Forest Management NZ Ltd Unit 13/90 Austin Street, Onekawa Napier 4110 PH: (64) 06-843 3770 E-mail: 9/02/2016 Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford 4352 Re: Draft Freshwater and Land Management Plan for Taranaki To Whom It May Concern, Please find attached a submission from Forest Management NZ Ltd on the recent proposed Draft Freshwater and Land Management Plan for Taranaki. Forest Management NZ Ltd manage 26,000 ha of plantation forestry, mainly located throughout the North Island. The forest ownership is made up of investment partnerships, private forest owners and overseas investors. These forests are located within six different councils, including the Taranaki Regional Council. The National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry currently under development is set to standardise environmental requirements throughout New Zealand’s plantation forestry industry and also encompass freshwater and land management aspects. Documents under development for environmental management will need to be aligned so they are both practicable and measureable. The intentions of the Freshwater and Land Management Plan will help to encompass and set standardised requirements for all land users throughout the district. The development of both National Environmental Standards for Plantations Forestry and the proposed Draft Freshwater and Land Management Plan for Taranaki will in return lead to duplication and contradiction around the regulations that shall be followed by land owners and managers. FMNZ have points of support as well as opposition to the Draft Freshwater and Land Management Plan for Taranaki which follow in the supporting documents. To ensure the intentions and best outcomes from the Freshwater and Land Management Plan for Taranaki are met, conditions and rules will need to be practical, unambiguous and achievable. The regulations need to be aligned with other governing documentation. I am available to be contacted should further information or clarification be sort over the points raised. Kind Regards, Kate Muir FMNZ comments to particular activity conditions, standards and terms outlined in the Draft Freshwater and Land Management Plan. Activity Rule Classification Condition/Standards/Terms Harvesting of Forests 37 Use of land involving forestry harvesting where the activity involves harvesting a contiguous area of more than 5 ha in any 12 month period Permitted (a) Any earthworks associated with the formation of a new track does not occur on land that is in, or within 5 metres of: (i) The bed of a river that is permanently flowing or has an active bed width greater than 1m (ii) A bed of a lake: or (iii) A regionally significant wetland Unless the new tract or earthworks: (iv) Connect to and from a formed river crossing point that is a consented or permitted activity; or (v) Are for the purpose of the maintenance or upgrade of an existing track (b) Any area of forestry that is harvested must be stabilised or revegetated, including the planting of a replacement forest, as soon as practicable, no later than 18 months from the date of harvesting. (d) There shall be no slumping of batters, cuts and side castings. Points of Opposition New track formation within 5m of a permanently flowing or has an active bed width greater than 1m. Any area of forestry that is harvested must be stabilised or revegetated, including the planting of a replacement forest, as soon as practicable, no later than 18 months from the date of harvesting. There shall be no slumping of batters, cuts and side castings. The TRC must be notified, in writing of the location and timing of the activity. Relief Sort/Supporting Points Page This section where 67 encompassing forestry should align itself with the NES document being created at present, particularly (a). (b) What type of cover is included or classed as stabilisation. Don’t believe this should have the ability to take away freehold land rights and stop land use conversion. (d) How realistic? Unrealistic, impractical and unachievable for all land users. (j)(iii) Give no flexibility in the event of storm damage, wind throw or activities that require immediate action to reduce (j)(iii) The Taranaki Regional Council must be notified, in writing, of the location and timing of the activity. Planting of Forestry 39 further impacts. environmental FMNZ support this point and 69 agree new plantings placement needs consideration. Discretionary Use of land involving the planting of a contiguous area of more than 5 hectares of forestry in any 12 month period in, or within 5m of: The bed of a river that is permanently flowing or has an active bed width greater than 1 m; OR A Regionally significant wetland Existing Structures 60 Use of an existing structure (excluding pipelines used to convey liquid hazardous substances) in, on, under, Permitted (a) The structure was lawfully established and in use as at 28 February 1998 or has since been issued a resource consent that has expired (b) The structure does not: (i) Restrict fish passage (ii) Cause flooding on adjacent properties Support for this point. Use of 82 existing structures should not impede fish passages, cause flooding or other negative environmental impacts. or over the bed of a river or lake Maintenance structures of 61 Permitted The maintenance, repair or upgrading of lawfully established existing structures, in, on under, or over the bed of a river or lake Removal of structures The removal or decommissioning of a structure, or any part of a 63 Permitted (iii) Result in significant erosion, scour or depositions of any receiving water body. (c) The activity does not: Restrict fish passage Take place in an area and at a time that impacts on fish spawning and migration as set out in Policy 9.4 Might cause flooding on adjacent properties Result in significant erosion, scour or deposition of any receiving water body; OR Beyond a reasonable mixing zone, cause any conspicuous change in the visual clarity of the receiving water (d) Any diversion of water must only be to the extent, and for the period necessary to carry out the works, but not more than 48hrs. (e) The activity does not occur in rivers with a channel width (as measured from bank to bank) greater than 10 metres. Beyond reasonable mixing zone, cause any conspicuous change in the visual clarity of the receiving water. Explanation of what 82 “reasonable mixing zone” is defined as. What about the surrounding influence that other land uses have. How is the reasonable mixing zone going to be measured and will it be subjective for the person onsite? Need a timeframe around when the conspicuous change in visual clarity no longer is classed against the works that were undertaken. Suggested that the word “being” is incorporated so it refers to the specific time where the working is being undertaken. Any diversion of water during the removal or decommissioning of the structure must only be to the extent and for the The timeframe provided to 84 remove or decommission the structure should be determined on a case by case structure in, on, under, or over the bed of a river or lake Temporary Crossings Installation, use and removal of a temporary crossing, being a bridge, culvert or ford in the bed of a river (h) Any diversion of water during the removal or decommissioning of the structure must only be to the extent and for the period, necessary to carry out the works, but not more than 48 hours. 66 Permitted (b) The crossing must not be in place longer than six months… (c) The crossing must not be constructed from material that contains any contaminants that could result in adverse effects on water quality, aquatic ecosystems, or aquatic life. period necessary to basis. Restricting the time carry out the works, but provided for the activity may not more than 48 hours. not be suitable or achievable. Should be a reference to weather conditions for when work can and should be carried out. Weather is a significant contributing factor to the environmental impact incurred. The crossing must not be in place longer than six months. The duration of the 86 temporary crossing being in place needs to be on a case by case basis. The type of crossing being installed, any consent requirements and checking of structural integrity needs to be considered. Needs to be determined if the specified timeframe is suitable for the nature of some operations and the uncertainty of the environment. Culverts Installation and use of a culvert and any associated erosion protection structures in the bed of a river excluding where the activity is undertaken: In a defined urban area as shown in Schedule 7 67 Permitted (a) The culvert is not placed in the bed (c) (iv) the culvert is installed with its invert set of an outstanding freshwater body to a depth below the level (c) (iv) the culvert is installed with its of the bed that is invert set to a depth below the level of approximately one sixth the bed that is approximately one sixth of the diameter of the of the diameter of the culvert for a culvert for a circular circular culvert, and a minimum of culvert, and a minimum of 0.1m for a box culvert; 0.1m for a box culvert. Specify a maximum depth of 86 the culvert that is to be in-set. With larger diameter culverts you are going to be required to in-set a larger area of the culvert, and will lose some capacity from sediment buildup. Culvert specifications should (v) For a circular culvert, the diameter (d) Any disturbance to the be determined on a case by is a maximum of 1.2m and a minimum river bed is the minimum case basis, and dependent on of 0.3m; necessary to carry out the the stream/river conditions. (vi) for a box culvert, the cross sectional works required. area is a maximum of 1.5m2 , with maximum and minimum cross section dimensions of 1.5m and 0.3m respectively. (e) Installation of the culvert, including temporary diversion of water or associated (vii) A maximum fill height of 1m above disturbance of the river does not: the top of the culvert. Agree with the point to install the culvert so that any disturbance to the river bed is the minimum necessary to carry out the required works as well as not restricting fish (viii) A secondary flow path is provided (i) restrict fish passage for passages. for flood flows that exceed the capacity more than 48 hours;… of the culvert; Should be a reference to (ix) the culvert is installed so that its weather conditions for when alignment and gradient are the same as work can and should be carried the river bed; out. Weather is a significant (x) The culvert must be constructed to prevent contaminants entering water from the track above the culvert or its approaches. contributing factor to the environmental impact incurred. (d) Any disturbance to the river bed is the minimum necessary to carry out the works required. (e) Installation of the culvert, including temporary diversion of water or associated disturbance of the river does not: (i) restrict fish passage for more than 48 hours;… Fords Installation and use of a ford in or on the bed of a river 72 Permitted (h) Installation of the ford, including temporary diversion of water and associated disturbance of the river bed does not: (i)Restrict fish passage other than during the construction period where it must not be restricted for more than 72hrs (j) The ford must be maintained clear of debris. The installation of a ford will be 93 done in relation to the standard identified as necessary. Maintenance of fords is important to ensure functionality as well as reducing the chance of failure. Clarify the rational for set setting the timeframe of the fish passage being restricted to 72hrs for a ford, however only 48hrs for the installation of a culvert. Why is there a difference? Keep a uniform timeframe for the allowable time in which a fish passage is permitted to be blocked. Planting or removal of 83 existing vegetation or debris for environmental enhancement purposes Introduction or planting of any plant, or the removal and disturbance of existing vegetation in or on the bed of a river or lake for the purpose of: Retiring and planting riparian margins in accordance with a riparian management plan; OR Enhancing the ecological values and functioning Permitted (b) Any vegetation or debris removed Any vegetation or debris removed or trimmed is or trimmed is completely removed completely removed from the bed and disposed of in a from the bed and location where it will not return to the disposed of in a location channel during floods of 1% AEP. where it will not return to the channel during floods 1% AEP. Agree that land users should Not practicable to completely remove vegetation or debris from the bed of a river or lake where it could return to the channel during floods 1%AEP in any land use situations. If you are improving or enhancing the river/stream bed by removing vegetation or debris you shouldn’t be held accountable for its removal. Removing vegetation or debris completely from the area where it could return to the channel during floods of 1%AEP is likely to end with the of rivers, lakes and regionally significant wetlands requirement to end haul the material, resulting in the operations becoming financially infeasible.