Ch 12 Book Reading Assessment

Environmental Issues
April 21, 2011
Chapter 12 Book Reading Assessment
(60 points)
Multiple Choice: (1 point for the answer & 1 point for the page it is found on)
Where do most marine species live?
a. In tide pools
b. In the open ocean
c. In the deep ocean
d. In coastal waters
2. One of the recommendations of the Pew Oceans Commissions was to
a. Maintain federal budgets for ocean research
b. Set up a network of marine reserves
c. Develop state-by-state ocean policies
d. Develop catch limits for fish
3. Sea animals have contributed all of the following for human use excepts
a. Blood products from whales
b. Anticancer chemicals from sharks
c. Antibiotics from sea anemones
d. Replacement bones from coral
4. Which of the following animals is/are NOT vulnerable to trawling?
a. Sponges
b. Jellyfish
c. Corals
d. Slow-growing fish
5. __________ is the catching of non-target species during a large-scale fishing operation.
a. Bycatch
b. Overfishing
c. Trawling
d. Gill net fishing
6. The Asian swamp eel is an example of a(n)
a. Keystone species
b. Nonnative aquatic species
c. Species being fished to extinction
d. Animal frequently captured as bycatch
7. An example of technique used to protect marine animals is a
a. TED
b. Purse seine
c. Gill net
d. Lobster trap
8. When did the United States ban whaling and the importing of whaling products?
a. 1990
b. 1980
c. 1970
d. 1960
9. Which of the following countries IS NOT attempting to overthrow the ban on commercial whaling?
a. Finland
b. Russia
c. Iceland
d. Japan
10. Which whale species was hunted to the edge of extinction?
a. The killer whale
b. The minke whale
c. The sperm whale
d. The blue whale
11. Under the United States Law of the Sea, coastal nations have sovereignty to ___________.
a. 12 miles, 19 km
b. 19 miles, 12 km
c. 200 miles, 370 km
d. 370 miles, 200 km
12. The policy known as _________________ allows destruction of existing wetlands as long as an equal area of the
same type of wetland is created or restored.
a. Net loss
b. Wetland conservation
c. Reconciliation ecology
d. Mitigation banking
13. Which of the following is not an invasive species threatening the Great Lakes?
a. The zebra mussel
b. The quagga mussel
c. The Asian carp
d. The lake trout
14. Rebuilding ____________ populations in rivers and streams of the Northwest has required dam removal,
trucking the animals upstream, reducing silt runoff from logging roads, and releasing extra water from dams
a. Snail darter
b. Salmon
c. Trout
d. Asian carp
15. Octopuses are a source of
a. Adhesives
b. Antibiotics
c. Anticancer chemicals
d. Hypertension medications
16. _____________ destroys bottom habitats
a. Bycatch
b. Gill net fishing
c. Overfishing
d. Trawling
17. When overfishing takes place, which of the following happens first?
a. Local extinction
b. Commercial extinction
c. Population rebound
d. Biological extinction
18. As large fish become less available and the fishing industry turns to fishing smaller fish, what will happen?
a. Bycatch will become less of a problem
b. Food webs will begin to unravel as the smaller fish, which are food for larger fish, become unavailable.
c. Food webs will begin to unravel
d. Jellyfish and barnacles will become extinct
19. Most fish extinctions in the U.S. are caused by
a. Exotic species
b. Sport fishing
c. Global warming
d. Water pollution
20. One reason that protecting marine biodiversity is difficult is that
a. Most of the oceans lie outside of the legal jurisdiction of any one country
b. Humans are aware of the damage being done but are helpless to stop it
c. Coastal areas are being protected
d. The seas are an inexhaustible resource
21. _____________ are required by offshore shrimp trawlers
a. Turtle exclusion devices
b. Purse seines
c. Longlines
d. Drift nets
22. Which of the following cetaceans is classified as a baleen whale?
a. Beluga whale
b. Humpback whale
c. Killer whale
d. Sperm whale
23. Which of the following countries is working to reverse the IWC ban on commercial whaling?
a. Japan
b. China
c. Australia
d. The United States of America
24. Whale harvesting is a classic example of
a. Bycatch
b. Aquiculture
c. Sustainable resource use
d. The tragedy of the commons
25. What is a marine protected area?
a. An endangered coastal region
b. An area of ocean protected from some or all human activities
c. An exclusive economic zone
d. The area offshore of a country that is considered sovereign to that country
26. How far offshore does a country’s exclusive economic zone extend?
a. 200 miles
b. 100 miles
c. 60 miles
d. 10 miles
27. Fishery biologists now rely on ____________ to project populations of commercial fish
a. Maximum sustainable yield
b. Optimum sustainable yield
c. Multispecies management
d. Large marine system management
28. In the U.S., a federal permit is required to dredge or fill wetlands occupying more than ______ acres
a. 25
b. 10
c. 3
d. 1
29. Why are zebra muscles a problem in the Great Lakes?
a. They prevent the growth of native water plants.
b. Their unchecked growth clogs pipes
c. Their excrement causes eutrophication in the lakes
d. They secrete a neurotoxin that kills fish and sickens humans.
30. Which of the following strategies has NOT been tried to restore wild salmon populations?
a. Transporting salmon by truck
b. Releasing extra water to wash juvenile salmon downstream
c. Building more dams to control water flow and release it steadily
d. Add hatchery salmon to under-populated streams