Commission for Children and Young People Strategic Plan 2014-16 OUR VISION Victorian children: seen and heard – safe and well OUR MISSION Improving young lives OBJECTIVES To promote continuous improvement and innovation in policies and practices relating to the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children and young people and children and young people generally; and in the provision of out of home care services for children. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ KEY OUTCOMES Victoria’s children and young people benefit from improved and innovative policies and practices GUIDNG PRINCIPLES REGARDING VULNERABILITY The Commission for Children and Young People Act 2012 provides a specific definition of ‘vulnerable children and young persons’ in section 5 which includes children known to child protection, youth justice clients and those who have received services from a registered community service. For ease of reference and consistent with the Commission’s broad mandate, the use of the term ‘vulnerable’ in this Plan includes those within section 5 as well as children and young people who are Aboriginal, from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds, in immigration detention, in adult prison, who have a disability, health or mental health issue(s), amongst others. There is recognition that all children and young people have a degree of vulnerability resulting from their age and developmental stage The Victorian community is engaged in the safety and well-being of all children and young people The Commission conducts its activities in the best interests of children and young people __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OUR STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Strategic Priority One Strategic Priority Two Strategic Priority Three Strategic Priority Four Strategic Priority Five Strategic Priority Six Actively engage with children and young people throughout Victoria to ensure their safety and well-being concerns are addressed Promoting continuous improvement and innovation in policy and practice approaches relevant to improving the lives of all children and young people through engagement with the community, government departments and community sector organisations Achieving improved safety and well-being outcomes for Aboriginal children and young people Providing independent oversight of the implementation of Victoria’s Vulnerable Children: Our Shared Responsibility Strategy 2013-22 Providing independent oversight of Victoria’s protection arrangements for vulnerable children and young people Maximising our operating effectiveness through the best use of our resource capabilities to ensure the achievement of our statutory obligations and strategic priorities __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT WILL WE DO Educate and encourage government departments and agencies to actively engage with children and young people to better inform the development of legislation, policy and practices Identify and share current and emerging trends, policy and learnings from Commission child death and other inquiries into the provision of health, human or educational services to enhance child protection, safety and wellbeing Monitor, analyse and report on the over-representation of Aboriginal children and young people in statutory care and the obligation to keep these children connected to their families, community and culture Monitor, analyse and report on the implementation and effectiveness of the Victoria’s Vulnerable Children: Our Shared Responsibility Strategy 2013-22 Encourage organisations to adopt a child-safe and child-rights centred approach Promote awareness throughout the Victorian community on issues that affect children and young people who are vulnerable or at risk of becoming vulnerable Operate as a key advocate on behalf of Aboriginal children and young people throughout Victoria with the aim of safeguarding their rights, needs and interests and achieving improved outcomes in their life Monitor, analyse and report on the implementation and effectiveness of other relevant government strategies and reforms relating to the safety and wellbeing of Create opportunities to hear the voices of all Victorian children and Promote a culture across government departments and Monitor, analyse and report on the performance of government departments and community sector organisations in relation to achieving measurable improvements in the quality of care and custodial services delivered to children and young people in their care and/or who are recipients of their Ensure the operation of effective, fair and transparent governance arrangements Implement a data management framework to create an information-rich Commission and support an evidencebased approach and ensure all our key stakeholders have access to accurate and April 2014 young people Connect with children and young people in residential care, foster care, kinship care, permanent care, Secure Welfare Services, youth justice, adult prison and in immigration detention Reflect the views, opinions and aspirations of children and young people and encourage and support government departments and agencies to do the same Oversee the independent community visitors program in youth justice facilities and establish a Kooriespecific visitor program Implement independent community visitor programs for the residential care system and Secure Welfare Services Connect Aboriginal young people in out of home care with other Aboriginal young people and focus on ways to hear the voices of Koorie children and young people community sector organisations of prevention and early intervention within Victoria’s care and custodial system in relation to safeguarding the interests of children and young people Promote the rights of children and young people by advocating for legislative,policy, institutional and practice reforms that will support improvements in the safety, security and well-being of all children and young people throughout Victoria including improved outcomes for vulnerable children and young people Identify opportunities to develop research and other partnership agreements between the Commission and external agencies/institutes/bodies that would serve to increase the Commission’s ability to advocate for changes that would have a beneficial impact on children and young people Work in partnership with key government departments and agencies (particularly the Departments of Education and Early Childhood Development, Health, Human Services, Justice, Victoria Police and Public Transport Victoria), and community sector organisations to promote child-safe and childfriendly policies and practices in all areas of their service provision Conduct, as legislatively required, a review of the administration of the Working with Children Act 2005 Lead and contribute to collaborative work with other Children’s Commissioners and Guardians experience. In particular, by monitoring Victorian government policies and practices and contributing to legislative and policy improvements across areas such as the: Five year out of home care plan and the complementary five year plan for Aboriginal children (Dept of Human Services) Human Services Aboriginal Strategic Framework (Dept of Human Services) Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework (Office of Aboriginal Affairs Victoria) Koolin Balit (Dept of Health) Koorie Alcohol Action Plan (Dept of Health) Koorie Education Plan (under development) (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development) Aboriginal Justice Agreement (Dept of Justice) 10 Year Family Violence Strategy (Office of Aboriginal Affairs Victoria) Aboriginal Inclusion Framework (Office of Aboriginal Affairs Victoria) vulnerable children and young people services Conduct inquiries concerning the death of Child Protection clients Conduct inquiries concerning a vulnerable child or young person or a group of vulnerable children and young people Conduct inquiries concerning the provision of services to children and young people Facilitate a continuous improvement and knowledge transfer approach which focuses on incorporating current and emerging trends and the lessons learnt with respect to service provision for vulnerable children and young people. timely information Ensure the operation of safe systems of work which support staff health and well-being Develop a Koorie inclusion action plan to promote reconciliation and the inclusion of Aboriginal people in all Commission business Identify opportunities to develop research and other partnership relationships between the Commission and external agencies/institutes/bodi es that would serve to increase the Commission’s ability to advocate for changes that would have a beneficial impact on children and young people Ensure that the processes and practices relating to child death inquiries, ‘own motion’ and other inquiries promote improved outcomes for vulnerable children and young people Monitor and promote the inclusion of Aboriginal children and young people in government and community sector programs, policies and reforms, including the: Victorian State Disability Plan 2013-16 (Dept of Human Services) Victorian Homelessness Action Plan and Social Housing Plan (under development) (Dept of Human Services) Services Connect and Service Sector Reform (Dept of Human Services) Monitor, analyse and report publicly on the level and effectiveness of stakeholder engagement with respect to implementing the recommendations made by the Commission and/or its Commission Review Committee which seek to address systemic issues impacting the quality of care/custodial services provided to children and young people Advocate for the strengthening of the Aboriginal communitycontrolled service sector Monitor, analyse and report on the implementation of the proposed Victorian April 2014 which promotes community and culturally-aligned support services that seek to achieve improved outcomes for Aboriginal children and young people Government Five Year Plan for children in Out of Home Care Establish a Koorie-specific community visitor program __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HOW WE WILL DELIVER Outcomes Focussed Our Independence Influencing Participation Partnerships Promotion OUR PRIORITIES ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Listening and advocating OUR VALUES Responsiveness Integrity Being independent and accountable Impartiality Accountability Respect Leadership Human Rights April 2014