NCS procedures - Norwood City Schools

NCS procedure to reduce incidence of bed bug transmission
Bed Bug symptoms/suspected:
Referral to clinic for rash
Health aide will:
1) Inspect rash (clustered in a line, no clear bite center, itching, reddened).
-If rash is typical of BB rash:
a) Request student retrieve personal belongings (coat, book bag)
b) Inspect personal items as well as student’s clothing
-If bug is found on student:
a) Bag personal belongings
b) Health aide will notify school nurse, who will send email to NCS Facilities
mgmt to place glue strips in child’s classroom. FM will contact S&G to alert them to
be extra diligent with cleaning/vacuuming***
2) Call parent/guardian
-Inform parent of findings
-Ask if they are aware of the child’s rash &/or bed bugs in the home;
-what treatment has been started;
-assess needs; refer for resources.
-educate parent on bed bugs (transmission/treatment/follow-up).
-offer community assistance:
Norwood Health Department information
Area exterminators
In-School recommendations
-Minimize clutter in classroom (stacks of papers, books---bb LOVE paper/wood!)
-Keep personal items brought into classroom to a minimum and in a *clear plastic Ziplock bag or clear/white plastic container with tight lid.
-Keep personal items (purse, brief case, coat, lunch bag) separate from students’
belongings and off the floor-*preferably in a large ziplock bag.
-Change shoes/clothing when you get home
(Direct spray with 99% isopropyl alcohol will kill bed bugs-but no residual benefit)
-Keep coats, hats, book bags in plastic bags, hung on hooks.
-Ideal to have separate locker area, such as individual ‘cubbie’ to hang coat and store
books-separating each students’ items.
-***If bug is found, School nurse will notify day man through email requesting that glue
strips be put down within 24 hours, for 5 days-Follow BB flow sheet* Scarlet and Gray will be
notified by FM to clean & vacuum more diligently.
Community education
-Periodically, send home reminder letter to classmates/parents educating on bedbugs
-Refer parents to NCS school health website for additional resources.
Revised 8.29.12 kms