Pacing Guide: Japanese I

World Languages Department
Pacing Guide: Japanese I(Block)
Unit Timeline
Unit Objectives SCOS/ Essential Standards
(Students will be able to….)
Grammar/ Vocabulary/
Topic One: Greetings
(10 days)
- Understand and use culturally appropriate greetings,
farewells, expressions of courtesy and simple phrases.(1.01,
1.02, NL.CLL.1.2, NL.CLL.2.1)
- Understand the meaning s of spoken words that are similar
to those in the students’ first language. (5.01, NL.CLL.2.2)
- Use single words and simple memorized phrases to express
feelings.(1.03, NL.CLL.1.1)
- Use single words in memorized phrases to identify names
of people, places, and things. (2.02, 3.01, 4.05, NL.CLL.3.1)
- Use the language to recite simple songs from the target
culture.(2.05, NL.CLL.3.2)
- Compare behaviors such as gestures and greetings in the
two cultures.(1.06, 4.01, NL.CLL.4.1)
- Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target
culture and the student’s culture.(4.02, NL.CLL.4.2)
- Recognize examples of loan words.(5.03, 5.05, NL.CLL.4.3)
- Carry out simple exchanges of information using contentrelated vocabulary and concepts. (5.04, NL.COD.1.1)
- Understand how to respond to familiar or simple questions
in the target language. (2.02, 2.04, NL.COD.2.1)
- Use single words and simple memorized phrased orally and
in writing to name common objects related to other
disciplines. (4.04, NL.COD.3.3)
- Recall oral phrases commonly used in target language
communities. (NL.CMT.2.3)
- Use appropriate gestures body language and cultural
practices. (5.06,NL.CMT.4.3)
- Explain the impact of globalization and technology on the
target culture. (5.10, 7.02, NM.COD.4.3)
- Use simple language in real-life situations to ask and answer
simple questions on very familiar topics. (2.01, NM.CMT.1.1)
- Compare contributions of the target culture to the student’s
culture. (6.01, NM.CMT.4.4)
- Use single words in memorized phrases to identify names of
people, places, and things. (2.02,3.01,4.05,NL.CLL.3.1)
- Use single words and phrases to express classroom needs.
- Generate responses to simple questions, statements,
commands, or other stimuli. (1.02, 1.05, 2.03, NM.CLL.1.3)
- Recognize cultural expectations of people in both the target
-Japanese alphabet
(hiragana, KATAKANA, kanji and
-Japanese pronunciation
-particle indicates subject in the
sentence (“wa”)
-particle indicates possession (“no”)
-Title “~san”
-Honorific O
-the sentence structure
X is(is not) Y
~desu, ~dewa arimasen
-Nationality: country name jin desu
*Where is Japan located?
*How many main islands
are there in Japan?
*What is the capital city
*Do you know any Japanese
words in English?
*How do you write your
name in Japanese?
*Ogenki desu ka. (How are
*Dare desu ka (Who is it?)
*How do you introduce
yourself in Japanese?
*Nihongo no namae wa nan
desu ka. (What is its
Japanese name?)
*Dare no desu ka. (Whose is
*Doko no kata desu ka.
(Where are you from?)
Topic Two: In the classroom
(5 days)
*How many years do
Japanese students go to
~desu (present aff.)
~janai desu (present neg.)
-Command ~te kudasai
-particle indicates object in the
sentence “o”
Things o kudasai
Writing/ Speaking/ Reading/
-The difference of writing systems
-Formal/ informal speech
-The purpose of studying foreign
-Things about Japan(products)
-Customs(respect others, bow)
-The similarity and differences
between English and Japanese
-Education system(names/years)
-Juku /cram school
-Lunch/Cleaning time
-More symbols
-Japan on World Map
-Products from Japan
-Vocabulary from Topic 1
-particles “wa” and “no”
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World Languages Department
Pacing Guide: Japanese I(Block)
Unit Timeline
*What is cram school?
*Kore wa nan desu ka.
(What is this?)
*What am I asking you to
*How do you ask for
Topic Three: School life
(15 days)
School Subjects
Sentence structure
*How do the students dress
in school?
*How many periods a day
do they have?
*What do they study at
school in Japan?
*How do you make
sentences in Japanese?
*Where do you put VERBS
in a sentence?
*Nani o benkyooshimasu
ka. (What do you study?)
*Nani o renshuushimasu ka.
(What do you practice?)
*Nani o shimasu ka. (What
do you play?)
*Nani ga suki desu ka.
(What do you like?)
*Nani ga kirai desu ka.
(What do you dislike?)
Topic Four: Time, days, and
(15 days)
Unit Objectives SCOS/ Essential Standards
(Students will be able to….)
Grammar/ Vocabulary/
Writing/ Speaking/ Reading/
culture and the student’s culture.(4.02, NL.CLL.4.2)
- Use appropriate voice inflections in oral presentations.
- Use the target language to exchange information about the
classroom and school environment. (1.05, 5.04,NM.COD.1.1)
- Use simple language in real-life situations to ask and answer
simple questions on very familiar topics. (2.01, 6.01, 7.03,
- Remember pronunciation, vocabulary, and syntax
appropriate to the student’s reading level. (2.01, 2.05,
- Recognize sound pattern differences to reproduce in
- Use single words in memorized phrases to identify names
of people, places, and things. (2.02, 3.01, 4.05, NL.CLL.3.1)
- Carry out simple interactions with people from the target
culture. (2.02, NL.CMT. 1.1)
- Identify fine arts, sports, and media from the target culture.
(4.06, 7.06, NL.CMT. 3.1)
- Understand roles in school related to the target
culture.(5.06, NL.CMT.3.2)
- Use familiar vocabulary and structures to exchange
information about likes, dislikes and everyday activities.
(1.04, NM.CLL.1.2)
- Use basic language structures to compose simple phrases
and sentences in presentations about preference.
- Use familiar to vocabulary and structures to exchange
information about academic topics from other disciplines.
(6.02, NM.COD. 1.3)
- Exemplify differences in pronunciations using vocabulary
from different content areas. (5.01, 5.03, 5.04, NM.COD.2.2)
-sentence structure
-verbs: masu-form (present
-verb comes at the end of the
- sentence structure with Like,
- Use the language to recite sequence of numbers.(1.02,
2.01, NL.COD. 3.2)
- Interpret information presented in pictorial form in terms
of main ideas. (1.04, 2.04, 3.01, NL.COD 4.2)
- Understand the forms of authentic media that are age-
-phone number “no” after the
-sentence structure
-particle indicates time “ni”
-School life in Japan
-More school subjects
-After-school activities
-Grading system in Japan
-pop-culture(manga, Anime, J-pop)
-Vocabularies on sports, musical
-Comparison between Japanese
sentences and English sentences
-Japanese art
-Number/time and daily life
-Kanji for numbers, days
-Countries’ names
-English Grammar (S V O)
-Word order (S O V)
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World Languages Department
Pacing Guide: Japanese I(Block)
Unit Timeline
*What is the name of the
current emperor?
*What is the current
emperor’s reign called?
*What are good/bad
numbers for Japanese
*Can you count 1~10 in
*Can you count 1~20 in
*Can you count 1~100 in
*Anata no denwabangoo
wa nan desu ka. (What is
your phone number?)
*How do you answer the
phone in Japanese?
*Kyoo nanyoobi desu ka.
(What day is it today?)
*Ima nanji desu ka. (What
time is it now?)
*Nani o shimashoo ka.
(What shall we do?)
*Kinoo nani o shimashita
ka. (What did you do
Topic Five: The weather
(5 days)
Weather /Seasons
*Which season is it in Japan
when we are in spring?
*Kyoo no tenki wa doo desu
(How is the weather today?)
*Kinoo no tenki wa doo
deshita ka.
Unit Objectives SCOS/ Essential Standards
(Students will be able to….)
Grammar/ Vocabulary/
appropriate and reflect the target culture.(2.05, 4.06,
NL.CMT. 2.1)
- Identify media from the target culture. (5.07, NL.CMT.3.1)
- Use appropriate gestures body language and cultural
practices.(1.06, NL.CMT. 4.3)
- Understand the language components that are used in the
target and first languages.(5.02, 5.04, NM.CLL.2.5)
- Use the language to recite and sing songs from the target
culture. (7.06, NM.CLL.3.2)
- Use familiar to vocabulary and structures to exchange
information about academic topics from other disciplines.
(6.02, NM.COD. 1.3)
- Understand how the basic terms from other content areas
may be different from the first language. (6.03, NM.COD.2.3)
- Use the language to perform simple mathematical
operations. (6.03,NM.COD.3.2)
-sentence structure with time
Time ni +S+O+V
-verb conjugation
~mashita (past aff.)
~masen deshita (past neg.)
~mashoo (suggestion)
- Carry out simple exchanges of information using contentrelated vocabulary and concepts. (3.01, NL.COD.1.1)
- Recognize words in groups from other disciplines.(6.02,
4.04, NL.COD.2.3)
- Use simple phrases to present orally and in writing about
the weather and season. (2.02, NM.COD.3.1)
- Interpret information presented in pictorial form in terms
of main ideas. (1.04, 2.04, 3.01, NL.COD 4.2)
- Recall oral phrases commonly used in target language
communities.(2.01, 5.04, NL.CMT.2.3)
- Identify media from the target culture. (2.05, 7.06, NL.CMT.
-adjective conjugation
~i (present aff.)
~kunai (present neg.)
~katta (past aff.)
~kunakatta (past neg.)
-Agreement ne
-verb conjugation
~ deshoo(it’ll probably be)
(reason) kara
reason comes first
Writing/ Speaking/ Reading/
-Seasons in Japan
-Good Weather charm
-Word order (S O V)
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World Languages Department
Pacing Guide: Japanese I(Block)
Unit Timeline
(How was the weather
*Ashita atatakai deshoo ka.
(Will it probably be warm
*Naze desu ka.
(What’s the reason?)
Topic Six: Myself and others
(20 days)
Physical characteristics
*At what age can you vote
in Japan?
*Nansai desu ka.
(How old are you?)
*How do you count grades
in school in Japan?
*Nannensei desu ka.
(What grade are you in?)
*Otanjoobi wa itsu desu ka.
(When is your birthday?)
*Kyoo nangatsu nannichi
desu ka.
(What is today’s date?)
*Where do you put the
dates in the sentence?
*What are two most
important festivals for
Japanese people? (How do
they celebrate?)
*What is your favorite
Japanese festival? (What do
they do? Why do you like
*How do you write the date
in Japanese?
*Se ga takai desu ka.
(Are you tall?)
Unit Objectives SCOS/ Essential Standards
(Students will be able to….)
- Carry out simple exchanges of information using contentrelated vocabulary and concepts. (2.02, NL.COD.1.1)
-Use the target language as it pertains to days of the week,
numbers, months, dates to present to an audience.(1.05,
3.01, NL.COD.3.1)
- Use the language to recite sequence of numbers.(1.02,
2.02, NL.COD. 3.2)
- Understand roles in community celebrations related to the
target culture.(4.03, 5.08, 7.02, 7.04, 7.06, NL.CMT. 3.2)
- Use memorized words and phrases to exchange
information and personal experiences. (1.05, 2.01, 2.02,
2.05, NM.CLL.1.1, NM.CLL.2.1, NM.COD.2.4)
- Understand the meaning of short simple phrases and
sentences in written materials. (1.02, 1.03, NM.CLL.2.2)
- Use basic language structures to compose simple sentences
in presentations about preferences. (1.04, NM.CLL.3.1)
- Recognize cultural traditions from photos. (2.06, 4.02,
5.06,5.07, 5.08, 5.09, NM.CLL.4.1)
- Compare some basic cultural expectations of people in the
two cultures. (7.04,NM.CLL.4.2)
- Classify simple phrases and sentences in the target language
by key academic concepts. (2.04, NM.COD. 2.1)
- Differentiate gestures for appropriateness in the target
culture. (1.06, NM.CMT. 4.3)
- Use the target language to exchange information about
traditions, customs, celebrations, and holidays.(1.05, 2.01,
2.02, 2.05, 4.06, 6.04, NM.COD.4.4)
- Use available resources (technology) to expand cultural
knowledge. (4.06, 6.02, NM.CMT. 4.5)
Grammar/ Vocabulary/
-Age number sai (*hatachi)
-Grade number nensei
-Month number gatsu(*shigatsu,
-Date number nichi(*1~10)
-sentence structure
Date ni S + O + V
-verb conjugation
(~masu, ~masen, ~mashita, ~masen
-particle “mo”
-the proper particle usage
-adjectives including colors
Writing/ Speaking/ Reading/
-Ceremonies in life
-Japanese festivals
-Order in date(Y/M/D)
-Word order (S C V, S O V)
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World Languages Department
Pacing Guide: Japanese I(Block)
Unit Timeline
*Kami no ke wa naniiro
desu ka.
(What is your hair color?)
Topic Seven: Families and
(20 days)
Talking about Family
*What is the name of
the current Japanese
*Why do Japanese families
want a male child?
*Who cooks at home?
*Gokazoku wa nannin
imasu ka.
(How many people do you
have in your family?
*Nani ni naritai desu ka.
(What do you want to be in
the future?)
*Who is your friend?
*What is your friend like?
*Doko ni sunde imasu ka.
(Where do you live?)
*Do you know any Japanese
Topic Eight: Homes and
daily activities
(13 days)
Talk about My House
Describe My Day
*What do you need to do
when you enter a house in
Unit Objectives SCOS/ Essential Standards
(Students will be able to….)
Grammar/ Vocabulary/
Writing/ Speaking/ Reading/
- Carry out simple exchanges of information using contentrelated vocabulary and concepts. (2.02, NL.COD.1.1)
- Use memorized words and phrases to exchange
information and personal experiences. (1.05, 2.01, 2.02,
2.05, NM.CLL.1.1, NM.CLL.2.1, NM.COD.2.4)
- Compare some basic cultural expectations of people in the
two cultures. (4.01, 4.02, 7.04,NM.CLL.4.2)
- Recognize words in groups from other disciplines.(6.03,
- Classify simple phrases and sentences in the target language
by key academic concepts. (2.04, NM.COD. 2.1)
- Compare students’ families with those in the target culture.
(5.06, 5.09, NL.CMT. 4.1)
- Use lists and graphic organizers to speak and write about
family. (1.05, 3.01, NM.CLL.3.5)
- Use common technology tools to present in the target
language.(1.05, 6.01, 7.03, NM.COD. 3.4)
-‘this” for person,
-counting people number nin (*1,2)
-Members and Numbers in Family
Family member ga (counting people)
-Both~and ~ “~mo,~mo” + verb(aff.)
-Neither ~ or ~
“~mo,~mo” + verb(neg.)
-Job occupation ni naritai desu
-review of verbs and adjectives
-Residence Place ni sunde imasu
-Japanese Imperial family
-Families in Japan(importance of
male children, especially first son)
-Common occupation by gender
-Kanji for counting
-Word order (S C V, S O V)
- Compare students’ homes as well as home-product with
those in the target culture. (5.06, 5.07, 5.09, NL.COD.4.1,
NL.CMT. 4.1)
- Carry out simple exchanges of information using contentrelated vocabulary and concepts. (2.02, 3.01, NL.COD.1.1)
- Use memorized words and phrases to exchange
information (surroundings) and personal experiences. (1.05,
2.01, 2.02, 2.05, NM.CLL.1.1, NM.CLL.2.1, NM.CLL. 2.03,
NM.COD. 1.2, NM.COD.2.4)
- Compare some basic cultural expectations of people in the
two cultures. (4.01, 4.02, 7.04,NM.CLL.4.2)
-particle for the location of activity
Room de S + O + V
-particle for the location of activity
Place de S + O + V
-sentence structure
Time ni, Place de S + O + V-sentence
–sentence structure (by___)
Transportation de S + O + V
-Housing in Japan
-Manners at Japanese home
-Japanese architecture(castles,
temples and shrines)
-Transportation in Japan
-More verbs
-Word order (S O V)
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World Languages Department
Pacing Guide: Japanese I(Block)
Unit Timeline
*How do you describe
things in your house?
*How do you use arimasu
and imasu?
*Mainichi nani o shimasu
(What do you do every
*How do you come to
Topic Nine: Health
(2 days)
Express health condition
and emotion
-Express your physical
*What kind of health issues
do we have?
*Do you know any Japanese
*How do you feel today?
Unit Objectives SCOS/ Essential Standards
(Students will be able to….)
Grammar/ Vocabulary/
Writing/ Speaking/ Reading/
-Body parts ga itai desu
-Diet in Japan(health issues)
- Recognize words in groups from other disciplines.(6.03,
- Use simple phrases to present orally and in writing about
time and daily activities. (2.05, NM.COD.3.1)
- Use available resources (technology) to expand cultural
knowledge. (4.06, 6.04, NM.CMT.4.5)
- Carry out simple exchanges of information using contentrelated vocabulary and concepts. (2.02, NL.COD.1.1)
- Use memorized words and phrases to exchange
information and emotions. (1.04, 1.05, 2.01, 2.02, 2.05,
NM.CLL.1.1, NM.CLL.1.2, NM.CLL.2.1, NM.CLL. 2.03,
NM.COD. 1.2, NM.COD.2.4)
- Compare some basic cultural expectations and superstitions
of people in the two cultures. (4.01, 4.02, 7.04,NM.CLL.4.2)
- Use lists and graphic organizers to speak, write about, or
compare about health. (1.05, 3.01, 4.02, 5.07, 6.03,
-Body parts
Textbook : NTC’s Basic Japanese level I
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