GRADE 5 MATHEMATICS – OUTLINE AND TIMELINE The following is a timeline of our Math program. Please note that although I have assigned a particular term during which concepts and skills are to be covered, this does not mean we are “done” with these skills after that time. All concepts will be revisited throughout the entire year to ensure students maintain and build upon their Math learning. Term 1 (September – November) Represent numbers (up to 1 000 000) in a variety of ways (numerals, number words, equations, number lines) Compare and order numbers (up to 1 000 000) Estimate and solve addition and subtraction questions (with answers up to 1 000 000) using a variety of strategies (including standard algorithm) Recall of multiplication and division facts (up to 9x9) Multiplication of larger numbers (4-digit x 2-digit) Term 2 (November - March) Multiplication of larger numbers (4-digit x 2-digit) Division of larger numbers (4-digit - 2-digit) Fractions (equivalent fractions, comparing fractions) Decimals (tenths, hundredths, thousandths) Measurement (perimeter/area, length, volume, capacity) Algebraic equations Term 3 (April – June) Measurement (perimeter/area, length, volume, capacity) 2-D shapes and 3-D objects Data Analysis/Graphing (first and second-hand data, double bargraphs) Probability (chance and uncertainty) MATH ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION I will assess and evaluate students through a variety of methods including: one-on-one conferencing, formal and informal testing, observations, daily work (including routine work such as: Number of the Week & Daily Math), group work & participation during lessons & activities. GRADE 5 SCIENCE OUTLINE AND TIMELINE September-November: HABITATS & COMMUNITIES Students will: Identify components of an animal habitat Identify and investigate adaptations of animals and plants Investigate food chains and food webs Explore environmental effects on plant and animal populations November – March: Students will: SOUND AND LIGHT Observe and describe properties of sound and light Explore the effects of different materials on light beams Explore how a light source can affect the location, shape and size of a shadow Investigate how vibrations travel though various materials Explore the ability of materials to transmit or absorb sound April – June: ROCKS, MINERALS & EROSION Students will: Classify rocks and minerals according to their characteristics. Identify and describe the formation of the 3 types of rocks. Investigate and describe ways in which rock affects soil formation and erosion. Identify natural phenomena and human activities that can have effects on the landscape. SCIENCE ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION I will assess and evaluate students through a variety of methods including: observations made during class Science experiments, one-on-one conferencing, work completed (including written work and work completed on the iPads), formal and informal testing, group work & participation during lessons & activities. GRADE 5 SOCIAL STUDIES OUTLINE AND TIMELINE September – November Students will: Locate and identify geographic features of Manitoba Identify natural resources in Manitoba Describe the influence of natural environment on settlement in Manitoba. Describe places of historic significance in Manitoba Identify and investigate a variety of cultural communities in Manitoba, including Aboriginal and francophone November – March Students will: CANADA/THE NORTH Locate geographic regions in Canada Locate oceans, major landforms, waterways, provinces & territories and capital cities on a map of Canada Research and investigate to learn about a Northern territory in Canada April – June Students will: MANITOBA GOVERNMENT Identify levels of government in Canada and give examples of their responsibilities Identify elected government leaders in our local community, in Manitoba and in Canada. Identify and describe the various ways in which governments help people meet their needs. SOCIAL STUDIES ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION I will assess and evaluate students in a variety of ways including: research projects, one-on-one conferencing, work completed (including written work and work completed on the iPads), formal and informal testing, group work & participation during lessons & activities. GRADE 5 ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS The basis of our E.L.A. program in Grade 5 is the routines and activities associated with “Daily Five”. The students have been exposed to these routines in Grades 4. While the fundamentals of this program will remain the same in Grade 5, it is our goal to further develop student skills in all five areas: Read to Self Read to Someone Work on Writing Listen to Reading Spelling/Word Work. “Daily Five”, as is suggests, occurs daily; it ensures that on a daily basis, students are engaged in these five very important Language Arts skills. The routines and activities associated with “Daily Five” allow for plenty of smallgroup and one-on-one instruction from me, as well as whole-class lessons. During each term in Grade 5 this year, students will be engaged in the following routines and/or activities: Daily Five Computer/iPad skills Spelling Weekly Work Editing & Word Study Handwriting Writing activities (routine writing, as well as “theme” writing) TUSC (Public Speaking program) Exposure to a variety of genres (reading and writing), such as: fiction, non-fiction, mysteries, medieval times, poetry. LANGUAGE ARTS ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION I will assess and evaluate students in a variety of ways including: formal individual reading assessments, one-on-one conferencing (reading and writing), daily writing in all subject areas, L.A. writing “routines” (such as “Weekly Genre Writing”, daily edits), writing samples from each term, participation during TUSC, spelling tests, formal & informal tests.