Supplementary Experimental Procedures Phylogenetic Analyses – Identification of Bsister genes The Bsister genes from Musa accuminata were taken from Gramzow and Theißen, 2013 (Gramzow and Theissen 2013) and named MUSA ACUMINATA BSISTER1 and 2, (MaBS1, and MaBS2). The Bsister genes from Elais oleifera and Phoenix dactylifera were identified via BLAST searches (Altschul et al. 1990) of the genomes using OsMADS29 as query (AlMssallem et al. 2013; Singh et al. 2013). They were termed ELAIS OLEIFERA BSISTER (EoBS) and PHOENIX DACTYLIFERA BSISTER (PdBS), respectively. The Bsister gene of Spirodela polyrhiza was taken from Wang et al., 2014 (Wang et al. 2014). Furthermore, we searched the transcriptome data of the 1kp project ( to identify monocot Bsister genes. In frame of another project we identified all MADS-box genes in the transcriptome data using Hidden Markov Model searches (Gramzow and Theissen 2013) and identified Bsister genes using phylogenies. Complete or almost complete Bsister gene sequences were identified from Posidonia australis, Maianthemum spec., Agave tequilana, Traubia modesta, Narcissus viridiflorus and Triodia aff and termed PaBS, MsBS, AteBS, TmBS, NvBS and TafBS, respectively. The Bsister genes from Oryza spec. were identified by BLAST (Altschul et al. 1990) searching the genomes of O. glabberima, O. punctata, O. brachyantha, O. barthii, O. rufipogon, O. meridionalis and O. nivara using OsMADS29, OsMADS30 and OsMADS31 as queries. Genes were named according to the O. sativa orthologs. The OsMADS30 orthologs of O. glaberrima and O. glumaepatula did not contain a complete MADS box due to incomplete sequencing and possibly incorrect gene prediction, respectively and were hence not included in the phylogenetic analyses. The Bsister genes from Aegilops tauschii, Triticum urartu and Triticum aestivum were identified by BLAST search (Altschul et al. 1990) of the respective genome and named according to species name and their position in the phylogeny, BS1, BS2 or BS3 if they were orthologous to OsMADS29, OsMADS30 or OsMADS31, respectively. Selection analysis Selection analysis was carried out using all grass Bsister genes that were used for the phylogeny. Due to high sequence similarity to other genes in the dataset all Oryza sequences except the ones from O. sativa, and all sequences from Aegilops tauschii and Triticum urartu were excluded from the analysis. Remaining protein sequences were aligned using ClustalW (Thompson et al. 1994). The resulting alignment was reverse translated using RevTrans (Wernersson and Pedersen 2003). This nucleotide alignment and the previously obtained phylogeny were used as input for PAML (Yang 2007). We used different subsets of the alignment, corresponding to the full alignment except the part encoding for the OsMADS30 C-terminal domain (MIKC), the full alignment without the part encoding for the C-terminal domain of all genes in the analysis (MIK), only the MADS-box and only the K-box. We also used different branch models, the one-ratio model allowing only one ratio for all branches in the phylogeny, a two-ratio model allowing the OsMADS30 subclade to have a different ωvalue to all the other branches and a four ratio model which has different ω-values for each of the three subclades, OsMADS29, OsMADS30 and OsMADS31 and the branch leading to the OsMADS31 subclade. To find out which model fits the data best, Likelihood ratio tests were carried out, comparing the two ratio model with the one ratio model and the four ratio model with the one ratio model. Imaging-based plant phenotyping Seeds of the osmads30-1 and osmads30-2 mutant lines as well as Oryza sativa ssp. japonica cv. Dongjin wildtype were sown in trays filled with a 2:1 mixture of clay substrate (Klasmann-Deilmann GmbH, Germany) and vermiculite (1/2mm, Gärtnereibedarf Kammlott, Germany) . Seedling were cultured in a climate controlled glass house at 24/17°C day/night, 60% relative air humidity, and 205–245 μmol m−2s−1 PAR with the light period set to 16 h (06:00–22:00 h). Due to the use of shading (when outside sun light exceeded 65 klux), total light intensity (natural sunlight + supplemental illumination) only rarely exceeded 380 μmol m−2s−1 PAR. For the analysis of growth dynamics and plant architectural as well as physiological features expressed upon cultivation in an acclimatized greenhouse. After an initial cultivation period of four months and before reaching the booting stage, ten plants per mutant and the Oryza sativa wild type were transferred to an automated phenotyping platform. After eleven weeks of pre-culture seedlings were transferred to 5.5l pots with clay/vermiculite mixture, stabilized with blue cages and the substrate mixture was covered with a blue rubber mat. Watering from the bottom was performed every second day and fertilizer was applied once per week (40ml/10l Wuxal (Manna, Germany)). The plants were grown for further six weeks with daily imaging, weighing and watering. The relative growth rate was calculated as RGR = (log(LA[tn+4]) - log(LA[tn])) / ((tn+4) - tn) in a sliding window manner to represent the increase in projected leaf area (side view) every 4 days as described elsewhere (Poorter and Lewis 1986). Plant compactness was calculated as Compactness = 4∏ (projected shoot area/border pixels²) and the hull area represents the area (in pixels) of the convex hull, which is the shortest convex line drawing around the plant. Extracted values of selected traits were subjected to statistical analysis using GenStat (ANOVA and subsequent post-hoc analysis by Tukey's range test). Additional References Al-Mssallem, I.S., Hu, S., Zhang, X. et al. (2013) Genome sequence of the 11 date palm Phoenix dactylifera L. Nat. Commun. 4, 2274. Altschul, S.F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E.W. and Lipman, D.J. (1990) Basic local alignment search tool. J. Mol. Biol. 215, 403–12 410. Gramzow, L. and Theissen, G. (2013) Phylogenomics of MADS-box genes in plants – two opposing life styles in one gene family. Biology (Basel), 2, 1150–14 1164. Poorter, H. and Lewis, C. (1986) Testing differences in relative growth-rate – a method avoiding curve fitting and pairing. Physiol. Plant. 67, 223–16 226.