Login Instructions

Khan Academy Set-Up FAQ
Logging In for the First Time
Go to www.khanacademy.org
Click on “Log In” on the top right of the screen
On the next page click on the “Google” button on the left
On the Google Accounts page, type your gmail account into the “Email” account box
o yourusername@stu.nthurston.k12.wa.us
Leave the “Password” box blank and click “Sign In”
o If asked to “Agree,” “Accept,” or press “Yes” please click those button(s)
The next page should say “North Thurston Public Schools” in a grey box
Log in using the username and password that you use to first log in to the computer
o If asked to “Agree,” “Accept,” or press “Yes” please click those button(s)
Remember, you can log on to Khan Academy at school, at home, or on any computer with an
internet connection by following these steps
Congratulations! You should be back at the Khan Academy Homepage, so click on “Practice” on
the top right of the page and you are ready to start earning badges!
Adding Your Teacher as a Coach
Click on your user name on the top right of the screen (where “Log In” used to be)
You are now on your profile page where you can check out your achievements, badges, and
change any preferences you would like
Click on “Coaches” on the bottom left of the screen (NOT “Coach” on the top right)
In the box under “Add coach,” type in your teacher’s gmail account:
o rwienski@stu.nthurston.k12.wa.us
Once you have successfully added your teacher as a coach, click on “Practice” on the top right of
the page and you are ready to start earning badges!