Kindergarten Weather Patterns

Weather Unit
By Amanda Kern,
Sorosh Hesham,
Katie Mitchell
Five Day Unit
Unit Introduction:
During the five-day unit on weather the students will focus on repeating
patterns in their every day lives including weather patterns and plant growth.
Students will gain knowledge of weather patterns by engaging in activities that
incorporate visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learners. The goal is for students to
learn the different types of weather, when they occur based on the seasons, and
how we can predict the weather based on the clouds we observe. Students will
also learn how the weather can affect plant growth in the plant cycle. Students
will complete hands on activities to enhance their knowledge of the plants growth
and the life cycle of a plant. Students will gain a better understanding of key
topics within the subjects of math, language arts, physical education, technology,
science, and fine arts. This lesson is important to teach so students can
distinguish between the seasons and understand that similar weather patterns
repeat every year.
1. Students will be able to predict weather patterns and how they change
from one season to the next.
2. Students will be able to identify the five main types of weather (sunny,
windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy) and relative temperatures (hot, cold, warm,
cool) based on the seasons.
3. Students will learn the importance of weather in the plant cycle as well as
the parts of a flower.
Specific Objectives:
The students will be able to identify types of weather and characteristics of
the four seasons (winter, spring, summer, and autumn) by sorting picture
cards on the Smart Board (ie. snowman/ snowfall, flowering trees/raining,
sunny/hot, leaves falling/apple picking) with 90% accuracy.
Using colored Lego blocks the students will be able to make an object graph
using the classroom weather calendar from the past seven days (cloudy,
partly cloudy, rainy, snowy, sunny, and windy) with 90% accuracy.
The students will be able to label the parts of a flower when given the “Parts
of a Flower” worksheet with 90% accuracy.
The students will be able to identify the stages of the lifecycle of a plant by
placing the boxes in the correct places in the lifecycle activity on the Smart
Board with 90% accuracy.
Using the cloud observer tool, students will be able to identify the type of
cloud (cirrus, altostratus, altocumulus, cirrostratus, cirrocumulus,
cumulonimbus, cumulus, nimbostratus and stratus) they see in the sky with
90% accuracy.
The students will be able sort picture cards on the Smart Board and name the
colors that make a rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and
violet) with 90% accuracy.
Standards of Learning:
Science K.9: The student will investigate and understand that there are simple
repeating patterns in his/her daily life. Key concepts include a) weather
observations; b) the shapes and forms of many common natural objects including
seeds, cones, and leaves; and c) animal and plant growth.
English/ Oral Language K.2 The student will expand understanding and use of
word meanings. a) Increase listening and speaking vocabularies. b) Use number
words. c) Use words to describe/name people, places, and things. d) Use words
to describe/name location, size, color, and shape. e) Use words to
describe/name actions. f) Ask about words not understood. g) Use vocabulary
from other content areas of growth.
Language Art- K.5: The student will understand how print is organized and read.
(A) Hold print materials in the correct position (B) Identify the front cover, back
cover, and title page of a book (C) Distinguish between print and pictures (D)
Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on a printed page.
Math/ Statistics K.14 The student will display gathered data in object graphs,
picture graphs, and tables, and will answer questions related to the data.
Math- K.4- 15/16: The student will sort and classify objects according to
attributes. The student will identify, describe, and extend repeating patterns.
Technology K.2.1 Demonstrate an operational knowledge of various
technologies. A. Use various types of technology devices to perform learning
tasks. • Use a keyboard, mouse, touch screen, touchpad, and other input devices
to interact with a computer.
Technology K2.2 Identify and use available technologies to complete
specific tasks. Use content-specific tools, software, and simulations to
complete projects.
Fine Arts/ Music- K.5: The student will perform rhythmic patterns that include
sounds and silences, using instruments, body percussion, and voice.
Fine Arts/ Visual Arts- K.7: The student will identify and use the following in
works of art: 1. Color—red, blue, yellow, green, orange, violet, brown, black,
white 2. Line—straight/curved, thick/thin, long/short, up/down/across 3. Shape—
circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval 4. Texture—visual, tactile 5. Pattern—
occurring naturally, made by people
Physical Education K.1: The student will demonstrate progress toward the
mature form of selected locomotor, nonlocomotor, and manipulative skills. a)
Demonstrate the locomotor skills of walking, running, hopping, and jumping and
landing. b) Demonstrate the non-locomotor movements of bending, pushing,
pulling, stretching, turning, twisting, swinging, swaying, rocking, and balancing. c)
Demonstrate a minimum of two critical elements (small, isolated parts of the
whole skill or movement) used in stationary manipulative skills d) Demonstrate a
minimum of two critical elements used in manipulative skills while moving. e)
Demonstrate moving to a beat, using basic locomotor and nonlocomotor rhythmic
Find Out About Weather by Robin Kerrod
Magic School Bus video, Kicks up a Storm
Smart Board
“Four Seasons” song video
“My Favorite Season” worksheet
Colored pencils
“Clothes Sorting by Season” worksheet
Glue sticks
Weather/seasons sorting cards
“Check out the Weather” song video
The book The Great Graph Contest by Loreen Leedy
Picture graph worksheet
Colored pencils
Stamp ink pad
“What’s a Graph” video
 Colored Lego blocks
 Classroom weather calendar
 Smart Board
 Brain Pop Jr. video called “The Plant Lifecycle”
Parts of a flower Smart Board activity
The “Lifecycle of a Plant” workbook
Colored pencils
“Parts of a Flower” worksheet
Glue sticks
Clear plastic cups
Bean seeds
Watering can
Smart Board
Mason jar
Foam shaving cream
Food coloring
Book Crazy Clouds, Crazy Weather by Amanda Kidney
Reference book for types of clouds pages
Book, It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles Shaw
Blue construction paper
Cotton balls
White paint
White paint pen
“Make a Storm” video
Cloud observer sheets
Popsicle sticks
Clear mason jar
Isopropyl Alcohol
Light corn syrup
Extra virgin olive oil
Dawn dish detergent
Food coloring
Measuring cup
The book, All The Colors of the Rainbow by Allan Fowler
Rainbow color song (
Smart Board
Rainbow R.O.Y. G. B.I.V worksheet