HIROSHIMA by John Hersey – Reading Schedule and Activities Mrs. Owens Reading Schedule Assignment one: Part One ....................................................................................................................due Mon., 2/23 Assignment two: Part Two....................................................................................................................due Fri., 2/27 Assignment three: Part Three ...............................................................................................................due Tues., 3/3 Assignment four: Part Four ..................................................................................................................due Fri., 3/6 Assignment five: Part Five ...................................................................................................................due Fri., 3/13 Reading Journal and Annotations By each scheduled reading deadline, please complete the appropriate reading journal assignments and be prepared to share your work in small groups. (SEE BACK FOR SCHEDULE) Each assignment is worth 10 pts. and will be checked for completion the day it is due. Because this assignment is intended for discussion and sharing, LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Annotations will be worth 5 pts. per week. I. Journalist Write four double-column note entries. Each one must begin with one of the following sentence starters: a. Hersey’s diction is interesting in this passage because… b. Hersey’s syntax is interesting in this passage because… c. An interesting metaphor or symbol in this passage is… d. The detail here seems effective/out of place/important because… e. Hersey is/is not emphasizing ______ because… f. This passage reminds me of… g. Hersey’s tone here is _______ probably because… II. Character Analyst Write a RAFT paragraph where you adopt a Role of a person/character from the text, write to a specified Audience of your choice, using a Format of your choice, on a Topic of your choice related to the text. The RAFT should be a minimum of eight sentences long and use varied syntax with attention to diction (including vocabulary). III. Poet Write a poem in response to this section of the text. The poem should be follow any structure or format that you choose, be a minimum of ten lines, and incorporate new vocabulary. Additionally, it should incorporate these poetic elements: imagery, one (1) metaphor or simile, and three (3) instances of sound use (alliteration, consonance, assonance). Highlight and label them. IV. Artist Draw or find a picture that represents/symbolizes/portrays any idea or event from the section you just read and write one paragraph of five (5) sentences minimum explaining your picture. V. Discussion Leader Write three (3) open-ended essay/discussion questions that you would like to discuss now that you have finished the text. Write your own answer to each question in a minimum of four (4) sentences. WEEK ONE – complete by Mon., 2/23 Annotate: Seat Number 1: Reading Journal I Important events, surprises Seat Number 2: Reading Journal II Character development Seat Number 3: Reading Journal III Main/big ideas in the text Seat Number 4: Reading Journal IV Outstanding/interesting style choices (diction, imagery, syntax) WEEK TWO – complete by Fri., 2/27 Annotate: Seat Number 1: Reading Journal II Character development Seat Number 2: Reading Journal III Main/big ideas in the text Seat Number 3: Reading Journal IV Outstanding/interesting style choices (diction, imagery, syntax) Seat Number 4: Reading Journal I Important events, surprises WEEK THREE – complete by Tues., 3/3 Annotate: Seat Number 1: Reading Journal III Main/big ideas in the text Seat Number 2: Reading Journal IV Outstanding/interesting style choices (diction, imagery, syntax) Seat Number 3: Reading Journal I Important events, surprises Seat Number 4: Reading Journal II Character development WEEK FOUR – complete by Fri., 3/6 Annotate: Seat Number 1: Reading Journal IV Outstanding/interesting style choices (diction, imagery, syntax) Seat Number 2: Reading Journal I Important events, surprises Seat Number 3: Reading Journal II Character development Seat Number 4: Reading Journal III Main/big ideas in the text WEEK FIVE – complete by Fri., 3/13 Annotate: ALL SEATS: Reading Journal V Independent annotation (your choice – show engagement with text)