Please read the instructions below: 1) Please complete the yellow highlighted areas. 2) Please complete in full and deliver fully edited. If there are spelling errors or mistakes the release will not be distributed. 2) This will be distributed through PR Web Advance Press release service – learn more at The NFEC Welcomes ______(Name)______ to the Personal Finance Speakers Association as a Featured Speaker The National Financial Educators Council Personal Finance Speakers Association welcomes ___(Name)____ as Featured Speaker. The Association brings those that represent the best practices in the field of personal finance to provide presentations, keynote addresses and training to organizations seeking to raise awareness and improve the financial abilities of those they serve. All featured financial literacy speakers must graduate the NFEC’s Certified Financial Education Instructor professional development course prior to conducting their first event. Their experience combined with a comprehensive Certification course and testing ensures the instructors are capable of delivering practical lessons while entertaining the audience. ____(Name)____is a……information about you in a newsworthy format and a quote that expresses your support of this Association. Example: John Smith is an advocate for financial literacy and a 20 year veteran in the lending business. He expressed, “I personally know what it is like to overcome student loan debt, I’m happy to be a part of the NFECs speakers association and think it’s great they are supporting financial educators.” Complete 1 of the 2 quotes below “The NFEC is proud to welcome ____(Name)_____ to the Personal Finance Speakers Association. SHe is a ______(mention two key highlights that align with your brand)_____ ,” states Vince Shorb of the National Financial Educators Council. “ OR “The NFEC is excited to welcome ___(your name or company name)_____ to the Personal Finance Speakers Association. SHe has demonstrated their expertise as an educator _____(how you demonstrated your expertise as educator)____ and their commitment to the financial literacy movement,” states Vince Shorb of the National Financial Educators Council. ____Partner quote “ Your mission statement that ties in your brand”________ _________Partners Closing Description similar to the NFECs below_________ The National Financial Educators Council provides comprehensive financial literacy solutions for groups that seek turnkey solutions to their financial education needs. The NFEC’s Personal Finance Speakers Association is the first national speaker’s bureau that provides a one-stop solution for organizations to locate top financial education speakers, trainers and keynote presenters.