VPA SPORTS MEDICINE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, March 23, 2011 VPA Office Members Present: David Lisle, Todd Powers, Joanna Graves, Sarah Johnstone, Denise Alosa, Pat Merriam, Bob Johnson Also Present: Mary Stetson (VPA Field Hockey Comm.) Minutes: - reviewed minutes of previous meeting. No changes made. - request to place sports physicals on next agenda (wellness physical). - Discussion on mouth guards in basketball. Recommendation is to make it optional, not required (M. Gammons). Reality is that there is little if any buy in with the officials. Research shows that the number of injuries is minimal. Are there ways that we could make it more effective? Discussion on whether basketball is a contact sport or not. Consensus from the group that we should make mouth guards recommended (as opposed to optional), not required. M. Gammons will be asked if he is OK with this. - request from the VPA Softball Committee to consider what is an appropriate preparation time for pitchers. Baseball starts pitchers a week early. Should softball be doing this also. Softball did start a week early this year due to the pitching mound being moved from 40’ to 43’. Consensus that this item is to be tabled. D. Lisle will check to see if there is information on this issue. Will be considered at next meeting. - discussion on eye protection for field hockey. Currently 18 states sanction field hockey as a sport. Of these, 8 states require eye wear. Concerns expressed that eye wear forces the athlete to have their head down and that this may result in more injuries. Also a concern of the impact it has on the game. Consensus that more information is needed. Bob will contact the NFHS and get the list of states who require eye wear and contact them. Issue tabled until next meeting. - Bob gave an update on H.46 (Concussion bill). Bill is out of the house and in the Senate. Senate Education Committee will be taking testimony on March 24th. It appears Chiropractors are looking to be included under medical personnel. - other business – David Lisle is interested in doing a survey concerning AED’s in schools. This would be a project of a medical student. Bob J. will get the survey out to AD’s once developed. - adjourned – next meeting to be determined later.