Categorical Programs Quick Notes Allowable Expenditures 2011-2012 Title I Purpose: The purpose of NCLB Title I is to ensure that all students have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach a minimum level of proficiency on challenging State academic content and performance standards. Goal: To provide supplementary education services, usually in reading/language arts and mathematics, to students who are educationally disadvantaged or at risk of failing to meet State Standards. Expenditure Guidelines: Activities identified in the Single School Plan for Achievement must meet legal requirements and operate to achieve the district’s priorities and goals for student achievement. At least 85 percent of the funds allocated to the sites are spent on direct services to students. Staff contracts, materials, supplies and equipment paid with Title I funds are supplemental and do not supplant the basic educational program. When Title I positions are multi-funded, there is written evidence (eg. Job descriptions and time logs) that the duties performed and the proportion of time spent for those duties are appropriate to the funding sources being used to support the activities. The control of funds and title to materials, equipment, and property purchased with Title I funds must remain in the district and an equipment record is on file. Appropriate Expenditures Certificated and Classified Salaries and Benefits Substitute or extra duty pay for individuals to develop supplemental Title I programs or methods that incorporate successful research based strategies into current programs. Personnel costs to implement specialized Title I programs for direct services to students (eg. Intervention teachers, resource teachers or instructional aides, etc.) School-home community liaison to meet Title I program objectives and parent involvement criteria. Pay for personnel to teach in extended day/extended year programs designed to meet the identified needs of Title I eligible students in core academic areas. Supplementary Books, Materials, Supplies Supplemental materials in core content areas to increase student achievement of “atrisk” students. Funds may not be used for district adopted basic instructional materials purchased with general fund resources. Resources may be used to support Parent Involvement activities such as booklets, parent guides, home-school resources. Parent library resources are also appropriate purchases. Office supplies directly related to Title I purposes or extended learning programs supported by Title I Professional Development materials such as teacher guides and books which will assist staff in addressing the learning needs of Title I and “at risk” students. Special equipment to be used for Title I purposes described in the school plan. Any capital outlay equipment purchased with Title I funds must be used to support Title I activities and programs. Services and Operations Conference registration fees and related expenses for professional development that is sustained, research based and directly related to Title I programs. The school plan should identify types of conferences to be funded based on student needs and teacher professional growth plans. Cost of trainers, consultants, or speakers that address topics identified in the school level plan. Consultants and speakers can be paid to address parent education needs and other staff development activities described within the school plan. Limited refreshements only for Title I parent meetings or parent education workshops. Capital Outlay Equipment Special equipment (over $5000 per item) such as computers, audio-visual equipment for use in Title I program settings. Economic Impact Aid—State Compensatory Education (EIA-SCE) Purpose: To ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and State academic assessments. Goal: To expand and improve the academic educational opportunities of educationally disadvantaged students to succeed in the regular program. Note: This state funded program is very similar to Title I. Services under EIA-SCE are designed to meet the needs of economic disadvantaged and or “at risk” students. Expenditure Guidelines Activities must be described in the school level plan and must meet the legal requirements. The activities should support the district’s priorities and identified student needs. At least 85 percent of the funds at the school site are spent on direct services to students. Staff contracts, materials, supplies and equipment paid from this funding source are supplemental and do not supplant the basic school program. When positions are multi-funded, there is written evidence that the duties performed and the proportion of time spent for those duties are aligned with the appropriate funding sources. Appropriate Expenditures See Title I appropriate expenditures section on page 1-3. State Compensatory Education funds follow the same guidelines as Title I expenditures. Economic Impact Aid-Limited English Proficient (EIA-LEP) Purpose: State funds are allocated to support the instructional program for English Learners to develop English Language proficiency and achieve academic success at the same level as English only students. EIA-LEP are supplemental funds to ensure that all English Learners meet state and district grade level academic standards. Goal: To develop fluency in English in each student as effectively and efficiently as possible. To provide equal opportunity for each student to meet State and district grade level academic standards. To promote students’ positive self-concepts and to promote cross-cultural understanding. Expenditure Guidelines Expenditures should provide supplemental services to English Learners as identified in the school level plan. Funds should be used to support programs and activities designed to improve English language proficiency and the academic achievement of English Learners and economically disadvantaged learners. Appropriate EIA-LEP Expenditures Certificated and Classified Personnel and Benefits Support personnel who provide specialized academic instruction to English Learners such as Resource Teachers, Bilingual Instructional Aides, Translators. Home-School Community Liaisons or Outreach Consultants who work with parents, coordinate parent involvement and education programs designed to support the needs of English Learners. Substitutes for teachers to develop support materials and lesson modifications designed to meet the needs of English Learners Supplementary Books, Materials and Supplies Specialized material for EL students beyond the mandated core instructional materials. Supplemental books and materials in the primary language of English Learners EL Parent Library Resources Professional Development materials for instructional staff to provide resources for developing skills and techniques that are effective with English Learners. Services and Operations Conference fees and related expenses for any personnel responsible for instruction of English Learners, as long as the conference topic relates to EIA-LEP program purposes described in the school level plan. Speakers or consultants for staff development or parent education programs designed to meet the needs of English Learners. Limited refreshments at ELAC meetings or EL parent involvement or education activities. Capital Outlay Equipment Any specialized equipment designed to support English Language Acquisition or academic proficiency specifically for English Learners. Examples include language learning machines, listening posts, computer hardware/software, etc.