October 17, 2014 - El Camino College

DATE: OCTOBER 17, 2014
William Garcia
Members Present:
Sabrina Farah, Lorena Garcia, Julieta Ortiz, Ngoc Tran, Breanna von Stein
Lucy Nelson
The meeting began at 8:59am.
Review September 26, 2014 Meeting Minutes
The minutes were reviewed and approved with no changes.
1. Public Information is working to create a consistent ECC brand/identity.
2. Correction to the Assessment/Testing information in the October 2014 Newsletter regarding
the DRP: DRP was removed only from the page regarding repeating tests, but it is still on
the webpage with a note that it is no longer required for the nursing program. The newsletter
will be corrected to reflect this change.
3. As the Interim Dean of Counseling and Student Services, Dr. Kay Ragan’s employment has
been extended through December 15, 2014. Dr. Margaret Ramey may take over as interim
dean in January 2015 until a new dean is hired.
4. Proposed changes to Student Services (no effective start date set so far):
a. Title change and job description for the Dean of Counseling and Student Services to
Dean of Counseling and Student Success.
b. Title change for the Dean of Enrollment Services to Dean of Student Support
c. First Year Experience will report 100% to the Dean of Counseling and Student
d. EOPS and CalWORKs will move from Counseling and report to the Dean of Student
Support Services.
5. W. Garcia commended the Student Services Center staff for their participation in the Great
Southern California Shakeout Campus Wide Earthquake Drill on Thursday, October 16,
2014. Overall, the drill went well although the campus radios did not work and runners from
each building were sent to report to the command center on the Library Lawn. ASO received
feedback from students saying they did not understand what to do during the drill and some
professors did not know how to direct students on crutches or in wheelchairs. Faculty need to
be better informed about where students should be directed and what to do during a drill or
real event. Also reported was a bottleneck area as people evacuated near the Behavioral &
Social Sciences building and Campus Deli. Some student leaders did not get emails about the
drill and some did. Please refer further feedback about the drill to W. Garcia. Some issues in
Student Services that will be reported to Rocky Bonura are:
a. The Student Development office/Student Activities Center does not have a radio.
They were not able to check-in or communicate with the rest of the campus.
b. There was too much static on the assigned channel used by the Student Services
Center floor leaders on the blue walkie-talkies.
6. The Student Services Center needs a daytime Building Captain to replace Dave Snowden. W.
Garcia is the alternate Building Captain and Harnish Patel is the evening Building Captain
for the Student Services Center. Committee members were requested to ask their department
staff if they may be interested in volunteering to be the Student Services Center daytime
Building Captain.
7. Outreach will collaborate with First Year Experience to develop a new hire information
session on services offered to students in the Student Services Center. Both Outreach and
FYE will have new employees starting soon. The information session could be combined
with a tour or maybe staff from other offices could come in to talk about their department.
Council members will receive an email requesting their department information. B. von Stein
volunteered to conduct a presentation about Student Development.
8. The Outreach and Recruitment Summit is postponed until January 30, 2015. Representatives
from various departments and programs who provide outreach services will be invited to the
half-day seminar/training. The summit is hosted by Outreach & School Relations and First
Year Experience. This is a joint collaboration to learn the type of outreach services each
program provides and a way to avoid duplicating efforts. Student representatives will be
invited to the summit.
9. There was a good turnout at the Halloween-themed Financial Aid Awareness Fair held on
October 15, 2014. Financial Aid Awareness Fairs may be scheduled each semester. L.
Garcia thought it would be beneficial for students if Assessment/Testing participated at the
next fair. They can provide students with pre-testing preparation material and information.
10. The Social Justice Center is no longer recognized as an El Camino College entity and can no
longer officially host events because the program did not go through the proper channels to
be recognized as an official ECC entity. The Student Development Office will continue to
host social justice activities.
11. Will staff be informed about the implementation of the student activities fee starting in
January 2015? Public Relations and Marketing will coordinate a student activities fee
marketing campaign. Students from both campuses will be automatically charged the $10
student activities fee for the fall and spring semesters but will be given the opportunity to opt
out of paying the fee through MyECC during the first two weeks of the semester.
12. Ten Outreach counselors will visit high schools to help students with education plans.
Outreach scheduled 37 events in 13 days. They will share the 16 testing dates scheduled with
the Assessment/Testing office and the Library.
13. The new online admissions application for summer/fall 2015 will be available on November
1, 2014. The new online orientation will go live by October 31, 2014 for both Torrance and
Compton campuses. Each campus will have its own online orientation and will include short,
focused videos; closed caption will be available. Students will automatically receive credit
for viewing the online orientation.
14. The next Division Council meeting is scheduled on Friday, November 21, 2014 at 8:00am.
The meeting adjourned at 9:49am.