7.1.4 Demonstrate ethical behavior when interacting with others. 7.1.5 Explain the difference between legal and ethical issues. BIL: Competency 7.2: Assess the implications of ethical and unethical behavior. Descriptors: 7.2.1 Describe the influence of family, peers, health professionals, culture, media, and technology on behavior. 7.2.2 Determine reliability, accuracy and dependability of information sources. 7.2.3 Compare and contrast personal, professional and organizational ethics. 7.2.4 Demonstrate respect for the property of others. 7.2.5 Resolve issues relating to any potential conflicts of interest between personal and organizational ethics. 7.2.6 Identify strategies for responding to the unethical actions of individuals and organizations. 7.2.7 Identify the consequences of unethical actions. BIL: Competency 7.3: E Research mandated standards, policies, legislation, and legal practices. Descriptors: 7.3.1 Describe mandated standards for harassment, labor and employment laws and violence in the workplace (e.g. minor labor laws). 7.3.2 Identify the consequences of non-compliance for both employee and employer. 7.3.3 Explain the role of the Family and Medical Leave Act, Americans with Disabilities Act and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 in the workplace. 7.3.4 Define discrimination. 7.3.5 Discuss the Equal Opportunity Commission’s role related to the workplace. 7.3.6 Describe how civil service law impacts the workplace. 7.3.7 Describe issues related to overtime compensation. 7.3.8 Define liability and negligence. 32 7.3.9 7.3.10 Unit 8: Discuss protections against liability. Explain the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s role in workplace injuries Safety BIL: E Competency 8.1: Promote a safe workplace. Descriptors: 8.1.1 Use materials properly and safely. 8.1.2 Store materials properly and safely. 8.1.3 Practice appropriate waste disposal or recycling procedures. 8.1.4 Recognize common physical, chemical or biological hazards. 8.1.5 Implement a job-specific safety plan. 8.1.6 Recognize and follow safety signs. 8.1.7 Explain the proper use of a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). BIL: E Competency 8.2: Evaluate the ergonomic factors in the workplace. Descriptors: 8.2.1 Identify work associated with lifting, moving, and placing heavy objects and materials. 8.2.2 Demonstrate appropriate body mechanics in lifting and moving heavy objects. 8.2.3 Describe the ergonomic importance of properly operating various types of equipment and using various tools. 8.2.4 Describe the ergonomics of the workplace. BIL: Competency 8.3: E Explain emergency response plans in a variety of industry settings. Descriptors: 8.3.1 Describe different types of emergency response plans. 8.3.2 Explain the procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency response. 8.3.3 Practice universal precautions to protect self and others against blood-born pathogens. 8.3.4 Discuss procedures for violence in the workplace. 8.3.5 Explain types of workplace emergencies. 33 BIL: E Competency 8.4: Identify the requirements for First Aid and CPR certification. Descriptors: 8.4.1 Identify first aid training and certification requirements. 8.4.2 Identify cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training requirements and certification options. 8.4.3 Identify Automated External Defibrillator (AED) training requirements and usage. BIL: E Competency 8.5 : Examine entrance and exit procedures. Descriptors: 8.5.1 Examine various activities and tasks and the appropriate entrance and exit devices, fire safety, and structural safety components. 8.5.2 Discuss various accident conditions associated with exit and entrance. 8.5.3 Describe various federal, state and local safety regulations associated with entrance and exit. Unit 9: Communication Skills BIL: E Competency 9.1: Explain effective communications. Descriptors: 9.1.1 Explain the importance of effective communication in business. 9.1.2 Identify barriers to effective communication. 9.1.3 Describe techniques for overcoming barriers to effective communication. 9.1.4 Discuss issues involving digital and/or electronic communications (e.g. lack of body language, lack of verbal cues, potential for forwarding information). 9.1.5 Explain reasons for avoiding multitasking (e.g. avoid texting and emailing while engaged in face-to-face communications). BIL: Competency 9.2: Descriptors: E Apply active listening skills. 34 9.2.1 9.2.2 9.2.3 9.2.4 9.2.5 9.2.6 Explain communication techniques that support and encourage a speaker. Use paraphrasing strategies. Summarize another person’s key points. Probe to clarify the speaker’s thinking. Use body language to show interest in what a speaker is saying. Take notes in business meetings. BIL: E Competency 9.3: Apply appropriate verbal skills in business situations. Descriptors: 9.3.1 Explain characteristics of effective verbal communications. 9.3.2 Describe how nonverbal communication affects verbal messages. 9.3.3 Interpret others’ nonverbal cues. 9.3.4 Explain the importance of voice in communicating with others. 9.3.5 Identify situations in which employees need to address others in a businesslike manner. 9.3.6 Address people properly. 9.3.7 Participate in staff meetings. 9.3.8 Develop awareness of speech habits. 9.3.9 Communicate in an objective, balanced, thoughtful way. BIL: E Competency 9.4: Use appropriate social skills to interact effectively with others. Descriptors: 9.4.1 Determine ways to establish positive relationships with others. 9.4.2 Demonstrate cooperation and teamwork to promote group effectiveness. 9.4.3 Describe the effects of requesting support from and providing support to others. 9.4.4 Evaluate one’s own contribution in groups as a member and leader. 9.4.5 Use communication and social skills in daily interaction with others. 9.4.6 Plan, implement and evaluate participation in a group project. 9.4.7 Practice the use of informal conversation topics. 9.4.8 Respect “personal space.” 9.4.9 Use eye contact effectively. 9.4.10 Identify appropriate and inappropriate touching. BIL: Competency 9.5: Descriptors: E Make oral presentations. 35 9.5.1 9.5.2 9.5.3 9.5.4 9.5.5 9.5.6 9.5.7 Identify occasions when oral presentations are required. Explain the importance of communication skills in oral presentations (e.g. speaking clearly, using standard grammar, using appropriate gestures with audience). Describe characteristics of effective oral presentations. Discuss the role of visual support in making oral presentations. Demonstrate procedures for making oral presentations. Use technology to enhance oral presentations. Use the appropriate message for the appropriate audience. BIL: E Competency 9.6: Engage in active observation. Descriptors: 9.6.1 Be aware of people, place and environment. 9.6.2 Recognize and control bias when entering a new situation. 9.6.3 Maintain situational awareness. BIL: E Competency 9.7: Utilize effective written communication. Descriptors: 9.7.1 Explain the importance of effective written communications. 9.7.2 Identify types of written communication used in business. 9.7.3 Identify characteristics of effective written communication (e.g. brevity, neatness, accuracy). 9.7.4 Select and utilize appropriate formats for professional writing. 9.7.5 Plan, edit and revise written work consistent with professional standards. 9.7.6 Write business letters. 9.7.8 Write informational messages. 9.7.9 Write inquiries. 9.7.10 Write persuasive messages. 9.7.11 Write executive summaries. 9.7.12 Prepare simple written reports. 9.7.13 Write emails appropriately and with caution. 9.7.14 Use appropriate technology in appropriate communication situations (text, email, phone). BIL: E Competency 9.8: Use correct grammar and vocabulary. Descriptors: 9.8.1 Use correct subject/verb agreement in sentences. 9.8.2 Use correct noun/pronoun agreement in sentences. 36 9.8.3 9.8.4 9.8.5 9.8.6 9.8.7 9.8.8 Use correct use of adverbs and adjectives in sentences. Use correct word usage in sentences. Explain the importance of a technical vocabulary. Explain the consequences of excessive use of jargon. Explain the relationship of business success to proper grammar. Use appropriate spelling. BIL: E Competency 9.9: Use communication tools. Descriptors: 9.9.1 Describe proper verbal skills needed for handling telephone calls. 9.9.2 Explain standard procedures for handling telephone calls in a businesslike manner (e.g. professionalism, consider inflection in voice, attitude conveyed). 9.9.3 Identify company policies regarding use of web and telecommunications tools (telephone answering machine, voice mail, email, teleconferencing system). 9.9.4 Identify appropriate etiquette for each type of communications tool. 9.9.5 Operate communications equipment in accordance with company policy. 9.9.6 Communicate via telephone, voice mail, email, smart phone, tablet, facsimile, Web and teleconferencing system. 9.9.7 Keep up to date concerning new and emerging communications technologies. 9.9.8 Take complete and accurate telephone messages. 9.9.9 Deliver phone messages according to the criticality of the message. 9.9.10 Follow established telephone etiquette. BIL: Competency 9.10: Descriptors: E Read to acquire meaning from written material. 37 9.10.1 9.10.2 9.10.3 9.10.4 9.10.5 9.10.6 9.10.7 9.10.8 9.10.9 9.10.10 Identify sources that provide relevant, valid written material. Discriminate among types of information (e.g. essential, important, critical, nice to know). Differentiate among fact, judgment and inference. Interpret written information, including handbooks, job descriptions, graphs, schedules, maps and job postings. Utilize appropriate reading skills for information needs (e.g. skim, comprehend, analyze). Gather relevant information from written materials. Locate key points, main ideas, relevant, details, facts and specifications in written materials. Apply written directions to achieve tasks. Read company resources to ascertain policies and procedures. Determine the accuracy of written information. BIL: E Competency 9.11: Follow company guidelines in the business environment. Descriptors: 9.11.1 Describe guidelines for communicating with other employees (e.g. protocol of communications, types of information transmitted via different channels, staff communications). 9.11.2 Explain ethical considerations in providing information. 9.11.3 Explain use of interdepartmental/company communication. 9.11.4 Follow directions. 9.11.5 Use appropriate manners in accordance with established protocols and company policies. 9.11.6 Describe situations when you should not follow orders. BIL: E Competency 9.12: Use communication skills to inform and influence others. Descriptors: 9.12.1 Use communication tools to persuade others. 9.12.2 Demonstrate negotiation skills in communicating. 9.12.3 Use communication tools to present a point of view. 9.12.4 Use communication tools to sell products. 38 Unit 10: Customer Service BIL: Competency 10.1: Explain the role of customer service. Descriptors: 10.1.1 Explain how customer service excellence improves the image of the company. 10.1.2 Describe how customer service facilitates sales. 10.1.3 Identify the customer for a product or business center (both internal and external customers). 10.1.4 Identify how entry-level employees are involved in customer service. BIL: Competency 10.2: E Respond appropriately and in a timely manner to internal and external customers to foster positive relationships. Descriptors: 10.2.1 Explain the nature of positive customer relations. 10.2.2 Demonstrate a customer service mindset. 10.2.3 Reinforce service orientation through communication. 10.2.4 Respond to customer inquiries appropriately and with correct verbiage. 10.2.5 Respond appropriately to situations when a customer is at fault. 10.2.6 Appropriately interpret business policies to customer. 10.2.7 Handle difficult customers and customer/client complaints. 10.2.8 Identify ways to recover from difficult customer situations. BIL: E Competency 10.3: Analyze product and service offerings for a business. Descriptors: 10.3.1 Identify types and sources of product and service offerings. 10.3.2 Describe guidelines to follow when acquiring product and service offerings. 10.3.3 Analyze product and service offerings to determine when it is appropriate to use each choice. 10.3.4 Explain the features and benefits of products and services. 39 BIL: E Competency 10.4: Establish a relationship with customer/client. Descriptors: 10.4.1 Describe the importance of establishing relationships with customers/clients. 10.4.2 Explain techniques and procedures for establishing relationships. 10.4.3 Demonstrate the process of developing a relationship with a customer. BIL: E Competency 10.5: Assess customer needs. Descriptors: 10.5.1 Describe reasons for asking questions. 10.5.2 Explain the importance of questioning and listening to assess customer needs. 10.5.3 Explain the importance of timing in asking questions. 10.5.4 Describe types of questions (open-ended, probing, etc.) and when they are best used. 10.5.5 Question customers to assess needs. BIL: E Competency 10.6: Educate customer about products and services. Descriptors: 10.6.1 Match customer needs to appropriate products and services. 10.6.2 Relate product and service benefits and features to the customer. 10.6.3 Provide product and service information to customer. 10.6.4 Follow policies in providing product and service information. 10.6.5 Recommend a solution to customer needs. 40 Unit 11: Economics BIL: E Competency 11.1: Explain fundamental economic concepts to obtain a foundation for employment in business. Descriptors: 11.1.1 Distinguish between economic goods and services. 11.1.2 Explain the concept of economic resources. 11.1.3 Describe the concepts of economic scarcity, choice and economic activities. 11.1.4 Determine economic utilities created by business activities. BIL: E Competency 11.2: Discuss the interactions of supply, demand and price. Descriptors: 11.2.1 Explain how scarce resources are allocated. 11.2.2 Discuss the concepts of opportunity cost. 11.2.3 Explain how consumers make choices. 11.2.4 Explain the principles of supply and demand. 11.2.5 Discuss the impact of elasticity on demand. 11.2.6 Describe the functions of prices in markets. 11.2.7 Explain the concept of equilibrium. BIL: E Competency 11.3: Describe the nature of business to show its contributions to society. Descriptors: 11.3.1 Explain the role of business in society. 11.3.2 Describe types of business activities. 11.3.3 Determine the relationship between government and business. 11.3.4 Determine the relationship between business and community. BIL: Competency 11.4: E Differentiate among economic systems to understand the environments in which businesses function. Descriptors: 41 11.4.1 11.4.2 11.4.3 11.4.4 11.4.5 Explain the types of economic systems. Explain the concept of private enterprise. Identify factors affecting a business’ profit. Determine factors affecting business risk. Explain the concept of competition. BIL: Competency 11.5: E Discuss productivity to understand its impact on business decision-making. Descriptors: 11.5.1 Explain the concept of productivity. 11.5.2 Describe the concept of economies of scale. 11.5.3 Describe the individual’s role in improving productivity. BIL: Competency 11.6: E Explain economic indicators to measure economic trends and conditions. Descriptors: 11.6.1 Explain measures used to analyze economic conditions, including the unemployment rate, the inflation rate, productivity and the rate of interest. 11.6.2 Discuss the measure of consumer spending as an economic indicator. 11.6.3 Discuss the impact of a nation’s unemployment rates. 11.6.4 Describe the economic impact of inflation on business. 11.6.5 Explain the economic impact of interest rate fluctuations. 42 Unit 12: Entrepreneurial Concepts BIL: E Competency 12.1: Describe the role of entrepreneurship. Descriptors: 12.1.1 Define “entrepreneurship” and discuss its scope. 12.1.2 Examine the long-term impact of entrepreneurship on the economy. 12.1.3 Identify the factors that contribute to the success and failure of entrepreneurial ventures. 12.1.4 Assess the roles of social, non-profit and for-profit businesses. 12.1.5 Describe the history of entrepreneurship. 12.1.6 Discuss the personal stories of entrepreneurs. 12.1.7 Describe life cycles of an entrepreneurial business and an entrepreneur. BIL: E Competency 12.2: Evaluate personal entrepreneurial potential. Descriptors: 12.2.1 Examine abilities and skills needed by entrepreneurs. 12.2.2 Identify the advantages and disadvantages of becoming an entrepreneur. 12.2.3 Explain ways that people become entrepreneurs. 12.2.4 Determine personal interests. 12.2.5 Assess personal strengths and weaknesses. 12.2.6 Assess skills, abilities, financing and timing. 12.2.7 Identify personal goals and objectives. 12.2.8 Conduct self-assessment to determine entrepreneurial potential. BIL: E Competency 12.3: Describe types of business ownership. Descriptors: 12.3.1 Identify types of business ownership. 43 12.3.2 12.3.3 12.3.4 12.3.5 12.3.6 12.3.7 12.3.8 12.3.9 12.3.10 12.3.11 12.3.12 12.3.13 12.3.14 12.3.15 Describe a sole proprietorship form of ownership. Explain the purposes of forming a partnership. Describe types of partnership arrangements (e.g. majority or minority ownership, silent partnership). Describe the process for forming a corporation. Describe forms of corporations. Explain ways in which corporations grow. Describe the role of franchises in our society. Describe the role of and process for forming limited liability companies (LLCs). Describe the advantages and disadvantages of sole proprietorships. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of partnerships. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of corporations. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of limited liability companies. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of franchises. Describe global business options. BIL: E Competency 12.4: Identify and explore entrepreneurial opportunities. Descriptors: 12.4.1 Explore local, state, national and global trends and opportunities. 12.4.2 Explore environmental and technological changes and trends. 12.4.3 Consider innovation in current business products or strategies. 12.4.4 Describe idea-generation methods (e.g. brainstorming, creativity activities, research). 12.4.5 Identify emerging markets. 12.4.6 Generate venture ideas. 12.4.7 Determine feasibility of ideas. 12.4.8 Identify and assess opportunities for entrepreneurial ventures. BIL: E Competency 12.5: Determine viability of the business opportunity. Descriptors: 12.5.1 Determine feasibility of ideas. 12.5.2 Identify and assess opportunities for entrepreneurial ventures. 12.5.3 Describe entrepreneurial planning considerations (e.g. time commitment, money available, competition, size of the business, the idea itself). 12.5.4 Explain tools and resources used by entrepreneurs for venture planning (e.g. market research, local organizations, SCORE, chamber of commerce). 12.5.5 Assess risks and benefits associated with venture. 12.5.6 Assess whether external resources should be used to determine business opportunity’s viability. 44 12.5.7 12.5.8 Describe the differences involved when considering the viability of an internet business. Embrace failure and learn from it. BIL: Competency 12.6: Describe the importance of business planning. Descriptors: 12.6.1 Explain why businesses develop short-term and long-term plans. 12.6.2 Describe the components of a business plan. 12.6.3 Describe why business plans are important to a new business. 12.6.4 Explain how a business plan is used by an entrepreneur. 12.6.5 Explain how a business plan is used by a bank and investors. Unit 13: Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking BIL: E Competency 13.1: Employ problem-solving skills to formulate solutions. Descriptors: 13.1.1 Identify steps to effective problem-solving. 13.1.2 State the problem completely and precisely. 13.1.3 Assemble and examine pertinent information. 13.1.4 Brainstorm potential solutions. 13.1.5 Interpret consequences to each possible solution. 13.1.6 Compare and contrast consequences and discuss underlying assumptions. 13.1.7 Identify the best solution based on risks, costs, ethics, laws and benefits. 13.1.8 Apply the best solution to the problem. BIL: E Competency 13.2: Demonstrate critical thinking techniques. Descriptors: 13.2.1 Identify critical thinking techniques (e.g. challenging ideas, asking questions, points of view, contexts). 13.2.2 Make connections between things that seem unrelated. 13.2.3 Develop tools to recognize false, poorly reasoned or improbable information. 13.2.4 Clarify assumptions when thinking critically. 13.2.5 Identify the importance of transferring skills to multiple situations. 13.2.6 Identify ways to improve logic and reasoning skills. 45 BIL: Competency 13.3: E Combine critical thinking and team building skills to solve problems. Descriptors: 13.3.1 Collaborate with others to define problems. 13.3.2 Share ideas, facts, information and/or data with others. 13.3.3 State personal positions clearly and respect conflicting positions. 13.3.4 Accept and support group decisions even when different from a personal solution. 13.3.5 Build upon the ideas of others. 13.3.6 Capitalize on strengths and weaknesses of each team member. BIL: Competency 13.4: E Evaluate and adapt plans and schedules to respond to unexpected events and conditions. Descriptors: 13.4.1 Identify potential events and conditions that disrupt the completion of a job. 13.4.2 Incorporate potential job disruptions into planning time lines. 13.4.3 Solve situational problems involved with unexpected events and conditions. 13.4.4 Identify and assess critical situations and implement appropriate responses. 13.4.5 Adjust plans and schedules to reflect an unexpected change. 13.4.6 Provide a project update to track changes. BIL: E Competency 13.5: Use creativity and innovation. Descriptors: 13.5.1 Use a wide range of idea creation techniques (brainstorming, etc). 13.5.2 Create new and worthwhile ideas. 13.5.3 Review ideas to elaborate and refine them as needed. 13.5.4 Demonstrate originality and inventiveness in solving problems. 13.5.5 Embrace failure as an opportunity to learn. 13.5.6 Respond appropriately to diverse perspectives. 13.5.7 Act on creative ideas when appropriate. BIL: E Competency 13.6: Analyze methods to learn how to learn. Descriptors: 13.6.1 Set clear and realistic goals. 13.6.2 Seek opportunities to update skills. 13.6.3 Demonstrate persistence when learning is difficult. 13.6.4 Identify strengths and weaknesses. 46 13.6.5 13.6.6 13.6.7 13.6.8 13.6.9 13.6.10 13.6.11 Identify learning styles and preferences. Identify and use study strategies. Identify and work to remove personal barriers to learning. Use memory aids (notes, tape recorder). Explain the connection between education and employment. Explain importance of lifelong learning. Learn new, additional skills related to a job. BIL: E Competency 13.7: Apply learning skills in new contexts. Descriptors: 13.7.1 Demonstrate willingness to apply new skills and knowledge. 13.7.2 Explain the process of applying new skills in different contexts. 13.7.3 Work with others to apply new skills and knowledge on an assignment. 13.7.4 Analyze how one transfers skills and knowledge to new situations. 13.7.5 Use performance evaluation and feedback to create new learning opportunities. 13.7.6 Use skills to evaluate your own performance. 13.7.7 Analyze generational differences in learning skills. 13.7.8 Use new skills in situations with diverse groups. 47 Student Assessment Policy Assessment is a continuing process that provides feedback for the students, the teachers, and the parents. This systematic assessment will include the basic considerations of evaluating both the achievement of the students and the attainment of the goals, objectives and competencies for the program. The student shall perform competencies and competency builders in a manner acceptable to the business community. The standards set for these competencies are recommended by the advisory committee members and employers in the business community and evaluated by the teacher following these guidelines. Competencies will be identified which must be mastered in order to receive credit for the course. In order to measure the progress of each student in the program and to measure the effectiveness of the total program, the following evaluation procedures may be used: Pretests and Post tests Rubrics and checklists Teacher observation and evaluations Authentic Assessments Quizzes Classroom assignments Individual and/or group demonstrations Interviews Teamwork opportunities Graded CTSO: Career Technical Student Organization activities and contests Project development Oral tests Work/Field experiences Work based learning Placement Daily behavioral performance Displays Lab appropriate dress 48 Measurement will be an ongoing activity with emphasis on laboratory activities and competency improvement. Evaluation will be accomplished through frequent formative assessment: oral, visual and written, and summative evaluations to determine mastery of competencies. The number of competencies mastered will be translated into appropriate grades consistent with the school’s grading system and consistent with district and school policy. 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 0-59 A B C D F I School Business Outstanding Above average Average Below average Failing work Incomplete Promotion, Raise Promotion, Raise No promotion Potential Layoff Fired 49