Catherine Shaw 1544 Carmela Court * Fort Collins, CO * 80526 (970) 988-7874 * OBJECTVE To obtain a teaching position for College Algebra concurrent enrollment at the high school level. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Mathematics Concentration: Secondary Teaching Minor: Psychology Master of Arts, Mathematics Concentration: Secondary Mathematics University of Northern Colorado (UNC), Greeley, CO Graduation Date: December 2008 GPA: 3.5/4.0 University of Northern Colorado (UNC), Greeley, CO Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2013 GPA: 3.8/4.0 LICENSURE Colorado Professional Teaching License: Secondary Mathematics Endorsement PLACE Exam passed November 2007 Exp: 05/2016 RELATED EXPERIENCE Mathematics Teacher Fossil Ridge High School, Fort Collins, CO Fall 2009 – Present Taught in a full-time mathematics position Developed and implemented lessons for Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, and College Algebra courses Used formative and summative instruction to implement and improve instruction Collaborated with parents, colleagues, and administrators for student success and disciplinary issues Supported students outside the classroom in athletic events, plays, concerts, competitions, and retreats Helped in the development of mathematics intervention courses for struggling Algebra 1 students, including the implementation of a double-blocked Algebra course, the Ramp Up curriculum, and ALEKS online curriculum Worked closely with colleagues in the mathematics department to create common-course assessments as well as assure the mathematical growth of our students Participated in weekly common course and assessment professional learning communities Attended several district meetings with colleagues throughout Poudre School District to create common-course assessments as well as assure the mathematical growth of our students Attended two consecutive summers of the PSD Mathematics Summer Assessment institute and participated in the alignment of Colorado mathematics standards with our curriculum and district final assessments Attended multiple professional development courses offered by Poudre School District Mathematics Teacher Rocky Mountain High School, Fort Collins, CO Spring 2009 Taught in a full-time mathematics position for one semester on a block schedule. Developed and implemented lessons for one Algebra 2 course as well as two Integrated Mathematics 2 courses Used formative and summative instruction to implement and improve instruction Collaborated with parents, colleagues, and administrators for student success and disciplinary issues Worked closely with colleagues in the mathematics department to assure the mathematical growth of our students Participated in monthly Professional Learning Communities as well as day-to-day interaction concerning essential learnings and common formative assessments. Student Teacher Rocky Mountain High School, Fort Collins, CO Fall 2008 Planed and implemented lessons on a daily basis for 10 consecutive weeks Developed and implemented lessons throughout four units on quadratic functions, coordinate geometry, counting strategies/probability, and logic and proof Tutored students in groups and one-on-one to help with homework assignments and review Worked closely and individually with a legally blind student; learned how to implement individualized lesson plans. VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE School Committees Fossil Ridge High School, Fort Collins, CO Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) committee Response to Intervention (Rti) Committee School Improvement Team Advisory Committee Fall 2009 – Present School Dances Rocky Mountain & Fossil Ridge High School, Fort Collins, CO Chaperoned homecoming and prom dances for student safety Operated ticket collection and check in for Prom 2010 Spring 2008 – Present Student Body Retreat Fossil Ridge High School, Fort Collins, CO Spring 2011, Spring 2012 Helped chaperone 30 students on a Student Council lead retreat over two nights in Estes Park, CO Participated in daily student bonding and leadership activities Homecoming Bonfire Fossil Ridge High School, Fort Collins, CO Chaperoned the evening bonfire for student safety Fall 2010 New Teacher Academy Fossil Ridge High School, Fort Collins, CO Fall 2009 – Spring 2010 Participated in monthly meetings after school designed to help ease the transition for new teachers at Fossil Ridge High school WORKSHOPS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Weekly Professional Learning Communities Participation Fall 2009 – Present Monthly Mathematics District Professional Development 2011-2012 Revving Up Math Workshop (for rigor and high level thinking) Fall 2011 Colorado Council for the Teachers of Mathematics (CCTM) Conference Fall 2009, Fall 2011 District Summer Assessment Institute Summer 2011 “Rigor-Teaching What Matters Most” Gifted and Talented Training Spring 2010 National Council for the Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Conference Fall 2010 Response to Intervention/Professional Learning Communities Training Summer 2009 & Fall 2009 Language, Culture, and Equity Training Fall 2009 Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum Fall 2009 Americas Choice “Navigator”/ “Ramp-Up” Training Fall 2009 Blackboard Technology Training Summer 2009 SmartBoard Technology Training Summer 2009 REFERENCES Scott Torvik Assistant Administrator Fossil Ridge High School Fort Collins, CO 80528 (970) 488 – 6267 Martha Cranor Mathematics Teacher/Mentor Fossil Ridge High School Fort Collins, CO 80528 (970) 488 – 6280 Kate Canine Professional Development Facilitator Poudre School District Fort Collins, CO 80521 (970) 490 - 3024