Perception Guided Response for Nelson`s Lessons

Perc eptions -
PerceptionsWe see with our eyes, hear with our ears, smell with our noses, taste with our tongues, and feel with
our touch,
but we PERCEIVE with our brains.
Define Perceptions:
It is not before our brain makes sense of our experiences, that we really sense anything at all. Sense
perceptions takes place primarily in the parietal lobes with the auditory center located in the temporal lobes &
the visual center located in the occipital lobe.
2. Which table did you choose?
3. Why does our brain not want to see the two as the same size?
4. How does this optical illusion illustrate the difference between “seeing” &
“perceiving” ??? Explain with specific reference to how the picture is drawn.
We are often convinced that what we see is reality; but, what we see depends on a great many things:
5. Figure Ground Relationship:
If you are interested in learning more… Google ‘Gestalt
Psychology’ & see (perceive) what you can find!
What does this relationship tell us about our ability to perceive multiple things simultaneously?
6. Selective Perception: Define
“It is natural to select only a _____ details, and from those form a perception of a person or situation
that we feel reflects the whole picture.” -Perceptions
7. When I showed you the pictures in class, could you at first see what I was guiding you to perceive?
Why or why not?
8. Once you saw “everything” in the picture, was it possible to truly not see, or “un-see” the objects?
Why not?
9. The meaning we give to any situation is shaped by many factors. What factors affect how we
perceive the world?
(For example: gender, social class…) Can you list at least ten?
10. What is meant by the following:
"Our experiences are our lenses through which we view the world." -Dave Nelson
We see what we expect to see and we perceive events through the lenses of our own experiences,
interests and concerns. As a result we may lose sight or never see the big picture.
Define the following:
11. Bias-
(Grammar Check: A person who is influenced by a bias is biased. Therefore bias is a noun, biased is an adjective. We
all have bias, but are not all equally biased. You have bias. You are biased.)
12. Subjective-
13. Objective-
14. Stereotype15. Perceptual Manipulation-
How did the “magicians do it?”
a. Identify 2-3 every-day examples of where one may see perceptual manipulation?
b. Are they dangerous? Explain.
16. In a group, do we normally think for ourselves or do we tend to think like the group?
a. What evidence was given to prove or disprove this tendency?
b. Why did the subjects “yield” to the groups perceptions?
c. Where do you see the same phenomenon in every-day life?
17. Conformity- (Define)
18. Tunnel Vision-
(Grammar - one phenomenon/ two phenomena!)
What are the implications of this experiment in every-day life?
19. How does one cure tunnel vision?
20. After watching the clip from Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn, how did Tom Sawyer redefine
white washing? What was the result?
Created by Dave Nelson, Combo11-