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tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Test identification
tranSMART instance
Test case
Successful End Condition
(Acceptance Criteria):
Open Issues:
tranSMART_test_ Grid View
Verify the ‘Grid View’ in tranSMART
All the Test Steps of the ‘Test case’ should pass
Tester identification
Tester Name:
Tester’s Computer ID:
Tester User ID:
Tester Site:
tranSMART role(s) tester is assigned to:
Browser used for this test (Firefox or IE): Firefox
Testing start (date + time):
1 tranSMART_test_ Grid View
Testing end (date + time):
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Test results
Verify the overall distribution of demographic parameters (age, sex, race) in patients and through comparison of different cohorts.
Verify the display and export data from ‘Grid View’.
Role assigned to the tester’s user account: ‘Spectator’ (at a minimum)
Internet browser: Tester should have Firefox installed on his/her computer
Login: Tester should be able to launch the tranSMART application successfully (link provided on page 1 of this Test Case)
Test data:
The Study ‘test_Serial LDD’ should be available in the application with the following nodes:
\Design Factors\Trial Arms\Diabetes
\Design Factors\Trial Arms\Obese
2 tranSMART_test_ Grid View
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Step #
Expected Results
Actual Results or Deviations/Comments
Go to the Analyze tab.
Summary Statistics are
generated for the patients
belonging to the subset
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Summary Statistics are
generated for two subsets of
patients: ‘Diabetes’ and
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Grid View table displays
various data (incl.
demographics data) for each
subject of the two subsets
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Open the Study ‘test_Serial LDD’ by clicking on the
‘plus-sign’ icon.
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Drag & drop the node ‘Design Factors > Trial Arms
> Diabetes’ as Subset 1.
Click the ‘Summary Statistics’ tab.
Return to the ‘Comparison’ tab.
Keep ‘Diabetes’ in Subset 1. Drag and drop the
node ‘Design Factors > Trial Arms > ‘Obese’ as
Subset 2.
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Click the ‘Summary Statistics’ tab.
Click the ‘Grid View’ tab.
Drag and drop the nodes ‘Sample Factors >
Demographics > Height [cm]’ and ‘(…) > Weight
[Kg]’ on the Grid View window.
Columns ‘Height’ and ‘Weight’
are added to the Grid View
Drag and drop the ‘Trial Arms’ node.
Column ‘Trial Arms’ is added
3 tranSMART_test_ Grid View
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Not Executed
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Step #
Expected Results
Actual Results or Deviations/Comments
Click the column title ‘Race’ and uncheck ‘Race’
to the Grid view table.
Column ‘Race’ is removed
from the Grid View table.
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Uncheck the columns ‘Diabetes’ and ‘Obese’.
Click the ‘Export to Excel’ button at the bottom of
the page.
Columns ‘Diabetes’ and
‘Obese’ are removed from the
Pop up window displays.
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Click ‘OK’. Verify that the data exported in Excel is
consistent with the data displayed in the Grid View
An Excel spreadsheet opens. It
contains the data from the
Grid View table.
Close the Excel window.
In the ‘Grid View’ table, click the ‘Subject’ column
title in order to sort the values.
Excel is closed.
Values from the Subject
column are sorted in
numerical order.
Move the column ‘Trial’ and ‘Subset’ in order that
they appear as first and second columns in the
‘Grid View’ table.
Columns ‘Trial’ and ‘Subset’
are respectively in first and
second position in the Grid
View table.
Click the ‘Export to Excel’ button. Click ‘OK’.
An Excel spreadsheet opens.
Columns are in the same order
as in the Grid View table.
Close the Excel window.
Excel is closed.
Return to the ‘Comparison’ tab and click the ‘Clear’
The two subsets are removed.
4 tranSMART_test_ Grid View
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Not Executed
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Step #
Expected Results
Actual Results or Deviations/Comments
Summary Statistics is
generated for the patients
who are under 50 years old.
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Grid View table displays
various data (incl.
demographics data) related to
subset 1 subjects.
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Drag and drop the node ‘Sample Factors >
Demographics > Age’ as Subset 1.
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Set value ‘less than 50’.
Click the ‘Summary Statistics’ tab.
Click the ‘Grid View’ tab.
In the ‘Grid View’ table, click the ‘Age’ title column
in order to sort the numerical values. Verify that all
values are lower than 50.
All age values are lower than
Drag and drop the node ‘Sample Factors > Blood >
Leukocytes’ in the ‘Grid View’ window.
The column ‘Leucocytes’ is
added to the table.
Click the column title ‘Subset’ and uncheck it.
Column ‘Subset’ is removed
from the ‘Grid View’ table.
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Click the ‘Leukocytes’ title column in order to sort
values in numerical order.
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Select the raws corresponding to Leukocytes
values equal or higher than 6.3.
Click the ‘Export to Excel’ button. Click ‘OK’.
5 tranSMART_test_ Grid View
The rows corresponding to
Leukocytes values equal or
higher than 6.3 are highlighted
in blue.
An Excel spreadsheet opens.
Only the raws corresponding
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Not Executed
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Step #
Expected Results
Actual Results or Deviations/Comments
to patients with Leukocytes
values equal or higher than
6.3 display.
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Close Excel.
Excel window is closed.
Return to the ‘Comparison’ tab and click the ‘Clear’
Drag and drop the node ‘Sample Factors >
Demographics > Age’ as Subset 1.
Subset 1 is cleared.
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Set value ‘less than 50’.
Drag and drop the node ‘(…) > Age’ as second
parameter of Subset 1.
Set value ‘less than 40’.
In the first ‘box’ of Subset 1,
\Percent Positive\ <50
In the second ‘box’ of Subset
1, \Percent Positive\ <30
Click the ‘Exclude’ button for the second
paramater of Subset 1.
The ‘Exclude’ button is
replaced by the ‘Include’
Click the ‘Summary Statistics’ tab.
Summary Statistics are
generated for the patients
who are less than 50 but more
than 40.
Grid View table displays
various data (incl.
demographics data) related to
subset 1 subjects.
Click the ‘Grid View’ tab.
6 tranSMART_test_ Grid View
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Not Executed
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Step #
Expected Results
Click the ‘Age’ column title in order to sort the
values by numerical order.
Verify that values are superior or equal to 30.
Age values are higher than 40
and lower than 50.
Return to the ‘Comparison’ tab and click the ‘Clear’
Subset 1 is cleared.
7 tranSMART_test_ Grid View
Actual Results or Deviations/Comments
Not Executed
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Step #1:
Step #2:
Step #3:
Step #4:
Step #5:
Step #6:
Step #7:
Step #8:
Step #9:
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tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Step #10:
Step #11:
Step #12:
9 tranSMART_test_ Grid View
tranSMART RC2 Release – Test Case (Working Document)
Test Summary
tranSMART instance
Test case
tranSMART_test_ Grid View
Verify the ‘Grid View’.
Not Executed
Executed By
Re-Execution Required?
Reviewed By
Open Issues
10 tranSMART_test_ Grid View
Deviation Summary