Supplement 14 Operational Decision-Making Tools: Linear Programming LECTURE OUTLINE A. Model Formulation 1. Decision variables 2. Objective function 3. Constraints B. Graphical Solution Method 1. Identify the feasible solution space 2. Identify extreme points 3. Identify optimal solution 4. Sensitivity analysis C. Linear Programming Model Solution 1. The Simplex Method 2. Slack and Surplus Variables D. Solving Linear Programming Problems with Excel E. Sensitivity Analysis F. Summary G. Summary of Key Terms SUGGESTED VIDEOS Graphical Solution LP Graphical Solution: LP Graphical Solution: LP Graphical Solution: Tomato LP Example Example Part 1: Example Part 2: Example Part 3: EXCEL FILES Topic Reference Exhibit S14.1.xls Exhibit S14.4.xls Example S14.1 Example S14.1 – Sensitivity Analysis These Excel file, along with Web links, Internet Exercises, and Virtual Tours can be found on the text’s Web site at 84 PAUSE AND REFLECT 1. This exercise is related to getting students to “feel” what a linear programming solution should look like, to help them sort out feasible combinations from non-feasible solutions. Give students a relatively straightforward problem (but preferably with three products, not two). Problem S14-4, Pinewood Cabinet, is a good starting point. Have them identify the decision variables, write out the objective function and the constraints. Without having them solve the problem, have them compete to find “intuitive” answers— solutions that are feasible, but not necessarily optimal. Such answers must be specific—detailing exact amounts of each product involved. Award points for earlier responses, and for better responses. This can be done with individual students, or it can be done in teams. Often, one or more students will stumble upon the optimal solution. This is best done in class, not over a Web discussion, to prevent students from solving the problem without the instructor’s knowledge. Solving the problem with Excel afterward is good reinforcement. 85 MAPPING LEARNING OBJECTIVES TO ASSIGNMENTS # Topic Learning Objective Problems Other Questions S14.1 MODEL FORMULATION formulate a basic linear programming model including the definition of decision variables, objective function, and constraints 1, 2 3, 5, 6, 7 1, 7, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 solved problem 1, case problem 1 8 15 case problem 1 S14.2 GRAPHICAL SOLUTION METHOD determine the optimal solution for a linear programming model with two decision variables using the graphical solution method S14.3 LINEAR PROGRAMMING MODEL SOLUTION calculate unused or surplus resources given a model solution and provide an overview of the simplex method S14.4 SOLVING LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS WITH EXCEL solve a linear programming model using excel S14.5 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS (1 through 14) (18 through 46) (1 through 14), (18 through 46) solved problem 1, case problems 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 15, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34 case problems 1, 5 16, interpret the sensitivity report from an excel linear programming solution and perform sensitivity analysis 4 solved problem 1, case problems 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 TEACHING NOTES Teaching Note 1—Students may have seen linear programming in other courses Students may have been exposed to some linear systems in their mathematics courses. They may have seen some linear programming in a prior quantitative methods course. The instructor should inquire about prior learning in this area. Teaching Note 2—Linearity needs explaining Students do not readily get the concept of “linearity,” especially in the case of constraints. Point out that linearity in the objective means that “profit” per unit cannot vary, and that the products represented in the objective function are fully independent of one another, except that they compete for the same resources. Point out that linearity means no roots, powers, radicals, reciprocals, or ratios. Point out that linearity means that the “recipe” for making one unit of a product does not change—that there’s no learning curve, no economies of scale, no quantity discount, etc. 86 Teaching Note 3—LP needs to be more applied, less abstract Students often treat linear programming as an abstract, logical exercise. They need to be provided with real-world uses of LP. Teaching Note 4—Some LP outcomes are not intuitive; practice helps Students are not prepared for some of the outcomes of linear programming problems. They expect all of every resource to be used up. They expect all decision variables to be included in the mix. They expect the most profitable product to be produced to its maximum quantity. They expect the number of constraints to coincidentally match the number of variables. The instructor will need to explain why these things do not necessarily occur. Students are especially skeptical when the issue of what happens when two resources are scarce, but only one resource is added to. Students want the answer to be “you can’t use the added resource because you’re still out of the other.” The instructor has to emphasize the notion of altering the mix to accommodate the single added ingredient. Letting students experiment with Excel can also help here. And, finally, they definitely do not appreciate the quantum nature of LP solutions—that a physical solution holds unchanged until a ranging crossover point is reached, at which time the solution “bounces” to another extreme point. This is perhaps best illustrated with a two-dimensional problem done in Excel. Illustrate by making changes in the objective function within, even close to, the ranging limits to show that while the objective changes, the physical quantities do not. Then move barely beyond the crossover point, to show the sudden movement to another corner. Teaching Note 5—Active learning exercise to make LP more comfortable This exercise is related to getting students to “feel” what a linear programming solution should look like, to help them sort out feasible combinations from non-feasible solutions. Give students a relatively straightforward problem (but preferably with three products, not two). Have them identify the decision variables, write out the objective function and the constraints. Without having them solve the problem, have them compete to find “intuitive” answers—solutions that are feasible, but not necessarily optimal. Such answers must be specific— detailing exact amounts of each product involved. Award points for earlier responses, and for better responses. This can be done with individual students, or it can be done in teams. Often, one or more students will stumble upon the optimal solution. Solving the problem with Excel afterward is good reinforcement. Teaching Note 6—Active learning to accompany Excel solutions Students are skeptical of Excel outputs, whether it is the results or the ranging tables. Point out how they can verify by hand calculation, how much of a resource has been used up, and how much is left over. Point out how they can verify the amount of the objective function. In ranging analysis, students will complain that they don’t understand what the upper and lower bounds mean. Explain that the ranging table is really two tables in one. The first is a sub-table with one row for each decision variable, for examining changes in physical output quantities when the objective coefficients are varied. The second sub-table has one row per constraint, for examining changes in dual values when quantities of resources are varied. Also, invite students to perform sensitivity analysis, not by printing the ranging table, but by making single, small, changes in the problem. If the ranging table states that a dual value rises when a resource is reduced to an amount X, have the students see for themselves by editing the problem and re-solving. 87 Teaching Note 7—Students need extra help with certain constraints Students have a really hard time with proportionality constraints, or constraints that pit one decision variable against another. Constraints like “At least 20 percent of all units produced must be nimnots,” or like, “The number of widgets must be at least as large as the number of gadgets.” Students will stumble on the algebraic representations of these. The instructor may need to remind them that in constraints, only variables occupy the left side of an expression, and only constants occupy the right. The instructor may also need to remind students that negative coefficients are OK ALTERNATE EXAMPLE Alternate Example 1 Noah Karks makes three varieties of moderate-priced table wines: Red, White, and Rosé. The raw materials, labor, and profit contribution per case of each of these wines is summarized below. Wine Red White Rosé Grapes - A (bushels) 4 0 2 Grapes - B (bushels) 0 4 2 Sugar (lbs) 1 0 2 Labor (man hours) 3 1 2 Contrib. (per case) $14 $27 $20 The winery has 1800 bushels of Variety A grapes, 840 bushels of Variety B grapes, 800 pounds of sugar, and 760 man-hours of labor available during the next season. The firm operates to achieve maximum contribution. Problem Solution This problem has three decision variables—the quantities of Red, White, and Rose to be produced this season, and an objective function of maximizing profit. The problem has four constraints, representing the four “ingredients” of the wines: Variety A grapes, Variety B grapes, Sugar, and Labor. The problem is linear, because there is no interaction among variables, there are no roots, powers, or ratios in the objective or the constraints. Also, the “recipe” does not change with quantity produced. So far, so good. The problem appears to be a linear programming problem—there are decision variables, an objective function, constraints, and linearity. These expressions are detailed below. Objective function Max Z = $14xRed + $27xWhite +$20xRose Subject to: Variety A Grapes constraint 4xRed + 0xWhite + 2xRose <= 1200 Variety B Grapes constraint 0xRed + 4xWhite + 2xRose <= 840 Sugar constraint 1xRed + 0xWhite + 2xRose <= 800 Labor constraint 3xRed + 1xWhite + 2xRose <= 600 Since there are three variables in this problem, it was solved using Excel Solver. According to the solution, Noah, if he is to maximize profit, should produce 130 cases of Red wine, 210 cases of White wine, but no cases (zero, nada, zilch) of the Rose. Noah, if he implements this solution, will earn $7,490. 88 The solution reveals what resources have not been used up. 680 bushels of variety A grapes are left over, but no variety B grapes are left over. Also 670 pounds of sugar remain, while no labor is unused. (Remember that there’s room for only one variable in the solution per constraint to the problem.) Sensitivity analysis reveals what happens if small changes are made to the problem. It also reveals why the Rose wine was not included in the solution. No Rose wine would be produced unless its contribution were larger than $20.5. Twenty dollars is close, but not enough! (If you’re skeptical, change the contribution from $20 to $21 and see for yourself!) For Variety B grapes, if Noah could have one more bushel of Variety B grapes to use in determining the optimal solution, that solution would have its contribution increase by $5.5833. (Don’t believe it? Make the change and see for yourself!) Note the following characteristics of the problem: Only two of the three decision variables were included in the optimal solution. Not all of every resource was used up. The product with the lowest contribution was NOT the variable omitted from the solution. And finally, more of Variety B grapes increases contribution even though Noah also uses up all of the labor. CHAPTER QUIZ 1. A slack variable is added to a constraint to a. take the place of a decision variable b. show the profit contribution of a resource constraint c. offset the use of a surplus variable d. turn an inequality into an equality 2. The dual value is the a. marginal value of an additional unit of a resource b. the cost of resources c. the cost of a slack variable d. the total cost of all resources 3. The graphical solution method a. is not a practical linear programming solution method b. is limited to a problem with two decision variables c. provides insight into how linear programming problems are solved d. all of the above 4. Which of the following is not true. a. The objective function and constraints are linear relationships. b. The model parameters are assumed to be known with certainty. c. Problems with two decision variables can be solved graphically. d. The solution values will be integers. Answers: d, a, d, d 89