Lesson Plan Template Name: Burney, Underwood, McCoy, Garris School: Elementary Grade(s): 3rd Subject(s): Science / Reading Lesson Title: Surviving Georgia Habitats Lesson Duration: Click here to enter text. Essential Question(s): Science EQs: What is a habitat? How are regions in Georgia different? Reading EQs: How can I use illustrations, diagrams, charts, graphs, and graphic organizers to obtain information from my readings? How can I locate information quickly in a text? Standards: Science - S3L1: Students will investigate the habitats of different organisms and the dependence of organisms on their habitat. a. Differentiate between habitats of Georgia (mountains, marsh/swamp, coast, Piedmont, Atlantic Ocean) and the organisms that live there. Reading - ELA3R2 The student acquires and uses grade-level words to communicate effectively. a. Reads literary and informational texts and incorporates new words into oral and written language. ELA3R3 The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade-level text. The student h. Interprets information from illustrations, diagrams, charts, graphs, and graphic organizers. o. Uses titles, tables of contents, and chapter headings to locate information quickly and accurately and to preview text. Assessments: Anecdotal Records Checklist Performance Assessment Explain where and how this assessment is used. Students will have to follow specific checklists to make sure they have the necessary components for their performance assessment. Items on the checklist will be vague and are meant to only be an outline. Students will be creating a voicethread OR paperslide as the final product. They will be assessed on how well they collaborate, the knowledge of the region, and if they did, in fact, survive getting through the region. Portfolio Project Rubric Written test/quiz Other Click here to explain where in the lesson this assessment is used and how the assessment should be used. Click here to explain where in the lesson this assessment is used and how the assessment should be used. Click here to explain where in the lesson this assessment is used and how the assessment should be used. Formative assessments will be done throughout the presentations. . Students will make group journal entries after each work session. Lesson description: The Groups’ task is to survive travelling through a specific GA region. Groups will be made based on the different regions of GA. After students are assigned a region, they will work collaboratively to create a “Survivor” presentation to get the traveler through that specific region. At the end of the presentation, the class will vote whether or not the group would “Survive” their trip through the region. Lesson directions, materials and procedures: Session 1: Introduce GA Habitats using trade book about habitats and regions. Use interactive graphic organizer to organize information about what makes a habitat a habitat. http://my.hrw.com/nsmedia/intgos/html/PDFs/Freeform_Web.pdf Session 2: Jigsaw activity. Students will be broken into their groups that they will work in for their performance assessment. Each group will get a trade book for their specific region. (These go along with the Harcourt Science series.) While reading the trade book, students will fill out KLEW chart. http://curriculum.dpsk12.org/lang_literacy_cultural/literacy/elem_lit/curric_instruc_assess/interdisc_un its/2/KLEW_Graphic_Organizer.pdf Session 3: Jigsaw activity part 2. Students will be taken from homogeneous region groups and put into heterogeneous region groups. When doing this part, make sure that there is one representative from each region is in the heterogeneous group. Students will then fill out graphic organizer provided by the teacher. This will help them vote at the end of the group’s presentations. TSW then return to their original group. Session 4: Technology Introductions – TTW show students how to use voicethread.com and how to create a paperslide. The groups will get to choose which type of technology they would like to use for their survivor presentation. (Also have available Flip video cameras, microphones, and headphones.) Resource for paperslide videos: http://vimeo.com/12192823 Resource for voicethread.com: http://voicethread.com/ Sessions 5 – 8: TSW work on their presentations using the KLEW charts, online resources (go to google.com and search “GA habitats PPT”), and graphic organizers that they filled out during the jigsaw activity. Session 9: Show presentations and class voting (Based on this group’s survivor presentation, will they survive trekking through their region?) Session 10: Assessment – TSW take assessment using Google Forms for both content information and reflection/self-assessment piece. Differentiation(s): Trade Books are leveled based on reading level. Group students heterogeneously based on reading levels, so all students are able to access the trade books. For the more advanced tech user, voicethread is available. For students who are just getting used to using technology in the classroom, paperslide will be used. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, what cognitive level does this lesson address? Select the Bloom’s level that is represented by this lesson. Recalling existing information (Remembering) Interpreting, summarizing or explaining existing information (Understanding) Implementing or using existing information in a new way (Applying) Comparing, breaking down or re-organizing beyond existing information (Evaluating) Constructing, planning or producing beyond existing information (Creating) Technologies Used: Select all that apply. Where was technology used in the lesson? What technology was used? Pre-planning Research / Investigation KLEW chart (Interactive PDF) PPT online will be used. (See “GA Habitats PPT” on google.com) Knowledge Construction / Making Interactive PDFs / Graphic Organizers Meaning Final Product Development – Media Paperslides; Flip Videos; Voicethreads Making Assessment Google Forms Reflection / Feedback Google Forms Final Reflection: What advice would you give yourself or other teachers to increase the quality of student work for this lesson the next time it is used?