
Notice of Admissions and Release Committee Meeting
ARC Meeting Invitation 707 KAR 1:320 Section 4
Directions listed in text boxes are copied directly from the Compliance Record Review
Directions Document School Year 2009-2010 (Revised June 2009)
The Compliance Record Review Directions Document School Year 2009-2010 states on
page 4, number 4:
The LEA provides a written invitation to the parent(s) at least seven (7) calendar days
before an ARC meeting. NOTE: This also applies to initial ARC meetings for
preschoolers transitioning from First Steps.
Page 5 of the Compliance Record Review Directions Documents School Year 2009-2010
indicates it is also acceptable if:
documentation shows that the parent(s) requested or agreed to meet earlier.
the meeting is for disciplinary change in placement or a safety issue.
Page 5 of the Compliance Record Review Directions Documents School Year 2009-2010
indicates it is also acceptable if:
There is documentation of the district’s attempts to arrange a mutually-agreed-on time
and place.
there is a second method of contact with the parent(s) or emancipated
student. This may include documentation of a phone call written on the
Notice of Invitation to ARC Meeting; a returned copy of the Notice with the
parent(s) signature; documentation on the Parent Contact Sheet;
documentation of home visits; other correspondence with the parent.
Note: If the parent does not attend and there is no documentation of a second attempt,
the ARC must send another Notice of Invitation, giving the parent(s) 7 calendar days
The following instructions correspond to numbered items on the Notice of Admissions and
Release Committee Meeting form. The Student Information System (SIS) is designed to insert
the district, student representative, current/create date, student name and date of birth.
1. The current date is the date the invitation is sent to the parent. Check boxes to indicate
attempts to arrange a mutually agreeable date, time, and location. (First Notice, Second
Notice, handwrite date of additional notices, if needed.)
2. Insert the name of the student representative. “Dear Name(s) of the parent(s) or
emancipated youth”-SIS will input parent name but not emancipated student name.
3. Insert the student’s full name and date of birth (SIS).
4. This form may be multi-purpose. In “Purpose for Conference” section, all boxes that
apply should be checked to ensure adequate documentation of notice. Checked boxes
must match what is discussed on the Conference Summary. Reminder: When a student
is age 13 plus 1 day-check “To discuss post-secondary transition needs and/or services”
for every meeting not just annual reviews (page 5 of the Compliance Record Review
Directions Document School Year 2009-2010). A possible example of “Other” might be
Transition from elementary to middle school” Topics like ESY and special
transportation are related to the IEP.
Page 5 of the Compliance Record Review Directions Document School Year 2009-2010
The Notice of Invitation documents:
The purpose of the meeting;
For children who are in 8th grade or age 14 and older, the purpose of the
meeting indicates the ARC discussion of postsecondary needs and/or services;
The time of the meeting;
The date of the meeting;
The location of the meeting;
The role of participants attending the meeting;
An option for the parent(s) to note the need for alternative meeting times, dates,
locations, and means of participation;
A statement informing the parent(s) they may bring persons to assist them in the
5. Insert the proposed date, time and location of meeting including the address of the site.
(Address is optional, but should be included, if needed, for convenience of parent or if
the location is not at the child’s current school.)
6. Check the titles of all individuals that are being invited to the meeting. Specify titles of
any other participants. Be sure to include all required personnel as well as other agency
representatives when considering transition services (only after prior written consent
from the parent). For an Admissions and Release Committee meeting, the following
people may be invited to attend:
a. A regular education teacher of the child (required). If the child does not currently
have a regular education teacher, this teacher may be a regular education
teacher who is knowledgeable of the grade level curriculum for the child.
b. A special education teacher of the child OR a special education teacher
knowledgeable of the suspected disability (required)
c. A representative of the school district, qualified to provide, or supervise the
provision of specially designed instruction, knowledgeable of the curriculum and
district resources (required)
d. An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results.
Page 7 of the Compliance Record Review Document Directions School Year 20092010 indicates:
Note: The individual may be a Speech/Language Pathologist, a
Diagnostician, a Psychologist, or a teacher or administrator who can
interpret test results.
e. An individual who has knowledge or special expertise regarding the child at the
discretion of the parent(s) or LEA.
f. The student when transition services are to be discussed, or when otherwise
appropriate. The ARC should consider the invitation when the student is 13 plus
one day old if timelines will be impacted.
Page 5 of the Compliance Record Review Document Directions School Year 20092010 indicates:
Note: The regulations specify that, if the child is in 8th grade or age 14 or older, the
invitation shall state that a purpose of the meeting will be the development of a
statement for the need for transition services for the child and state that the child is
For children who are in 8th grade or age 14 and older: the child is invited to
the meeting.
This requirement applies to a student who has reached the age of 14 and has
not reached 8th grade.
g. The parent, guardian, or student representative.
h. Related Service providers, as appropriate.
i. Agency representatives when transition services likely to be provided or paid for
by the agency, and only after prior written consent from the parent. The
appropriateness of inviting an outside agency should be discussed and
documented at the previous ARC.
Page 5 of the Compliance Record Review Document Directions School Year 20092010 indicates:
For children transitioning from First Steps, an invitation to the initial ARC meeting
is sent to the First Steps Service Coordinator or other representatives of the Part C
j. Interpreter for the deaf/hard of hearing or foreign language, as appropriate.
7. Insert the name of district representative (ARC Chairperson) following local district policy
and the telephone number (no signature required).
8. The completed Notice of Admissions and Release Committee Meeting should be sent to
the parent/student representative and a copy filed in the student’s folder. (Be sure to
make a copy of Notice prior to sending to parent.) Any correspondence received from
the parent must be attached to the copy of the Notice of Admissions and Release
Committee Meeting or follow district procedures.