GEMFIRE AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS PUPPY APPLICATION Name: Street Address: Mailing Address (if different): City, State, and Zip: E-Mail Address: Phone Number: Occupation: Personal reference (Name, address & contact number): How do you know this person? How did you find our site? o o o o o o Breeder Directory Search Engine (which)________________ Another Aussie site (whose?)____________________ Aussie Times Australian Shepherd Journal Other__________________________________________ What got you interested in the Australian Shepherd? What color do you prefer? Last updated May 2014 GEMFIRE AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS PUPPY APPLICATION Would you consider a puppy of another color if your color preference is not available? What gender are you interested in? Are you an ASCA member? Are you an ASCA affiliate member? If so, what club? Do you belong to an AKC club? If so, what club? Do you belong to a UKC club? If so, what club? What are you interested in doing with your Aussie? o o o o o o o o o o Family Pet Obedience Rally O Conformation Agility Herding Farm work Juniors Program Other performance venue(s):___________________________________ Breeding What plans do you have for this Aussie? Last updated May 2014 GEMFIRE AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS PUPPY APPLICATION Have you been in contact with any other Australian Shepherd breeders? If yes, who? List name and kennel name. Do you have children? Do you live in: o o o o Apartment Townhome Single-Family Residence Other:____________________________________________ Do you rent or own your residence? If you rent: Do you have your landlord's permission to keep a dog? Landlord's Name & Phone: ( )_____-_________ Do you have a fenced (totally enclosed) yard? If not, how will you provide security for your puppy when it's outside or when you're away? How tall is your fence? Last updated May 2014 GEMFIRE AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS PUPPY APPLICATION Where will the puppy sleep? Are you planning on attending obedience training with this dog? Where do you train your dogs? Have you ever owned an Aussie before? If you haven't owned an Aussie before, what other breed of dog have you owned? Do you still own the dog(s) mentioned above? If not, what happened to the dog(s)? Who will have primary responsibility for the care of this puppy? Do all family members agree on the addition of an Aussie to the family? If not, who is not in favor of getting an Aussie and why? Please give us the name, address, and phone number of your vet: What type of personality are you looking for in your dog? Last updated May 2014 GEMFIRE AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDS PUPPY APPLICATION Please give us any other information you think will help us get to know you and your needs with respect to placing a puppy most suited to your family/lifestyle: It is our desire to place puppies in the best home possible for both the puppy and the owner. Gender and color preferences will be taken into consideration in all cases, however this is not a guarantee that a different puppy would not make a better fit. Puppies are provided with extensive socialization and basic training skills starting at 4 weeks. Temperament and performance evaluations begin at 8 weeks. It is our desire to never contribute to the shelter population, therefore we do our best to match the right puppy to the right home. Visitors are welcome starting at 6 weeks, please schedule in advance. Home placement evaluations begin at 8 weeks, and puppies go to their new homes at 10 weeks. Puppies are wormed at 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10 weeks, and vaccinations are given at 9, 12, & 15 weeks (DTAPP) with rabies at 6 months. We prefer that sterilization be done after 18 months. Research has shown that this allows hormones to stabilize, growth plates to close, and carries the least risk of various cancers and other joint breakdowns. We realize that this is not always possible in every situation, however summary sterilization without prior discussion will result in any health guarantee being voided. A deposit is required at 2 weeks to confirm intentions of purchasing a puppy, and payment is required in full prior to transfer of the puppy. Delivery and shipping options are available with prior arrangement. By signing below, I submit my application for a Gemfire Australian Shepherd, certify that all of the above is true and accurate to the best of my ability, and understand the puppy protocol of the breeder. Name______________________________________Date________________ Last updated May 2014