RDA Toolkit Training Resources Cambridge University Accessing the RDA Toolkit http://access.rdatoolkit.org The UL, CSL, Medical, Moore and Squire Law Libraries have access set up via IP recognition, so should be able to use this URL as a bookmark or by typing it directly and will find themselves automatically logged in to our institutional account. Other Cambridge libraries will have to click on the referring link on the home page of the RDA Webspace but again, doing this should give them full access to the Cambridge University institutional account: http://www.lib.cam.ac.uk/libraries/login/RDA/ Useful resources from the RDA Toolkit publishers RDA Toolkit Essentials webinars http://www.rdatoolkit.org/essentials Archive of past webinars (video and slides) plus instructions on how to sign up for future webinars Video help http://www.rdatoolkit.org/videohelp Short 2-6 minute video lessons on how to perform some of the basic tasks in RDA Toolkit RDA Toolkit blog http://www.rdatoolkit.org/blog This blog includes regular posts with tips on using RDA Toolkit more efficiently and information about RDA cataloguing. Useful resources from the Library of Congress The Library of Congress training materials for using the RDA Toolkit can be found here (shortened link but it’s the Library of Congress RDA Training materials page: http://1.usa.gov/KRhbLm This material is extremely useful if you want more detail. It includes: Recorded Webinar (Sept. 5, 2012) [MP4 : 68.2 MB] A 90 minute webinar looking at the RDA Toolkit in detail and including practical exercises Using the RDA Toolkit (Oct. 2012) [Word : 846 KB] A 35-page document covering all the information from the webinar. The exercises done during the Cambridge RDA Toolkit training sessions were taken from this document. Test yourself!: RDA Toolkit Quiz An online 20-question quiz using Adobe Captivate to test some of the information covered in the webinar and document. Logo or handout used by permission of the Co-Publishers for RDA (American Library Association, Canadian Library Association, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) Compiled by Céline Carty, January 2013