Minutes of the NEAD Trustees* Meeting, 16 July 2007

Minutes of NEAD Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 3 October 2012
at Charing Cross Centre, St John Maddermarket, Norwich, at 7.30
Trustees: Jane Atkins (Chair), Richard Bearman (Treasurer), Susan Astbury, Lisa Hardman, Geraldine
Terry, Uthman Ibrahim Morrison, Ian Gibson, Tim O’Riordan
Staff: Kaja Holloway, Lynne Janes, Alaine Mukene, Clive Sexton, Liz Bowes
Other core members: Lady Ralphs (patron), Margaret Hunter, Philip Hunter,
Roger Atkins, Linda Chapman, Martin Slorach
Guests: Marguerite Finn (UNA), Peter Lanyon, Flavio Vettese (Norfolk Children’s Services)
Gordon Boyd (Children’s Services Assistant Director); Kate Prout (NEAD trustee); Rob Young (NEAD
member); Fran Nantongwe (NEAD staff); Philip Spencer (NEAD member); Peter Jones (NEAD
member); Derek Pardey (NEAD member); Mike Copperwheat (NEAD member); Martin Scott (NEAD
trustee); Natasha Hall (NEAD staff); Linda Chapman (NEAD member)
Minutes of the last AGM 5 October 2011
Agreed as a true record of the meeting.
There were no matters arising.
Chair’s Report to March 12 (Jane Atkins) – appended.
Jane described NEAD's work in the context of the need for greater awareness of global issues
among the young, highlighting the emphasis NEAD places on taking action to give substance to its
aspirations. The next Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer would be Richard Bearman, Sue Astbury and
Lisa Hardman respectively. Jane thanked all staff, trustees, volunteers and supporters, making
special mention of the contribution of the previous Chair, Sue Thurston.
Treasurer’s Report (Richard Bearman)
Main points included:
The forecast deficit of £57.000 at end of March 2012 had been only £15,000 owing in part to
successful direct marketing of services to schools.
Reserves were held for 21 weeks, and were being monitored carefully.
The only guaranteed income for this year was the last Paul Hamlyn Trust grant for the Global English
work (65% of expected income).
NEAD was committed to the Global English project which would end 21 Aug 2013.
A further £25,000 was needed to ensure NEAD could continue to trade as a charity, during which
time it must remain solvent.
A joint Strategy Planning Meeting on 6 Oct would address the current situation.
NEAD's achievements were a matter of pride for all concerned.
To receive Annual Report and Accounts for year ended 31 March '12, appended
Richard Bearman proposed, and Tim O'Riordan seconded, the adoption of the Annual Report and
Accounts. All members present were in agreement.
To appoint next year’s auditor
Richard Bearman announced the proposal to appoint Sexty & Co, as NEAD’s auditors for the next
year. It was agreed by all members present to reappoint them.
To confirm the appointment of co-opted trustees
Jane Atkins announced that the trustees had co-opted three new trustees:
Tim O'Riordan (30 Jan '12)
Kate Prout (9 July '12)
Geraldine Terry (10 Sept '12)
The meeting approved these appointments.
To receive receive report from NEAD Manager, Kaja Holloway, appended
Kaja summarised NEAD’s key activities: The final year of projects We are Norfolk: East and E-Dev
Direct, which represent the last available income from the Department for International
Development’s Development Awareness Fund; Year 2 of Global English, funded by the Paul Hamlyn
Foundation, the launch of our core INSET training services for teachers, and the development of the
Eco-Team Challenge for youth groups in partnership with the Broads Authority and funded by the
Sustainable Development Fund.
To express thanks to donors and volunteers
Jane Atkins gave NEAD’s thanks to all volunteers including trustees, and all donors listed in the
Annual Report, especially the Paul Hamlyn Trust and Norfolk County Council.
Richard Bearman flagged up the need for realism in estimating staff time and energy in making
future bids, but felt that the work done on partnership development for the unsuccessful CLS bid
would be useful in future applications.
Any Other Business
Tim O’Riordan felt that there will be much future interest in funding projects which facilitate
behaviour change, in order that shortages of water, food, etc. can be managed, and the need for
carbon reduction be fully grasped. NEAD's expertise in co-operative working on such issues would
mean it was well-placed to make future bids.
Ian Gibson commented on the irony of the Pinewoods Sports Centre being built on, in view of
promises about the Olympic legacy.
Jane thanked everyone for coming, and for their support of NEAD.
The meeting was followed by presentations by Liz Bowes and Alaine Mukene, demonstrating
some of NEAD's core activities with young people and teachers.