Particles size and composition in Mediterranean countries: geographical variability and short-term health effects MED-PARTICLES Project 2011-2013 Under the Grant Agreement EU LIFE+ ENV/IT/327 Particles size and composition in Mediterranean countries: geographical variability and short-term health effects MED-PARTICLES ACTION 11. Health effects of PM10, coarse particles (PM2.5-10) and fine particles (PM2.5) on daily total and cause-specific hospitalizations: city-specific results and meta-analysis Summary: Report on the methodology and the results obtained analyzing the short term effect of air pollution on hospital admissions in the MED-PARTICLES project. ----------------------------------------------------------- Methods Daily counts of emergency hospital admissions were collected from National or regional health information systems for 10 European cities: Milan, Turin, Bologna, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Rome, Marseille, Madrid and Barcelona. Since Parma, Reggio Emilia and Modena are very close and share common environmental and socio-demographic characteristics, they have been analyzed altogether as a single conurbation called “Emilia Romagna”. Only hospitalizations relative to residents aged 15+ years were considered. Two study outcomes were defined on the basis of the primary discharge diagnosis: cardiovascular hospitalizations (International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision – ICD9: 390-459; 10th revision – ICD10: I00-I99), and respiratory hospitalizations (ICD9: 460-519; ICD10: J00-J99). All data were extracted and collected according to a common protocol. Daily concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) were collected in each city from multiple monitors belonging to the air quality monitoring networks. Daily mean concentrations were computed for PMx and NO2, whereas daily maximum 8-hour running mean was calculated for O3. Daily PM2.5-10 was calculated for each station as the difference between PM10 and PM2.5, provided that they were measured on the same stations and with the same sampling methodology. Daily mean air temperature was collected from each center, using airport meteorological stations where available. Time-varying confounders were constructed according to a common protocol, under the assumption of similar behavior of the study populations during holidays and vacation periods. They include: holidays (a four-level variable assuming value “3” on Christmas and Easter; “2” in the surrounding periods of Christmas and Easter; “1” on isolated holidays; “0” on other days); summer population decrease (a three-level variable assuming value “2” in the 2-week period around the 15th of August; value “1” from the 16th of July to 31st of August, with the exception of the aforementioned period; value “0” all other days); influenza epidemics (a two-level variable assuming value “0” on normal days, value “1” on days with particularly high influenza episodes. These were identified using national influenza surveillance systems, where available, or on the basis of the daily counts of hospitalizations for influenza (ICD9: 487; ICD10: J09-J11), as an alternative). The analyses were carried out using a two-stage approach. In the first stage, city-specific overdispersed Poisson regression models were fitted, in which the dependent variable was the daily count of hospitalizations, the exposure was the (lagged) daily concentration of PMx, and an extensive list of variables was added for confounding adjustment. The adjustment model was defined a priori and was common to all cities, in order to reduce the potential for heterogeneity in the city-specific results. The confounders were: long-term and seasonal time trends, air temperature, holidays, summer population decrease, and influenza epidemics. Time trend was adjusted for by introducing a three-way interaction term between year, month and day of the week. High temperatures were adjusted for by calculating the average of current and previous day temperature (lag 0-1) and by fitting a natural spline with two inner knots of the lagged variable only for days with lag 0-1 temperature above the city-specific median value. Similarly, low temperatures were adjusted for by fitting a natural spline with one inner knot of lag 1-6 air temperature only for days below the city-specific median value. The other confounders, including holidays, summer population decrease and influenza epidemics, were adjusted for with indicator variables. Once the adjustment model was defined at the city level, the pollutant was added to the regression model. The lag structure of the association between PMx concentrations and daily counts of causespecific hospitalizations was inspected by applying cubic polynomial distributed lag models, from lag 0 to 5, where all lags were entered simultaneously in the model and were constrained to follow a polynomial shape. In addition, three cumulative lag structures were a priori defined to represent immediate, delayed or prolonged effects: lags 0-1, lags 2-5 and lags 0-5, respectively. Finally, for each PM/outcome combination, one of these three alternatives was chosen as the “reference lag” for the following analyses, on the basis of the meta-analytical results from the distributed and cumulative lags models. The robustness of results to other pollutants co-exposure was evaluated by fitting bi-pollutant models, in which the co-pollutant was modeled with the same cumulative lag as that chosen as reference for each specific exposure/outcome combination. Models including ozone as co-pollutant were also fitted by restricting the study period to the warm season only, defined as April to September. In the second stage of the analysis, the city-specific results were pooled by using random-effects meta-analytical procedures. The presence of heterogeneity in the city-specific results was evaluated by applying the X2 test from Cochran’s Q statistic and its amount was quantified by computing the I2 statistic (Higgins and Thompson 2002), which represents the proportion of total variation in effect estimates that is due to between-cities heterogeneity. All the results are expressed as percent increases of hospitalizations, and 95% CI, relative to fixed increments in each PM fraction: 10 g/m3 for PM2.5, 6.3 g/m3 for PM2.5-10 and 14.4 g/m3 for PM10. These increments have been chosen in order to represent the same amount of daily variability across pollutants, so to allow a better inter-pollutant comparison of results. Results The population base consisted of subjects aged 15+ years resident in 8 cities of Southern Europe, totaling more than 11 million inhabitants (Table 1). The mean daily counts of hospitalizations ranged from 18 in the Emilia Romagna conurbation to 116 in Madrid for cardiovascular diseases, and from 8 in Bologna to 97 in Madrid for respiratory conditions. The study periods were recent and comparable across cities, the only exception being Marseille with 2001-2003 data. The pooled results from polynomial distributed lag models show an immediate effect of the three PM fractions on cardiovascular hospitalizations, up to lag 1, whereas the effect was prolonged until day five with regard to respiratory admissions. Table 2 reports the effect estimates of PM on hospitalizations for the three cumulative lags 0-1, 2-5 and 0-5. A strong and similar effect on cardiovascular hospitalizations was apparent for all PM fractions: increments of 10 g/m3 in PM2.5, 6.3 g/m3 in PM2.5-10 and 14.4 g/m3 in PM10 (lag 0-1) were associated with % increases of 0.43 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.04, 0.83), 0.50 (95% CI: 0.14, 0.85) and 0.47 (95% CI: 0.00, 0.95), respectively. Effect estimates on cardiovascular morbidity were null for the delayed cumulative lags 2-5, and small and non-significant on the cumulative lags 0-5. Hence, coupled with the evidence coming from the distributed-lag models result, lag 0-1 was adopted for this outcome on the following analyses. The effect estimates of all three PM fractions on respiratory hospitalizations were higher at the cumulative lag 0-5, though statistically significant only for PM10 and highly heterogeneous across cities. In particular, effect estimates were: 1.25% (95% CI: -0.02, 2.54) for 10 g/m3 increase in lag 0-5 PM2.5, 1.31% (95% CI: -0.10, 2.74) for 6.3 g/m3 increase in lag 0-5 PM2.5-10, and 1.13% (95% CI: 0.14, 2.12) for 14.4 g/m3 increase in lag 0-5 PM10. Noteworthy, estimates were more homogeneous at the immediate lag 0-1, and statistically significant for the coarse fraction (0.62%, 95% CI: 0.11, 1.13). The cumulative lag 0-5 was considered to be the reference lag for the association between any PM fraction and respiratory hospitalizations and was adopted in further analyses. Table 1. Study population. Resident population and emergency hospital admissions for cardiovascular and respiratory causes among subjects age 15+ years in the 8 cities of MED-PARTICLES Population Study period Date Milan Turin Emilia Romagna Bologna Marseille Rome Barcelona 2006 - 2010 2006 - 2010 2008 - 2010 2006 - 2010 2001 - 2003 2006 - 2010 2003 - 2010 Madrid City Total a Cardiovascular admissions Respiratory admissions n n x 1,000 p/years Daily mean n x 1,000 p/years Daily mean Jan 1st, 2008 Jan 1st, 2008 Jan 1st, 2009 Jan 1st, 2008 Census 1999 Jan 1st, 2008 Jan 1st, 2007 1,299,633 908,263 529,699 372,256 796,525 2,718,768 1,595,110 71,779 48,967 19,717 34,568 46,905 153,176 147,890 11.0 10.8 12.4 18.6 19.6 11.3 11.6 39.3 26.8 18.0 18.9 42.8 83.9 50.6 34,427 21,761 10,164 14,103 18,069 53,825 135,356 5.3 4.8 6.4 7.6 7.6 4.0 10.6 18.9 11.9 9.3 7.7 16.5 29.5 46.3 2004 - 2009 Jan 1st, 2007 3,132,503 201,041 13.5 115.9 167,850 11.3 96.7 - - 11,352,757 724,043 12.5 51.2 455,555 7.8 32.2 Cities are ordered by latitude, North to South Table 2. Association between PM and hospitalizations: % increase of hospital admissions, and 95% CI, associated with increases of 10, 6.3 and 14.4 g/m3 for PM2.5, PM2.5-10 and PM10, respectively Pollutant Cardiovascular admissions Respiratory admissions % increase (95% CI) % increase (95% CI) 0-1 2-5 0-5 0.43 (0.04, 0.83) 0.02 (-0.45, 0.49) 0.36 (-0.21, 0.93) 0.40 (-0.20, 1.00) 1.01 (-0.17, 2.20)a 1.25 (-0.02, 2.54)a 0-1 2-5 0.50 (0.14, 0.85) -0.22 (-0.63, 0.20) 0.62 (0.11, 1.13) 0.84 (-0.48, 2.18)a 0-5 0.21 (-0.38, 0.79) 1.31 (-0.10, 2.74)a 0-1 2-5 0-5 0.47 (0.00, 0.95) -0.08 (-0.51, 0.35) 0.26 (-0.24, 0.77) 0.58 (0.11, 1.05) 0.95 (-0.05, 1.95)a 1.13 (0.14, 2.12)a Lag PM2.5 PM2.5-10 PM10 a Statistically significant heterogeneity, as indicated by p<0.10 from Cochran’s Q and I2 >50% The pooled results from single and bi-pollutant models are reported in Table 3. When evaluated simultaneously on cardiovascular hospitalizations, fine and coarse particles displayed the same effect estimate (not statistically significant 0.33% increase of admissions). In contrast, the coarse particles displayed an effect twice that of fine particles on respiratory admissions (0.84% increase for a 6.3 g/m3 increment of lags 0-5 PM2.5-10 versus 0.43% increase for a 10 g/m3 increment of lags 0-5 PM2.5). The adjustment for NO2 did not substantially affect the association between PM2.510 and either study outcome, whereas it had opposite effects on the association between fine particles and hospitalizations for cardiovascular or respiratory causes. No confounding from ozone was apparent in the all-year analysis, nor in the analysis restricted to the warm period. Noteworthy, the results from both single and bi-pollutant models displayed much higher effect estimates, always statistically significant, when the analyses were restricted to the warm period April to September. Table 3. Association between PM and hospitalizations from single and bi-pollutant models: % increase of hospital admissions, and 95% CI, associated with increases of 10, 6.3 and 14.4 g/m3 for PM2.5, PM2.5-10 and PM10, respectively Cardiovascular admissions (lag 0-1) Respiratory admissions (lag 0-5) % increase (95% CI) % increase (95% CI) all-year 0.43 (0.04, 0.83) 1.25 (-0.02, 2.54)a + PM2.5-10 all-year 0.33 (-0.12, 0.78) 0.43 (-0.83, 1.70) + NO2 all-year 0.14 (-0.34, 0.62) 1.72 (0.43, 3.03) + O3 all-year 0.35 (-0.02, 0.73) 0.93 (-0.49, 2.36)a april-september 1.75 (0.68, 2.84) 4.49 (1.72, 7.35)a april-september 2.11 (1.13, 3.10) 4.51 (1.35, 7.77)a all-year 0.50 (0.14, 0.85) 1.31 (-0.10, 2.74)a + PM2.5 all-year 0.33 (-0.07, 0.73) 0.84 (-0.42, 2.12) + NO2 all-year 0.30 (-0.09, 0.70) 1.15 (-0.44, 2.77)a + O3 all-year 0.53 (0.18, 0.89) 1.20 (-0.33, 2.76)a april-september 0.90 (0.28, 1.52) 3.01 (0.68, 5.39)a april-september 0.93 (0.37, 1.49) 3.03 (0.44, 5.68)a all-year 0.47 (0.00, 0.95) 1.13 (0.14, 2.12)a + NO2 all-year 0.17 (-0.44, 0.79) 1.50 (0.20, 2.83) + O3 all-year 0.43 (-0.07, 0.94) 0.92 (-0.14, 1.99)a april-september 2.07 (1.30, 2.85) 4.33 (2.58, 6.11) april-september 2.25 (1.45, 3.06) 4.98 (1.98, 8.06) Pollutant PM2.5 PM2.5 + O3 PM2.5-10 PM2.5-10 + O3 PM10 PM10 + O3 a Period Statistically significant heterogeneity, as indicated by p<0.10 from Cochran’s Q and I2 >50% Conclusions: We investigated the association between daily concentrations of fine and coarse particles and hospitalizations for cardiorespiratory conditions in eight Mediterranean cities, finding evidence of harmful effects of the PM metrics on both study outcomes We identified positive associations of coarse particles with both cardiovascular (0.46% increase; 95% CI: 0.10, 0.82 with a 6.3-μg/m3 increase in lag 0–1 PM2.5–10) and respiratory admissions (1.24% increase; 95% CI: –0.32, 2.82) with a 6.3-μg/m3 increase in lag 0–5 PM2.5–10). Corresponding associations with a 10-μg/m3 increase in PM2.5–10 were higher than previously reported (0.73%; 95% CI: 0.16, 1.30%, and 1.95%; 95% CI: –0.51, 4.48%, respectively). Associations between fine particles and cardiovascular hospitalizations in our study were not affected by coarse PM co-exposure, but the associations of both fine and coarse PM with respiratory admissions decreased to nonsignificance when evaluated together in two-pollutant models.