LEICESTERSHIRE FIELDWORKERS (LEICESTERSHIRE MUSEUMS ARCHAEOLOGICAL FIELDWORK GROUP) MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 2013-2014 Name: ………………………………………………………………………………. Signature: ………………………………………………………………………….. Address:………………………………………………Postcode:………………… Phone: ……………….…. E-mail address:……………………………………… *I/We enclose *my/our membership fee of *£4.00/ £6.00/ £10.00 (£4 is unwaged individual membership, £6 unwaged household membership, £6 waged individual membership and £10 waged household membership). (Delete as appropriate). Total enclosed: £……………………………. Please make cheques payable to LMAFG. Are you a member of a local group? Would you like to join or help set up a local group? Would you like to set up a standing order? YES/NO YES/NO YES/NO (the treasurer will contact you about this with details of our bank information) We have switched to e-mail delivery of most communications, including the Fieldworker due to cost – this keeps the subscription low. We will however continue to post out to those without email or if e-mail is a problem. If you are not happy to receive the Fieldworker by email please indicate here. I am/am not happy to receive communications by email. (delete as required) Emails will come from Peter Liddle – please add this email to your email address book – peter.liddle51@gmail.com – to ensure receipt. Gift Aid Declaration: The value of your membership and/or donations will increase if you allow Leicestershire Fieldworkers to claim Gift Aid. This makes a big difference to the work of the Fieldworkers and will help keep our subscription low. Declaration: I would like this and all future donations/subscriptions to Leicestershire Fieldworkers to be a Gift Aid donation. I understand that I must have paid enough Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax to cover the amount that all charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs I donate to will reclaim for that tax year. Council Tax and VAT do not count and I understand Leicestershire Fieldworkers will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 have given. I will notify Leicestershire Fieldworkers if I cease to be a UK taxpayer. Please tick this box. Please return to: Leicestershire Fieldworkers, c/o John Maloney, 2 Margam Close, Heathley Park, Leicester, LE3 9EU All other enquiries please email info@leicsfieldworkers.co.uk www.leicsfieldworkers.co.uk